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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the genus Aetomylaeus: [ 15 ] records

asperrimus, Myliobatis Gilbert [C. H.] in Jordan & Evermann 1898:2754 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 47; ref. 2445] Panama. Holotype (unique): CAS-SU 11895. Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:11 [ref. 12291]. Author is C. H. Gilbert. Holotype figured in Gilbert & Starks 1904, Pl. 3 [ref. 1639]. •Valid as Pteromylaeus asperrimus (Gilbert 1898) -- (McEachran & Notarbartolo-di-Sciara in Fischer et al. 1995:768 [ref. 22829], Castro-Aguirre & Espinosa Pérez 1996:57 [ref. 22793], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:125 [ref. 24023], Compagno 1999:498 [ref. 25589], Nelson et al. 2004:57 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:14 [ref. 37547], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:188 [ref. 30957], Page et al. 2013:57 [ref. 32708], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34398]). •Valid as Aetomylaeus asperrimus (Gilbert 1898) -- (White et al. 2015:x [ref. 33897], Weigmann 2016:149 [ref. 34211], White & Naylor 2016:437 [ref. 34575] in Myliobatidae, White & Last 2016:708 [ref. 35016], Ehemann et al. 2018:27 [ref. 36194], Calle-Morán et al. 2020:247 [ref. 37881], González-Acosta et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38361], Love et al. 2021:29 [ref. 39279] as XAetomylaeus asperrimus, Chávez et al. 2022:76 [ref. 39852], Grove et al. 2022:15 [ref. 41326], Jabado et al. 2022:11 [ref. 39046], Page et al. 2023:47 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:103 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Aetomylaeus asperrimus (Gilbert 1898). Myliobatidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Costa Rica south to Panama, including Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). Records from Pacific coast of Baja California Sur (Mexico) probably misidentified. Habitat: marine.

bonaparti, Myliobatis Duméril [A. H. A.] 1865:635 [Histoire naturelle des poissons ou ichthyologie générale v. 1; ref. 1150] Algeria, western Mediterranean Sea; Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic. Possible syntypes: MNHN 0000-2356 (1) Algeria, A-8715 (1) Canary Is. Type catalog: Bertin 1939:90 [ref. 20739], Séret & McEachran 1987:24 [ref. 9312]. Based on Myliobatis episcopus Valenciennes, Myliobatis bovina Geoffroy St. Hilaire and Myliobatis aquila of Bonaparte. •Synonym of Pteromylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817) -- (Krefft & Stehmann 1973:75 [ref. 7167], McEachran & Séret 1990:69 [ref. 19318]). •Synonym of Aetomylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817) -- (White et al. 2015:x [ref. 33897]). Current status: Synonym of Aetomylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817). Myliobatidae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

