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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Species in the genus Choridactylus: [ 4 ] records

lineatus, Choridactylus Poss [S. G.] & Mee [J. K. L.] 1995:2, Fig. 1 [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 42 (no. 1); ref. 21656] South coast of Oman off Salalah, Arabian Sea, 16°52'N, 54°09'E to 16°51'N, 54°11'E, depth 41-42 meters. Holotype: CAS 73230. Paratypes: BPBM 34505 (1). •Valid as Chloridactylus lineatus Poss & Mee 1995 -- (Randall 1995:106 [ref. 22896]). •Synonym of Choridactylus striatus Mandrytsa 1993, a species described just prior to (and unknown to) Poss & Mee -- (W.N.E.). Current status: Synonym of Choridactylus striatus Mandrytsa 1993. Synanceiidae: Choridactylinae. Habitat: marine.

multibarbus, Choridactylus Richardson [J.] 1848:8, Pl. 2 (figs. 1-3) [The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Samarang; ref. 3744] Sea of China, western North Pacific. Holotype: BMNH 1977.4.22.7. •Valid as Choridactylus multibarbus Richardson 1848 -- (Eschmeyer et al. 1979:479 [ref. 6385], Kyushin et al. 1982:273 [ref. 19754], Dor 1984:86 [ref. 29757], Goren & Dor 1994:21 [ref. 25356], Poss & Mee 1995:1 [ref. 21656], Randall 1995:107 [ref. 22896], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:569 [ref. 27969], Carpenter et al. 1997:135 [ref. 23922], Poss 1999:2311 [ref. 24796], Poss in Randall & Lim 2000:605 [ref. 25122], Mandrytsa 2001:274 [ref. 25636], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S102 [ref. 27377], Mishra & Krishnan 2003:25 [ref. 27712], Shao et al. 2008:245 [ref. 29952], Motomura 2009:72 [ref. 30446], Allen & Erdmann 2012:240 [ref. 31980], Yoshida et al. 2013:83 [ref. 34464], Bogorodsky et al. 2014:415 [ref. 33460], Psomadakis et al. 2015:186 [ref. 34104], Ali et al. 2018:316 [ref. 36183], Golani & Fricke 2018:56 [ref. 36273], Eagderi et al. 2019:129 [ref. 37020], Kwik & Lim 2020:19 [ref. 38869], Poss 2022:569 [ref. 39726], Allen & Erdmann 2024:258 [ref. 40796]). Current status: Valid as Choridactylus multibarbus Richardson 1848. Synanceiidae: Choridactylinae. Distribution: Red Sea; Indo-West Pacific: Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf east to Philippines, north to Taiwan. Habitat: marine.

natalensis, Choridactylodes Gilchrist [J. D. F.] 1902:102, Pl. 5 [Marine Investigations in South Africa v. 2; ref. 1644] Off Umhlanga River mouth, South Africa, 23-26 fathoms off Cape Natal Light, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean, depth 22 fathoms. Syntypes: BMNH 1901.9.24.2 (1); SAM 11861-62 (2, 5) •Valid as Choridactylus natalensis (Gilchrist 1902) -- (Eschmeyer et al. 1979:482 [ref. 6385], Kyushin et al. 1982:273 [ref. 19754], Eschmeyer 1986:464 [ref. 5652], Mandrytsa 2001:274 [ref. 25636], Poss 2022:570 [ref. 39726]). Current status: Valid as Choridactylus natalensis (Gilchrist 1902). Synanceiidae: Choridactylinae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) north to Somalia. Habitat: marine.

striatus, Choridactylus Mandrytsa [S. A.] 1993:137 [136], Fig. 1 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 33 (no. 1); ref. 20791] Gulf of Aden, 15°17'N, 51°04'E, depth 33-26 meters. Holotype: ZIN 50133. Paratypes: ZIN 50134-35 (1, 1). On p. 136 of English translation. •Valid as Choridactylus striatus Mandrytsa 1993 -- (Mandrytsa 2001:274 [ref. 25636], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S102 [ref. 27377], Poss 2022:570 [ref. 39726]). Current status: Valid as Choridactylus striatus Mandrytsa 1993. Synanceiidae: Choridactylinae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: Somalia and Gulf of Aden (Yemen) east to southern Oman. Habitat: marine.

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