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Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Australoheros: [ 33 ] records acaroides, Heros Hensel [R.] 1870:54 [Archiv für Naturgeschichte v. 36 (pt. 1); ref. 18277] Rio Cadea [Cadeia], Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Lectotype: ZMB 7455. Paralectotypes: ZMB 7456 (3), 34501 [ex 25179] (8), 34502 [ex 25109] (2), 34506 [ex 7455] (1), Type cataqlog: Paepke & Schindler 2013:269 [ref. 32895]. Lectotype selected by Schindler, Ottoni & Cheffe 2010:140 [ref. 31744]. •Synonym of Cichlasoma facetum (Jenyns 1842) -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:622 [ref. 27061] as incertae sedis in 'Cichlasoma'). •Synonym of Australoheros facetus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Říčan & Kullander 2008:4 [ref. 29548], Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909]). •Valid as Australoheros acaroides (Hensel 1870) -- (Schindler et al. 2010:140 [ref. 31744], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Bertaco et al. 2016:425 [ref. 34561], Lucena et al. 2022:65 [ref. 39823], Giora & Wingert 2023:112 [ref. 41026], Loureiro et al. 2023:162 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros acaroides (Hensel 1870). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Laguna dos Patos basin and coastal streams draining to the Laguna Mirím, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and Uruguay. Habitat: freshwater. angiru, Australoheros Říčan [O.], Piálek [L.], Almirón [A. E.] & Casciotta [J. R.] 2011:15, Figs. 7-9 [Zootaxa No. 2982; ref. 31455] Rio Jacutinga, road BR 283 from Ceará to Concordia, rio Uruguai drainage, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 13937. Paratypes: MCP 12509 (1), 13011 (6), 13383 (6). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Australoheros angiru Říčan, Piálek, Almirón & Casciotta 2011 -- (Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:58 [ref. 35117], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Bertaco et al. 2016:425 [ref. 34561], Říčan & Říčanová 2017:5 [ref. 35635], Reis et al. 2020:472 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros angiru Říčan, Piálek, Almirón & Casciotta 2011. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Iguaçu and upper and middle rio Uruguay basin (Brazil and Argentina). Habitat: freshwater. autochthon, Heros Günther [A.] 1862:299 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 4; ref. 1969] Brazil [probably acquired in Rio de Janeiro]. Syntypes: BMNH 1961.7.7.2-4 (3). No type: BMNH 1961.7.7.6 Lectotype selected by Ottoni 2012:93 [ref. 31900] as NHMUK V 1961776 [sic]. See remarks on type material by Ottoni & Bragança 2021:2 [ref. 38153]. Lectotype selection not correct, Lucena et al. 2022:60 [ref. 39823]. •Valid as Nandopsis autochthon (Günther 1862) -- (Burgess 2000:48 [ref. 24818]). •Synonym of Cichlasoma facetum (Jenyns 1842) -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:622 [ref. 27061] as incertae sedis in 'Cichlasoma'). •Synonym of Australoheros facetus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Říčan & Kullander 2008:4 [ref. 29548], Ottoni et al. 2011:144 [ref. 31378] with question, Litz & Koerber 2014:35 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:59 [ref. 35117]). •Status uncertain, not in Australoheros -- (Ottoni 2012:93 [ref. 31900]). •Valid as Australoheros autochthon (Günther 1862) -- (Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357]). •Status uncertain -- (Ottoni & Bragança 2021:5 [ref. 38153] as nomen dubium). •Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. autrani, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:209, Fig. 1 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Rio Aldeia Velham, BR-101, no São João basin, Município de Silva Jardim, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 7256. Paratypes: MCP 42364 (2), MTD F 31319 (1), plus 9 lots at UFRJ. •Valid as Australoheros autrani Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553], Silva et al. 2022:[3] [ref. 39644]). •Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Lucena et al. 2022:84 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. barbosae, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:213, Fig. 6 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Between Município de Passa Vinte and Santa Rita de Jacutinga, tributary