bovina, Myliobatis Geoffroy St. Hilaire [E.] 1817:no page number, Pl. 26 (fig. 1) [Poissons du Nil v. 1 (part 1); ref. 4184] Off Alexandria, Egypt, eastern Mediterranean Sea. No types known. Type catalog: Séret & McEachran 1987:33 [ref. 9312]. •Valid as Pteromylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817) -- (Krefft & Stehmann 1973:74 [ref. 7167], McEachran & Capapé in Whitehead et al. 1984:206 [ref. 13675], Compagno 1986:133 [ref. 5648], Capapé 1987:22 [ref. 39326] as Pterompylaeus, McEachran & Séret 1990:69 [ref. 19318], Bianchi & Carpenter in Bianchi et al. 1993:97 [ref. 25472], Compagno 1999:498 [ref. 25589], Bilecenoğlu et al. 2002:27 [ref. 26753], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:87 [ref. 28072], Golani 2005:15 [ref. 37112], Fricke et al. 2007:21 [ref. 29533], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:15 [ref. 36649], Séret 2016:1429 [ref. 34545], Golani 2021:12 [ref. 38303], Bañón & Mano 2022:17 [ref. 40121]). •Valid as Aetomylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817) -- (White et al. 2015:[15] [ref. 33897], Weigmann 2016:149 [ref. 34211] with authorship as Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, White & Naylor 2016:437 [ref. 34575] in Myliobatidae, White & Last 2016:709 [ref. 35016], Biscoito et al. 2018:482 [ref. 37562], Almeida & Biscoito 2019:175 [ref. 37302], Carneiro et al. 2019:51 [ref. 37250], Reiner 2019:51 [ref. 38139], Bariche & Fricke 2020:24 [ref. 37515], Ćetković & Pesić in Gerovasileiou et al. 2020:349 [ref. 37890], Kovačić et al. 2020:8 [ref. 37519], Serena et al. 2020:502 [ref. 37963], Ebert et al. 2021:97 [ref. 38234], Giovos et al. 2021:7 [ref. 38895], Moreno Mendoza et al. 2021:[4] [ref. 38868], Kovačić et al. 2021:17 [ref. 39014], Barone et al. 2022:62 [ref. 39527], Carvalho & Soares 2022:620 [ref. 39676], Fermon et al. 2022:108 [ref. 39448], Jabado et al. 2022:11 [ref. 39046], Balàka et al. 2023:6 [ref. 40410], Kurtay et al. 2023:218 [ref. 40603], Shakman et al. 2023:463 [ref. 40810], Artüz & Fricke 2024:537 [ref. 41509]). Current status: Valid as Aetomylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817). Myliobatidae. Distribution: Mediterranean Sea; Sea of Marmara; eastern Atlantic, southwestern Indian Ocean: Spain south to Cape of Good Hope (South Africa), including Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands and São Tomé and Principe, then north to Mozambique and Zanzibar (Tanzania). Habitat: brackish, marine.

caeruleofasciatus, Aetomylaeus White [W. T.], Last [P. R.] & Baje [L.] 2015:[5], Figs. 2-5a, 6-7, 11-12 [Ichthyological Research v. 63 (no. 1); ref. 33897] Bay south of Eagle Point anchorage, Western Australia, 16°14.73'S, 124°23.71'E, depth 10-15 meters. Holotype: CSIRO H 6629-01. Paratypes: CSIRO, KFRS, QM. Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Aetomylaeus caeruleofasciatus White, Last & Baje 2015 -- (Weigmann 2016:149 [ref. 34211], White & Naylor 2016:437 [ref. 34575] in Myliobatidae, White & Last 2016:710 [ref. 35016], White & Ko'ou 2018:65 [ref. 35922], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:46 [ref. 41223], Jabado et al. 2022:12 [ref. 39046], Allen & Erdmann 2024:70 [ref. 40796]). Current status: Valid as Aetomylaeus caeruleofasciatus White, Last & Baje 2015. Myliobatidae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean, southwestern Pacific: northern Australia and southern New Guinea. Habitat: marine.

cornifera, Myliobates nieuhofi var. Annandale [N.] 1909:52, Pl. 2 (fig. 4) [Memoirs of the Indian Museum v. 2 (no. 1); ref. 126] Bay of Bengal, Balasore, Orissa Coast, India. Syntypes: (3) BMNH 1909.7.12.35-36 (2); ZSI F2285/1 (1), F2286/1 (1). •Synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider 1801) -- (White et al. 2015:[10] [ref. 33897]). Current status: Synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider 1801). Myliobatidae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

episcopus, Myliobates Valenciennes [A.] 1844:98, Pl. 24 [Ichthyologie des îles Canaries v. 2 (pt 2); ref. 4502] Canary Islands; Algiers, Algeria, western Mediterranean Sea. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-2356 (1) Algeria, MNHN A-8715 (1, stuffed head and jaws only) Canary Is. Type catalog: Bertin 1939:90 [ref. 20739], Séret & McEachran 1987:24 [ref. 9312]. •Synonym of Pteromylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817) -- (Krefft & Stehmann 1973:75 [ref. 7167], McEachran & Séret 1990:69 [ref. 19318]). •Synonym of Aetomylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817). Current status: Synonym of Aetomylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817). Myliobatidae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

