Trigloporus (subgenus of Trigla) Smith [J. L. B.] 1934:333 Masc. Trigla (Trigloporus) africana Smith 1934. Type by original designation. •Valid as Trigloporus Smith 1934 -- (Blanc & Hureau 1973:589 [ref. 7218], Heemstra 1982:294 [ref. 5416], Hureau in Whitehead et al. 1986:1237 [ref. 13677], Heemstra 1986:488 [ref. 5660], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:40 [ref. 36649]). •Synonym of Chelidonichthys Kaup 1873, but a valid subgenus Trigloporus as described -- (Richards 1968:78 [ref. 7911]). Current status: Synonym of Chelidonichthys Kaup 1873. Triglidae: Triglinae.