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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Species in the genus Barbodes: [ 74 ] records

affinis, Barbus lateristriga Kammerzell [F.] 1917:333, Abb. 1 [Wochenschrift für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 14 (no. 36); ref. 34769] Sunda Inseln (aquarium import). No types known. Named by mistake of Barbus sp. aff. lateristriga Duncker. Also described earlier (?) by Stansch, Die Prachtbarbe und die übrigen Barben-Arten, p. 23 as Barbus lateristriga spec. affinis Duncker or Barbus lateristriga var. affinis. •Senior synonym of Barbodes dunckeri (Ahl 1929). Not in use. Current status: Synonym of Barbodes dunckeri (Ahl 1929). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

amara, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:295 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: BSMP 9167 (presumed destroyed). Paratypes: BSMP (14) presumed destroyed. Additional material: (40). Appeared without description in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120]. •Valid as Barbodes amarus Herre 1924 -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989], Tan & Husana 2021:321 [ref. 38614], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes amarus Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

amblyrhynchus, Puntius (Barbodes) Bleeker [P.] 1864:104, Pl. 144 (fig. 5) [Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néêrlandaises v. 3; ref. 4859] Tjampea, Java, Indonesia. Holotype: BMNH 1866.5.2.188 (dry at one time). •Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

aureus, Barbus Tirant [G.] 1883:96 [27] [Bulletin de la Société des Études Indo-chinoises. Saigon. 1883; ref. 17920] Hué, Vietnam. Lectotype: MHNL 4200-0029 (3566). Paralectotypes: MHNL 4200-0030 (2). Type catalog: Chevey 1937:250 [ref. 31779]. On p. 27 of reprint in Chevey 1929 [ref. 16215]. Subjectively invalid; secondarily preoccupied by Labeobarbus aureus Cope 1867 in Barbus, replaced by Barbus fernandezypezi Fowler 1958. Lectotype selected by Kottelat 1987:6 [ref. 11434]. •Synonym of Barbus semifasciolatus Günther 1868 -- (Kottelat 1987:8 [ref. 11434]). •Synonym of Puntius semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). •Questionably the same as Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989]). 2°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

aurotaeniatus, Barbus Tirant [G.] 1885:195 [160] [Excursions et Reconnaissances: Cochinchine française v. 10; ref. 17923] Thu-dâu-môt, Vietnam. Lectotype: MHNL 4200-0258. On p. 160 of reprint in Chevey 1929 [ref. 16215]. Lectotype selected by Kottelat 1987:8 [ref. 11434]. •Valid as Barbus aurotaeniatus Tirant 1885 -- (Kottelat 1987:8, 21 [ref. 11434]). •Valid as Systomus aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Rainboth 1996:103 [ref. 22772]). •Valid as Puntius aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Doi 1997:10 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:49 [ref. 23436], Doi 2000:396 [ref. 25097], Freyhof et al. 2000:95 [ref. 25184], Kottelat 2001:72 [ref. 25780]). •Valid as Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:40 [ref. 33971], Ren et al. 2020:[6] [ref. 37805], Taki et al. 2021:128 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Chao Phraya and Mekong River basins, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater.

banksi, Puntius binotatus Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1940:31 [Bulletin of the Raffles Museum No. 16; ref. 11006] 18 miles east of Kuching, Sarawak state, Borneo, East Malaysia. Lectotype: CAS-SU 33900. Paralectotypes: CAS-SU 33903 (21), ZRC 349 (20). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:37 [ref. 12291], Alfred 1970:71 [ref. 23931]. Lectotype selected by Böhlke 1953:37 [ref. 12291]. •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Valid as Systomus banksi (Herre 1940) -- (Ng & Tan 1999:355 [ref. 24159], Parenti & Lim 2005:185 [ref. 28285]). •Valid as Puntius banksi Herre 1940 -- (Kottelat & Lim 1996:232 [ref. 23210], Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832], Tan & Lim 2004:109 [ref. 27716], Rachmatika 2004:184 [ref. 28450], Grinang & Lim 2004:288 [ref. 28551], Kottelat & Widjanarti 2005:153 [ref. 28284]). •Valid as Barbodes banksi (Herre 1840) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989], Sulaiman et al. 2018:26 [ref. 35802], Ng et al. 2019:521 [ref. 36606], Ren et al. 2020:[6] [ref. 37805], Sobri et al. 2021:[3] 658 [ref. 38823], Tan & Husana 2021:319 [ref. 38614], Kottelat & Lim 2021:530 [ref. 38873], Jamaluddin et al. 2022:[5] [ref. 39245]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes banksi (Herre 1940). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Borneo (Sarawak and Indonesia). Habitat: freshwater.

