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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Species in the genus Halieutaea: [ 20 ] records

brevicauda, Halieutea Ogilby [J. D.] 1910:138 [On some new fishes from the Queensland coast; ref. 3289] 36 miles south, 12°West from Cape Moreton, Queensland, Australia. Holotype: AMS E.2972. Correct spelling of original genus is Halieutaea. For remarks on holotype see Imamura & Hoese 2020:[9] [ref. 37793] as Halieutaea brevicauda. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea brevicauda Ogilby 1910 -- (Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Paxton et al. 2006:653 [ref. 28995], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea brevicauda Ogilby 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Australia. Habitat: marine.

coccinea, Halieutaea Alcock [A. W.] 1889:382 [8] [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 4 (no. 23); ref. 81] Andaman Sea, 7 miles southeast by south of Ross Island, Port Blair, Andaman Islands [eastern Indian Ocean], Investigator station 13, depth 265 fathoms. Holotype (unique): ZSI F11741. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148]. On p. 8 of separate. Figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 19 (fig. 1) [ref. 20534]. •Mention -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea coccinea Alcock 1889 -- (Kailola 1971:131 [ref. 39475], Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Lindberg et al. 1997:239 [ref. 23547], Adam et al. 1998:10 [ref. 23610], Fricke 1999:110 [ref. 24106], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Paxton et al. 2006:653 [ref. 28995], Fricke et al. 2009:29 [ref. 30213], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Psomadakis et al. 2020:332 [ref. 37272], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:99 [ref. 41223]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea coccinea Alcock 1889. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: South Africa, Madagascar and Réunion (Mascarenes) east to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, south to Australia. Habitat: marine.

dromedaria, Halieutaea Prokofiev [A. M.] 2019:624, Figs. 1, 2a [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 59 (no. 6); ref. 37246] Nha Trang, Vietnam, 12°40'00" - 12°37'97"N, 109°30'05" - 109°30'13"E, depth 96 - 119 meters. Holotype (unique): IOM 3595. •Valid as Halieutaea dromedaria Prokofiev 2019 -- (Prokofiev 2020:333 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea dromedaria Prokofiev 2019. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Vietnam, South China Sea. Habitat: marine.

faujas, Lophius Lacepède [B. G. E.] 1798:318, Pl. 11 (figs. 2-3) [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 1; ref. 2708] Holotype (unique): MNHN A.4542. Appeared in vernacular only, but treated as Latinized by Lindberg et al. 1997:233 [ref. 23547] as fanjan; earliest Latinization as faujas not researched. . Named for the collector Faujas. Named Lophius muricatus by Shaw 1804. Specimen is MNHN A.4542 (H. Ho email 6/12/2008). •In the synonymy of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547]). •Nomen nudum, in the synonymy of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). •In the synonymy of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133], Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

fitzsimonsi, Halieutichthys Gilchrist [J. D. F.] & Thompson [W. W.] 1916:58, Fig. [Marine Biological Report South Africa 1914-1918 (pt 3) (art. 5); ref. 5602] Algoa Bay, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): SAIAB [formerly RUSI] 607 [ex PEM]. •In Halieutaea (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea fitzsimonsi (Gilchrist & Thompson 1916) -- (Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133], Ho et al. 2010:842 [ref. 30891], Prokofiev 2019:629 [ref. 37246], Prokofiev 2020:333 [ref. 37735], Fujiwara et al. 2022:19 [ref. 39310], Ho & Anderson 2022:303 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea fitzsimonsi (Gilchrist & Thompson 1916). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) north to Tanzania, east to Madagascar; Kagoshima (southern Japan). Habitat: marine.

