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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Species in the genus Hybopsis: [ 13 ] records

amblops, Rutilus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:241 [Western Review and Miscellaneous Magazine: a monthly publ., devoted to literature and science, Lexington, KY v. 2 (no. 4); ref. 7310] Falls of the Ohio River, at Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:90 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:39 [ref. 23395]. Also in Rafinesque 1820:51 [ref. 3592]. •Valid as Notropis amblops (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:39 [ref. 23395], Bailey et al. 2004:86 [ref. 27882]). •Valid as Hybopsis amblops (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1978:90 [ref. 7042], Lee et al. 1980:181 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:137 [ref. 22186], Warren & Burr 1988:181 [ref. 13844], Robison & Buchanan 1988:183 [ref. 23393], Page & Burr 1991:160 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:49 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:175 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:345 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:90 [ref. 23376], Burr et al. 1996:169 [ref. 41506], Mettee et al. 1996:193 [ref. 25836], Fuller et al. 1999:80 [ref. 25838], Grose & Wiley 2002:1092 [ref. 26513], Nelson et al. 2004:71 [ref. 27807], Miller & Robison 2004:112 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:186 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2005:20 [ref. 28940], Page & Burr 2011:296 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:71 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:314 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:71 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Hybopsis amblops (Rafinesque 1820). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Distribution: Eastern North America: eastern U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

amnis, Notropis Hubbs [C. L.] & Greene [C. W.] in Hubbs 1951:2, 14, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-2) [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 530; ref. 10773] A channel of Mississippi River, 1 mile north of the Prairie du Chien, Crawford County, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 75435. Paratypes: MCZ 36079 (3); UMMZ 72002 (1), 72004 (2), 76634 (3), 76797 (2), 77705 (8), 77959 (1), 78186 (30), 78222 (16), 78246 (68), 78279 (11), 78312 (11), 78361 (8), 100918 (2), 100949 (4), 117559 (2); USNM 69335 (1), 93514 (7), 93517 (20), 117559 (2). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:25 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:40 [ref. 23395]. •Valid as Notropis amnis Hubbs & Greene 1951 -- (Gilbert 1978:25 [ref. 7042], Lee et al. 1980:224 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:197 [ref. 23393], Warren & Burr 1988 [ref. 13844], Lyons et al. 2000:25 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:188 [ref. 25978]). •Valid as Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs & Greene 1951) -- (Page & Burr 1991:161 [ref. 18983], Etnier & Starnes 1993:176 [ref. 22809], Gilbert 1998:40 [ref. 23395], Grose & Wiley 2002:1092 [ref. 26513], Nelson et al. 2004:71 [ref. 27807], Miller & Robison 2004:114 [ref. 27931], Scharpf 2005:20 [ref. 28940], Page et al. 2013:71 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:71 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs & Greene 1951). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Distribution: Eastern North America: eastern U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

gracilis, Hybopsis Agassiz [L.] 1854:358 [20] [American Journal of Science and Arts (Series 2) v. 17; ref. 69] Tennessee River at Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:90-91 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:86-87 [ref. 23395]. On p. 20 of separate. •Synonym of Hybopsis amblops (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1978:91 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:86-87 [ref. 23395], Boschung & Mayden 2004:186 [ref. 27995]). Current status: Synonym of Hybopsis amblops (Rafinesque 1820). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater.

hyalinus, Ceratichthys Cope [E. D.] 1868:226 [Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Second series. v. 6 (pt 3) (art. 5); ref. 909] Tributary of Holston River, southwestern Virginia, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 14995. Paralectotypes: ANSP 1925-95 (71 or 70), 2135-40 (6), 2141 (1); BMNH 1868.1.10.19 [from Cope] (1 or 3); USNM 118112 [ex ANSP 1996-2000] (5). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:91 [ref. 7042], Böhlke 1984:79 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:93 [ref. 23395]. Appeared first as above, then as Cope 1868:226, Pl. [23] 27 (fig. 1) [ref. 909]. Lectotype established in Jordan & Evermann 1896:321 [ref. 2443] and designated by Gilbert 1998:93 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Notropis amblops (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:93 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Hybopsis amblops (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1978:91 [ref. 7042], Smith 1986:138 [ref. 22186]). Current status: Synonym of Hybopsis amblops (Rafinesque 1820). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater.