bantolanensis, Barbus Day [A. L.] 1914:188, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-2) [Philippine Journal of Science v. 9 (Sect. D, no. 2); ref. 12407] Lake Manguao near Taytay, northern Palawan Island, Philippines. Holotype: CAS-SU 29823. Paratypes: FMNH 47122 (12), CAS-SU 69674 (5 or 4). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:30 [ref. 12291]. Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989] gives precedence to manguaoensis over bantolanensis. •Synonym of Barbodes manguaoensis (Day 1914) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes manguaoensis (Day 1914). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

baoulan, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1926:499, Pl. 1 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 29 (no. 4); ref. 10952] Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Syntypes: (9) BSMP (8?) presumed destroyed, CAS-SU 24469 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:30 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Barbodes baoulan Herre 1926 -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes baoulan Herre 1926. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

binotatus, Barbus Valenciennes [A.] (ex Kuhl) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:168 (195) [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Bogor, Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: RMNH 2455 (3). Type information: Roberts 1993:21 [ref. 21799]. Spelled binolatus by Bardach 1959:11c [ref. 24621]. Simultaneous synonym of binotatus Valenciennes; Bleeker 1855:408 gave precedence to binotatus. •Valid as Barbus binotatus Valenciennes 1842 -- (Roberts 1989:60 [ref. 6439], Lim et al. 1990:36 [ref. 16753], Roberts 1993:21 [ref. 21799]). •Valid as Systomus binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Rainboth 1996:103 [ref. 22772], Ng & Tan 1999:355 [ref. 24159]). •Valid as Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:260 [ref. 20764], Kottelat et al. 1993:42 [ref. 23448], Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2000:49 [ref. 25040], Doi 2000:396 [ref. 25097], Doi et al. 2001:15 [ref. 25691]). •Valid as Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989], Ng et al. 2019:521 [ref. 36606] as aff. binotatus, Ren et al. 2020:[6] [ref. 37805], Sobri et al. 2021:[3] 658 [ref. 38823], Tan & Husana 2021:319 [ref. 38614], Kottelat & Lim 2021:532 [ref. 38873], Hasan et al. 2022:6035 [ref. 39888], Jamaluddin et al. 2022:[5] [ref. 39245], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455], Wibowo et al. 2025:52 [ref. 41915]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Java (Indonesia); Palawan and Mindanao (Philippines). Habitat: freshwater.

blitonensis, Barbus Bleeker [P.] 1852:96 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 3 (no. 1); ref. 16831] Tjirutjup River, Belitung Island, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:60 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

bovanicus, Barbus Day [F.] 1877:[566], Pl. 138 (fig. 1) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Bowany River, base of Neilgherry hills, Madras, India. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7829 (1, syntype), BMNH 1889.2.1.549-550 (2), NMW 53964 (1), ZSI F2384 (1). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:155 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:295 [ref. 25110]. The plate was published first (1877) with the spelling bovianicus; bovanicus in the text (p. 566) in 1878. Named for the Bhavani [Bowany in Day] River, so bovianicus is regarded as probably in error. The spelling bovanicus was given precedence by Pethiyagoda et al. 2012:00 [ref. 32071]. •Valid as Puntius bovanicus (Day 1877) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:261 [ref. 20764], Manimekalan 1998:435 [ref. 24989]). •Valid as Barbodes bovanicus (Day 1877) -- (Menon 1999:68 [ref. 24904], Bleher 2018:334 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes bovanicus (Day 1877). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Upper Bhavani and Krishna River basins, southern India. Habitat: freshwater.

brueningi, Barbus Schreitmüller [W.] 1937:109 [Deutscher Almanach für Aquarien- und Terrarienfreunde 1938; ref. 35566] Southeastern Asia (aquarium import). No types known. Also "described" with figure by Schreitmüller 1938:165 [ref. 17170] as Barbus bruenningi. •Possibly a synonym of Barbodes sellifer Kottelat & Lim 2021. Nomen Dubium. Current status: Uncertain. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

bunau, Puntius Rachmatika [I.] 2005:182, Figs. 1-2 [Treubia, Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense v. 33 (no. 2); ref. 28450] Sesay basin, Paya Seturan County, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Holotype: MZB 12074. Paratypes: BMNH 2004.4.26.1 (1); CMK 17999 (1); MZB 12075 (1), 12076 (2), 12077 (1), 12078 (1); USNM uncat. (1); ZRC 49220 (2), 49867 (4). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Barbodes bunau (Rachmatika 2005) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Kottelat & Lim 2021:532 [ref. 38873]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes bunau (Rachmatika 2005). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: northern Kalimantan Timur, Borneo, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater.

bunter, Barbus Bleeker [P.] 1857:350 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 13 (no. 2); ref. 16868] Tjidani River, Tjampea, western Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. •Questionably a synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Uncertain as Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

cataractae, Barbus Fowler [H. W.] 1934:280, Fig. 40 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 85 (for 1933); ref. 1416] Cascade River, Murcielagos Bay, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: USNM 93137. Paratypes: USNM 93415 (26). •Valid as Barbodes cataractae (Fowler 1934) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes cataractae (Fowler 1934). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

clemensi, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:293 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: BSMP 10159 (presumed destroyed). Paratypes: BSMP (3) presumed destroyed. Additional material: (5). Also appeared in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Barbodes clemensi Herre 1924 -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes clemensi Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