of rio Bananal, rio Preto basin 24 kilometers from Passa Vinte, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 7558. Paratypes: UFRJ 4092 (10), 7561 (4 c&s); MCP 42368 (2); MNRJ 19640 (1). •Valid as Australoheros barbosae Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553], Reis et al. 2020:472 [ref. 38364]). •Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. capixaba, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] 2010:20, Fig. 1 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 60 (no. 1); ref. 30818] Stream under a bridge in a ES street, between Município deJaguaré and Município de São Mateus (18°34.953'S, 40°26.115' W), Estado do Espírito Santo, Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 7725. Paratypes: at UFRJ, MCP, MNRJ, MZUSP. •Valid as Australoheros capixaba Ottoni 2010 -- (Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553] as cf capixaba). •Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Lucena et al. 2022:84 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. charrua, Australoheros Říčan [O.] & Kullander [S. O.] 2008:23, Fig. 11 etc. [Zootaxa No. 1724; ref. 29548] Arroyo Canoin, Rio Uruguay drainage, road from Pirapo to São Nicolau, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 13938. Paratypes: MCP 12667 (5); NRM 12667 (2). •Valid as Australoheros charrua Říčan & Kullander 2008 -- (Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Loureiro & García 2008:4 [ref. 30099], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ríčan et al. 2011:2 [ref. 31455], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Bertaco et al. 2016:425 [ref. 34561], Nión et al. 2016:50 [ref. 35565]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros charrua Říčan & Kullander 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: Río Uruguay drainage, Brazil and Uruguay. Habitat: freshwater. facetus, Chromis Jenyns [L.] 1842:104 [The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle; ref. 2344] Laguna del Diario, 34°54'S, 55°00'W, in Maldonado, Uruguay. Holotype (unique): UMZC IV.290 [Darwin no. 660] [FF6640]. Chromis can be masculine or feminine; apparently Jenyns treated it as masculine based on his included species facetus. See Calviño 2007:40 [ref. 29380] for information on the type locality. •Valid as Nandopsis faceta (Jenyns 1842) -- (Burgess 2000:48 [ref. 24818] as facetum). •Valid as Cichlasoma facetum (Jenyns 1842) -- (Malabarba 1989:163 [ref. 14217], Pequeño 1989:62 [ref. 14125], Gómez & Chebez 1996:66 [ref. 23791], Haro et al. 1996:6 [ref. 25004], Dyer 2000:89 [ref. 26678] with genus provisionally as 'Cichlasoma', López et al. 2002:65 [ref. 26808] as 'Cichlasoma', Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:622 [ref. 27061] as incertae sedis in 'Cichlasoma', Rícon & Kullander 2003:794 [ref. 27259] as 'Cichlasoma', López et al. 2003:75 [ref. 27366] as fasciatum, Menni 2004:87 [ref. 28131]). •Valid as Australoheros facetus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Říĉan & Kullander 2006:141 [6] [ref. 28603], Casciotta et al. 2006:77 [ref. 28756], Říĉan & Kullander 2008:4 [ref. 29548], Ottoni et al. 2008:75 [ref. 29616], Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Ottoni & Cheffe 2009:155 [ref. 30294], Azpelicueta et al. 2010:2 [ref. 41139], Schindler et al. 2010:141 [ref. 31744], Koerber 2011:8 [ref. 31122], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ríčan et al. 2011:2 [ref. 31455], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33621], Litz & Koerber 2014:35 [ref. 33622], Schindler & Heijns 2015:241 [ref. 34330], Mirande & Koerber 2015:59 [ref. 35117], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Nión et al. 2016:50 [ref. 35565] as facetum, Říčan & Říčanová 2017:5 [ref. 35635], Lucena et al. 2022:46 [ref. 39823], Loureiro et al. 2023:161 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros facetus (Jenyns 1842). