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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Species in the genus Eirmotus: [ 4 ] records

furvus, Eirmotus Tan [H. H.] & Kottelat [M.] 2008:428, Figs. 5, 7c [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 56 (no. 2); ref. 29780] Berbak Nature Reserve, Sungai Air Hitam Dalam, 1°17'54.8"S, 104°08'30.4"E, Jambi, Sumatra. Holotype: MZB 10971. Paratypes: CMK 11906 (5), 11138 (17); MZB 10972 (2); USNM uncat. (3); ZRC 39152 (15), 50993 (17). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Eirmotus furvus Tan & Kottelat 2008 -- (Kottelat 2013:100 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Eirmotus furvus Tan & Kottelat 2008. Cyprinidae: Cyprininae. Distribution: Along coast east of Jambi, Sumatra. Habitat: freshwater.

insignis, Eirmotus Tan [H. H.] & Kottelat [M.] 2008:430, Figs. 6a-b, 7d, 8b [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 56 (no. 2); ref. 29780] Small forest streams flowing into Kapuas mainstream, within 10 kilometers upstrean from Sanggau, 0°06'07"N, 110°35'38"E, Kalimantan Barat, Borneo. Holotype: MZB 3121. Paratypes: CMK 6816 (1), 10298 (18), 11573 (4); MZB 3120 (2), 3122 (1), 3123 (1); ZRC 38786 (3). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Eirmotus insignis Tan & Kottelat 2008 -- (Kottelat 2013:100 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Eirmotus insignis Tan & Kottelat 2008. Cyprinidae: Cyprininae. Distribution: Kapuas River drainage, Kalimantan Barat, Borneo. Habitat: freshwater.

isthmus, Eirmotus Tan [H. H.] & Kottelat [M.] 2008:426, Figs. 4, 7b, 8a [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 56 (no. 2); ref. 29780] Danau Arang Arang, Muara Kompeh area, brown water lake, 1°37'32.0"S. 103°47'19.0"E, Jambi, Sumatra. Holotype: MZB 10720. Paratypes: CMK 17457 (5), MZB 10970 (5), USNM uncat. (5), ZRC 50991 (81). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Eirmotus isthmus Tan & Kottelat 2008 -- (Kottelat 2013:100 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Eirmotus isthmus Tan & Kottelat 2008. Cyprinidae: Cyprininae. Distribution: Central Jamb (Sumatra) and Mentaya drainage (Kalimantan Tengah. Borneo). Habitat: freshwater.

octozona, Eirmotus Schultz [L. P.] 1959:11, Fig. (p. 9, 36) [Tropical Fish Hobbyist v. 7 (no. 9); ref. 3971] Bung Borapet (aquarium trade), Nakorn-Sawan, Thailand [possibly in error]. Holotype: USNM 177521. Paratypes: USNM 177522 (1). Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:6 [ref. 25088]. For remarks on type locality see Hui & Kottelat 2008:423 [ref. 29780]. •Valid as Eirmotus octozona Schultz 1959 -- (Roberts 1989:38 [ref. 6439], Kottelat et al. 1993:35 [ref. 23448], Doi 1997:5 [ref. 22832], Kottelat & Widjanarti 2005:150 [ref. 28284] as aff. octozona, Tan & Kottelat 2008:423 [ref. 29780], Kottelat 2013:101 [ref. 32989], Ren et al. 2020:[6] [ref. 37805]). Current status: Valid as Eirmotus octozona Schultz 1959. Cyprinidae: Cyprininae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Thailand and Borneo. Habitat: freshwater.

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