disa, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1932:140 [Copeia 1932 (no. 3); ref. 10976] Market at Dansalan, Lanao Province, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: CAS-SU 27713. Paratypes: BSMP (1) presumed destroyed, USNM 148143 [ex CAS-SU 27713] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:30 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Barbodes disa (Herre 1932) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes disa Herre 1932. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

dorsimaculatus, Barbus Ahl [E.] 1923:183 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 56 (nos 7/8); ref. 15393] Sumatra (?). Syntypes: ZMB 20671 (20). Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:90 [ref. 21847]. •Valid as Puntius dorsimaculatus (Ahl 1923) -- (Kottelat et al. 1993:42 [ref. 23448], Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832]). •Species inquirenda as Barbodes dorsimaculatus (Ahl 1923) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Uncertain as Barbodes dorsimaculatus (Ahl 1923). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater.

dunckeri, Barbus Ahl [E.] 1929:165, Figs. [Das Aquarium: eine Zeitschrift mit Bildern für Liebhaber, Schulen und Naturfreunde, Berlin 1929 (no. 10); ref. 20518] Bukith Timah, Singapore. Syntypes: (67) ZMB 20856 (2), 20861 (2), 20866 (2), 20876 (3), 31739 [ex ZMB 20876] (1). Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:90 [ref. 21847]. •Valid as Puntius dunckeri (Ahl 1929) -- (Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832]). •Valid as Barbodes dunckeri (Ahl 1929) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Tan & Husana 2021:321 [ref. 38614]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes dunckeri (Ahl 1929). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Malaysia and Singapore. Habitat: freshwater.

elongatus, Barbus Seale [A.] 1910:265, Pl. 2 (fig. 1) [The Philippine Journal of Science, Section D v. 5 (no. 4); ref. 14808] Sandakan, Sabah state, Borneo, East Malaysia. Holotype (unique): BSMP 2566 (lost). Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Barbus elongatus Rüppell 1835. •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Barbodes sealei Herre 1933 -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Barbodes sealei Herre 1933. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

everetti, Barbus Boulenger [G. A.] 1894:248 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 13 (no. 75) (art. 26); ref. 535] Poeh, Sarawak state, Borneo, East Malaysia. Syntypes: BMNH 1893.3.6.213-218 (6). •Valid as Puntius everetti (Boulenger 1894) -- (Roberts 1989:64 [ref. 6439], Kottelat et al. 1993:43 [ref. 23448], Kottelat & Lim 1996:232 [ref. 23210], Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832], Doi et al. 2001:15 [ref. 25691], Tan & Lim 2004:109 [ref. 27716], Grinang & Lim 2004:289 [ref. 28551], Kottelat & Widjanarti 2005:154 [ref. 28284]). •Valid as Barbodes everetti (Boulenger 1894) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Ren et al. 2020:[6] [ref. 37805], Tan & Husana 2021:321 [ref. 38614]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes everetti (Boulenger 1894). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Borneo and Sumatra. Habitat: freshwater.

fasciolatus, Barbus Günther [A.] 1868:140 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] China. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1851.12.27.185. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Barbus fasciolatus Günther 1868 (same reference, p. 108), replaced by Barbus semifasciolatus Günther 1868. •Synonym of Capoeta semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Wu et al. 1977:259 [ref. 4807], Chu & Cui in Chu & Chen 1989:164 [ref. 13584], Zheng et al. 1989:171 [ref. 21202]). •Synonym of Puntius semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Jin in Kuang et al. 1986:113 [ref. 26639], Chen et al. in Pan et al. 1991:138 [ref. 23876], Shan et al. in Yue 2000:11 [ref. 25272], Zhang et al. 2016:97 [ref. 34477]). •Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989]) 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

fernandezypezi, Barbus Fowler [H. W.] 1958:12 [Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) No. 310; ref. 1470] Hué River, Vietnam. Lectotype: MGHNL 42000029. Paralectotypes: MGHNL 42000030 (2). Originally as fernandez-ypezi. Replacement name for Barbus aureus Tirant 1883, secondarily preoccupied in Barbus by Labeobarbus aureus Cope 1867. Lectotype selected by Kottelat 1987:6 [ref. 11434]. •Synonym of Barbus semifasciolatus Günther 1868 -- (Kottelat 1987:8 [ref. 11434]). •Synonym of Puntius semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). •Questionably a synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:80 [ref. 32989]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

flavifuscus, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:296 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Lumbatan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: BSMP 9164 (presumed destroyed). Paratypes: BSMP (2) presumed destroyed. Also appeared in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Barbodes flavifuscus Herre 1924 -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes flavifuscus Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

goniosoma, Systomus (Barbodes) Bleeker [P.] 1860:349 [Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae v. 7 (art. 2); ref. 380] Benkulen [Benkuelen], Sumatra, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1866.5.2.193. Original lists Cypr. Tab. XXXIII, fig. 3, which was published in 1864 as Cypr. Pl. 31 (fig. 1). •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