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Uruguay River and lower Paraná River basins, and some short coastal rivers from Maldonado to Montevideo (Uruguay and Argentina; ?Paraguay). Introduced in Chile, Portugal and Spain. Habitat: freshwater. forquilha, Australoheros Říčan [O.] & Kullander [S. O.] 2008:14, Fig. 4 etc. [Zootaxa No. 1724; ref. 29548] Rio Forquilham Rio Uruguay drainage, road from Maximiliano de Almeida to Machadinho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 13936. Paratypes: MCP 12123 (1), 12525 (1), 6262 (9), 12777 (1), 18743 (4); MCP or NRM or both as 13389 (1). Plus non-type material. No longer known from Argentina -- Koerber 2012:10 [ref. 32229]. •Valid as Australoheros forquilha Říčan & Kullander 2008 -- (Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Ottoni & Cheffe 2009:155 [ref. 30294], Schindler et al. 2010:141 [ref. 31744], Koerber 2011:8 [ref. 31122], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ríčan et al. 2011:2 [ref. 31455], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Bertaco et al. 2016:425 [ref. 34561], Říčan & Říčanová 2017:5 [ref. 35635]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros forquilha Říčan & Kullander 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: Upper Uruguay River basin: Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. guarani, Australoheros Říčan [O.] & Kullander [S. O.] 2008:38, Fig. 16 etc. [Zootaxa No. 1724; ref. 29548] Río Guyray-gua, Río Paraná drainage, kilometer 197 on road from Asunción to Puerto Stroessner, Caaguazú, Paraguay. Holotype: MNHG 2237.58. Paratypes: MHNG 2237.56 (7), 2582.98 (1); NRM 33498 (2), 42215 (2) •Valid as Australoheros guarani Říčan & Kullander 2008 -- (Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Schindler et al. 2010:141 [ref. 31744], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ríčan et al. 2011:2 [ref. 31455], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Koerber et al. 2017:81 [ref. 35267], Říčan & Říčanová 2017:1 [ref. 35635]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros guarani Říčan & Kullander 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: Tributaries of the middle Paraná river, Paraguay and upper Tembey river, Argentina. Habitat: freshwater. ipatinguensis, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:214, Fig. 7 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Córrego Braúna, tributary of Rio Santo Antônio, rio Doce basin, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brazil [erroneously Município de Ipatínga, córrego Braúna]. Holotype: UFRJ 7553. Paratypes: UFRJ 0035 (3), 0486 (5), 7551 (3 c&s); MCP 42369 (3). •Valid as Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553], Ottoni et al. 2020:2 [ref. 37467], Lucena et al. 2022:84 [ref. 39823], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:52 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: coastal rivers from Saquarema north to Rio Buranhém basin (southeastern Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. jenynsii, Heros Steindachner [F.] 1869:149 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 6 (no. 19) (for 15 July 1869); ref. 20467] Montevideo, Uruguay. Syntypes: NMW 17324-27 (1, 1, 1, 1), 58722 (1). Species later illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner 1870:292 [p. 3 of separate], Pl. 2, [ref. 4217]. •Synonym of Cichlasoma facetum (Jenyns 1842) -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:622 [ref. 27061] as incertae sedis in 'Cichlasoma'). •Synonym of Australoheros facetus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Říčan & Kullander 2008:4 [ref. 29548], Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Ottoni et al. 2011:144 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:93 [ref. 31900], Litz & Koerber 2014:35 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:59 [ref. 35117], Lucena et al. 2022:46 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros facetus (Jenyns 1842). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. kaaygua, Australoheros Casciotta [J. R.], Almirón [A. E.] & Gómez [S. E.] 2006:78, Figs. 1-3 [Zoologische Abhandlungen, Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde. v. 55; ref. 28756] Río Iguazú basin, arroyo Ñandú, Misiones, Argentina. Holotype: MACN-ict 8917. Paratypes: AI 194 (9, 1 c&s), 195 (1); MLP 10463 [ex Al 196] (1); MTD F 28766 (2). Type catalog: Nadalin & López 2015:8 [ref. 34112]. •Valid as Australoheros kaaygua Casciotta, Almirón & Gómez 2006 -- (Říčan & Kullander 2008:27 [ref. 29548], Ottoni et al. 2008:75 [ref. 29616], Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Schindler et al. 2010:141 [ref. 31744], Koerber 2011:8 [ref. 31122], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ríčan et al. 2011:2 [ref. 31455], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:59 [ref. 35117], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Bertaco et al. 2016:425 [ref. 34561], Říčan & Říčanová 2017:4 [ref. 35635], Reis et al. 2020:472 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros kaaygua Casciotta, Almirón & Gómez 2006. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Iguazú River basin (Brazil and Argentina) and tributaries of the upper Rio Uruguay (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. macacuensis, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:216, Fig. 8 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, rio Japuíba, Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 7254. Paratypes: UFRJ 5315 (8), 5344 (8), 7244 (3 c&s); MCP 42365 (1); MNRJ 14878 (7), 18092 (1), 20278 (1), 20298 (1) •Valid as Australoheros macacuensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553]). •Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. macaensis, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:218, Fig. 9 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Município de Macaé, rio dos Quarenta, BR-101, 22°13.13'S, 41°45.580'W, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 7573. Paratypes UFRJ 7568 (8), 7569 (4 c&s), 7593 (6); MCP 42403 (2); MTD F 31320 (3) •Valid as Australoheros macaensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Di Dario et al. 2013:263 [ref. 37503] as cf. macaensis, Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553]). •Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Lucena et al. 2022:84 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. mattosi, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] 2012:84, Fig. 1 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 62 (no. 1); ref. 31900] Tributary of the rio das Velhas, between Santana do Pirapama and Jequitibá, rio São Francisco basin, Minas Gerais state Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 0752. Paratypes: MCP 16745 (1); MNRJ 21550 (4); MZUSP 47388 (1); UFRJ 3227 (1, c&s), 7755 (1, c&s). •Valid as Australoheros mattosi Ottoni 2012 -- (Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357]). •Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. mboapari, Australoheros Lucena [C. A. S. de], Kullander [S.], Norén [M.] & Calegari [B.] 2023:498 [Zootaxa 5306 (no. 4); ref. 40268] Rio Taquarí drainage, Quaresma, close to the Rio das Antas, Antônio Prado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 28°52'46"S, 51°19'12"W. Holotype: MCP 49000. Paratypes: MCP, UFRGS. First published not by the ICZN rules in ref. 39823, p. 97, Figs. 26-27. •Valid as Australoheros mboapari Lucena, Kullander, Norén & Calegari 2023. Current status: Valid as Australoheros mboapari Lucena, Kullander, Norén & Calegari 2023. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Rio das Antas and tributaries from about Rio São Marcos to and in the Rio Carreiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. minuano, Australoheros Říčan [O.] & Kullander [S. O.] 2008:35, Fig. 15 etc. [Zootaxa No. 1724; ref. 29548] Arroyo Canoin, lower Piratini River drainage, Rio Uruguay basin, road from Pirapo to São Nicolau, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 12710. Paratypes: MCP 12710 (7), 11226 (12), 11227 (24), 12724 (42). •Possibly a junior synonym of Crenicichla niederleinii (Holmberg 1891) -- (Steinhäuser 2019:233 [ref. 36998]). •Valid as Australoheros minuano Říčan & Kullander 2008 -- (Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Ottoni & Cheffe 2009:155 [ref. 30294], Schindler et al. 2010:141 [ref. 31744], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ríčan et al. 2011:2 [ref. 31455], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Litz & Koerber 2014:35 [ref. 33622], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Bertaco et al. 2016:425 [ref. 34561], Nión et al. 2016:50 [ref. 35565], Říčan & Říčanová 2017:5 [ref. 35635], Lucena et al. 2022:76 [ref. 39823], Loureiro et al. 2023:162 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros minuano Říčan & Kullander 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: middle Rio Uruguay basin and coastal rivers draining to Laguna Merín (Brazil and Uruguay). Habitat: freshwater. montanus, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] 2012:86, Fig. 3 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 62 (no. 1); ref. 31900] Carmo, córrego