fasciata, Raja Shaw [G.] 1804:286, Pl. 143 [General zoology or systematic natural history; ref. 4015] No locality. Based on Willoughby 1781 and Russell Pl. 7. •Synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider 1801) -- (White et al. 2015:[10] [ref. 33897]). Current status: Synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider 1801). Myliobatidae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

huletti, Aetomylus Smith [J. L. B.] 1953:513, Fig. 77a [The sea fishes of southern Africa. Revised enlarged edition; ref. 19760] Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, western Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): SAIAB [formerly RUSI] (not found). •Possible synonym of Pteromylaeus bovinus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire 1817) -- (Compagno 1986:133 [ref. 5648]). •Possible synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider 1801) -- (Heemstra in Smith & Heemstra 1995:vii [ref. 21953]). Current status: Synonym of Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider 1801). Myliobatidae. Habitat: brackish, marine.

maculatus, Myliobatus Gray [J. E.] 1834:no page number, Pl. 101 [Illustrations of Indian zoology; ref. 1878] Penang, Malaysia. No types known. Published about 1 Oct. 1834. •Valid as Aetomylaeus maculatus (Gray 1834) -- (Randall 1995:48 [ref. 22896], Chen et al. 1997:10 [ref. 26476] dated 1832, Myers 1999:40 [ref. 23965], Morón et al. 1999:150 [ref. 24253], Compagno & Last 1999:1516 [ref. 24637], Vossoughi & Vosoughi 1999:302 [ref. 25467], Compagno 1999:497 [ref. 25589], Compagno in Randall & Lim 2000:583 [ref. 25122], Laboute & Grandperrin 2000:104 [ref. 25191], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S94 [ref. 27377], Compagno et al. 2005:78 [ref. 29145], Last el al. 2010:24636 [ref. 32461], Fricke et al. 2011:348 [ref. 31242], Ebert et al. 2013:366 [ref. 33045], White et al. 2015:[15] [ref. 33897], Weigmann 2016:149 [ref. 34211], White & Naylor 2016:437 [ref. 34575] in Myliobatidae, White & Last 2016:711 [ref. 35016], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 4 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:212 [ref. 37272], Haroon & Kibria 2021:124 [ref. 39241], Carvalho & Soares 2022:621 [ref. 39676], Jabado et al. 2022:12 [ref. 39046]). Current status: Valid as Aetomylaeus maculatus (Gray 1834). Myliobatidae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean, western Pacific: southern India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka east to Borneo, north to Taiwan. Habitat: brackish, marine.

milvus, Myliobatis Valenciennes [A.] in Müller & Henle 1841:178 [Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen; ref. 3069] Red Sea; Indian Ocean. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-2338 to 2339 (1 dry, 2 dry), 0000-3480 (1 dry). Type catalog: Bertin 1939:90 [ref. 20739], Séret & McEachran 1987:24 [ref. 9312]. Authorship changed to Valenciennes 1841 -- Jones et al. 2015:570 [ref. 34086]. •Questionably valid as Aetomylaeus milvus (Valenciennes 1841) -- (Compagno 1999:497 [ref. 25589]). •Valid as Aetomylaeus milvus (Valenciennes 1841) -- (Dor 1984:21 [ref. 29757] as Aetomylus, Goren & Dor 1994:6 [ref. 25356], Compagno & Last 1999:1517 [ref. 24637], Compagno in Randall & Lim 2000:583 [ref. 25122], Sujatha 2002:157 [ref. 26899], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S94 [ref. 27377], Bonfil & Abdallah 2004:54 [ref. 27735], Compagno et al. 2005:78 [ref. 29145], Ebert et al. 2013:366 [ref. 33045], White et al. 2015:[15] [ref. 33897], Psomadakis et al. 2015:106 [ref. 34104], Weigmann 2016:150 [ref. 34211] with authorship as Müller & Henle, White & Naylor 2016:437 [ref. 34575] in Myliobatidae with authorship as Müller & Henle, White & Last 2016:712 [ref. 35016] with authorship as Müller & Henle, Eagderi et al. 2019:12 [ref. 37020] with authorship as Müller & Henle 1841, Carvalho & Soares 2022:621 [ref. 39676], Hsu et al. 2022:4 [ref. 39567], Jabado et al. 2022:12 [ref. 39046]). Current status: Valid as Aetomylaeus milvus (Valenciennes 1841). Myliobatidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: Persian Gulf to Pakistan and India. Habitat: marine.