guentheri, Puntius (Capoeta) Bleeker [P.] 1871:9 [Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (Amsterdam) v. 12 (art. 2); ref. 6421] Replacement name for Barbus fasciolatus Günther 1868:140, preoccupied by Barbus fasciolatus Günther 1868:108 (both in ref. 1990). Also in Bleeker 1873:144 [ref. 431]. •Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

haerteli, Barbus Schreitmüller [W.] 1937:153, Fig. [Nachrichtenblatt für Aquarien- und Terrarien-Vereine 1937 (Nr. 11); ref. 32423] Singapore (aquarium import). Syntypes: (2), whereabouts unknown. Found by Thomas Litz, Jan. 2013. •Possibly a species of Systomus or Barbodes? (RVL). Nomen Dubium. Current status: Unknown. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

hagenii, Barbus maculatus var. Popta [C. M. L.] 1911:9 [Notes from the Leyden Museum v. 34 (no. 1) (art. 3); ref. 14805] Lombok, Indonesia and other areas in Indonesia. Syntypes or nontypes: RMNH 10510 (1);SMF 22299 (4), 22301-14 (1, 10, 5, 1, 12, 4, 1, 1, 7, 9, 1, 23, 1, 2). •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym questionably of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

hainani, Barbus Lohberger [K.] 1929:49, Fig. 1 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 84 (nos 1/4) (art. 8); ref. 15909] Hainan Island, China. Syntypes: (92) MSNM 19 [ex MSNM 4427 and ex NMW] (1), NMW 18424-73 (?), 18382-422 (?). Type catalog: Conci & Michelangeli 1974:224 [ref. 21560]. •Synonym of Capoeta semifasciolata (Günther 1868) -- (Wu et al. 1977:259 [ref. 4807]). •Synonym of Puntius semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Mai 1978:109 [ref. 13511], Chen et al. in Pan et al. 1991:138 [ref. 23876], Shan et al. in Yue 2000:12 [ref. 25272]). •Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

hemictenus, Barbodes Jordan [D. S.] & Richardson [R. E.] 1908:241, Fig. 5 [Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries v. 27(Doc. 640) (for 1907); ref. 2492] Mindoro Island, Philippines. Holotype: CAS-SU 20213. Paratypes: CAS-SU 20443 (3), USNM 61685 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:30 [ref. 12291]. •Questionably a synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Valid as Puntius hemictenus (Jordan & Richardson 1908) -- (authors). •Valid as Barbodes hemictenus Jordan & Richardson 1908 -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Labatos 2017:3 [ref. 36239], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes hemictenus Jordan & Richardson 1908. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

herrei, Barbus Fowler [H. W.] 1934:280, Fig. 41 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 85 (for 1933); ref. 1416] Vicar market, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: USNM 93138. Paratypes: CAS-SU 14971 (1), USNM 93408 (3). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:30 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Barbodes herrei (Fowler 1934) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes herrei (Fowler 1934). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

ivis, Barbus Seale [A.] 1910:494, Pl. 1 [The Philippine Journal of Science Section A v. 4 (no. 6) (for 1909); ref. 4000] Balabac Island, Philippines. Holotype: BSMP 5233 (apparently destroyed). Paratypes: (89) BSMP (lost). •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Valid as Barbodes ivis (Seale 1910) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes ivis (Seale 1910). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

joaquinae, Puntius Wood [C. E.] 1968:415, Fig. 3 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 95 (no. 4) (for Dec. 1966); ref. 7932] Small stream from tiny Basak Lake to the Agus River, nearest barrio, Saguiaren, Lanao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: FMNH 73395. Paratypes: FMNH ?73396 (orig. 5), 98318 (1), 96451-52 (1, 1). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:72 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Barbodes joaquinae (Wood 1968) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:164 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes joaquinae (Wood 1968). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

katolo, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:301 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: BSMP 9161 (presumed destroyed). Paratypes: BSMP (2) presumed destroyed. Also in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Puntius katolo (Herre 1924). •Valid as Barbodes katolo Herre 1924 -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes katolo Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

klapanunggalensis, Barbodes Wibowo [K.], Rahmadi [K.] & Lumbantobing [D. N.] in Wibowo, Willyanto, Dharmayanthi, Rahmadi & Lumbantobing 2025:46, Figs. 1, 3-5A [ZooKeys No. 1229; ref. 41915] Subterranean cave system of Cisodong 1 Cave, Klapanunggal karst area, Nambo Village, Klapanunggal District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province, Java, Indonesia, elevation 212 meters. Holotype: MZB 26657. Paratype: MZB 26656 (1). •Valid as Barbodes klapanunggalensis Wibowo, Rahmadi & Lumbantobing 2025. Current status: Valid as Barbodes klapanunggalensis Wibowo, Rahmadi & Lumbantobing 2025. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southweast Asia: subterranean cave system, Klapanunggal karst area, West Java Province, Java, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater.

