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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Species in the genus Coelophrys: [ 6 ] records

arca, Coelophrys Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:213, Pls. 24 (fig. 2), 26 (fig. 4), 27 (fig. 4) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Verde Island Passage, 13°33'15"N, 121°E, Philippines, Albatross station 5295, depth 231 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 70276. •Valid as Coelophrys arca Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209], Endo & Shinohara 1999:359 [ref. 24197], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys arca Smith & Radcliffe 1912. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

bradburyae, Coelophrys Endo [H.] & Shinohara [G.] 1999:360, Figs. 2-5 [Ichthyological Research v. 46 (no. 4); ref. 24197] Off Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan, 40°8.91'N, 142°15.42'E to 40°5.18'N, 142°13.49'E, depth 557-595 meters. Holotype (unique): NSMT-P 54045. •Valid as Coelophrys bradburyae Endo & Shinohara 1999 -- (Nakabo 2000:463 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:463 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys bradburyae Endo & Shinohara 1999. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western North Pacific. Habitat: marine.

brevicaudata, Coelophrys Brauer [A.] 1902:291 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 25 (no. 668); ref. 631] About 50 kilometers west of Leupung, Aceh Besar Regency, Nanggröe Aceh Darussalam/Aceh Territory, Indonesia, eastern Indian Ocean, 5°23'02"N, 94°48'01"E, Valdivia station 207, depth 1024 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMB 17722. •Valid as Coelophrys brevicaudata Brauer 1902 -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:279, 379 [ref. 8057], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Endo & Shinohara 1999:359 [ref. 24197], Nakabo 2000:463 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:463 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Ho & Shao 2008:292 [ref. 30133], Misawa et al. 2020:274 [ref. 38138]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys brevicaudata Brauer 1902. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

brevipes, Coelophrys Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:213, Pls. 25 (fig. 2), 26 (fig. 2), 27 (fig. 2) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Gulf of Boni, 3°32'40"S, 120°31'30"E, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Albatross station 5658, depth 510 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 70277. Paratypes: USNM 169021 (1). •Valid as Coelophrys brevipes Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547], Endo & Shinohara 1999:359 [ref. 24197], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767] as breviceps, Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys brevipes Smith & Radcliffe 1912. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

micropus, Dibranchus Alcock [A. W.] 1891:25, Pl. 7 (figs. 2a-b) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 8 (no. 43/44); ref. 87] Bay of Bengal, 15°56'50"N, 81°30'30"E, Investigator station 120, depth 240-276 fathoms. Syntypes: ZSI F13029-30 (2). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743]. Figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 20 (fig. 1) [ref. 20534] as macropus. •Valid as Halieutopsis micropus (Alcock 1891) -- (Bradbury 1967:412 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1986:372 [ref. 6291], Adam et al. 1998:10 [ref. 23610]). •Valid as Halieutopsis micropa (Alcock 1891) -- (Bradbury 1988:5 [ref. 6428], Lindberg et al. 1997:232 [ref. 23547] but as macropora, Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:463 [ref. 25086], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847] as cf. micropa, Nakabo 2002:463 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:7 [ref. 27309] as micropa, Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S99 [ref. 27377] as micropa, Shinohara et al. 2005:420 [ref. 28370], Ho & Shao 2007:90 [ref. 29011] as micropa). •Valid as Coelophrys micropus (Alcock 1891) -- (Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:279, 380 [ref. 8057], Ho & Shao 2008:292 [ref. 30133], Psomadakis et al. 2020:331 [ref. 37272]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys micropus (Alcock 1891). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: South Africa east to Philippines, north to southern Japan. Habitat: marine.

mollis, Coelophrys Smith [H. M.] & Radcliffe [L.] in Radcliffe 1912:212, Pls. 24 (fig. 1), 26 (fig. 5), 27 (fig. 5) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1896); ref. 3577] Palawan Passage, 10°57'45"N, 118°38'15"E, Philippines, Albatross station 5348, depth 375 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 70275 (poor condition). •Valid as Coelophrys mollis Smith & Radcliffe 1912 -- (Bradbury 1967:411 [ref. 23209], Endo & Shinohara 1999:359 [ref. 24197], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:2 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Valid as Coelophrys mollis Smith & Radcliffe 1912. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

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