fumosa, Halieutaea Alcock [A. W.] 1894:119 [5] [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 63 (pt 2); ref. 90] Bay of Bengal, 13°51'12"N, 80°28'12"E, Investigator station 162, depth 145-250 fathoms. Syntypes: BMNH 1895.1.3.9 [ex ZSI F13721] (1), USNM 46757 [ex SZI F13726] (1), ZMA 102167 (1), ZSI F13716 (1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743], Menon and Rama-Rao 1970:378 [ref. 27516], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148], Nijssen et al. 1982:64 [ref. 19236]. On p. 5 of separate. Figured in Alcock 1895:Pl. 14 (fig. 2) [ref. 20532]. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea fumosa Alcock 1894 -- (Mochizuki in Masuda et al. 1984:105 [ref. 6441], Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:634 [ref. 27969] in Haliutea, Lindberg et al. 1997:235 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Nakabo 2000:464 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Youn et al. 2000:256 [ref. 25179], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:464 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:214, 542 [ref. 26218], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S99 [ref. 27377], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Paxton et al. 2006:654 [ref. 28995], Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133], Larson et al. 2013:55 [ref. 32988], Prokofiev 2019:629 [ref. 37246], Kim et al. 2020:75 [ref. 39118], Psomadakis et al. 2020:332 [ref. 37272], Prokofiev 2020:333 [ref. 37735], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:99 [ref. 41223]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea fumosa Alcock 1894. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific. Habitat: marine.

hancocki, Halieutea Regan [C. T.] 1908:251, Pl. 31 (fig. 6) [The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Second Series. Zoology v. 12 (pt 3); ref. 3634] Saya de Malha Bank, Indian Ocean, depth over 123 fathoms. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1908.3.23.282. Correct spelling of original genus is Halieutaea. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea hancocki Regan 1908 -- (Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea hancocki Regan 1908. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean. Habitat: marine.

hirsuta, Halieutea Smith [J. L. B.] 1965:40, Pl. 11 (fig. B) [Occasional Papers of the Department of Ichthyology, Rhodes University No. 4; ref. 9256] KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, western Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): SAIAB [formerly RUSI] 313. Correct spelling of original genus is Halieutaea. •Synonym of Halieutaea hancocki Regan 1908 -- (Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea hancocki Regan 1908. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

indica, Halieutaea Annandale [N.] & Jenkins [J. T.] 1910:19, Pl. 2 (fig. 4) [Memoirs of the Indian Museum v. 3 (no. 1); ref. 10427] Bay of Bengal, off Orissa coast, India. Syntypes: ZMA 112980 (1), ZSI F2207/1 (1), 4142/1 (1), 4143/1 (1), 4145/1 (1), 2205/1 (1), 2206/1 (1), 3545/1 (1), 4192/1 (1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:164 [ref. 20743], Nijssen et al. 1982:64 [ref. 19236]. Based on literature citation and specimens. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Synonym of Halieutaea coccinea Alcock 1889 -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:239 [ref. 23547]). •Valid as Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Kailola 1971:131 [ref. 39475], Krishnan & Mishra 1993:218 [ref. 24016] as Halieutea, Mishra et al. 1999:84 [ref. 25315], Nakabo 2000:466 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:466 [ref. 26001], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:299 [ref. 30133], Psomadakis et al. 2015:175 [ref. 34104], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Prokofiev 2019:629 [ref. 37246], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 30 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:333 [ref. 37272], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735], Rajeeshkumar et al. 2020:81 [ref. 38865], Owfi et al. 2021:7 [ref. 38918], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:99 [ref. 41223], Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213], Ho & Anderson 2022:303 [ref. 39712], Luo et al. 2024:9 [ref. 41630]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southern Red Sea; Indo-West Pacific: KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), East Africa, Seychelles and Madagascar east to Philippines and Papua New Guinea, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia. Habitat: marine.