kuchingensis, Puntius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1940:11, Pl. 5 [Bulletin of the Raffles Museum No. 16; ref. 2130] 18 miles east of Kuching, Sarawak state, Borneo, East Malaysia. Holotype: CAS-SU 33014. Paratypes: CAS-SU 33015 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:37 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Puntius kuchingensis Herre 1940 -- (Kottelat & Lim 1996:233 [ref. 23210], Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832], Doi et al. 2001:15 [ref. 25691], Rachmatika 2004:184 [ref. 28450], Grinang & Lim 2004:289 [ref. 28551], Kottelat & Widjanarti 2005:154 [ref. 28284]). •Valid as Systomus kuchingensis (Herre 1940) -- (authors). •Valid as Barbodes kuchingensis (Herre 1940) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Kottelat & Lim 2021:537 [ref. 38873]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes kuchingensis (Herre 1940). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Sarawak, Borneo. Habitat: freshwater.

kusanensis, Barbus Bleeker [P.] 1852:429 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 3 (no. 3); ref. 16827] Kusan River, Prabukarta, southeastern Borneo, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:60 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

lanaoensis, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:300 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Syntypes: BSMP (8) presumed destroyed. Additional material: BSMP (3) presumed destroyed. Also in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Barbodes lanaoensis Herre 1924 -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes lanaoensis Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

lindog, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:304 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Syntypes: (17) BSMP (presumed destroyed); CAS-SU 24466 (3), 27714 (2). Other material: (8). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:30 [ref. 12291]. Also in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Barbodes lindog Herre 1924 -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes lindog Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

macularius, Systomus Blyth [E.] 1860:159 [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 29 (no. 2); ref. 477] Sittang River, Tenasserim, Myanmar. Syntypes: ZSI (2). •Synonym of Cyclocheilichthys apogon (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:176 [ref. 20764]). •Questionably a synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

maculatus, Barbus Kuhl [H.] & van Hasselt [J. C.] in van Hasselt 1823:132 [Algemeene Konst- en Letter-bode voor het Jaar II Deel (no. 35); ref. 5963] Also in van Hasselt 1824:375 [ref. 5964]. Not available, no distinguishing features; from Java (see Alfred 1961:85 [ref. 20553], Kottelat 1987:370 [ref. 5962]). •In the synonymy of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:60 [ref. 6439], Roberts 1993:21 [ref. 21799]). •In the synonymy of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae.

maculatus, Barbus Valenciennes [A.] (ex Kuhl & van Hasselt) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:195 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Bogor, Java, Indonesia. Appeared first as name only in van Hasselt 1823 [ref. 5963]. See Kottelat 1999:595 [ref. 24610] for first reviser information when this species is considered a synonym of Barbus binotatus Valenciennes 1842. •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:60 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989], Kottelat & Lim 2021:537 [ref. 38873]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

manalak, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:302 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: BSMP 9998 (presumed destroyed). Paratypes: BSMP (3) presumed destroyed. Also in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Barbodes manalak Herre 1924 -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes manalak Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

manguaoensis, Barbus Day [A. L.] 1914:189, Pl. 1 (fig. 3) [Philippine Journal of Science v. 9 (Sect. D, no. 2); ref. 12407] Lake Manguao near Taytay, northern Palawan Island, Philippines. Holotype [spec. no. 15] and paratypes: (at least 6). •Valid as Barbodes manguaoensis (Day 1914) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Tan & Husana 2021:321 [ref. 38614], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes manguaoensis (Day 1914). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Palawan (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

microps, Barbus Günther [A.] 1868:124 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: BMNH 1845.4.22.334-336 (3), 1845.4.22.341-342 (2, probably another species). Possibly a synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842), see Wibowo et al. 2025:56 [ref. 41915]. •Valid as Puntius microps (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat et al. 1993:43 [ref. 23448] with question, Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832]). •Valid as Barbodes microps (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Wibowo et al. 2025:56 [ref. 41915]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes microps (Günther 1868). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: southcentral Java, Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater.

montanoi, Puntius Sauvage [H.-E.] 1881:103 [3] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 5; ref. 18664] Simulao River, tributary of Agusan, Mindanao, Philippines. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3398 (1), 0000-3399 (12). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:29 [ref. 19574] listed as holotype. On p. 3 of separate. •Valid as Barbodes montanoi (Sauvage 1881) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Tan & Husana 2021:315 [ref. 38614], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes montanoi (Sauvage 1881). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

oresigenes, Barbus Bleeker [P.] 1849:17 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 23 (no. 12); ref. 16883] Diëng Lake, elevation 6000 feet; lake and rivers in Ambarawa, elevation 1500 feet, Java, Indonesia. •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:60 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Barbodes binotatus Valenciennes 1842 -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

pachycheilus, Cephalakompsus Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:276, Pl. 2 (fig. 2) [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype (unique): BSMP (presumed destroyed). Also appeared as a new species with generic description in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120]; earliest not established. •Valid as Barbodes pachycheilus (Herre 1924) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes pachycheilus (Herre 1924). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

palaemophagus, Ospatulus Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:279 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Lumbatan, southern shore of Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype (unique): BSMP 9200 (presumed destroyed). Also appeared in Herre 1824:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Barbodes palaemophagus (Herre 1924) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes palaemophagus (Herre 1924). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