niehofii, Raja Bloch [M. E.] & Schneider [J. G.] (ex Niehof in Willughby) 1801:364 (579) [M. E. Blochii, Systema Ichthyologiae; ref. 471] Muara Angke fish market, Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Neotype: CSIRO H 4426-13. Spelled nichofii in text but corrected in corrigenda (p. 579) to niehofi. Since authors consistently used the spelling nichofii, that spelling apparently can be continued under the Code. Spelled nieuhofii by Müller & Henle 1841:177 [ref. 3069]. Neotype designated by White et al. 2015:xx [ref. 33897]. Based on a drawing by Johan Nieuhof (1618-1672); reproduced in Willughby 1686: Appendix Pl. 10, fig. 3 [ref. 30164]. Named in honor of J. Nieuhof, so name should read nieuhofi. •Valid as Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider 1801) [see Remarks] -- (Capapé & Desoutter 1979:305 [ref. 23127], Kyushin et al. 1982:26 [ref. 19754], Nakaya in Masuda et al. 1984:16 [ref. 6441], Allen & Swainston 1988:28 [ref. 25477], Nishida 1990:92 [ref. 19783], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:52 [ref. 20764], Last & Stevens 1994:450 [ref. 23873], Randall 1995:49 [ref. 22896], Allen 1997:48 [ref. 23977], Compagno & Last 1999:1517 [ref. 24637], Vossoughi & Vosoughi 1999:302 [ref. 25467], Compagno 1999:497 [ref. 25589], Nakabo 2000:184 [ref. 25086], Compagno in Randall & Lim 2000:583 [ref. 25122], Hutchins 2001:16 [ref. 25847], Nakabo 2002:184 [ref. 26001], Sujatha 2002:157 [ref. 26899], Allen & Adrim 2003:22 [ref. 26830], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S94 [ref. 27377], Compagno et al. 2005:78 [ref. 29145], Allen et al. 2006:206 [ref. 29002], Last el al. 2010:248 [ref. 32461], Weigmann 2011:277 [ref. 32424], Allen & Erdmann 2012:66 [ref. 31980], Naylor et al. 2012:83 [ref. 32267] see remarks, Larson et al. 2013:21 [ref. 32988], Larson et al. 2013:22 [ref. 32988], Ebert et al. 2013:367 [ref. 33045], White et al. 2015:[10] [ref. 33897], Psomadakis et al. 2015:106 [ref. 34104], Weigmann 2016:150 [ref. 34211], White & Naylor 2016:437 [ref. 34575] in Myliobatidae, White & Last 2016:713 [ref. 35016], Ali et al. 2018:305 [ref. 36183], Kumar et al. 2018:298 [ref. 36178], Eagderi et al. 2019:12 [ref. 37020], Zajonz et al. 2019:60 [ref. 36871], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 4 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:212 [ref. 37272], Haroon & Kibria 2021:125 [ref. 39241], Carvalho & Soares 2022:622 [ref. 39676], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:45 [ref. 41223] as niechofii, Hsu et al. 2022:4 [ref. 39567], Jabado et al. 2022:12 [ref. 39046], Zajonz et al. 2022:32 [ref. 40522], Allen & Erdmann 2024:70 [ref. 40796]). Current status: Valid as Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch & Schneider 1801). Myliobatidae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean, western Pacific: Andaman Sea to southern Japan. Habitat: brackish, marine.