Tanque, tributary of the rio Paríba do Sul, Passa Três, 21°49'S, 42°32'W, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Holotype: MNRJ 32555. Paratypes: many at MCP, MNRJ, UFRJ •Valid as Australoheros montanus Ottoni 2012 -- (Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357]). •Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. muriae, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:220, Fig. 10 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Itaperuna, rio São Domingos, tributary from rio Muriaé, rio Paraíba do Sul basin, Estado Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Holotype: MNRJ 32181. Paratypes: MNRJ 15505 (1 c&s), 16780 (5, 1 c&s), 16787 (5, 2 c&s), 16814 (5), 16854 (1); MCP 42584 (1). •Valid as Australoheros muriae Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553]). •Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Lucena et al. 2022:84 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. oblonga, Chromys Castelnau [F. L.] 1855:14 [Animaux nouveaux or rares v. 2; ref. 766] Rio Tocantins, Goiás, Brazil [probably erroneous]. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-9485. Type catalog: Blanc 1962:205 [ref. 20868], Bauchot et al. 1978:46 [ref. 20862]. Original genus should have been Chromis. •Species inquirenda in Cichlasoma -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:625 [ref. 27061], Rícon & Kullander 2003:794 [ref. 27259]). •Nomen dubium -- (Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900]). •Synonym of Australoheros facetus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Říčan & Kullander 2008:4 [ref. 29548], Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Ottoni et al. 2011:144 [ref. 31378] with question, Litz & Koerber 2014:35 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:59 [ref. 35117]). •Valid as Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823], Quintela et al. 2023:6 [ref. 40727], Silva-Sene et al. 2024:3 [ref. 41784], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:52 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: small streams in the Rio Paraíba do Sul, Rio Tietê and other basins of the Rio Grande (headwaters of the Rio Paraná), upper Rio São Francisco and upper Rio Doce, Rio Guandi and Rio Macacu basins (southeastern Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. paraibae, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:222, Fig. 11 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Município de Juiz de Fora, stream tributary to rio do Peixe, between Toledo and Torreões, Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 7559. Paratypes: UFRJ 3589 (4), 3589 [? sic](1), 7560 (4 c&s); MCP 42367 (2). •Valid as Australoheros paraibae Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357]). •Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. perdi, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.], Lezama [A. Q.], Triques [M. L.], Fragoso-Moura [E. N.], Lucas [C. C. T.] & Barbosa [F. A. R.] 2011:140, Figs. 2A and 2B [Vertebrate Zoology v. 61 (no. 1); ref. 31378] Lacustrine region of the middle Doce River basin, Doce River Valley, Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, Lagoa Gambazinho, 19°47'10.6"S, 42°34'48.3"W, Marliéra municipality, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Holotype: DZUFMG 071. Paratypes: DZUFMG, MZUSP, UFRJ. •Valid as Australoheros perdi Ottoni, Lezama, Triques, Fragoso-Moura, Lucas & Barbosa 2011 -- (Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553]). •Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Lucena et al. 2022:84 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. ribeirae, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.], Oyakawa [O. T.