palata, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:305 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Syntypes: BSMP (10) presumed destroyed. Other material: BSMP (10). •Valid as Barbodes palata Herre 1924 -- (Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes palata Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao, Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

palavanensis, Barbus Boulenger [G. A.] 1895:186 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 15 (no. 86) (art. 20); ref. 14549] Palawan Island, Philippines. Syntypes: BMNH 1894.6.30.188-190 (3). •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Valid as Barbodes palavanensis (Boulenger 1895) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Tan & Husana 2021:321 [ref. 38614], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes palavanensis (Boulenger 1895). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Palawan (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

paucimaculatus, Puntius Wang [Y.-H.] & Ni [Y.] 1982:329 [331], Fig. 1 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 7 (no. 3); ref. 8400] Shiling, Baoting County, China. Holotype: ECSFRI 65-3568. Paratypes: ECSFRI (18). English summary on p. 331. •Questionably a synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:80 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Puntius paucimaculatus Wang & Ni 1982 -- (Jin in Kuang et al. 1986:112 [ref. 26639], Chen et al. in Pan et al. 1991:137 [ref. 23876], Shan et al. in Yue 2000:10 [ref. 25272], Zhang et al. 2016:97 [ref. 34477]). •Valid as Barbodes paucimaculatus (Wang & Ni 1982). Current status: Valid as Barbodes paucimaculatus (Wang & Ni 1982). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: East Asia: China. Habitat: freshwater.

pessuliferus, Barbus Fowler [H. W.] 1937:196, Figs. 157-158 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 89; ref. 1425] Mekong River at Kemrat [Kemarat], Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 68141. Paratypes: ANSP 68142-50 (9), 68151 (1, c&s). Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:12 [ref. 25088], Böhlke 1984:86 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Systomus aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Rainboth 1996:103 [ref. 22772]). •Synonym of Puntius aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Kottelat 1998:49 [ref. 23436], Kottelat 2001:72 [ref. 25780]). •Synonym of Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

polylepis, Barbodes Chen [J.-X.] & Li [D.-J.] in Chen, Zhao, Zheng & Li 1988:1, Fig. 1 [Acta Academiae Medicinae Zunyi v. 11 (no. 1); ref. 25328] Wu-jiang, Chang-jiang system, Bi-jie, Guizhou, China. Holotype: Inst. Hydrobiol. Acad. Sinica 781002. Paratypes: ZMC 781001 (1). •Valid as Barbodes polylepis Chen & Li 1988 -- (Zhang et al. 2016:88 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes polylepis Chen & Li 1988. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: China. Habitat: freshwater.

polyspilos, Barbus Bleeker [P.] 1857:351 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 13 (no. 2); ref. 16868] Perdana, Tjibiliong, Bantam Province, West Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: (7) ?RMHN. •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Synonymy of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

punctatus, Puntius lateristriga Bănărescu [P. M.] & Bianco [P. G.] 1984:67, Fig. 3 [Cybium v. 8 (no. 1); ref. 8979] Small river 10 kilometers southeast of Segadau, Kapuas River basin, Indonesia. Holotype: IZA 8152. Paratypes: ISBB 3354 (3), IZA 8153 (3). Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Puntius punctatus Day 1865. •In the synonymy of Puntius kuchingensis Herre 1940 -- (Kottelat & Widjanarti 2005:154 [ref. 28284]). •Synonym of Barbodes kuchingensis (Herre 1940) -- (Kottelat 2013:78 [ref. 32989]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Barbodes kuchingensis (Herre 1940). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

pyrpholeos, Barbodes Tan [H. H.] & Husana [D. E. M.] 2021:310, Figs. 1-8 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 69; ref. 38614] Ugnop Cave system, Agusan drainage, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: PNM 15649. Paratypes: PNM, ZRC. •Valid as Barbodes pyrpholeos Tan & Husana 2021 -- (Lamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes pyrpholeos Tan & Husana 2021. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Karstic cave systems, Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

quinquemaculatus, Barbus Seale [A.] & Bean [B. A.] 1907:229, Fig. 1 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 33 (no. 1568); ref. 4002] Near Zamboanga, Philippines. Holotype: USNM 57840. Paratypes: (numerous). •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Valid as Barbodes quinquemaculatus (Seale & Bean 1907) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes quinquemaculatus (Seale & Bean 1907). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

resinus, Mandibularca Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:273 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Agus River, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Syntypes: (10) BSMP (3) presumed destroyed. Also appeared in Herre 1924:1568 [ref. 2120] and misspelled M. resimus, in a combined description with the genus but no separate species description; earliest not established. •Valid as Barbodes resinus (Herre 1924) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes resinus (Herre 1924). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao, Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

rhombeus, Puntius Kottelat [M.] 2000:49, Fig. 16 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Stream near Ban Tha Kum, 9 kilometers north of Ban Noen Sung on road 3271 from Trat to Bo Rai, 12°32'N, 102°37'E, Trat Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZRC 45312. Paratypes: CMK 10716 (1), 10678 (2), 13030 (1), 13322 (2), 15020 (1); LARRI uncat. (1). •Valid as Puntius rhombeus Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof et al. 2000:95 [ref. 25184], Kottelat 2001:74 [ref. 25780]). •Valid as Barbodes rhombeus (Kottelat 2000) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:40 [ref. 33971], Ren et al. 2020:[6] [ref. 37805], Sobri et al. 2021:[3] 658 [ref. 38823], Tan & Husana 2021:320 [ref. 38614], Kottelat & Lim 2021:531 [ref. 38873], Taki et al. 2021:129 [ref. 39830], Chungthanawong et al. 2025:64 [ref. 41920]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes rhombeus (Kottelat 2000). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: northern Malay Peninsula, Chao Phraya and Mekong River basins, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia; introduced in Singapore. Habitat: freshwater.