oculeus, Myliobates Richardson [J.] 1846:198 [Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 15th meeting [1845]; ref. 3742] Sea of China; Canton, China. No types known. Based solely on illustration by Reeves (see Whitehead 1970:297, Pl. 11c [ref. 11606]). •Synonym of Aetomylaeus milvus (Valenciennes 1841). Current status: Synonym of Aetomylaeus milvus (Valenciennes 1841). Myliobatidae. Habitat: marine.

reticulatus, Aetobatus Teng [H.-T.] 1962:252, Fig. 71 [Classification and distribution of the Chondrichthyes of Taiwan; ref. 12623] Keelung, northern Taiwan. Holotype (unique): TFRI 2820. Type catalog: Ho & Shao 2011:21 [ref. 31432]. •Likely the same as Aetobatus vespertilio (Bleeker 1852) -- (Last & Stevens 1994:452 [ref. 23873]). •Synonym of Aetomylaeus vespertilio (Bleeker 1852) -- (Bonfil & Abdallah 2004:54 [ref. 27735], Ho & Shao 2011:21 [ref. 31432], Ebert et al. 2013:367 [ref. 33045], Weigmann 2016:150 [ref. 34211]). Current status: Synonym of Aetomylaeus vespertilio (Bleeker 1852). Myliobatidae. Habitat: marine.

vespertilio, Myliobatis Bleeker [P.] 1852:85 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 24 (art. 12); ref. 333] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): ?RMNH 7460. •Valid as Aetomylaeus vespertilio (Bleeker 1852) -- (Last & Stevens 1994:451 [ref. 23873], Heemstra in Smith & Heemstra 1995:vii [ref. 21953], Anderson et al. 1998:21 [ref. 23611], Compagno & Last 1999:1518 [ref. 24637], Compagno 1999:497 [ref. 25589], Compagno in Randall & Lim 2000:583 [ref. 25122], Allen & Adrim 2003:22 [ref. 26830], Bonfil & Abdallah 2004:54 [ref. 27735], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:87 [ref. 28072] as Aetomyleus, Randall 2005:22 [ref. 28239], Compagno et al. 2005:79 [ref. 29145], Allen et al. 2006:207 [ref. 29002], Last el al. 2010:250 [ref. 32461], Fricke et al. 2011:348 [ref. 31242], Ho & Shao 2011: 21 [ref. 31432], Larson et al. 2013:22 [ref. 32988], Ebert et al. 2013:367 [ref. 33045], Bineesh et al. 2014:1269 [ref. 33218], White et al. 2015:[15] [ref. 33897], Weigmann 2016:150 [ref. 34211], White & Naylor 2016:437 [ref. 34575] in Myliobatidae, White & Last 2016:714 [ref. 35016], White et al. 2017:278 [ref. 35860], Golani & Fricke 2018:17 [ref. 36273], White & Ko'ou 2018:66 [ref. 35922], Bineesh et al. 2020:26 [ref. 37641], Moore et al. 2020:109 [ref. 37357], Psomadakis et al. 2020:212 [ref. 37272], Ebert et al. 2021:97 [ref. 38234], Carvalho & Soares 2022:622 [ref. 39676], Jabado et al. 2022:12 [ref. 39046], Allen & Erdmann 2024:71 [ref. 40796]). Current status: Valid as Aetomylaeus vespertilio (Bleeker 1852). Myliobatidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) and India east to Papua New Guinea, north to Taiwan, south to northern Australia. Habitat: marine.

wafickii, Aetomylaeus Jabado [R. W.], Ebert [D. A.] & Al Dhaheri [S. S.] 2022:4, Figs. 1-8, 9c [Marine Biodiversity v. 52 (art. 15); ref. 39046] Arabian Gulf, United Arabic Emirates, 25°51.38'N, 55°40.47'E, depth 37 meters. Holotype: CAS 246088. Paratypes: CAS, MCZ, USNM. •Valid as Aetomylaeus wafickii Jabado, Ebert & Al Dhaheri 2022. Current status: Valid as Aetomylaeus wafickii Jabado, Ebert & Al Dhaheri 2022. Myliobatidae. Distribution: Northwest Indian Ocean: southern Red Sea to Sri Lanka. Habitat: marine.

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