hypsinotus, Ceratichthys Cope [E. D.] 1870:458 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Tributary of Yadkin River, Roane [= Rowan] County, North Carolina, U.S.A. Lectotype: ANSP 2005. Paralectotypes: ANSP 2003-04 (2), 2006-21 (16), 2022 (1), 2023 (1), 2033-35 (4?: 1 whole specimen, 2 heads, 3 bodies without heads); USNM 118113 [ex ANSP 2024-2026] (3 or 2). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:91 [ref. 7042], Böhlke 1984:79 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:94 [ref. 23395]. Lectotype selected by Jenkins and Lachner in Gilbert 1978:91 [ref. 7042]. •Valid as Notropis hypsinotus (Cope 1870) -- (Gilbert 1998:94 [ref. 23395]). •Valid as Hybopsis hypsinotus (Cope 1870) -- (Gilbert 1978:91 [ref. 7042], Lee et al. 1980:187 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:163 [ref. 18983], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:347 [ref. 21581], Grose & Wiley 2002:1092 [ref. 26513], Nelson et al. 2004:71 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2005:21 [ref. 28940], Page & Burr 2011:299 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:71 [ref. 32708], Stout et al. 2022:7 [ref. 39738], Page et al. 2023:71 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Hybopsis hypsinotus (Cope 1870). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Virginia, North and South Carolina (southeastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

lineapunctata, Hybopsis Clemmer [G. H.] & Suttkus [R. D.] 1971:22, Figs. 1-2 [Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany v. 17 (no. 2); ref. 7560] Enitachope Creek, tributary to Hillabee Creek, 2.9 miles southwest of Ashland, on St. Rte 9, Clay County, Alabama, U.S.A. Holotype: TU 53405. Paratypes: CUMV 51708 (6); TU 12085 (8), 15281 (156), 29884 (1), 32729 (8), 40643 (46), 40668 (12), 41118 (28), 41132 (1); UMMZ 168670 (3), 168762 (5), 168767 (1), 175795 (42), 177751 (19); numerous others at UAIC. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:91-92 [ref. 7042], Bart & Taylor 1993:33 [ref. 20906], Gilbert 1998:103-104 [ref. 23395], Gilbert 2009:159 [ref. 30728]. •Valid as Notropis lineapunctata (Clemmer & Suttkus 1971) -- (Gilbert 1998:103-104 [ref. 23395]). •Valid as Hybopsis lineapunctata Clemmer & Suttkus 1971 -- (Gilbert 1978:92 [ref. 7042], Lee et al. 1980:190 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:161 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:49 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:177 [ref. 22809], Mettee et al. 1996:195 [ref. 25836], Grose & Wiley 2002:1092 [ref. 26513], Nelson et al. 2004:71 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:187 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2005:21 [ref. 28940], Page & Burr 2011:298 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:72 [ref. 32708], Stout et al. 2022:7 [ref. 39738], Bagley et al. 2023:314 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:71 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Hybopsis lineapunctata Clemmer & Suttkus 1971. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Distribution: Eastern North America: Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama (eastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

montanus, Hybopsis Meek [S. E.] 1885:526 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 7 (no. 461); ref. 14455] Upper Missouri River basin, U.S.A. [incorrect locality]. Syntypes: USNM 36882 (3) but may involve specimen switch. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:62 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:116 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Notropis dorsalis (Agassiz 1854) -- (Gilbert 1978:62 [ref. 7042]). •Synonym of Notropis dorsalis (Agassiz 1854) or of Macrhybopsis hyostoma (Gilbert 1884) -- (Gilbert 1998:116 [ref. 23395]). •Hybopsis montanus remains a mystery -- (Gilbert et al. 2017:509 [ref. 35222]). Current status: Uncertain as Hybopsis montanus Meek 1885. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater.

nocomis, Notropis Evermann [B. W.] 1892:78 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 11(art. 2) (for 1891); ref. 12391] Trinity River, 10 miles southwest of Palestine, Anderson County, Texas, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 45556. Paralectotypes: CAS 13517 [ex IU 9041] (4); CAS-SU 21146 (24); USNM 36514 (9), 58792 (?), 93516 (55), 125175 [ex USBF 94] (21). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:35 [ref. 12291], Gilbert 1978:64 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:121 [ref. 23395]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Notropis nocomis Jordan & Gilbert 1886, replaced by Notropis amnis Hubbs & Greene 1951. Lectotype established (as figured specimen) by Evermann & Kendall 1894: Pl. 17 [ref. 12392]. •Synonym of Notropis amnis Hubbs & Greene 1951 -- (Gilbert 1978:65 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:121 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs & Greene 1951) -- (authors). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs & Greene 1951). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater.

phenacobius, Notropis Forbes [S. A.] 1885:137 [Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History v. 2 (art. 2); ref. 1344] Illinois River at Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, U.S.A. Syntypes: (10) INHS (lost), ?FMNH 9502 (6). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:69-70 [ref. 7042], Sabaj et al. 1997:287-288 [ref. 23225], Gilbert 1998:132 [ref. 23395]. The name Notropis amnis Hubbs and Greene 1951 probably should be conserved. •Probably a senior synonym of Notropis amnis Hubbs & Greene 1951 -- (Gilbert 1978:70 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:132 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs & Greene 1951) -- (authors). Current status: Synonym of Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs & Greene 1951). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater.