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:76, Figs. 1-5 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 1); ref. 29616] Município de Seta Barras, lagon near the Sr. Celso farm, road Sete Barras-EL Dorado, São Paulo State, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 42289. Paratypes: MZUSP 2582 (1), 2587 (1), 3270 (10), 40016 (4), 40042 (8), 50677 (1), 50679 (10), 70011 (2), 70032 (2); UFRJ 5368 (3), 5369 (1). •Valid as Australoheros ribeirae Ottoni, Oyakawa & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Ottoni & Cheffe 2009:155 [ref. 30294], Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553], Lucena et al. 2022:82 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros ribeirae Ottoni, Oyakawa & Costa 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Juquiá and lower Ribeira de Iguape River basins, São Paulo State, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. ricani, Australoheros Lucena [C. A. S. de], Kullander [S.], Norén [M.] & Calegari [B.] 2023:499 [Zootaxa 5306 (no. 4); ref. 40268] Rio Morcego, tributary of the Rio Jaquí-mirim, Rio Jacuí basin, Espumoso, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 28°53'55"S, 52°49'0.5"W. Holotype: UFRGS 28500. Paratypes: MCP, UFRGS. First published not by the ICZN rules in ref. 39823, p. 103, Fig. 28A. •Valid as Australoheros ricani Lucena, Kullander, Norén & Calegari 2023. Current status: Valid as Australoheros ricani Lucena, Kullander, Norén & Calegari 2023. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Jacuí-Mirim drainage, Rio Jacuí basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. robustus, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:223, Fig. 12 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Stream Cachoeirinha, tributary from córrego da Areia, rio Paraíba do Sul basin, Mar de Espanha, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Holotype: MNRJ 32180. Paratypes: MCP 42583 (2); MNRJ 13545 (7), 14687 (1), 16470 (4 c&s) •Valid as Australoheros robustus Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553]). •Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. sanguineus, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] 2013:162, Figs. 1-2, 5 [Vertebrate Zoology V. 63 (no. 2); ref. 32901] Santa Catarina state, arroio Lindo, tributary of the rio Cubatão, Cubatao, near the road SC-301, near BR-101, Pirabeiraba, Joinville municipality, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 14556. Paratypes: MCP 6912 (2); MZUSP 2583 (6),16160 (2), •Valid as Australoheros sanguineus Ottoni 2013 -- (Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Ottoni et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36553], Lucena et al. 2022:92 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros sanguineus Ottoni 2013. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Cubatão, Rio Pirai and Rio Iguaçu basins, southern Brazil. Habitat: freshwater. saquarema, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Costa [W. J. E. M.] 2008:225, Fig. 13 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 58 (no. 2); ref. 29909] Município de Saquarema, rio Buracão, Estado de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 7255. Paratypes: UFRJ 7221 (19), 7231 (3 c&s); MCP 42366 (2), MTD F 31321 (1). •Valid as Australoheros saquarema Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Ottoni 2010:24 [ref. 30818], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357]). •Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008 -- (Lucena et al. 2022:84 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros ipatinguensis Ottoni & Costa 2008. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. scitulum, Cichlasoma Říčan [O.] & Kullander [S. O.] 2003:795, Fig. 1 [Copeia 2003 (no. 4); ref. 27259] Río Rosario drainage, Arroyo Colla, 500 meters upstream from mouth into Río Rosario, upstream of Paso Arballo, 34°19'07"S, 59°20'13"W, Río de la Plata basin, Depto Colonia, Uruguay. Holotype: NRM 36647 [?MHNM]. Paratypes: MCP 13588 (3), 13589 (5), 13944 (1); NRM 33048 (1), 36435 (1), 36465 (1), 36638 (1), 36671 (17), 36866 (11), 39514 (1), 39533 (7), 39580 (1), 40063 (10), 40122 (1), 41626 (1), 43136 (4), 49314 (2). Type catalog: Loureiro et al. 2016:413 [ref. 35150]. Original genus as 'Cichlasoma'. •Valid as Australoheros scitulus (Říčan & Kullander 2003) -- (Říčan & Kulander 2006:142 [6] [ref. 28603], Casciotta et al. 2006:77 [ref. 28756], Říčan & Kullander 2008:12 [ref. 29548], Ottoni et al. 2008:75 [ref. 29616], Ottoni & Cheffe 2009:155 [ref. 30294], Schindler et al. 2010:141 [ref. 31744], Koerber 2011:8 [ref. 31122], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Říčan et al. 2011:2 [ref. 31455], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33621], Litz & Koerber 2014:35 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:59 [ref. 35117], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Bertaco et al. 2016:425 [ref. 34561], Nión et al. 2016:50 [ref. 35565] as scitulum and authors as Rican & Kullander 2003, Říčan & Říčanová 2017:5 [ref. 35635], Loureiro et al. 2023:161 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros scitulus (Říčan & Kullander 2003). