Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

Gobius Linnaeus [C.] 1758:262 Masc. Gobius niger Linnaeus 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Gill 1863:268 [ref. 1690]. Spelled Gobbius by Cetti 1777:107 [ref. 18872]. On Official List (Opinion 77, Direction 56). •Valid as Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Miller 1973:483 [ref. 6888], Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:350 [ref. 7348], Goren 1979:43 [ref. 1852], Maugé 1986:372 [ref. 6218], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1035 [ref. 13677], Birdsong et al. 1988:190 [ref. 7303], Allen 1991:187 [ref. 21090], Vasil'eva 1996:448 [ref. 24650], Vasil'eva 1998:134 [ref. 23591], Brito & Miller 2001:262 [ref. 25096], Vasil'eva 2003:S44 [ref. 28444], Villegas-Ríos & Bañón 2010:311 [ref. 30992], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:63 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:186 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:217 [ref. 31738], Kovačić et al. 2012:439 [ref. 32861], Parin et al. 2015:481 [ref. 33547], Iglésias et al. 2015:1 [ref. 34138], Kovačić & Šanda 2016:3 [ref. 34173], Golani & Fricke 2018:155 [ref. 36273], Iglésias et al. 2021:1 [ref. 38136], Parenti 2021:174 [ref. 38603], Renoult et al. 2022:31 [ref. 39288]). Current status: Valid as Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

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