pinnosa, Notropis amnis Hubbs [C. L.] & Bonham [K.] in Hubbs 1951:12, 17, Pl. 1 (figs. 3-5) [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 530; ref. 10773] Trinity River at Magnolia Point, 10 miles southwest of Palestine, Anderson County, Texas, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 45556. Paratypes: UMMZ 160277 (7); USNM 36475 (1), 69335 (1), 93514 (7), 93517 (20); others were said to be present at the Univ. of Texas and Texas A & M; more at UMMZ. Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:71 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:132-133 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Notropis amnis Hubbs & Greene 1951 -- (Gilbert 1978:71 [ref. 7042], Lee et al. 1980:224 [ref. 22416]). •Synonym of Notropis amnis Hubbs & Greene 1951, but a valid subspecies as described -- (Robison & Buchanan 1988:183 [ref. 23393], Gilbert 1998:133 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs & Greene 1951) -- (authors). Current status: Synonym of Hybopsis amnis (Hubbs & Greene 1951). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater.

rubescens, Notropis Bailey [R. M.] in Robins et al. 1991:77 [American Fisheries Society, Special Publication No. 20; ref. 14237] South Fork of Ocmulgee River at Flat Rock, DeKalb County, Georgia, U.S.A. Syntypes: MCZ 24381 [ex USNM 17863] (1); USNM 17863 (orig. 8, now 7), 20146 (orig. 2, now 1), 329267 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:143 [ref. 23395]. Replacement name for Nocomis rubrifrons Jordan 1877, secondarily preoccupied in Notropis by Alburnus rubrifrons Cope 1865. Replacement name no longer recognized as valid. •Valid as Notropis rubescens Bailey 1991 -- (Gilbert 1998:143 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Hybopsis rubrifrons (Jordan 1877) -- (see Nelson et al. 2004:199 [ref. 27807]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Hybopsis rubrifrons (Jordan 1877). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Habitat: freshwater.

rubrifrons, Nocomis Jordan [D. S.] 1877:330 [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 11 (nos 11-12) (art. 29); ref. 2373] South Fork of Ocmulgee River at Flat Rock, DeKalb County, Georgia, U.S.A. Syntypes: BMNH 1880.1.21.9 [ex Jordan] (1); MCZ 24381 [ex USNM 17863] (1); USNM 17863 (orig. 8, now 7), 20146 (orig. 2, now 1), 329267 [ex Butler Univ. 70] (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:92 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:144 [ref. 23395]. Subjectively invalid; secondarily preoccupied in Notropis by Alburnus rubrifrons Cope 1865, replaced by Notropis rubescens Bailey 1991. Now treated as valid. •Synonym of Notropis rubescens Bailey 1991 -- (Gilbert 1998:143, 144 [ref. 23395]). •Valid as Hybopsis rubrifrons (Jordan 1877) -- (Gilbert 1978:92 [ref. 7042], Lee et al. 1980:193 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:161 [ref. 18983], Grose & Wiley 2002:1092 [ref. 26513], Nelson et al. 2004:71 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2005:21 [ref. 28940], Page et al. 2013:72 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:71 [ref. 40505]). 2°Homonym. Current status: Valid as Hybopsis rubrifrons (Jordan 1877). Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Distribution: Southeastern U.S.A.: North and South Carolina and Georgia. Habitat: freshwater.

winchelli, Hybopsis Girard [C. F.] 1856:211 [47] [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 8; ref. 1810] Black Warrior River at Selma [but may be near Eutaw, Green County], Dallas County, Alabama, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 2 (orig. 2, now 0, 1 pair of pharyngeal arches as #2623). Type catalog: Gilbert 1978:92 [ref. 7042], Gilbert 1998:165 [ref. 23395]. On p. 47 of separate. •Valid as Notropis winchelli (Girard 1856) -- (Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Gilbert 1998:165 [ref. 23395], Ross et al. 2001:226 [ref. 25978]). •Valid as Hybopsis winchelli Girard 1856 -- (Lee et al. 1980:195 [ref. 22416], Gilbert 1978:92 [ref. 7042], Page & Burr 1991:162 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:50 [ref. 23239], Mettee et al. 1996:197 [ref. 25836], Grose & Wiley 2002:1092 [ref. 26513], Nelson et al. 2004:71 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:188 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2005:21 [ref. 28940], Page & Burr 2011:298 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:72 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:90 [ref. 35886], Stout et al. 2022:7 [ref. 39738], Bagley et al. 2023:314 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:71 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Hybopsis winchelli Girard 1856. Leuciscidae: Pogonichthyinae. Distribution: Eastern North America: southeastern U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

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