liogaster, Halieutea Regan [C. T.] 1921:419 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 7 (no. 41); ref. 3672] 15-20 miles off Umvoti River, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean, depth 120-130 fathoms. Syntypes: BMNH 1921.3.1.25-27 (3). Correct spelling of genus is Halieutaea. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Synonym of Halieutaea fitzsimonsi (Gilchrist & Thompson 1916) -- (Bradbury 1986:371 [ref. 6291], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133]). •Valid as Halieutaea liogaster Regan 1921 -- (Ho & Anderson 2022:304 [ref. 39712]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea liogaster Regan 1921. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Indian Ocean: Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) north to Mozambique, east to Madagascar. Habitat: marine.

maoria, Halieutaea Powell [A. W. B.] 1937:81, Fig. 2 [Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand v. 67 (pt 1); ref. 17168] Off White Island, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, depth ?30-40 fathoms. Holotype (unique): AIM Ps.427.1 now MA 435. Misspelled maorias and maoris in Eschmeyer 1998:1013 [ref. 23416]. Trnski personal communication (12/1/2017) on type status. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea maoria Powell 1937 -- (Paulin et al. 1989:136 [ref. 24556]). •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547] as maoriae, Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Ho & Shao 2008:300 [ref. 30133]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

muricatus, Lophius Shaw [G.] 1804:382, Pl. 162 [General zoology or systematic natural history; ref. 4015] No locality. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-4542. Based on Lophie faujas of Lacepède 1798; see account of faujas. Not treated as valid after 1900. •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:299 [ref. 30133], Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

nigra, Halieutaea Alcock [A. W.] 1891:24 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) v. 8 (no. 43/44); ref. 87] Andaman Sea, 11°31'40"N, 92°46'06"E, Investigator station 115, depth 188-220 fathoms. Holotype (unique): ZSI F13027. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:165 [ref. 20743], Menon & Rama-Rao 1975:47 [ref. 22148]. Later figured in Alcock 1898:Pl. 19 (fig. 2) [ref. 20534]. •In Halieutaea -- (Bradbury 1967:413 [ref. 23209]). •Valid as Halieutaea nigra Alcock 1891 -- (Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Fricke et al. 2018:91 [ref. 35805], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea nigra Alcock 1891. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Madagascar; Andaman Sea; South China Sea. Habitat: marine.

retifera, Halieutaea Gilbert [C. H.] 1905:696, Pl. 101 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 23 (pt 2) [for 1903]; ref. 1631] Off northern coast of Maui Island, Hawaiian Islands, Albatross station 4076, depth 57-68 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 51597. Paratypes: CAS-SU 8532 (3), USNM 51684 (3). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:148 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Halieutaea retifera Gilbert 1905 -- (Bradbury 1967:412 [ref. 23209], Lindberg et al. 1997:235 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Mundy 2005:267 [ref. 28379], Randall 2007:133 [ref. 30952], Prokofiev 2020:333 [ref. 37735]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea retifera Gilbert 1905. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Hawaiian Islands, Central Pacific. Habitat: marine.

sinica, Halieutaea Tchang [T.-L.] & Chang [Y.-W.] 1964:156, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-3) [Acta Zoologica Sinica v. 16 (no. 1); ref. 3500] Swamei, Kwangtung Province, China. Holotype: ASZIB [now NZMC] 50419 {ex 56-7266}. Paratypes: ASZIB [now NZMC] (10). Type catalog: Zhang 1996:503 [ref. 24036], Ye et al. 2015:92 [ref. 33808]. •Incertae sedis in Ogcocephalidae -- (Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133], Ye et al. 2015:92 [ref. 33808], Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

spicata, Halieutea Smith [J. L. B.] 1965:39, Pl. 11 (fig. A) [Occasional Papers of the Department of Ichthyology, Rhodes University No. 4; ref. 9256] Isipingo, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, southwestern Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): SAIAB [formerly RUSI] 322. Correct spelling of original genus is Halieutaea. •Valid as Halieutaea spicata Smith 1965 -- (Bradbury 1986:372 [ref. 6291]). •Synonym of Halieutaea coccinea Alcock 1889 -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:239 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:5 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