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: tributaries of the lower and middle Uruguay River (Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil). Habitat: freshwater. taura, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] & Cheffe [M. M.] 2009:155, Fig. 1 [Spixiana (München) v 32 (no. 1); ref. 30294] Município de Bom Jesus, near arroio Barreiro, 28°48'S. 50°30'W, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Holotype: UFRJ 7574. Paratypes: CIMC 12102 (1), 12308 (2), 12326 (2, c&s); MCP 42363 (4); UFRJ 7575 (4, c&s), 7576 (17), 7575 (4, c&s), 7586 (1), 7587 (3). •Valid as Australoheros taura Ottoni & Cheffe 2009 -- (Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Bertaco et al. 2016:425 [ref. 34561]). •Synonym of Australoheros acaroides (Hensel 1870) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:65 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros acaroides (Hensel 1870). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. tavaresi, Australoheros Ottoni [F. P.] 2012:91, Fig. 7 [Vertebrate Zoology v. 62 (no. 1); ref. 31900] Guarulhos, lagoon on the margin of the rio Tietê, São Paulo state, Brazil. Holotype: MZUSP 50675. Paratypes: MZUSP 28169 (3), 50675 (5), 88185 (2). •Valid as Australoheros tavaresi Ottoni 2012 -- (Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357]). •Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855) -- (Lucena et al. 2022:55 [ref. 39823]). Current status: Synonym of Australoheros oblongus (Castelnau 1855). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Habitat: freshwater. tembe, Cichlasoma Casciotta [J. R.], Gómez [S. E.] & Toresanni [N. I.] 1995:194, Fig. 1 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 6 (no. 3); ref. 21881] Arroyo Urugua-í, above Salto del Urugua-í, at `Alto Paraná' company fields, Rio Paraná basin, Argentina. Holotype: MLP 9059. Paratypes: MLP 9060-61 (2, 1), 9062 (15, 3 c&s), 9063 (1), 9064 (8 in error, now 5), 9065-68 (2, 1, 6, 3). Type catalog: Miquelarena & Nadalin 2014:19 [ref. 33466]. Appeared as 'Cichlasoma' tembe. •Valid as Nandopsis tembe (Casciotta, Gómez & Toresanni 1995) -- (Burgess 2000:48 [ref. 24818]). •Valid as "Cichlasoma" tembe Casciotta, Gómez & Toresanni 1995 -- (López et al. 2002:61 [ref. 26808], Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:625 [ref. 27061] as incertae sedis in 'Cichlasoma', Říčan & Kullander 2003:794 [ref. 27259] in 'Cichlasoma', López et al. 2003:75 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:87 [ref. 28131]). •Valid as Australoheros tembe (Casciotta, Gómez & Toresanni 1995) -- (Říčan & Kullander 2006:141 [6] [ref. 28603], Casciotta et al. 2006:77 [ref. 28756], Říčan & Kullander 2008:12 [ref. 29548], Ottoni et al. 2008:75 [ref. 29616], Ottoni & Costa 2008:208 [ref. 29909], Koerber 2011:9 [ref. 31122], Ottoni et al. 2011:138 [ref. 31378], Ríčan et al. 2011:2 [ref. 31455], Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:59 [ref. 35117], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Říčan & Říčanová 2017:4 [ref. 35635]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros tembe (Casciotta, Gómez & Toresanni 1995). Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: South America: middle Paraná River drainage and Uruguay River basin, Argentina. Habitat: freshwater. ykeregua, Australoheros Říčan [O.], Piálek [L.], Almirón [A. E.] & Casciotta [J. R.] 2011:9, Figs. 4-7 [Zootaxa No. 2982; ref. 31455] Arroyo Paraiso (or Canal Muerto), 27°14'15.1"S, 54°02'38.5"W, río Uruguay basin, Argentina. Holotype: MACN-ict 9467. Paratypes: MLP 10471 [ex AI 270] (3, c&s, now 1); MACN-ict 9468 (4), -9469 (3), -9470 (3), -9471 (4), -9472 (13). Plus non-type material. Nadalin & López 2015:8 [ref. 34112]. •Valid as Australoheros ykeregua Říčan, Piálek, Almirón & Casciotta 2011 -- (Ottoni 2012:84 [ref. 31900], Ottoni 2013:166 [ref. 32901], Koerber 2014:14 [ref. 33621], Mirande & Koerber 2015:59 [ref. 35117], Říčan et al. 2016:28 [ref. 34357], Říčan & Říčanová 2017:5 [ref. 35635]). Current status: Valid as Australoheros ykeregua Říčan, Piálek, Almirón & Casciotta 2011. Cichlidae: Cichlinae. Distribution: Middle Río Uruguay basin, Argentina. Habitat: freshwater. |