sachsii, Barbus Ahl [E.] 1923:182 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 56 (nos 7/8); ref. 15393] India, Indo-Malay Archipelago, or China [aquarium import]. Syntypes: ZMB 20670 (now 1). Types mentioned: Paepke 1995:90 [ref. 21847]. •Valid as Puntius sachsii (Ahl 1923) -- (Fuller et al. 1999:144 [ref. 25838]). •Possible synonym of Puntius semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2001:74 [ref. 25780]). •Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

sametensis, Puntius Smith [H. M.] 1945:176, Fig. 28 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Nong Samet, a small lake in southeastern Thailand. Holotype (unique): USNM 117755. Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:13 [ref. 25088], Vilasri et al. 2018:52 [ref. 36451]. •Synonym of Systomus aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Rainboth 1996:103 [ref. 22772], Kottelat 2001:72 [ref. 25780]). •Synonym of Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989], Vilasri et al. 2018:52 [ref. 36451]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

sealei, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1933:3 [Journal of the Pan-Pacific Research Institution v. 8 (no. 4); ref. 17125] Sandakan, Sabah state, Borneo, East Malaysia. Holotype (unique): BSMP 2566 (lost). Replacement name for Barbus elongatus Seale 1910, preoccupied by Barbus elongatus Rüppell 1836. •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Valid as Barbodes sealei Herre 1933 -- (Kottelat et al. 1993:44 [ref. 23448], Kottelat & Lim 1996:233 [ref. 23210], Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832], Martin-Smith & Tan 1998:583 [ref. 23647], Doi 2000:396 [ref. 25097], Doi et al. 2001:16 [ref. 25691], Grinang & Lim 2004:289 [ref. 28551], Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Sulaiman et al. 2018:27 [ref. 35802], Wilkinson & Tan 2018:597 [ref. 36226], Tan & Husana 2021:318 [ref. 38614], Kottelat & Lim 2021:537 [ref. 38873]). Replacement Name. Current status: Valid as Barbodes sealei Herre 1933. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: northern Borneo and the Philippines. Habitat: freshwater.

sellifer, Barbodes Kottelat [M.] & Lim [K. K. P.] 2021:523, Figs. 1-5a, 6a [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 69; ref. 38873] Nee Soon swamp forest, Singapore. Holotype: ZRC 12354. Paratypes: ZRC. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Barbodes sellifer Kottelat & Lim 2021 -- (Ahmad et al. 2023:58 [ref. 41243], Hasan et al. 2024:525 [ref. 40961]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes sellifer Kottelat & Lim 2021. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Johor, Endau and Pahang basins (Singapore and Malaya/Malaysia), Sumatra and islands of Riau (Lingga, Batam, Bintan), Anambas, Natuna and Belitung (Indonesia). IUCN (2024): Not Assessed. Habitat: freshwater.

semifasciolatus, Barbus Günther [A.] 1868:484 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] China. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1851.12.27.185. Replacement name for Barbus fasciolatus Günther 1868 (same reference, p. 140). •Valid as Capoeta semifasciolata (Günther 1868) -- (Wu et al. 1977:259 [ref. 4807], Chu & Cui in Chu & Chen 1989:164 [ref. 13584], Zheng et al. 1989:171 [ref. 21202], Zhu 1995:52 [ref. 25213] as semifasciolate). •Valid as Puntius semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Mai 1978:108 [ref. 13511], Jin in Kuang et al. 1986:113 [ref. 26639], Chen et al. in Pan et al. 1991:138 [ref. 23876], Doi 1997:11 [ref. 22832], Fuller et al. 1999:144 [ref. 25838], Shan et al. in Yue 2000:11 [ref. 25272], Kottelat 2001:37 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2001:74 [ref. 25780], Manilo & Pan'kov 2004:281 [ref. 27733], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:50 [ref. 28183], Kullander & Fang 2005:297 [ref. 28193], Yang et al. 2015:99 [ref. 33694] in Cyprininae, tribe Poropuntini, Zhang et al. 2016:97 [ref. 34477], Fu et al. 2021:9570 [ref. 39347]). •Valid as "Puntius" semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Ren et al. 2020:[6] [ref. 37805]). •Valid as Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868) -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989], Dyldin et al. 2020:97 [ref. 37569], Taki et al. 2021:128 [ref. 39830], Dyldin et al. 2023:[10] [ref. 40328]) Replacement Name. Current status: Valid as Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther 1868). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: East Asia: northern Vietnam, southwestern China, Taiwan and Hainan Island. Introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater.