stellatus, Astrocanthus Swainson [W.] 1839:331, Fig. 108 [The natural history and classification v. 2; ref. 4303] No locality. No types known. Based on Lac. i. pl. xi. figs. 2,3 -- which is the vernacular faujas of Lacepède 1798:Pl. 11 (figs. 2-3) [ref. 2708]. Preoccupied by Lophius stellatus Vahl 1797 when both are in Halieutaea. •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (based on placement of faujas by Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547]). •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910 -- (Golani et al. 2022:102 [ref. 39213]). 2°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea indica Annandale & Jenkins 1910. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

stellatus, Lophius Vahl [M.] 1797:214, Pl. 3 (figs. 3-4) [Skrivter af Naturhistorie-Selskabet Kiøbenhavn v. 4; ref. 17847] China. No types known. •Valid as Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Herrera 1896:73 [ref. 39336], Kailola 1971:131 [ref. 39475], Kyushin et al. 1982:312 [ref. 19754], Mochizuki in Masuda et al. 1984:105 [ref. 6441], Yamakawa in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:281, 381 [ref. 8057], Paxton et al. 1989:285 [ref. 12442], Chen et al. 1997:188 [ref. 26476] dated 1798, Cheng & Zhou 1997:498 [ref. 26385] dated 1798, Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 1999:2025 [ref. 24767], Mishra et al. 1999:84 [ref. 25315], Nakabo 2000:465 [ref. 25086], Bradbury in Randall & Lim 2000:597 [ref. 25122], Youn et al. 2000:257 [ref. 25179], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Shinohara et al. 2001:310 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:465 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:214, 542 [ref. 26218], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309], Shinohara et al. 2005:419 [ref. 28370], Paxton et al. 2006:654 [ref. 28995], Ho & Shao 2008:300 [ref. 30133], Fricke et al. 2011:368 [ref. 31242], Shinohara et al. 2011:41 [ref. 31715], Ho et al. 2013:196 [ref. 32518], Larson et al. 2013:55 [ref. 32988], Shinohara et al. 2014:243 [ref. 33330], Ho 2015:898 [ref. 34268], Motomura et al. 2017:56 [ref. 35490], Fricke et al. 2018:90 [ref. 35805], Fricke et al. 2019:73 [ref. 36673], Prokofiev 2019:627 [ref. 37246], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 30 [ref. 38321], Kim et al. 2020:75 [ref. 39118], Prokofiev 2020:334 [ref. 37735], Sonoyama et al. 2020:33 [ref. 37637]). Current status: Valid as Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: India and Bangladesh east to Philippines and New Ireland (Papua New Guinea), north to Sea of Japan (Korea and Japan), south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Habitat: marine.

vittata, Halieutaea stellata var. Weber [M.] 1913:566 [Die Fische der Siboga-Expedition; ref. 4602] Bali Sea; New Guinea; North of Sumbawa Island, Indonesia, Siboga station 15, 167, and 312; depth 95-274 meters. Syntypes: ZMA 102166 (1), 102172 (5), 112979 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:65 [ref. 19236]. •Synonym of Halieutaea stellata (Vahl 1797) -- (Lindberg et al. 1997:236 [ref. 23547], Bradbury 2003:6 [ref. 27309]). •Synonym of Halieutaea fumosa Alcock 1894 -- (Ho & Shao 2008:296 [ref. 30133]). Current status: Synonym of Halieutaea fumosa Alcock 1894. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine.

xenoderma, Halieutaea Prokofiev [A. M.] 2020:331 [Munis Entomology & Zoology v. 15 (no. 2); ref. 37735] Off eastern Australia, 32°30.7' - 32°29.1'S, 155°27.1' - 155°36.2'E, depth 0 - 500 meters. Holotype (unique): IOM 03618. •Valid as Halieutaea xenoderma Prokofiev 2020. Current status: Valid as Halieutaea xenoderma Prokofiev 2020. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Southwest Pacific. Habitat: marine.

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