sibukensis, Puntius Fowler [H. W.] 1941:799, Fig. 25 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 100, v. 13; ref. 6536] Silimpopon River, Sibuko Bay, Borneo. Holotype: USNM 99438. Paratypes: USNM 138349-50 (26, 11). •Synonym of Puntius binotatus (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Roberts 1989:61 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Barbodes sealei Herre 1933 -- (Kottelat 2013:79 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes sealei Herre 1933. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

sirang, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1932:140 [Copeia 1932 (no. 3); ref. 10976] Lumbatan, southern shore of Lake Lanao, Lanao Province, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: CAS-SU 69047. Paratypes: CAS-SU 27715 (24 of 39, mixed types and non-types), USNM 148144 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:30 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Barbodes sirang Herre 1932 -- (Kottelat 2013:80 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes sirang Herre 1932. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao, Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

stigmatosomus, Puntius Smith [H. M.] 1931:13, Fig. 6 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 79 (no. 2873); ref. 4047] Waterfall in Pliew Stream, Kao Sabap, near Chantabun, [Chantaburi], southeastern Thailand. Holotype (unique): USNM 90296. Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:13 [ref. 25088]. •Synonym of Barbus aurotaeniatus Tirant 1885 -- (Kottelat 1987:8, 21 [ref. 11434]). •Synonym of Systomus aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Rainboth 1996:103 [ref. 22772]). •Synonym of Puntius aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885) -- (Kottelat 1998:49 [ref. 23436], Kottelat 2001:72 [ref. 25780]). •Synonym of Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tiant 185) -- (Kottelat 2013:77 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant 1885). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Habitat: freshwater.

tras, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1926:501, Pl. 2 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 29 (no. 4); ref. 10952] Camp Keithley, Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype (unique): BSMP (presumed destroyed). •Valid as Barbodes tras Herre 1926 -- (Kottelat 2013:80 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes tras Herre 1926. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao, Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

truncatulus, Ospatulus Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:278, Pl. 2 (fig. 1) [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Dansalan, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype (unique): BSMP 9190 (presumed destroyed). Also appeared in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Barbodes truncatulus (Herre 1924) -- (Kottelat 2013:80 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes truncatulus (Herre 1924). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Lanao, Mindanao (Philippines) endemic, Habitat: freshwater.

tumba, Barbodes Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1924:285 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 24 (no. 3); ref. 2118] Siwagat River; Lake Uyaan; Lake Nunuñgan; outlet of Lake Dapao, Mindanao, Philippines. Syntypes: (296) BSMP (presumed destroyed), CAS-SU 24471 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:30 [ref. 12291]. Also appeared in Herre 1924:1569 [ref. 2120] but without distinguishing features; available as above. •Valid as Barbodes tumba Herre 1924 -- (Kottelat 2013:80 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes tumba Herre 1924. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

umalii, Puntius Wood [C. E.] 1968:412, Fig. 1 [Philippine Journal of Science v. 95 (no. 4) (for Dec. 1966); ref. 7932] Agus River, Barrio Matampay, Mindanao, Philippines. Holotype: FMNH 73393. Paratypes: FMNH 73394 (2), 96453-56 (2, 2, 3, 3). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:72 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Barbodes umalii (Wood 1968) -- (Kottelat 2013:80 [ref. 32989], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes umalii (Wood 1968). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mindanao (Philippines) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

xouthos, Systomus Kottelat [M.] & Tan [H. H.] 2011:211, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 22 (no. 3) [for Sept.]; ref. 31694] Sungai Merimbun, outflow from Tasik Merimbun, draining into Sungai Tutong, 4°36'05.7"N, 114°40'41.1"E, Tutong District, Brunei Darussalam, Borneo. Holotype: ZRC 51185. Paratypes: CMK 16907 (5); ZRC 42668 (9), 42708 (30). Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Barbodes xouthos (Kottelat & Tan 2011) -- (Kottelat 2013:80 [ref. 32989], Sulaiman et al. 2018:27 [ref. 35802]). Current status: Valid as Barbodes xouthos (Kottelat & Tan 2011). Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Brunei Darussalam, Borneo. Habitat: freshwater.

zakariaismaili, Barbodes Kottelat [M.] & Lim [K. K. P.] 2021:532, Figs. 5b, 6b, 13-14 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 69; ref. 38873] Sungai Boh, 200 meters upstream from Sungai Menson, Cameron Highlands, Pahang drainage, Pahang, Malaysia, 4°26'10"N, 101°29'40"E, elevation about 700 meters. Holotype: ZRC 52347. Paratypes: CMK 27384 (9), ZRC 62315 (18). Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Barbodes zakariaismaili Kottelat & Lim 2021. Current status: Valid as Barbodes zakariaismaili Kottelat & Lim 2021. Cyprinidae: Smiliogastrinae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Pahang drainage, Peninsular Malaysia. Habitat: freshwater.

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