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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Labeo: [ 213 ] records abramioides, Cyprinus Sykes [W. H.] 1839:158 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1838 (pt 6) (for 27 Nov. 1838); ref. 18720] Deccan, India. No types known. Appeared first as above, then in Sykes 1839:55 [ref. 4306]; more complete treatment in Sykes 1841:353, Pl. 61 (fig. 2) [ref. 18868]. •Synonym of Catla catla (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:119 [ref. 24904], Bănărescu in Bănărescu & Paepke 2002:183 [ref. 25856]). •Synonym of Gibelion catla (Hamilton 1822). •Synonym of Labeo catla (Hamilton 1822). Current status: Synonym of Labeo catla (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. acra, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:284, 386 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Sunkos River, northeastern Bengal, India. No types known. Subjective synonym of Cyprinus baja Hamilton 1822; first revisor Day 1877:542 gave precedence to bata. •Synonym of Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:126 [ref. 24904], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. affinis, Cirrhinus Jerdon [T. C.] 1849:303 [Madras Journal of Literature and Science v. 15 (pt 2); ref. 4902] Cavery River at Seringapatam, southern India. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. •Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:83 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989] with question). Current status: Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. alluaudi, Labeo Pellegrin [J.] 1933:105, Fig. [Archiv für Hydrobiologie v. 26; ref. 3413] Danané, Cercle de Man, Ivory Coast. Lectotype: MNHN 1932-0298. Paralectotypes: NMBA 4462 (now 1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:20 [ref. 19574], Kottelat & Sutter 1988:53 [ref. 13796]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:258 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo alluaudi Pellegrin 1933 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:305 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:258 [ref. 19189], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:294 [ref. 21589], Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477], Stiassny 1991:8 [ref. 19336], Pezold et al. 2016:105 [ref. 34870]). Current status: Valid as Labeo alluaudi Pellegrin 1933. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa: Ivory Coast and Liberia. Habitat: freshwater. alticentralis, Labeo Tshibwabwa [S. M.] 1997:388, Pl. 3 (3) [Systématique des espèces Africaines du genre Labeo (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) v. 2; ref. 24617] Stanleyville [Kisangani], 0°03'N, 25°11'E, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: MRAC 2475-2476. Paratypes: MRAC 89-43-P-2174-2176 (1). •Valid as Labeo alticentralis Tshibwabwa 1997. Current status: Valid as Labeo alticentralis Tshibwabwa 1997. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. altivelis, Labeo Peters [W. (C. H.)] 1852:683 [Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1852; ref. 18539] Mozambique. Lectotype: ZMB 3284. Paralectotypes: NMW 16097 (1), ZMB 3283 (1), 3285 (1), 3286 (1). Also in Peters 1868:43, Pl. 8 [ref. 3440]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:87 [ref. 19189]. See also van Steenberge et al. 2016:6 [ref. 34374]. •Valid as Labeo altivelis Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:305 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:87 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:180 [ref. 24071], Tshibwabwa 1997:201 [ref. 24616], Skelton 2001:180 [ref. 27406], Marshall 2011:108 [ref. 31755], van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374], Van Steenberge et al. 2016:[9] 272 [ref. 35045], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283], Bigirimana et al. 2024:33 [ref. 41336]). Current status: Valid as Labeo altivelis Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: East Africa: Burundi to Mozambique. Habitat: freshwater. angra, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:331, 391 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Brahmaputra River, India. No types known. Hamilton's original, unpublished illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 200 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Labeo angra (Hamilton 1822) -- (Shrestha 1978:35 [ref. 15970], Coad 1981:11 [ref. 22348], Ataur Rahman 1989:117 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:198 [ref. 20764], Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Menon 1999:125 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:30 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Mirza 2003:6 [ref. 27265], Ataur Rahman 2003:134 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:67 [ref. 29923], Ahmed et al. 2013:285 [ref. 32872], Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989], Bleher 2018:574 [ref. 36647], Tudu et al. 2022:43 [ref. 40484], Çiçek et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40326]) Current status: Valid as Labeo angra (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Kabul, Ganges and Brahmaputra River basins (Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar). Habitat: freshwater. anisurus, Gobio McClelland [J.] 1839:278, 360, Pl. 40 (fig. 2) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Higher parts of Brahmaputra, India. No types known. •Synonym of Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. annectens, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1903:23, Pl. 2 (fig. 1) [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1903, v. 1 (pt 1) (art. 3); ref. 570] Near Efulen [Efoulen], Camopo River trib to Kribi River, southern Cameroon. Lectotype: BMNH 1902.11.12.137. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1902.11.12.138 (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:243 [ref. 19189]. •Questionably a synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:240 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo annectens Boulenger 1903 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:305 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:114 [ref. 24616], Tshibwabwa 1997:417 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], De Weirdt et al. 2007:553 [ref. 30024], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564], Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[8] 707 [ref. 38315], Fermon et al. 2022:134 [ref. 39448], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441]). Current status: Valid as Labeo annectens Boulenger 1903. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: southern Ca,eroon south to Angola, including Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater. ansorgii, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1907:108 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 20 (no. 116) (art. 19); ref. 15136] Shallow swamps at Dongwenna [Dongoena], Cunene [Kunene] River, Mossamedes District, southern Angola. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1907.6.29.210. Non-types: ZMB 18210. •Valid as Labeo ansorgii Boulenger 1907 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:306 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:209 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:186 [ref. 24071], Skelton 2001:186 [ref. 27406], Kramer et al. 2016:unnumbered p. [ref. 34331], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564]). Current status: Valid as Labeo ansorgii Boulenger 1907. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southwestern Africa: Angola and Namibia. Habitat: freshwater. baldasseronii, Labeo Di Caporiacco [L.] 1948:195 [Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia Yr. 23 [v. 2, N.S.]; ref. 721] Macequece [Vila de Manica], Mozambique, southeastern Africa. Lectotype: MZUF 5496. Paralectotypes: MZUF 5497-5504 (8). Type catalog: Vanni 1991:221 [ref. 20099] with lectotype and paralectotypes. •Valid as Labeo baldasseronii Di Caporiacco 1948 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:306 [ref. 6186]). Current status: Valid as Labeo baldasseronii Di Caporiacco 1948. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Mozambique. Habitat: freshwater. barbatula, Rohita Sauvage [H.-E.] 1878:239 [7] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 2; ref. 3879] Mekong upstream of Phnom-Penh. [Phnokm-Penh], Cambodia. Holotype: MNHN 0000-9641. Non-types: MNHN A-2400 (1) Laos, 4452 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:18 [ref. 19574] with holotype and paratypes. •Valid as Labeo barbatulus (Sauvage 1878) -- (Kottelat 2001:57 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Kottelat 1984:806 [ref. 11440], Karnasuta 1993: [ref. 20700], Taki et al. 2021:171 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. barbatus, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:36, Pl. 19 (fig. 2) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 2); ref. 4864] Boma, Lower Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, 5°50'S, 13°03'E [5°06'S, 23°13'E]. Lectotype: BMNH 1898.12.28.7. Paralectotypes: MRAC 37 (1) Matadi, 59 (1) Matadi, 93 (1) Manyanga. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:174 [ref. 19189]. Type and locality information: Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1559 [ref. 27895]. •Valid as Labeo barbatus Boulenger 1898 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:306 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:172 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa 1997:353 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374]). Current status: Valid as Labeo barbatus Boulenger 1898. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater. bata, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:283, 386 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Rivers and ponds of Bengal, India. No types known. Tracing of unpublished drawing in Günther 1872:765. Hamilton's original, unpublished illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 165 [ref. 37532]. •Possibly in the genus Bangana Hamilton 1822 -- (Kottelat 2017:494 [ref. 35262]). •Valid as Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822) -- (Ataur Rahman 1989:119 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:199 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:506 [ref. 23778], Manimekalan 1998:434 [ref. 24989], Menon 1999:126 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:323 [ref. 25220], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:100 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Selim & Vishwanath 2001:292 [ref. 25885], Mirza 2003:7 [ref. 27265], Ataur Rahman 2003:137 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:68 [ref. 29923], Conway et al. 2011:1755 [ref. 31594], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989], Bleher 2018:576 [ref. 36647], Kosygin et al. 2022:651 [ref. 40736], Tudu et al. 2022:43 [ref. 40484]). Current status: Valid as Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. batesii, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1911:372 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 8 (no. 45); ref. 14783] Kribi River, southern Cameroon [French Equatorial Africa], about 2°56'N, 9°56'E. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1912.6.23.3. •Valid as Labeo batesii Boulenger 1911 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:306 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:134 [ref. 19189], De Weirdt et al. 2007:555 [ref. 30024], Skelton 2019:227 [ref. 36564], Fermon et al. 2022:135 [ref. 39448]). Current status: Valid as Labeo batesii Boulenger 1911. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: southern Cameroon and Gabon. Habitat: freshwater. belangeri, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:255 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Bengal. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3868 (5, poor condition). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:15 [ref. 19574]. Unneeded new name for Cirrhine micropogon Valenciennes 1834. •Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:83 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. bicolor, Gobio McClelland [J.] 1839:278, 360, Pl. 40 (fig. 1) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Northern Assam, India. No types known. •Synonym of Labeo pangusia (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:135 [ref. 24904]). •Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839) -- (Coad 1981:11 [ref. 22348], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:49 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989] with question). Current status: Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. bobree, Varicorhinus Sykes [W. H.] 1839:159 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1838 (pt 6) (for 27 Nov. 1838); ref. 18720] Deccan, India. No types known. Appeared first as above, then in Sykes 1839:56 [ref. 4306]; more complete treatment in Sykes 1841:355, Pl. 61 (fig. 3) [ref. 18868]. •Synonym of Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch 1795) -- (Menon 1999:133 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:78 [ref. 25342]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch 1795). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. boga, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:286, 386, Pl. 28 (fig. 80) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Goyalpara, Brahmaputra River, India. No types known. Information on type locality see Britz 2019:44 [ref. 37532]. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 168 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Labeo boga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Shrestha 1978:35 [ref. 15970], Ataur Rahman 1989:120 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:200 [ref. 20764], Indra 1994:413 [ref. 24015], Sen 1995:506 [ref. 23778], Menon 1999:127 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:323 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2000:355 [ref. 25207], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:109 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Mirza 2003:7 [ref. 27265], Ataur Rahman 2003:138 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:68 [ref. 29923], Conway et al. 2011:1755 [ref. 31594], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989], Arunkumar & Manimekalan 2018:1739 [ref. 36172], Suresh et al. 2018:99 [ref. 36495], Bleher 2018:578 [ref. 36647], Ciccotto & Page 2020:499 [ref. 37710], Kosygin et al. 2022:651 [ref. 40736], Chen et al. 2024:84 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Labeo boga (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. boggut, Chondrostoma Sykes [W. H.] 1839:160 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1838 (pt 6) (for 27 Nov. 1838); ref. 18720] Deccan, India. No types known. Appeared first as above, then in Sykes 1839:57 [ref. 4306]; more complete treatment in Sykes 1841:359 [ref. 18868]. •Possibly in the genus Bangana Hamilton 1822 -- (Kottelat 2017:494 [ref. 35262]). •Valid as Labeo boggut (Sykes 1839) -- (Ataur Rahman 1989:116 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:201 [ref. 20764], Singh & Yazdani 1993:199 [ref. 24022], Menon 1999:128 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:323 [ref. 25220], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:16 [ref. 25342], Mirza 2003:7 [ref. 27265], Yadav 2003:10 [ref. 27711] as Labes boggut, Ataur Rahman 2003:133 [ref. 31338], Ahmed et al. 2013:285 [ref. 32872], Lal et al. 2016:19 [ref. 34149], Arunkumar & Manimekalan 2018:1739 [ref. 36172], Bleher 2018:577 [ref. 36647], Kosygin et al. 2022:651 [ref. 40736]). Current status: Valid as Labeo boggut (Sykes 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Habitat: freshwater. bottegi, Labeo Vinciguerra [D.] 1897:358 [16] [Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Serie 2) v. 17; ref. 14639] Ganala [Gonala] River at Lugh Ferrandi, tributary of Juba River, Somalia. Lectotype: MSNG 17537:1. Paralectotypes: (many) MSNG 17357:2-5 (4). Type catalog: Tortonese 1961:186 [ref. 10343]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:190 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:306 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:189 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Valid as Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Eastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. boulengeri, Labeo Vinciguerra [D.] 1912:299 [7] [Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Serie 3). v. 45; ref. 14989] Berber River, tributary to the Ueb River, Somalia. Holotype (unique): MSNG 17363 [ex MSNG 2068] (dry, poor condition). Type catalog: Tortonese 1961:186 [ref. 10343]. On p. 7 of separate. •Valid as Labeo boulengeri Vinciguerra 1912 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:307 [ref. 6186]). •Questionably a synonym of Labeo mesops Günther 1868 -- (Reid 1985:77 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Valid as Labeo boulengeri Vinciguerra 1912. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Ueb River drainage, Somalia. Habitat: freshwater. brachypoma, Labeo Günther [A.] 1868:50 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] Lagos, Nigeria. Lectotype: BMNH 1866.3.8.13. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1866.3.8.14-17 (4). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:162 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo brachypoma Günther 1868 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:307 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:162 [ref. 19189], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:296 [ref. 21589]). •Mention -- (Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477]). Current status: Valid as Labeo brachypoma Günther 1868. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. brevicauda, Labeo niloticus Holly [M.] 1928:184, Fig. 1 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 79; ref. 15855] Shari [Chari] River at Fort Archambault [Sarh] [9°08'N, 18°22'E], Chad. Holotype (unique): NMW 13763. Type catalog: Bogutskaya et al. 2022:27 [ref. 39277]. •Synonym of Labeo senegalensis Valenciennes 1842 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:320 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:73 [ref. 19189], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:292 [ref. 21589], Lévèque et al. 1991:142 [ref. 31367]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo senegalensis Valenciennes 1842. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. breviceps, Cirrhina Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:293 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Bantam River, Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): RMNH (lost). Original genus should have been Cirrhinus. •Status uncertain -- (Roberts 1993:46 [ref. 21799]). •Questionably a synonym of Labeo erythropterus Valencienne 1842 -- (Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. brichardi, Labeo Poll [M.] 1959:87, Pl. 23 (fig. 1) [Annales du Musée du Congo Belge v. 71 (art. 3); ref. 3522] Rapids at Kinsuka, near Kinshasa [Leopoldville], Democratic Republic of Congo, 4°18'S, 15°18'E. Holotype: MRAC 118296. Paratypes: (39) MRAC 78126 (1), 87974-75 (2), 96261-62 [?= 98148-56] (2), 103863-64 (2), 118631-32 (1, 1), 118934-53 (20). Type catalog: Derijst 1991:48 [ref. 21528]. •Valid as Labeo brichardi Poll 1959 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:307 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo macrostoma Boulenger 1898 -- (Reid 1985:128 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1561 [ref. 27895]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo macrostoma Boulenger 1898. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. brunellii, Labeo Parenzan [P.] 1939:149, Figs. 3-4 [Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia v. 15 (no. 2); ref. 13590] Lake Regina Margherita [Lake Ganjule or Gardula], southern Ethiopia. Syntypes: ?Lab. Centrale Idrobiol. Rome (2). •Valid as Labeo brunellii Parenzan 1939 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:307 [ref. 6186]). •Questionably a synonym of Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897 -- (Reid 1985:189 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Uncertain as Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. buchanani, Catla Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1844:411, Pl. 515 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 17; ref. 1010] Calcutta, India; Ganges. Valenciennes types: MNHN 0000-2747 (2), 0000-3850 (1), 0000-5414 (2). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:12 [ref. 19574], but if regarded as a replacement name then the Bertin & Estève specimens are not types. Unneeded new name for Cyprinus catla Hamilton 1822. •Synonym of Catla catla (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:163 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:119 [ref. 24904], Bănărescu in Bănărescue & Paepke 2002:183 [ref. 25856], Ataur Rahman 2003:157 [ref. 31338]). •Synonym of Gibelion catala (Hamilton 1822) -- (Mirza 2003:6 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2013:107 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Labeo catla (Hamilton 1822). Current status: Synonym of Labeo catla (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. buchanani, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:251 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Gangetic and Ava provinces, India. No types known. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:15 [ref. 19574] but these were not types (MNHN 0013 (3)). Unnecessary replacement of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1922). •Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:138 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:91 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. caeruleus, Labeo Day [F.] 1877:540, Pl. 129 (fig. 3) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] River at base of Sind Hills, Pakistan. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:155 [ref. 23762]. Spelled coeruleus by authors. •Valid as Labeo caeruleus Day 1877 -- (Shrestha 1978:35 [ref. 15970], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:202 [ref. 20764], Rafique 2000:323 [ref. 25220], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:121 [ref. 25342], Mirza 2003:7 [ref. 27265], Shrestha 2008:69 [ref. 29923]). Current status: Valid as Labeo caeruleus Day 1877. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Habitat: freshwater. cafer, Labeo Castelnau [F. L.] 1861:60 [Mémoire sur les poissons de l'Afrique australe; ref. 767] River crossing the Cat-River-Settlement, a branch of Great Fish River, northwestern Cafrerie, Cape Province, South Africa. •Synonym of Labeo umbratus (Smith 1841) -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo umbratus (Smith 1841). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. calbasu, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:297, 387, Pl. 2 (fig. 33) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal and western provinces, India. No types known. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 175 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Morulius calbasu (Hamilton 1822) -- (Rainboth 1996:115 [ref. 22772]). •Valid as Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) -- (Shrestha 1978:35 [ref. 15970], Ataur Rahman 1989:115 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:203 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:507 [ref. 23778], Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Rema Devi & Raghunathan 1999:151 [ref. 24759], Rema Devi & Raghunathan 1999:168 [ref. 24760], Menon 1999:129 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:323 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2000:355 [ref. 25207], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:83 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Yadav 2000:40 [ref. 25661], Raju Thomas et al. 2002:49 [ref. 26359], Rafique et al. 2003:97 [ref. 27173], Mirza 2003:7 [ref. 27265], Yadav 2003:10 [ref. 27711], Ataur Rahman 2003:132 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:69 [ref. 29923], Ahmed et al. 2013:286 [ref. 32872], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:210 [ref. 34477], Plamoottil & Zupančič 2017:305 [ref. 35479], Arunkumar & Manimekalan 2018:1739 [ref. 36172], Bleher 2018:580 [ref. 36647], Kosygin et al. 2022:652 [ref. 40736], Tudu et al. 2022:43 [ref. 40484], Gupta et al. 2024:101 [ref. 41453] as Lebeo calbasu, Chen et al. 2024:85 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and ? China. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. camerunensis, Labeo Trewavas [E.] 1974:340, Pl. 3 [Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 26 (no. 5); ref. 7546] Mungo River at bridge near Etam, western Cameroon. Holotype: BMNH 1973.5.14.324. Paratypes: BMNH 1973.5.14.322-323 (2, 1 c&s), 1973.5.14.325-326 (2). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:243 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo batesii Boulenger 1911 -- (Reid 1985:134 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo camerunensis Trewavas 1974 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:305 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:124 [ref. 24616], De Weirdt et al. 2007:557 [ref. 30024], Fermon et al. 2022:135 [ref. 39448]). Current status: Valid as Labeo camerunensis Trewavas 1974. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: southern Cameroon and Gabon. Habitat: freshwater. cantini, Tylognathus Sauvage [H.-E.] 1882:175 [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 6; ref. 3894] Ethiopia. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-1789. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:19 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:310 [ref. 6186], Seegers 1996:150 [ref. 23725], Tshibwabwa 1997:451 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. capensis, Abrostomus Smith [A.] 1841:no pagination, Pl. 12 (fig. 2) [Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa v. 4; ref. 4035] Vredefort Road, Orange River Colony, 22°07'S, 22°07'E, South Africa. Neotype: BMNH 1902.12.11.11. Neotype designated by Reid 1985:113 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo capensis (Smith 1841) -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:307 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:112 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:178 [ref. 24071], Hay et al. 1999:42 [ref. 40428], Skelton 2001:178 [ref. 27406]). Current status: Valid as Labeo capensis (Smith 1841). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. carnigliae, Labeo Zolezzi [G.] 1939:170, Fig. 2 [Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia v. 15 (no. 2); ref. 17251] Juba River system, Somalia. Holotype (unique): ? Lab. Centrale Idrobiol. Rome. •Valid as Labeo carnigliae Zolezzi 1939 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:308 [ref. 6186]). •Questionably a synonym of Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897 -- (Reid 1985:189 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Uncertain as Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Somalia [if valid]. Habitat: freshwater. catla, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:287, 387, Pl. 13 (fig. 81) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Rivers and tanks of Bengal. No types known. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 169 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Catla catla (Hamilton 1822) -- (Shrestha 1978:35 [ref. 15970], Ataur Rahman 1989:138 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:163 [ref. 20764], Pethiyagoda 1991:58 [ref. 20075], Indra 1991:236 [ref. 24005], Sen 1995:501 [ref. 23778], Coad 1996:84 [ref. 25304], Banik & Choudhury 1996:579 [ref. 24736], Rema Devi & Raghunathan 1999:150 [ref. 24759], Rema Devi & Raghunathan 1999:168 [ref. 24760], Rema Devi et al. 1999:155 [ref. 24758], Menon 1999:119 [ref. 24904], Raju Thomas et al. 2000:444 [ref. 25319], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Bănărescu in Bănărescue & Paepke 2002:183 [ref. 25856], Raju Thomas et al. 2002:49 [ref. 26359], Yadav 2003:9 [ref. 27711], Ataur Rahman 2003:157 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:57 [ref. 29923], Gurung et al. 2013:4882 [ref. 32969], Khalaf 2013:4 [ref. 37897]). •Valid as Gibelion catla (Hamilton 1822) -- (Rafique 2000:323 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:6 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2013:107 [ref. 32989], Suresh et al. 2018:94 [ref. 36495], Bleher 2018:538 [ref. 36647], Taki et al. 2021:111 [ref. 39830]). •Valid as Labeo catla (Hamilton 1822) -- (Yang et al. 2012:369 [ref. 33458], Kosygin et al. 2022:652 [ref. 40736], Tudu et al. 2022:43 [ref. 40484], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455], Gupta et al. 2024:101 [ref. 41453], Chen et al. 2024:87 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Labeo catla (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Nepal, Bhutan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Pakistan. Introduced elsewere. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. chalybeata, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:271 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Rangoon, Myanmar. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3867. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:16 [ref. 19574]. •Mention under Labeo dero (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:204 [ref. 20764]). •Synonym of Labeo curchias (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:133 [ref. 24904], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989] with question). Current status: Synonym of Labeo curchius (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. chariensis, Labeo Pellegrin [J.] 1904:311 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 1) v. 10 (no. 6); ref. 15195] Fort Archambault [Sarh], Chari River, Chad. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1904-0092. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:19 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo lukulae Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:260 [ref. 19189], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367]). •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:317 [ref. 6186], Lévêque et al. 1989:117 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21589]). •Mention -- (Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477]). •Valid as Labeo chariensis Pellegrin 1904 -- (Tshibwabwa 1997:392 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283] as cf. chariensis, Fermon et al. 2022:135 [ref. 39448] with question). Current status: Valid as Labeo chariensis Pellegrin 1904. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Congo River basin and Loango River. Habitat: freshwater. cheveyi, Labeo Fowler [H. W.] 1937:205, Figs. 173-174 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 89; ref. 1425] Me Poon [Maepoon] River, Chiengmai, Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 68184. Paratypes: ANSP 68185-89 (5). Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:7 [ref. 25088], Böhlke 1984:72 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842 -- (Rainboth 1996:112 [ref. 22772]). •Synonym of Labeo pierrei (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kottelat 2001:58 [ref. 25780]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo pierrei (Sauvage 1880). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. chrysophekadion, Rohita Bleeker [P.] 1849:20 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 23 (no. 12); ref. 16883] Kalimas River, Surabaya, Java, Indonesia. Lectotype: RMNH 6994. Paralectotypes: RMNH 12124 (24), 12288 (1), 12320 (1), 12364 (1). Bleeker specimens: NMV 46513-14 (1, 1). Lectotype selected by Fricke 1991;13. •Valid as Morulius chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Roberts 1989:45 [ref. 6439], Rainboth 1996:115 [ref. 22772], Freyhof et al. 2000:95 [ref. 25184], Fuller et al. 1999:95 [ref. 25838]). •Valid as Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Kottelat et al. 1993:36 [ref. 23448], Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:37 [ref. 23436], Kottelat 2001:57 [ref. 25780], Kottelat & Widjanarti 2005:150 [ref. 28284], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:42 [ref. 33971], Narasimhaiah et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34975], Taki et al. 2021:171 [ref. 39830], Hasan et al. 2022:6035 [ref. 39888]). Current status: Valid as Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Sundaland to Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. congoro, Labeo Peters [W. (C. H.)] 1852:683 [Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1852; ref. 18539] Zambezi River, Tette [Tete], Mozambique. Syntypes: NMW 53518 (1), ZMB 3279 (2). Original as congôro. Also in Peters 1868:45, Pl. 9 [ref. 3440]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:157 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo congoro Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:308 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:156 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:183 [ref. 24071], Skelton 2001:183 [ref. 27406], De Vos et al. 2001:131 [ref. 26059], Marshall 2011:113 [ref. 31755]). Current status: Valid as Labeo congoro Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southeastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. coubie, Labeo Rüppell [W. P. E. S.] 1832:11, Pl. 3 (fig. 1) [Fortsetzung der Beschreibung und Abbildung meherer neuer Fische; ref. 18643] Cairo market, Egypt. Lectotype: BMNH 1850.7.29.11. Paralectotypes: SMF 5397-5400 (4), 2569 (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:149 [ref. 19189]. •Mention -- (Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477]). •Valid as Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:308 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:147 [ref. 19189], Lévêque et al. 1989:117 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Paugy et al. 1990:1130 [ref. 19501], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:291 [ref. 21589], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367], Tshibwabwa 1997:366 [ref. 24617], Dankwa et al. 1999:26 [ref. 28023], Moritz 2007:55 [ref. 29304], Neumann et al. 2016:304 [ref. 35036], Moritz & Neumann 2017:32 [ref. 35181], Akoth et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40069]). Current status: Valid as Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Africa. Habitat: freshwater. cura, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:284, 386 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Rivers of Bengal, India. No types known. Spelled Cyprinus cora by Gray 1835: Pl. 95 (fig. 2) [ref. 1878]. Simultaneous subjective synonymy of bata, first revisor (Day 1877:542) gave precedence to bata. Simultaneous subjective synonym of acra Hamilton 1822; first revisor Bleekeer 1853:13 gave precedence to acra. •Synonym of Labeo bata (Hamilton 1922) -- (Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]), Current status: Synonym of Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. curchius, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:289, 387 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Fresh waters of Bengal, India. No types known. •Status uncertain -- (see Coad 1981:11 [ref. 22348]). •Valid as Labeo curchius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989], Çiçek et al. 2023:50 [ref. 40326]). Current status: Valid as Labeo curchius (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Bengal (India). Habitat: freshwater. curriei, Labeo Fowler [H. W.] 1919:236, Fig. 8 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 56 (no. 2294); ref. 15209] St. Paul River, Liberia. Holotype: USNM 48512. Paratypes: USNM 48513 (3). •Valid as Labeo curriei Fowler 1919 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:309 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:166 [ref. 19189], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:294 [ref. 21589]). •Questionably valid as Labeo curriei Fowler 1919 -- (Lévêque et al. 1989:117 [ref. 26480]). •Mention -- (Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477]). Current status: Valid as Labeo curriei Fowler 1919. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. cyanomelas, Rohita Bleeker [P.] 1852:597 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 3 (no. 4); ref. 334] Palembang, Sumatra, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): RMNH 12288 [ex RMNH 6994]. •Synonym of Morulius chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Roberts 1989:45 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. cyclopinnis, Labeo Nichols [J. T.] & Griscom [L.] 1917:690, Fig. 8 [Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History v. 37 (art. 25); ref. 3185] Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo, 0°33'N, 24°14'E. Holotype: AMNH 6296. Paratypes: (4) MRAC 15613 (1). •Synonym of Labeo barbatus Boulenger 1898 -- (Reid 1985:172 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo cyclopinnis Nichols & Griscom 1917 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:309 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:439 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Valid as Labeo cyclopinnis Nichols & Griscom 1917. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. cyclorhynchus, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1899:98, Pl. 40 (fig. 1) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 5); ref. 589] Kinshasa, Stanley Pool, Lower Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, 4°15'N, 15°25'E. Holotype (unique): MRAC 865. •Valid as Labeo cyclorhynchus Boulenger 1899 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:309 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:138 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1567 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:446 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[8] 707 [ref. 38315], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283], Fermon et al. 2022:135 [ref. 39448] with question). Current status: Valid as Labeo cyclorhynchus Boulenger 1899. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa: lower and middle Congo River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic). Habitat: freshwater. cylindricus, Labeo (Varicorhinus) Peters [W. (C. H.)] 1852:684 [Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1852; ref. 18539] Zambezi River, Tette [Tete], Mozambique. Lectotype: ZMB 3282. Paralectotypes: NMW 53533 (1), ZMB 3280-81 (1, 1). Also in Peters 1868:47, Pl. 10 (fig. 1) [ref. 3440]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:214 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:310 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:213 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:184 [ref. 24071], Seegers 1996:150 [ref. 23725], Tshibwabwa 1997:451 [ref. 24617], Skelton 2001:184 [ref. 27406], De Vos et al. 2001:131 [ref. 26059], Seegers et al. 2003:34 [ref. 28087], Snoeks 2004:21 [ref. 28111], Seegers 2008:185 [ref. 29830], Marshall 2011:114 [ref. 31755], Bruton et al. 2018:39 [ref. 36373], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564], Abwe et al. 2023:29 [ref. 39992], Bigirimana et al. 2024:33 [ref. 41336]). Current status: Valid as Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southern and southern-central Africa. Habitat: freshwater. darlingi, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:13, Pl. 2 (fig. 1) [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1902, v. 2 (pt 1) (art. 2); ref. 14842] Mazoe River, Zambesi system, near Salisbury [17°30'S, 31°03'E], Zimbabwe. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1902.2.12.147. •Valid as Labeo darlingi Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:219 [ref. 19189]). •Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:310 [ref. 6186], Seegers 1996:150 [ref. 23725]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. degeni, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1920:21, Fig. 10 [Annales du Musée du Congo Belge Sér. C (Zoologie) (Sér. 1) v. 2 (fasc. 4); ref. 587] Near cataracts at Kinshasa [Léopoldville], 4°18'S, 15°18'E, Democratic Republic of Congo. Lectotype: MRAC 7111. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1919.9.10.192 (1). Lectotype selected by Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1556 [ref. 27895] •Valid as Labeo degeni Boulenger 1920 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:311 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:180 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1547 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:348 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698]). Current status: Valid as Labeo degeni Boulenger 1920. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater. dhonti, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1920:399, Fig. 6 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1919 (pts 3-4) (art. 25); ref. 15206] Tumbwe, a village southwest of the Kalemie River, on a small stream flowing into Niemba River, tributary of Lukuga River, Democratic Republic of Congo. Lectotype: BMNH 1919.7.24.3. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1919.7.24.4-6 (3), MRAC 6993 (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:243 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:240 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo dhonti Boulenger 1920 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:311 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:419 [ref. 24617], Kullander & Roberts 2012:360 [ref. 31751], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283] as cf. dhonti, Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441], Bigirimana et al. 2024:33 [ref. 41336]). Current status: Valid as Labeo dhonti Boulenger 1920. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater. djourae, Labeo Blache [J.] & Miton [F.] 1960:152 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 2) v. 32 (no. 2); ref. 20674] Gauthiot Falls, Mayo Kebbi basin, Chad. Lectotype: MNHN 1959-0223 (1 of 12). Paralectotypes: MNHN 1959-0223 (11, as "types"); as "paratypes": CEPFL 291-320 (25). Type catalog: Blanc 1961:269 [ref. 20870]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:254 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo djourae Blache & Miton 1960 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:311 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:254 [ref. 19189], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367]). •Questionably a synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21589]) Current status: Valid as Labeo djourae Blache & Miton 1960. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Benue River, Chad. Habitat: freshwater. dussumieri, Labeo Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:350 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Calcutta, India. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3855 (2). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:17 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989]). 2°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. dussumieri, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:258, Pl. 475 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Alleppey [now Alappuzha], southeastern India. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3863 (5). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:15 [ref. 19574]. •Valid as Labeo dussumieri (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Pethiyagoda 1991:82 [ref. 20075], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:206 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:132 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:22 [ref. 25342], Yadav 2000:40 [ref. 25661], Yadav 2003:10 [ref. 27711], Lal et al. 2016:19 [ref. 34149], Plamoottil & Zupančič 2017:305 [ref. 35479], Sudasinghe et al. 2018:221 [ref. 36164], Arunachalam et al. 2018:56 [ref. 36286] as dussimieri, Bleher 2018:582 [ref. 36647], Chen et al. 2024:89 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Labeo dussumieri (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: peninsular India and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. duvaucelii, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:262, Pl. 476 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Coromandel, India. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3576. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:16 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Osteobrama vigorsii (Sykes 1839) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:242 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:66 [ref. 24904] with wrong citation and as duvancelli). •Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. dyocheilus, Cyprinus McClelland [J.] 1839:268, 330, Pl. 37 (fig. 1) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Brahmaputra River, from assam to rapids at the extremity of the valley, India. No types known. Labelled Catostomus dyocheilus in plate caption. Fig. 75 in Talwar & Jhingran 1991:207 [ref. 20764] is not this species but the lectotype of Labeo devdevi Hora 1936. •Synonym of Labeo pangusia (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:135 [ref. 24904], Ataur Rahman 2003:135 [ref. 31338]). •Valid as Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839), subspecies dyocheilus (McClelland 1839) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:49 [ref. 25342]). •Valid as Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839) -- (Shrestha 1978:36 [ref. 15970], Coad 1981:11 [ref. 22348], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:207 [ref. 20764], Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Vu & Nguyen 1997:26 [ref. 26438], Kottelat 1998:37 [ref. 23436], Kullander et al. 1999:152 [ref. 23689], Kundu 2000:96 [ref. 25663], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Shrestha 2008:70 [ref. 29923], Gurung et al. 2013:4882 [ref. 32969], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989], Shangningam & Kosygin 2022:59 [ref. 39587], Çiçek et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40326], Chen et al. 2024:88 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Afghanistan, India, Nepal to Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. erythopterus, Diplocheilus van Hasselt [J. C.] 1823:133 [Algemeene Konst- en Letter-bode voor het Jaar II Deel (no. 35); ref. 5963] Not available, no distinguishing features; from near Buitenzorg, Java (see Alfred 1961:85 [ref. 20553], Kottelat 1987:371 [ref. 5962]). Also spelled deplocheilus. Also in van Hasselt 1824:376 [ref. 5964]. •In the synonymy of Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842 -- (Roberts 1993:16 [ref. 21799], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. erythropterus, Labeo Valenciennes [A.] (ex Kuhl & van Hasselt) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:354 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Rivers of Bantam, Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): RMNH D2277 (dry). Type information: Roberts 1993:16 [ref. 21799]. See discussion in Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989] on type specimens. •Valid as Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842 -- (Roberts 1993:16-17 [ref. 21799], Kottelat et al. 1993:36 [ref. 23448], Rainboth 1996:112 [ref. 22772], Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Roberts 2007:302 [ref. 29792], Tan & Kottelat 2009:38 [ref. 30261], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southeast Asia. Habitat: freshwater. erythrostictus, Morulius Fowler [H. W.] 1934:127, Figs. 85-86 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 86; ref. 1417] Chieng Mai, northern Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 57438. Paratypes: ANSP 57439 (1). Additional material: (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:75 [ref. 13621]. •In a category synonyms/misidentifications under Morulius chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Rainboth 1996:115 [ref. 22772]). •Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Kottelat 2001:57 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. falcatus, Cyprinus Bloch [M. E.] 1795:53, Pl. 412 (fig. 1) [Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische v. 9; ref. 464] Malabar coast, India. On p. 44 of Bloch's Ichthyologie, v. 12 [ref. 21381]. •Questionably a synonym of Labeo boga (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:200 [ref. 20764], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Uncertain as Labeo boga (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. falcifer, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:35, Pl. 17 (fig. 2) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 2); ref. 4864] New Antwerp, upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, 5°50'S, 13°03'E. Lectotype: BMNH 1898.12.28.2. Paralectotypes: MRAC 17 (1) Boma, MRAC 65 (1) + 69 (1) Matadi. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Labeo falcifer Valenciennes 1842, replaced by Labeo falcipinnis Boulenger 1903. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:175 [ref. 19189]. •Objective synonym of Labeo falcipinnis Boulenger 1903 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:311 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:442 [ref. 24617]). •Synonym of Labeo barbatus Boulenger 1898 -- (Reid 1985:172 [ref. 19189]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Labeo falcipinnis Boulenger 1903. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. falcipinnis, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1903:360 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 12 (no. 69) (art. 34); ref. 15016] New Antwerp, upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, 5°50'S, 13°03'E. Lectotype: MRAC 17. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1898.12.28.2, MRAC 65 (1) + 69 (1) Matadi. Replacement name for Labeo falcifer Boulenger 1898, preoccupied by Labeo falcifer Valenciennes 1842. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:175 [ref. 19189] as BMNH 1898.12.28.2 not valid. Lectotype MRAC 17 designated by Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1566 [ref. 27895], see van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374]. •Synonym of Labeo barbatus Boulenger 1898 -- (Reid 1985:172 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo falcipinnis Boulenger 1903 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:311 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1566 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:442 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374]). Replacement Name. Current status: Valid as Labeo falcipinnis Boulenger 1903. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater. filamentosus, Catastomus (Labio) Swainson [W.] 1839:284 [The natural history and classification v. 2; ref. 4303] Mahananda River, and adjacent areas which surround the ruins of ancient Gaur, Gorakhpur District, India. No types known. Based on Ham. fig. 84 (Nandina) -- which is Hamilton 1822:Pl. 8 [ref. 2031]. Unneeded new name for, and objective synonym of Cyprinus nandina Hamilton 1822. Original genus should have been Catostomus, •Synonym of Labeo nandina (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo nandina (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. filiferus, Labeo Plamoottil [M.] & Zupančič [P.] 2017:302, Figs. 1-3 [Bioscience Discovery v. 8 (no. 3); ref. 35479] Pamba River at Edakadathy, Kerala, India. Holotype (unique): V/F/NERC/4054. •Valid as Labeo filiferus Plamoottil & Zupančič 2017. Current status: Valid as Labeo filiferus Plamoottil & Zupančič 2017. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Kerala, India. Habitat: freshwater. fimbriatus, Cyprinus Bloch [M. E.] 1795:50, Pl. 409 [Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische v. 9; ref. 464] Malabar coast, India. Holotype (unique): ZMB 8794 (right skin). Type catalog: Paepke 1999:72 [ref. 24282]. On p. 41 of Bloch's Ichthyologie, v. 12 [ref. 21381]. •Valid as Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch 1795) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:208 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:132 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:323 [ref. 25220], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:78 [ref. 25342], Yadav 2000:40 [ref. 25661], Mirza 2003:7 [ref. 27265], Yadav 2003:10 [ref. 27711], Shrestha 2008:70 [ref. 29923], Arunachalam et al. 2018:56 [ref. 36286], Bleher 2018:584 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch 1795). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Asia: Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. fimbriatus, Labeo Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:353 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Bengal, India. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3864. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:17 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. fisheri, Labeo Jordan [D. S.] & Starks [E. C.] 1917:436, Pl. 43 [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 11 (nos. 3-4) (art. 17); ref. 10668] Mahaweli River at Kandy, Sri Lanka. Holotype: FMNH 58911 [ex CM 8044a]. Paratypes: SU 23234 (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:72 [ref. 12305], Böhlke 1953:32 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:50 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Labeo fisheri Jordan & Starks 1917 -- (Pethiyagoda 1991:84 [ref. 20075], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:209 [ref. 20764], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:35 [ref. 25342], Anusha et al. 2017:20 [ref. 41120], Sudasinghe et al. 2018:214 [ref. 36164], Arunachalam et al. 2018:50 [ref. 36286]). Current status: Valid as Labeo fisheri Jordan & Starks 1917. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: upper reaches of the Mahaweli River basin, Sri Lanka; Tamirparani River basin, Tamil Nadu (India). Habitat: freshwater. forskalii, Labeo Rüppell [W. P. E. S.] 1835:18, Pl. 3 (fig. 1) [Museum Senckenbergianum: Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der beschreibenden Naturgeschichte, von Mitgliedern der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main v. 2 (no. 1); ref. 3845] Cairo, Nile River, Egypt. Holotype (unique): SMF 2609 (dry mount). •Mention -- (Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477]). •Valid as Labeo forskalii Rüppell 1835 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:311 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:205 [ref. 19189], Seegers 1996:152 [ref. 23725], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367], Moritz 2007:55 [ref. 29304], Seegers 2008:185 [ref. 29830], Neumann et al. 2016:304 [ref. 35036], Moritz & Neumann 2017:32 [ref. 35181], Akoth et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40069]). Current status: Valid as Labeo forskalii Rüppell 1835. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Northeastern Africa: Nile River. Habitat: freshwater. fuelleborni, Labeo victorianus Hilgendorf [F. M.] & Pappenheim [P.] 1903:269 [Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1903 (no. 6); ref. 15031] Lake Rukwa, southwestern Tanzania. Lectotype: ZMB 16314. Paralectotypes: ZMB 16315 (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:226 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo fuelleborni Hilgendorf & Pappenheim 1903 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:312 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:226 [ref. 19189], Seegers 1996:154 [ref. 23725], De Vos et al. 2001:130, 131 [ref. 26059], Bigirimana et al. 2024:34 [ref. 41336]). Current status: Valid as Labeo fuelleborni Hilgendorf & Pappenheim 1903. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: East Africa: Burundi and Tanzania. Habitat: freshwater. fulakariensis, Labeo Tshibwabwa [S. M.], Stiassny [M. L. J.] & Schelly [R. C.] 2006:38, Figs. 3-4 [Zootaxa No. 1224; ref. 28698] Channel in rocks, 1 kilometer upstream of Foulakari, Congo River main channel, Lower Congo River, Republic of Congo, 4°34.71'S, 14°59.74'E. Holotype: AMNH 236426. Paratypes: AMNH 236426 (1), 236428 (1); ZSM 34488 (1). Type catalog: Neumann 2011:255 [ref. 31652]. •Valid as Labeo fulakariensis Tshibwabwa, Stiassny & Schelly 2006 -- (Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283]). Current status: Valid as Labeo fulakariensis Tshibwabwa, Stiassny & Schelly 2006. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa: lower and central Congo River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of Congo). Habitat: freshwater. gadeya, Labeo (Morulius) Deraniyagala [P. E. P.] 1929:75, Pl. 22 [Ceylon Journal of Science Section B Zoology v. 15 (pt 2); ref. 15890] Matale, Mahavelligango at Levella, Sri Lanka, elevation 509 meters. Holotype: BMNH 1929.7.1.12 [ex Colombo Mus.]. Paratypes: (4) ?BMNH 1928.4.16.9 [ex Colombo Mus.] (1). •Synonym of Labeo fisheri Jordan & Starks 1917 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:209 [ref. 20764], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:35 [ref. 25342] as godeya, Sudasinghe et al. 2018:223 [ref. 36164]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo fisheri Jordan & Starks 1917. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. gaudichei, Labeo Pellegrin [J.] 1925:354 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 1) v. 31 (no. 5); ref. 15605] Nyamba, Ouadaï, Lake Chad basin. Lectotype: MNHN 1924-0177. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1924-0178 (5). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:20 [ref. 19574]. Original as Gaudichei. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:249 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo gaudichei Pellegrin 1925 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:312 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478] as gaudicheri, Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21589]). •Synonym of Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910 -- (Reid 1985:245 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. gonius, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:292, 387, Pl. 4 (fig. 82) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Brahmaputra River, at gualpara [Goalpara], Assam, India. No types known. Information on type locality see Britz 2019:44 [ref. 37532]. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 172 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Labeo gonius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Shrestha 1978:36 [ref. 15970], Ataur Rahman 1989:113 [ref. 24860], Coad 1981:11 [ref. 22348], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:210 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:508 [ref. 23778], Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Sen 1999:191 [ref. 24750], Menon 1999:133 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:324 [ref. 25220], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:11 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Rafique et al. 2003:97 [ref. 27173], Mirza 2003:8 [ref. 27265], Yadav 2003:10 [ref. 27711], Ataur Rahman 2003:130 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:71 [ref. 29923], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989], Lal et al. 2016:19 [ref. 34149], Behera et al. 2017:1 [ref. 35379], Suresh et al. 2018:101 [ref. 36495], Bleher 2018:586 [ref. 36647], Çiçek et al. 2023:50 [ref. 40326]). Current status: Valid as Labeo gonius (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Ganges River basin (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar). Habitat: freshwater. gracilis, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1916:244 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 17 (no. 99); ref. 15050] Lower reaches of Juba River near Gobwen [Gobuin] [0°19'S, 42°35'E], Somalia. Lectotype: BMNH 1916.1.14.4. Paralectotypes: KNM (2). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:80 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo gracilis Boulenger 1916 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:312 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo mesops Günther 1868 -- (Reid 1985:77 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo mesops Günther 1868. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. grammipleura, Labeo Vinciguerra [D.] 1927:248 [Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale `Giacomo Doria' v. 52; ref. 15828] Juba River at Jumbo [Giumbo] [0°16'S, 42°35'E], southern Somalia. Lectotype: MSBG 23248 (1 of 9). Paralectotypes: (many) MRAC 101286 (1); MSNG 23648 (8), 39484 (many). Type catalog: Tortonese 1961:186 [ref. 10343]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:80 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo grammipleura Vinciguerra 1927 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:312 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo mesops Günther 1868 -- (Reid 1985:77 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo mesops Günther 1868. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. greenii, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:29, Pl. 8 (fig. 4) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 2 (fasc. 2); ref. 562] Ubangi River at Banzyville, 4°18'N, 21°11'E. Holotype: MRAC 1190. Additional material: BMNH 1900.6.23.12 (1). Lectotype designation by Reid 1985:128 [ref. 19189] apparently not needed. •Valid as Labeo greenii Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:312 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:132 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa 1997:406 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564] as greeni, Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283], Fermon et al. 2022:135 [ref. 39448] with question). Current status: Valid as Labeo greenii Boulenger 1902. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater. gregorii, Labeo Günther [A.] 1894:90, Pl. 10 (fig. B) [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1894 (pt 1) (art. 4) (for 16 Jan. 1894); ref. 14553] Tana River at Merifano, Kenya, about 2°19'N, 40°08"E. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1893.12.2.23. •Valid as Labeo gregorii Günther 1894 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:312 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:186 [ref. 19189], Seegers et al. 2003:34 [ref. 28087]). Current status: Valid as Labeo gregorii Günther 1894. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Eastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. hamiltoni, Labeo Gilchrist [J. D. F.] & Thompson [W. W.] 1917:553 [Annals of the South African Museum v. 11 (pt 6); ref. 15119] Sabi River Game Preserve, Transvaal [now Mpumalnga], South Africa. Lectotype: SAM 13121 (1 of 3) [now at AMG]. Paralectotypes: SAM 13121 (2 of 3) [now at AMG, on loan in 1996]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:94 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo rosae Steindachner 1894 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:319 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:92 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo rosae Steindachner 1894. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. hamiltonii, Cyprinus (Bangana) Gray [J. E.] 1830:no page number, Pl. 86 (fig. 1) [Illustrations of Indian zoology; ref. 1878] Published about 6 Oct. 1830. The plate for this species was "pirated" from Hamilton's unpublished illustrations -- see McClelland 1839:221 [ref. 2923]. •Objective junior synonym of Labeo angra (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:125 [ref. 24904], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo angra (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. hamiltonii, Nandina Gray [J. E.] 1831:8 [Zoological Miscellany 1831; ref. 1879] New name for Cyprinus nandina Hamilton 1822. •Synonym of Labeo nandina (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo nandina (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. heladiva, Labeo Sudasinghe [H.], Ranasinghe [R. H. T.], Goonatilake [S. de A.] & Meegaskumbura [M.] 2018:204, Figs. 2A-B, 3A-C [Zootaxa 4486 (no. 3); ref. 36164] Uruwal Oya, Attanagalu Oya basin, Sri Lanka, 7°03'09"N, 80°03'09"E, elevation 17 meters. Holotype: NMSL 2018.08.01. Paratypes: DZ, UPZM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Labeo heladiva Sudasinghe, Ranasinghe, Goonatilake & Meegaskumbura 2018. Current status: Valid as Labeo heladiva Sudasinghe, Ranasinghe, Goonatilake & Meegaskumbura 2018. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Lowland floodplain rivers of the dry and wet zones, Sri Lanka. Habitat: freshwater. horai, Labeo Fowler [H. W.] 1924:95, Fig. 8 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 76; ref. 15446] Sutlej River near Loodianali [Ludhiana], Punjab State, India. Holotype: MCZ 25961. Paratypes: ANSP 65986 (1), MCZ 18750 [not MCZ 18751] (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:79 [ref. 13621]. •Questionable synonym of Bangana diplostoma (Heckel 1838) -- (Kullander et al. 1999:130 [ref. 23689]). •Valid as Bangana horai (Fowler 1924) -- (Liu & Zhou 2009:66 [ref. 30000]). •Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:219 [ref. 20764], Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. horie, Labeo Heckel [J. J.] 1847:304, Pl. 21 (fig. 1) [Reisen in Europa, Asien und Africa v. 2 (pt 3); ref. 2068] Assuan, Egypt. Syntypes: (4) NMW 53541 (2), 59436 (1, dry). •Valid as Labeo horie Heckel 1847 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:313 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:69 [ref. 19189], Lévèque et al. 1991:142 [ref. 31367], Seegers et al. 2003:34 [ref. 28087] dated 1846, Moritz 2007:55 [ref. 29304], Neumann et al. 2016:304 [ref. 35036], Moritz & Neumann 2017:32 [ref. 35181], Akoth et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40069]). Current status: Valid as Labeo horie Heckel 1847. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Northeastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. hornii, Labeo Steindachner [F.] 1909:386 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse v. 46 (no. 23) (for 11 Nov. 1909); ref. 18809] Lake Tanganyika. Syntypes: NMW 53542 (1), 84267 (2). •Probably a synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Current status: Uncertain as Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. indramontri, Labeo Smith [H. M.] 1945:251, Fig. 46 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Bung Borapet, Nakorn-Sawan, central Thailand. Holotype (unique): USNM 107964. Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:7 [ref. 25088], Vilasri et al. 2018:49 [ref. 36451]. •Valid as Labeo indramontri Smith 1945 -- (Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989], Vilasri et al. 2018:49 [ref. 36451]). Current status: Valid as Labeo indramontri Smith 1945. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southeast Asia. Habitat: freshwater. inornatus, Cirrhinus Roberts [T. R.] 1997:187, Fig. 5 [Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society v. 45 (no. 2); ref. 23550] Mandalay market, Myanmar. Holotype: CAS 91772. Paratypes: CAS 91773-76 (6, 9, 1, 8), 88903 (1). •Valid as Gymnostomus inornatus (Roberts 1996) -- (Kottelat 2013:108 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Henicorhynchus inornatus (Roberts 1997). •Valid as Labeo inornatus (Roberts 1997) -- (Ciccotto & Page 2020:499 [ref. 37710]). Current status: Valid as Labeo inornatus (Roberts 1997). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. intermedius, Labeo Worthington [E. B.] 1933:297, Fig. 3 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London Part 2; ref. 16532] Lake Malawi [Lake Nyasa], southeastern Africa. Lectotype: BMNH 1932.11.15.490. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1932.11.15.491-492 (2?). Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Labeo intermedius Nichols & Griscom 1917, replaced by Labeo worthingtoni Fowler 1958. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:228 [ref. 19189] for Labeo worthingtoni. •Synonym of Labeo worthingtoni Fowler 1958 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:323 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:228 [ref. 19189]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Labeo worthingtoni Fowler 1958. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. intermedius, Labeo Nichols [J. T.] & Griscom [L.] 1917:694, Fig. 10 [Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History v. 37 (art. 25); ref. 3185] Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: AMNH 6032. Paratypes: AMNH 6980 (1). •Valid as Labeo intermedius Nichols & Griscom 1917 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:313 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo lukulae Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:260 [ref. 19189]). •Synonym of Labeo chariensis Pellegrin 1904 -- (Tshibwabwa 1997:393 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chariensis Pellegrin 1904. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. kawrus, Chondrostoma Sykes [W. H.] 1839:160 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1838 (pt 6) (for 27 Nov. 1838); ref. 18720] Beema River, Deccan, India. No types known. Appeared first as above, then in Sykes 1839:57 [ref. 4306]; more complete treatment in Sykes 1841:358, Pl. 62 (fig. 2) [ref. 18868]. •Valid as Labeo kawrus (Sykes 1839) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:211 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:134 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:114 [ref. 25342], Yadav 2003:10 [ref. 27711]). Current status: Valid as Labeo kawrus (Sykes 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: India. Habitat: freshwater. kibimbi, Labeo Poll [M.] 1949:3, Fig. on p. 5, Pl. 1 (middle fig.) [Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique v. 25 (no. 46); ref. 13027] Albertville [Kalemie], Democratic Republic of Congo, Lake Tanganyika. Holotype: IRSNB 205. Paratypes: MRAC 89882 (1). Type catalog: Walschaerts 1987:12 [ref. 20755], Derijst 1991:48 [ref. 21528]. •Synonym of Labeo degeni Boulenger 1920 -- (Reid 1985:180 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo kibimbi Poll 1949 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:313 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:371 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Valid as Labeo kibimbi Poll 1949. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Eastern Africa: Lake Tanganyika. Habitat: freshwater. kilossae, Labeo Steindachner [F.] 1914:537 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 51 (no. 25); ref. 18910] Mukondokwa [Mukondoa] River near Kilossa [Kilosa], Tanzania. Syntypes: NMW 53544 (2). Species described in more detail in Steindachner 1915:68 [p. 10 of separate] [ref. 15072]; spelled kilossae on pp. 68-69, as kilossana on p. 85 [a second species in same work was named kilossana]. •Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:310 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:213 [ref. 19189], Seegers 1996:150 [ref. 23725], Tshibwabwa 1997:451 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. kirkii, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1903:360 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 12 (no. 69) (art. 34); ref. 15016] Rovuma [Ruvuma] River, Tanzania (and border to Mozambique). Holotype (unique): BMNH 1864.6.28.25. •Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 -- (Reid 1985:213 [ref. 19189], Seegers 1996:150 [ref. 23725]). •Valid as Labeo kirkii Boulenger 1903 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:313 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:461 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Valid as Labeo kirkii Boulenger 1903. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Eastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. koilogeneion, Rohita Bleeker [P.] 1857:359 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 13 (no. 2); ref. 16868] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): RMNH 12346 [ex RMNH 6994]. •Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. kontius, Cyprinus Jerdon [T. C.] 1849:302 [Madras Journal of Literature and Science v. 15 (pt 2); ref. 4902] Cavery River and its tributaries, southern India. No types known. •Valid as Labeo kontius (Jerdon 1849) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:212 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:134 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:68 [ref. 25342], Yadav 2000:40 [ref. 25661], Arunkumar & Manimekalan 2018:1739 [ref. 36172], Bleher 2018:588 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Labeo kontius (Jerdon 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Cauvery River basin, south Peninsular India. Habitat: freshwater. kunki, Labeo Chaudhuri [B. L.] 1912:438, Pl. 38 (fig. 3) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 7 (pt. 5) (art. 35); ref. 14837] Gandak River, Saran, Bihar, northern India. Holotype: ZSI F4659/1. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:112 [ref. 20743]. •Synonym of Labeo pangusia (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:216 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:136 [ref. 24904]). •Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839), subspecies dyocheilus (McClelland 1839) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:51 [ref. 25342]). •Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839) -- (Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. lankae, Labeo porcellus Deraniyagala [P. E. P.] 1952:41, Pl. 10 [A colored atlas of some vertebrates from Ceylon; ref. 12768] Basavak Kula, N.C.P., Sri Lanka. Holotype: NMSL FF624 [185 mm]. Paratype: NMSL FF624 (194 mm). Type information: Pethiyagoda 1991:335 [ref. 20075]. •Synonym of Labeo porcellus (Heckel 1844) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:217 [ref. 20764], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:64 [ref. 25342]). •Valid as Labeo lankae Deraniyagala 1952 -- (Sudasinghe et al. 2018:218 [ref. 36164]). Current status: Valid as Labeo lankae Deraniyagala 1952. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Malwathu Oya basin, northern dry zone, Sri Lanka. Habitat: freshwater. latebra, Labeo Moritz [T.] & Neumann [D.] 2017:27, Figs. 1-7 [Cybium v. 41 (no. 1); ref. 35181] White Nile at Kosti, retrieved from local fishermen deploying gill nets downstream of railway bridge, Sudan, 13.15°N, 32.72°E. Holotype: ZSM 44841. Paratypes: AMNH, BMNH 2016.8.24.1-2 (2), DMM, MRAC, ZSM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Labeo latebra Moritz & Neumann 2017. Current status: Valid as Labeo latebra Moritz & Neumann 2017. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: White Nile, upper Nile basin, Sudan. Habitat: freshwater. lereensis, Labeo Blache [J.] & Miton [F.] 1960:148 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 2) v. 32 (no. 2); ref. 20674] Léré Lake, Mayo Kebbi basin, Chad, 9°41'N, 14°17'E. Lectotype: MNHN 1959-0220. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1959-0220 (now 1, as "types"); as "paratypes": CEPFL 1664-1666 (3), 1921 (1). Type catalog: Blanc 1961:269 [ref. 20870]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:151 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo lareensis Blache & Miton 1960 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:313 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832 -- (Reid 1985:147 [ref. 19189], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:291 [ref. 21589], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. lineata, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:260 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Irrawaddy River at Rangoon, Myanmar. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-3560. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:16 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo gonius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo gonius (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. lineatus, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:34, Pl. 18 [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 2); ref. 4864] Stanley [Boyoma] Falls, 0°30'N, 25°12'E. Lectotype: BMNH 1897.9.30.27. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1898.12.28.4, MRAC 138 (1) Upoto. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:82 [ref. 19189]. See Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1547 [ref. 27895] and van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374] for type information and lectotype locality. •Valid as Labeo lineatus Boulenger 1898 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:314 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:82 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1547 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:180 [ref. 24616], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374], Van Steenberge et al. 2016:[9] 272 [ref. 35045], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564], Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[8] 707 [ref. 38315], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283]). Current status: Valid as Labeo lineatus Boulenger 1898. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Congo River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo). Habitat: freshwater. lissorhynchus, Gobio McClelland [J.] 1839:277, 355, Pl. 55 (fig. 5) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Large rivers of Bengal and Assam, India. No types known. •Synonym of Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:125 [ref. 24904] as Labeo lissorhynchus McClelland 1839, Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo bata (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. lividus, Labeo Roberts [T. R.] & Stewart [D. J.] 1976:274, Pl. 6 (fig. d) [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 147 (no. 6); ref. 7388] Lower Congo River, near Inga, Democratic Republic of Congo, 5°31.5'S, 13°37.5'E. Holotype: MCZ 50524. Paratypes: BMNH 1976.5.22.16-17 [ex MCZ 50232] (2); MCZ 50232 (orig. 10, now 6), 50287 (5), 50371 (1), 50452 (4), 50524 (1), 50525 (orig. 5, now 4); MRAC 76-17-P-4 [ex MCZ 50525] (1); USNM 216370 [ex MCZ 50232] (2). •Synonym of Labeo barbatus Boulenger 1898 -- (Reid 1985:172 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1559 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:353 [ref. 24617]). •Valid as Labeo lividus Roberts & Stewart 1976 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:314 [ref. 6186], van Steenberge et al. 2016:6 [ref. 34374]). Current status: Valid as Labeo lividus Roberts & Stewart 1976. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater. loangoensis, Labeo lukulae Fowler [H. W.] 1936:289, Fig. 53 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 88; ref. 1424] N'Kutu, Loango [Loange] River, Chiloango, West Africa. Holotype (unique): ANSP 38553. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:81 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Labeo lukulae Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:314 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:260 [ref. 19189]). •Synonym of Labeo chariensis Pellegrin 1904 -- (Tshibwabwa 1997:393 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chariensis Pellegrin 1904. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. longipinnis, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:33, Pl. 17 (fig. 1) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 2); ref. 4864] Kinshasa [Leopoldville], Upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, 4°18'S, 15°18'E. Holotype (unique): MRAC 113. Nichols & Griscom 1917:690 [ref. 3185] gave precedence to Labeo longipinnis Boulenger 1898 over Labeo velifer Boulenger 1898. •Synonym of Labeo velifer Boulenger 1898 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:322 [ref. 6186]). •Valid as Labeo longipinnis Boulenger 1898 -- (Reid 1985:176 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1553 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:359 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283]). Current status: Valid as Labeo longipinnis Boulenger 1898. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater. loveridgei, Labeo Regan [C. T.] 1920:104 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 6 (no. 31); ref. 3670] Morogoro village, upper reaches of Ruvu River, Tanzania. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1920.3.8.6. •Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:310 [ref. 6186] but treated as valid on p. 314, Reid 1985:213 [ref. 19189], Seegers 1996:150 [ref. 23725]). •Synonym of Labeo montanus (Günther 1889) -- (Tshibwabwa 1997:458 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. lualabaensis, Labeo Tshibwabwa [S. M.] 1997:380, Pl. 3 (1) [Systématique des espèces Africaines du genre Labeo (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) v. 2; ref. 24617] Lualaba River, 6°06'S, 26°32'E, Kabalo, southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: MRAC 69990-69992 (93.2 mm). Paratypes: MRAC 69990-69992 (2) [with holotype], 70071 (1). •Valid as Labeo lualabaensis Tshibwabwa 1997. Current status: Valid as Labeo lualabaensis Tshibwabwa 1997. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater. lucas, Lobocheilos Bleeker [P.] 1857:362 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 13 (no. 2); ref. 16868] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes: (20) BMNH 1866.5.2.147 (1); ?NMV 46478-79 (1, 1); RMNH 6997 (1), 12072 [ex RMNH 6997] (12). •Valid as Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842 -- (Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. lugubris, Labeo Nichols [J. T.] & LaMonte [F. R.] 1933:1, Fig. 1 [American Museum Novitates No. 656; ref. 3187] Lulua River, Luluabourg [Kananga], Kasai Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype (unique): AMNH 12334. •Synonym of Labeo lukulae Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:260 [ref. 19189]). •Synonym of Labeo chariensis Pellegrin 1904 -- (Tshibwabwa 1997:393 [ref. 24617]). •Valid as Labeo lugubris Nichols & LaMonte 1933 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:314 [ref. 6186], Liyandja & Stiassny 2023:20 [ref. 40195] with question). Current status: Uncertain as Labeo lugubris Nichols & LaMonte 1933. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: lower Lulua River basin, Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater. lukulae, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:235, Pl. 23 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1902, v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 569] Lukula River at Lukula, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype (unique): IRSNB 6. Type catalog: Walschaerts 1987:12 [ref. 20755]. •Valid as Labeo lukulae Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:314 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:260 [ref. 19189], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367], Tshibwabwa 1997:135 [ref. 24616], Tshibwabwa 1997:465 [ref. 24617], De Weirdt et al. 2007:559 [ref. 30024], Skelton 2019:227 [ref. 36564], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283], Fermon et al. 2022:135 [ref. 39448], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441]). Current status: Valid as Labeo lukulae Boulenger 1902. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Cameroon south to Angola, including lower Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater. luluae, Labeo Fowler [H. W.] 1930:32, Fig. 4 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 82; ref. 1406] 30 miles west of Katende, Lulua River, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype (unique): ANSP 51740. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:82 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:240 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo luluae Fowler 1930 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:315 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:374 [ref. 24617], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441], Liyandja & Stiassny 2023:19 [ref. 40195]). Current status: Valid as Labeo luluae Fowler 1930. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Lulua River basin, Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater. lunatus, Labeo Jubb [R. A.] 1963:41, Fig. [Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums v. 3; ref. 4900] 23 miles above Victoria Falls, Upper Zambezi River, Africa. Holotype: AMG P652. Paratypes: AMG P653-659 (7). Type catalog: Skelton & Stuart 1987:183 [ref. 12628]. •Valid as Labeo lunatus Jubb 1963 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:315 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:235 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:186 [ref. 24071], Skelton 2001:186 [ref. 27406], Marshall 2011:118 [ref. 31755], Bruton et al. 2018:40 [ref. 36373]). Current status: Valid as Labeo lunatus Jubb 1963. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. macronotus, Cirrhinus McClelland [J.] 1839:265, 319, Pl. 41 (fig. 1) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Assam and northeastern Bengal, India. Syntypes: BMNH 1869.3.19.669 (1, skin) Assam. •Synonym of Labeo nandina (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:88 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo nandina (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. macrostoma, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:36, Pl. 19 (fig. 1) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 2); ref. 4864] Matadi, Lower Congo, 5°49'S, 13°27'E. Lectotype: MRAC 35. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1898.12.28.5 (1); MRAC 60 (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:128 [ref. 19189] is invalid; see Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1547 [ref. 27895] who designate MRAC 35 as the lectotype, see van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374]. Stoma is a Greek noun, indeclinable. •Valid as Labeo macrostoma Boulenger 1898 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:315 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:128 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1561 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698] as macrostomus, van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374], Skelton 2019:229, 233 [ref. 36564] once as macrostomus, Fermon et al. 2022:135 [ref. 39448] with question). Current status: Valid as Labeo macrostoma Boulenger 1898. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: lower Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater. maleboensis, Labeo Tshibwabwa [S. M.] 1997:208, Pl. 2 (4) [Systématique des espèces Africaines du genre Labeo (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) v. 1; ref. 24616] Kinshasa, 4°18'S, 15°18'E, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: MRAC 2342. Paratypes: MRAC 73-22-P-2795-27812 (9). •Valid as Labeo maleboensis Tshibwabwa 1997 -- (Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698]). •Synonym of Labeo lineatus Boulenger 1898 -- (Van Steenberge et al. 2016:[9] 272 [ref. 35045]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo lineatus Boulenger 1898. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. manasseeae, Labeo Liyandja [T. L. D.] & Stiassny [M. L. J.] 2023:14, Figs. 7-8 [American Museum Novitates No. 3999; ref. 40195] Main channel of the Lulua River over rocks at Sandoa (Sanduwa), 0.05 km downstream of Sandoa Bridge, Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of Congo, 09°41'37.2"S, 22°51'30"E. Holotype: AMNH 269110. Paratypes: AMNH, ZSM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Labeo manasseeae Liyandja & Stiassny 2023. Current status: Valid as Labeo manasseeae Liyandja & Stiassny 2023. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Lulua River basin, Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater. mbimbii, Labeo Liyandja [T. L. D.] & Stiassny [M. L. J.] 2023:9, Figs. 5-6 [American Museum Novitates No. 3999; ref. 40195] Main channel of the Lulua River over rocks at Dipumu Rapids, about 47 km downstream of Katende Dam, Kasai Central Province, Democratic Republic of Congo, 05°56'12.4"S, 22°20'22.1"E. Holotype: AMNH 277862. Paratypes: AMNH, ANSP, MRAC, ZSM. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Labeo mbimbii Liyandja & Stiassny 2023. Current status: Valid as Labeo mbimbii Liyandja & Stiassny 2023. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: lower and middle Lulua River basin, Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater. meroensis, Labeo Moritz [T.] 2007:56, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa 1612; ref. 29304] Nile River at Shendi, 16°42'05"N, 33°25'37"E, Republic of Sudan. Holotype: BMNH 2006.11.9.1. Paratypes: BMNH 2006.11.9.2-8 (7), 2006.11.9.9-10 (2 c&s), 2006.11.9.11-13 (3); MRAC A6-46-P-1-3 (3). •Valid as Labeo meroensis Moritz 2007 -- (Neumann et al. 2016:304 [ref. 35036], Moritz & Neumann 2017:32 [ref. 35181]). Current status: Valid as Labeo meroensis Moritz 2007. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Nile River, Africa. Habitat: freshwater. mesops, Labeo Günther [A.] 1868:51 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] Pamolombe Lake, outflow of Lake Nyasa to Shire River [14°40'N, 35°15'E], eastern Africa. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1864.1.9.64 (skin). •Valid as Labeo mesops Günther 1868 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:315 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:77 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa 1997:206 [ref. 24616], Seegers et al. 2003:34 [ref. 28087] as aff. mesops, Snoeks 2004:21 [ref. 28111], Van Steenberge et al. 2016:[9] 272 [ref. 35045]). Current status: Valid as Labeo mesops Günther 1868. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Lake Malawi basin, Africa. Habitat: freshwater. microlepidota, Rohita Günther [A.] 1861:225 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1861 (pt 2) (art. 3) (for 28 May 1861); ref. 18214] Nepal. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1858.8.21.5 (stuffed). •Synonym of Labeo gonius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:133 [ref. 24904], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo gonius (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. microlepidotus, Labeo Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:352 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Irrawaddy River at Rangoon, Myanmar. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3383. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:17 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo gonius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:133 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:12 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo gonius (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. microphthalmus, Labeo Day [F.] 1877:542, Pl. 132 (fig. 4) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Himalayas from Punjab, Murree, Kangra, and Cashmere. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7666 (1, syntype); BMNH 1889.2.1.208-218 (11), ?1872.1.50.2 (1); FMNH 2296 (2); NMW 53550-51 (1, 1), 55897 (1); ZIN 8167 (3). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:156 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:299 [ref. 25110]. •Synonym of Labeo dero (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:130 [ref. 24904], Ataur Rahman 2003:138 [ref. 31338]). •Synonym of Bangana diplostoma (Heckel 1838) -- (Kullander et al. 1999:130 [ref. 23689]). •Synonym of Labeo diplostomus (Heckel 1838) -- (Mirza 2003:7 [ref. 27265]). •Valid as Labeo microphthalmus Day 1877 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:214 [ref. 20764], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:55 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:27 [ref. 25662] with wrong author, Yadav 2003:10 [ref. 27711]). Current status: Valid as Labeo microphthalmus Day 1877. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: India. Habitat: freshwater. micropogon, Cirrhine Valenciennes [A.] 1832:372, Pl. 3 (fig. 1) [Voyage aux Indes-Orientales; ref. 12986] Bengal, India. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3868 (5, poor condition) Bengale. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:15 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:129 [ref. 24904] with original genus as Cyprinus, Jayaram & Dhas 2000:83 [ref. 25342] with original genus as Cirrhina, Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. mokotoensis, Labeo Poll [M.] 1939:53, Fig. 28 [Poissons. Exploration du Parc National Albert. Fasc. 24; ref. 17216] Lake Ndaraga (Mokoto chain of lakes), Kalondo, Albert National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. Lectotype: MRAC 65259. Paralectotypes: IRSNB 49 (6); MRAC 65251-58 (8), 65260-64 (5). Type catalog: Walschaerts 1987:13 [ref. 20755], Derijst 1991:48 [ref. 21528]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:243 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo mokotoensis Poll 1939 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:315 [ref. 6186]). •Questionably a synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:240 [ref. 19189] with discussion). Current status: Valid as Labeo mokotoensis Poll 1939. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Democratic Republic of Congo (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. molybdinus, Labeo Du Plessis [S. S.] 1963:330, Fig. 1 [Annals of the Transvaal Museum v. 24 (no. 4); ref. 5760] Donkerpoort Dam on Klein Nylrivier, near Nylstroom, Transvaal [now Gauteng], South Africa. Holotype: AMG P1708. Paratypes: SAIAB [formerly RUSI] 30000 [ex TMP 28818] (1), 30001 [ex TMP 28813, now at AMG] (1). Type catalog: Skelton & Stuart 1987:183 [ref. 12628]. •Valid as Labeo molybdinus Du Plessis 1963 -- (Bruton 1974:47 [ref. 41499], Lévêque & Daget 1984:315 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:231 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:185 [ref. 24071], Skelton 2001:185 [ref. 27406], Marshall 2011:117 [ref. 31755]). Current status: Valid as Labeo molybdinus Du Plessis 1963. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. montanus, Tylognathus Günther [A.] 1889:71, Pl. 8 (fig. B) [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1889 (pt 1); ref. 2015] Riva River, Arusha region, Tanzania. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1887.11.3.49. •Valid as Labeo montanus (Günther 1889) -- (Tshibwabwa 1997:458 [ref. 24617]). •Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:310 [ref. 6186], Seegers 1996:150 [ref. 23725], Seegers et al. 2003:34 [ref. 28087]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. morala, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:331, 391, Pl. 18 (fig. 91) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal, India. No types known. Spelled morula on plate. First revisor Day 1878:541 gives precedence to angra. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 201 [ref. 37532]. •Synonym of Labeo angra (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:31 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989] with question). Current status: Synonym of Labeo angra (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. musiha, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:333, 392 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Ganges River at Patna, India. No types known. Simulatus synonymy with angra; Day 1878:541 gives precedence to angora. •Synonym of Labeo angra (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo angra (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. nancar, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:299, 387 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Lotun, Gorakhpur District, India. No types known. Information on type locality see Britz 2019:44 [ref. 37532]. •Synonym of Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch 1795) -- (Menon 1999:132 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:78 [ref. 25342]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch 1795). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. nandina, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:300, 388, Pl. 8 (fig. 84) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bolahat, Gorakhpur District, India. No types known. Information on type locality see Britz 2019:44 [ref. 37532]. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 176 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Labeo nandina (Hamilton 1822) -- (Ataur Rahman 1989:114 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:214 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:508 [ref. 23778], Menon 1999:135 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:88 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Ataur Rahman 2003:131 [ref. 31338], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989], Chen et al. 2024:90 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Labeo nandina (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. nasus, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1899:99, Pl. 40 (fig. 2) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 5); ref. 589] Cataracts at Yelala, near Matadi, 5°42'S, 13°32'E, Lower Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo. Lectotype: MRAC 867. Paralectotypes: (3) BMNH 1898.12.28.6 (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:266 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo nasus Boulenger 1899 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:316 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:266 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1573 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:412 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[8] 707 [ref. 38315]). Current status: Valid as Labeo nasus Boulenger 1899. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Congo River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo). Habitat: freshwater. neumanni, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1904:329, Pl. 29 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1903, v. 2 (pt 2) (art. 3); ref. 15110] Modjo River, Wabbe Shebeili [Webi Shebeli] system, southern Ethiopia, about 9°00'S, 41°05'E. Lectotype: BMNH 1905.7.25.104. Paralectotypes: (4) BMNH 1905.7.25.105 (1) Modjo R. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:192 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo neumanni Boulenger 1904 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:316 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897 -- (Reid 1985:189 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. nigrescens, Labeo Day [F.] 1870:371 [3] [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1870 (pt 2) (art. 3) (for 26 May 1870); ref. 17369] Mangalore, India. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7703 (1, syntype), NMW 53554-55 (1, 1), RMNH 2538 (1), ZMB 11031 (1), ZSI 1125 (1). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:156 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:300 [ref. 25110]. On p. 3 of separate. •Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:130 [ref. 24904]). •Valid as Labeo nigrescens Day 1870 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:215 [ref. 20764], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:72 [ref. 25342], Plamoottil & Zupančič 2017:305 [ref. 35479], Sudasinghe et al. 2018:229 [ref. 36164]). Current status: Valid as Labeo nigrescens Day 1870. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Karnataka, India. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. nigricans, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1911:221 [Bulletins Mensuels / Société des naturalistes Luxembourgeois v. 21; ref. 19571] Sankuru (Kasaï) River, Democratic Republic of Congo. Lectotype: BMNH 1909.4.26.17. Paralectotypes: (many) BMNH 1911.7.27.15-16 (2), MRAC 3389 (1). Also published in [ref. 40592], earliest not researched. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:179 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo longipinnis Boulenger 1898 -- (Reid 1985:176 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo nigricans Boulenger 1911 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:316 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:432 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Valid as Labeo nigricans Boulenger 1911. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater. nigripinnis, Labeo Day [F.] 1877:544, Pl. 132 (fig. 3) [The fishes of India Part 3; ref. 4886] Sind hills and bases, Pakistan. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7842 (1, symtype) Simla; BMNH 1889.2.1.244-249 (6); FMNH 2299 (3); NMW 53556-57 (2); RMNH 2634 (1); ZIN 8277 (3); ZSI 1216-17 (2, lost), 1531 (1). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:162 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:300 [ref. 25110]. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Valid as Labeo nigripinnis Day 1877 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:215 [ref. 20764], Rafique 2000:324 [ref. 25220], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:106 [ref. 25342], Mirza 2003:8 [ref. 27265]). •Valid as Bangana nigripinnis (Day 1877) -- (Luo & Zhou 2009:66 [ref. 30000]). Current status: Valid as Labeo nigripinnis Day 1877. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. niloticus, Cyprinus Forsskål [P. S.] in Niebuhr 1775:71, xiii [Descriptiones animalium (Forsskål); ref. 1351] River Nile, Egypt. Neotype: BMNH 1907.12.2.1074. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Cyprinus niloticus Linnaeus 1758. Considered as a misidentification of Cyprinus niloticus (non Linnaeus 1758) (see Fricke 2008:17 [ref. 30182]). Neotype designated by Reid 1985:64 [ref. 19189]. •Incorrectly treated as valid as Labeo niloticus (Forsskål 1775) -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:316 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:61 [ref. 19189], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367], Moritz 2007:55 [ref. 29304]). •Independent description of Cyprinus niloticus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989]). •In the synonymy of Labeo vulgaris Heckel 1847 -- (Fricke 2008:17 [ref. 30182]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Labeo vulgaris Heckel 1847. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. niloticus, Cyprinus Linnaeus [C.] (ex Hasselquist) 1758:322 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] Nile River, Egypt. Syntypes: NRM 8045 (2). Based in part of Cyprinus rufescens of Hasselquist 1757:383 [ref. 30181]. Tentatively accepted as the same species as Labeo niloticus (Forsskål 1775). •Mentioned as Cyprinus niloticus Linnaeus 1758 -- (Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Labeo niloticus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:316 [ref. 6186] with author Forsskål 1775, Reid 1985:61 [ref. 19189] with author Forsskål 1775, Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367] with author Forsskål 1775, Moritz 2007:55 [ref. 29304] with author Forsskål 1775, Neumann et al. 2016:304 [ref. 35036], Moritz & Neumann 2017:32 [ref. 35181]). Current status: Valid as Labeo niloticus (Linnaeus 1758). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Nile River: Egypt, Sudan and Kenya. Habitat: freshwater. nunensis, Labeo chariensis var. Pellegrin [J.] 1929:288 [Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France v. 54 (no. 4); ref. 15939] Noun River, near Foumbam, southern Cameroon. Lectotype: MNHN 1928-0303. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1928-0162 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:20 [ref. 19574]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:265 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:317 [ref. 6186]). •Valid as Labeo nunensis Pellegrin 1929 -- (Reid 1985:265 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa 1997:130 [ref. 24616], De Weirdt et al. 2007:557 [ref. 30024], Fermon et al. 2022:136 [ref. 39448] with question). Current status: Valid as Labeo nunensis Pellegrin 1929. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Cameroon. Habitat: freshwater. obscurus, Labeo Pellegrin [J.] 1908:205 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 1) v. 14 (no. 5); ref. 14329] Large waterfall on Tabili stream, tributary of Konkouré River, near Tabili, French Guinea. Lectotype: MNHN 1908-0895. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1908-0094 and 0096 (2). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:19 [ref. 19574]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:251 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:317 [ref. 6186], Lévêque et al. 1989:117 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21589] with question). •Valid as Labeo obscurus Pellegrin 1908 -- (Reid 1985:251 [ref. 19189], Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441]). Current status: Valid as Labeo obscurus Pellegrin 1908. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa: French Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. ochrus, Osteochilus Fowler [H. W.] 1935:118, Figs. 56-57 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 87; ref. 13881] Bangkok, Thailand. Holotype (unique): ANSP 61781. Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:9 [ref. 25088], Böhlke 1984:85 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Labeo erythropterus Valenciennes 1842 -- (Rainboth 1996:112 [ref. 22772]). •Synonym with question of Labeo pierrei (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo pierrei (Sauvage 1880). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. ogunensis, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1910:425 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 6 (no. 34); ref. 14430] Ogun River at Aro [Ilaro], Lagos State, southern Nigeria, 6°53'N, 3°03'E. Lectotype: BMNH 1909.3.3.12. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1909.3.3.13 (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:246 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque et al. 1989:117 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21589]). •Mention -- (Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477]). •Valid as Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:316 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:245 [ref. 19189], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441]). Current status: Valid as Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. pakistanicus, Labeo dyocheilus Mirza [M. R.] & Awan [M. I.] 1976:43, Fig. 2 [Biologia (Lahore) v. 22 (no. 1); ref. 22844] Qadh Wala Stream, Son-Sakesar Valley, Punjab, Pakistan. Holotype: GCM (N.H.) F. no. 8. Paratypes: (6). •Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:207 [ref. 20764]). •Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839), but a valid subspecies pakistanicus Mirza & Awan 1976 as described -- (Rafique 2000:323 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2000:355 [ref. 25207], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:60 [ref. 25342], Rafique et al. 2003:97 [ref. 27173], Mirza 2003:7 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Asia: Pakistan and India [for subspecies]. Habitat: freshwater. pangusia, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:285, 386 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Mainai, Kosi River, India. No types known. Information on type locality see Britz 2019:44 [ref. 37532]. Hamilton's original, unpublished illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 166 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Labeo pangusia (Hamilton 1822) -- (Shrestha 1978:36 [ref. 15970], Coad 1981:11 [ref. 22348], Ataur Rahman 1989:118 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:216 [ref. 20764], Singh & Yazdani 1993:199 [ref. 24022], Indra 1994:414 [ref. 24015], Sen 1995:509 [ref. 23778], Kullander et al. 1999:152 [ref. 23689], Rema Devi & Raghunathan 1999:152 [ref. 24759], Menon 1999:135 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:324 [ref. 25220], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:26 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Mirza 2003:8 [ref. 27265], Yadav 2003:10 [ref. 27711], Ataur Rahman 2003:135 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:71 [ref. 29923], Conway et al. 2011:1755 [ref. 31594], Gurung et al. 2013:4882 [ref. 32969], Bleher 2018:590 [ref. 36647], Kosygin et al. 2022:653 [ref. 40736], Tudu et al. 2022:43 [ref. 40484], Çiçek et al. 2023:19 [ref. 40326]). Current status: Valid as Labeo pangusia (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Himalaya foothills (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand). Habitat: freshwater. parvulus, Labeo Gilchrist [J. D. F.] & Thompson [W. W.] 1913:352, Fig. 22 [Annals of the South African Museum v. 11 (pt 5); ref. 14958] Crocodile River, Transvaal [now Gauteng], South Africa. Holotype (unique): SAM 10743 [now at AMG]. •Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:310 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:213 [ref. 19189], Seegers 1996:150 [ref. 23725], Tshibwabwa 1997:451 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo cylindricus Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. parvus, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:30, Pl. 8 (fig. 5) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 2 (fasc. 2); ref. 562] Ubangi River at Banzyville, Democratic Republic of Congo, about 4°18'N, 21°11'E. Lectotype: MRAC 1176. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1901.12.26.24-25 (2), ?MRAC 1177-1178 (2). Lectotype apparently established by Reid 1985:241 [ref. 19189] but not clearly in text, see Fig. 58. •Valid as Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:317 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:240 [ref. 19189], Lévêque et al. 1989:117 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Lévêque 1990:43 [ref. 19786], Paugy et al. 1990:1130 [ref. 19501], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21589], Paugy et al. 1990:339 [ref. 26477], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1568 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:423 [ref. 24617], Dankwa et al. 1999:26 [ref. 28023], De Vos et al. 2001:131 [ref. 26059], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:34 [ref. 28698], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564], Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[8] 707 [ref. 38315], Munene et al. 2021:22 [ref. 39283], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441], Bigirimana et al. 2024:34 [ref. 41336]). Current status: Valid as Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Congo River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo); Burundi. Habitat: freshwater. pectoralis, Rohita Sauvage [H.-E.] 1878:238 [6] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 2; ref. 3879] Mekong River at Phnom Penh [Phnom Penh], Cambodia. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-2405. On p. 6 of separate. •Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Kottelat 1984:806 [ref. 11440], Karnasuta 1993:84 [ref. 20700], Kottelat 2001:57 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989]). •In a category synonyms/misidentifications under Morulius chrysophekadion -- (Rainboth 1996:115 [ref. 22772]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. pellegrini, Labeo Zolezzi [G.] 1939:172, Fig. 3 [Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia v. 15 (no. 2); ref. 17251] Lugh Ferrandi region, Ganale River, Juba River system, Somalia, 34°09'N, 42°34'E. Syntypes: (4) RMNH 27679 [ex 7625] (1), 7625 (up to 3 of 8). •Valid as Labeo pellegrini Zolezzi 1939 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:318 [ref. 6186]). •Questionably a synonym of Labeo mesops Günther 1868 -- (Reid 1985:77 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Valid as Labeo pellegrini Zolezzi 1939. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Ethiopia [if valid]. Habitat: freshwater. percivali, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1912:673, Pl. 78 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1912 (pt 3) (art. 37); ref. 14834] Eusso Nyiro [Ewaso Ng'iro] River below Thompson's Falls, east of Lake Baringo, Kenya. Lectotype: BMNH 1912.3.22.5. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1912.3.22.6-13 (8), USNM 86617 [ex BMNH] (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:192 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897 -- (Reid 1985:189 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo percivali Boulenger 1912 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:318 [ref. 6186], Seegers et al. 2003:34 [ref. 28087]). Current status: Valid as Labeo percivali Boulenger 1912. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Eastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. pierrei, Lobochilus Sauvage [H.-E.] 1880:232, 233 [23] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 4; ref. 3889] Rapids of Dang-nai, Bien Hoa Province, Thailand. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-4451 (mounted). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:53 [ref. 19574]. On p. 23 of separate. Species illustrated in Sauvage 1881 Pl. 5, fig. 2 [ref. 18672]. Named for the collector Pierre, so pierrei is correct. Original genus should have been Lobocheilos. •Valid as Bangana pierrei (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kottelat 1984:802 [ref. 11440], Doi 1997:3 [ref. 22832], Luo & Zhou 2009:66 [ref. 30000]). •Valid as Labeo pierrei (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kottelat 2001:57 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2015:42 [ref. 33971], Zhang et al. 2016:112 [ref. 34477], Fu et al. 2021:9570 [ref. 39347], Taki et al. 2021:172 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Labeo pierrei (Sauvage 1880). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong, Chao Phraya and Salween basins, Thailand to Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. pietschmanni, Labeo Machan [B.] 1930:426 (67) [Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 67 (no. 8); ref. 16304] Sumatra, market in Padang, Indonesia. Holotype: NMW 15866. •Valid as Labeo pietschmanni Machan 1930 -- (Kottelat et al. 1993:36 [ref. 23448], Doi 1997:6 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989] but not recorded since original description or mislabeled). Current status: Valid as Labeo pietschmanni Machan 1930. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Indonesia. Habitat: freshwater. polli, Labeo Tshibwabwa [S. M.] 1997:390, Pl. 3 (4)holo [Systématique des espèces Africaines du genre Labeo (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) v. 2; ref. 24617] Kafubu River, down-stream of the rapids, Lubumbashi, 11°39'S, 27°29'E. Holotype: MRAC 176689-176690 (171.5 mm). Paratypes: MRAC 176689-176690 (1) [with holotype], 42936 (1). •Valid as Labeo polli Tshibwabwa 1997 -- (Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[8] 707 [ref. 38315], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441]). Current status: Valid as Labeo polli Tshibwabwa 1997. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater. polyporos, Rohita Bleeker [P.] 1854:519, 520 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 5 (no. 3); ref. 5965] Moarah Kompeh, eastern Sumatra, Indonesia; Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. Syntypes and Bleeker specimens: (3) RMNH 12320 [ex RMNH 6994] (1), 6994 (1); SMNS 10944 (2). Type catalog: Fricke 1991:13 [ref. 13474], Fricke 2005:33 [ref. 29864] •Synonym of Morulius chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Roberts 1989:45 [ref. 6439]). •Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. porcellus, Tylognathus Heckel [J. J.] 1844:385, Fig. [Fische Kaschmir's; ref. 18255] Mumbai, India. Holotype (unique): NMW 48827. •Valid as Labeo porcellus (Heckel 1844) -- (Pethiyagoda 1991:87 [ref. 20075], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:217 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:137 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:64 [ref. 25342], Bleher 2018:577 [ref. 36647], Chen et al. 2024:91 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Labeo porcellus (Heckel 1844). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: peninsular India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. potail, Cyprinus Sykes [W. H.] 1839:159 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1838 (pt 6) (for 27 Nov. 1838); ref. 18720] Deccan, India. No types known. Appeared first as above, then in Sykes 1839:56 [ref. 4306]; more complete treatment in Sykes 1841:354 [ref. 18868]. •Valid as Labeo potail (Sykes 1839) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:218 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:137 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:117 [ref. 25342], Yadav 2000:40 [ref. 25661], Yadav 2003:11 [ref. 27711] as porail, Bleher 2018:585 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Labeo potail (Sykes 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Peninsular India. Habitat: freshwater. pseudocoubie, Labeo Blache [J.] & Miton [F.] 1960:150 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 2) v. 32 (no. 2); ref. 20674] Léré Lake, Mayo Kebbi basin, Chad, 9°41'N, 14°17'E. Holotype: MNHN 1959-0221. Paratypes: CEPFL 123 (1), 196 (1), 467 (1), 1504 (1), 1567-1572 (6), 1743-48 (6). Type catalog: Blanc 1961:270 [ref. 20870]. Original as pseudo-coubie. •Valid as Labeo pseudocoubie Blache & Miton 1960 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:318 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832 -- (Reid 1985:147 [ref. 19189], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:291 [ref. 21589], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. quadribarbis, Labeo Poll [M.] & Gosse [J.-P.] 1963:51, Pl. 2 (fig. 2) [Annales, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Série in 8o, Sciences Zoologiques No. 116; ref. 5138] Congo River, near Yangambi, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: MRAC 137816. Paratypes: MRAC 137817-29 (12), 13830-32 (3), 137833-36 (4). Type catalog: Derijst 1991:48 [ref. 21528]. •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:240 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo quadribarbis Poll & Gosse 1963 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:318 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:376 [ref. 24617], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441]). Current status: Valid as Labeo quadribarbis Poll & Gosse 1963. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater. rajasthanicus, Labeo Datta [A. K.] & Majumdar [N.] 1970:83, Pl. 8 (fig. 3); Fig. 2 [Records of the Zoological Survey of India v. 62 (no. 1/2); ref. 22845] Tidi River, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India [Lake Jaismund, western Rajasthan]. Neotype: NBFGR/LRT 02. See Das 2003:359 [ref. 27706]. Holotype ZSI F.4179/2 lost, from Jaisamand Lake, near Kherad village, about 61 kilometers southeast of Udaipur, Udaipur District, Rajasthan, India. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. Neotype designated by Lal et al. 2016:14 [ref. 34149]. •Synonym of Labeo boggut (Sykes 1839) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:18 [ref. 25342]). •Valid as Labeo rajasthanicus Datta & Majumdar 1970 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:218 [ref. 20764], Lal et al. 2016:14 [ref. 34149], Bleher 2018:587 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Labeo rajasthanicus Datta & Majumdar 1970. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Mahi-Som and upper Ganga River drainages, Rajasthan, India. Habitat: freshwater. rectipinnis, Labeo Tshibwabwa [S. M.] 1997:382, Pl. 3 (2) [Systématique des espèces Africaines du genre Labeo (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) v. 2; ref. 24617] Rapids of the Congo River, 5°06'S, 14°04'E, Manianga. Holotype: MRAC 98136-98142 (102 mm). Paratypes: 98136-98142 (6) [with holotype]. •Valid as Labeo rectipinnis Tshibwabwa 1997 -- (Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:34 [ref. 28698]). Current status: Valid as Labeo rectipinnis Tshibwabwa 1997. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. reidi, Labeo Tshibwabwa [S. M.] 1997:384 [Systématique des espèces Africaines du genre Labeo (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) v. 2; ref. 24617] Tshopo River, downstream of the hydro-electric dam, 0°33'N, 25°11'E, Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: MRAC 87-42-P-725-729 (67.7 mm). Paratypes: MRAC 87-42-P-725-729 (3) [with holotype]. •Valid as Labeo reidi Tshibwabwa 1997. Current status: Valid as Labeo reidi Tshibwabwa 1997. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. reynauldi, Labeo Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:351 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Irrawaddy River at Rangoon, Myanmar. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3384. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:17 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamiltoin 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]) Current status: Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. reynauldi, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:247, Pl. 474 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Irrawaddy River at Rangoon, Myanmar. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3860 and 0000-3862 (5). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:15 [ref. 19574]. Spelled reinauldi on p. xiii. •Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:129 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:83 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. ricnorhynchus, Gobio McClelland [J.] 1839:279, 363, Pl. 55 (fig. 1) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Northern Bengal. Syntypes: SMF 622 (2) Bengal. •Synonym of Labeo dero (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:38 [ref. 25342]). •Valid as Labeo ricnorhynchus (McClelland 1839) -- (Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662]). Current status: Valid as Labeo ricnorhynchus (McClelland 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: India. Habitat: freshwater. rocadasi, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1910:544 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 6 (no. 36); ref. 577] Luando tributary of Cuanza [Quanza] River at Cambembe [Cambambe], 11°20'S, 17°56'E, Angola. Lectotype: BMNH 1910.11.28.108. Paralectotypes: ANSP 38002-09 (8); BMNH 1910.11.28.109-117 (9), 1910.11.29.101-107 (7); ZMB 18209 (5). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:89 [ref. 13621]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:212 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo rocadasi Boulenger 1910 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:318 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo ansorgii Boulenger 1907 -- (Reid 1985:209 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo ansorgii Boulenger 1907. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. rohita, Cyprinus Hamilton [F.] 1822:301, 388, Pl. 36 (fig. 85) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Gangetic provinces and Ava, India. No types known. Lectotype as the figured specimen in Pl. 36 designated by Fricke 1999:83 [ref. 24106]. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 177 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Shrestha 1978:36 [ref. 15970], Jin in Kuang et al. 1986:130 [ref. 26639], Ataur Rahman 1989:116 [ref. 24860], Pethiyagoda 1991:89 [ref. 20075], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:219 [ref. 20764], Chen et al. in Pan et al. 1991:174 [ref. 23876], Indra 1991:237 [ref. 24005], Sen 1995:509 [ref. 23778], Zhu 1995:204 [ref. 25213] as robita, Coad 1996:84 [ref. 25304], Banik & Choudhury 1996:579 [ref. 24736], Vu & Nguyen 1997:26 [ref. 26438], Rema Devi & Raghunathan 1999:152 [ref. 24759], Rema Devi & Raghunathan 1999:169 [ref. 24760], Rema Devi et al. 1999:155 [ref. 24758], Menon 1999:138 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:324 [ref. 25220], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:91 [ref. 25342], Karmakar 2000:28 [ref. 25662], Kottelat 2001:28 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2001:58 [ref. 25780], Raju Thomas et al. 2002:49 [ref. 26359], Rafique et al. 2003:97 [ref. 27173], Mirza 2003:8 [ref. 27265], Yadav 2003:11 [ref. 27711], Ataur Rahman 2003:133 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:72 [ref. 29923], Gurung et al. 2013:4882 [ref. 32969], Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989], Lal et al. 2016:19 [ref. 34149], Zhang et al. 2016:210 [ref. 34477], Plamoottil & Zupančič 2017:305 [ref. 35479], Sudasinghe et al. 2018:229 [ref. 36164], Suresh et al. 2018:102 [ref. 36495], Bleher 2018:592 [ref. 36647], Eagderi et al. 2019:18 [ref. 36543], Ng et al. 2019:523 [ref. 36606], Fu et al. 2021:9570 [ref. 39347], Taki et al. 2021:173 [ref. 39830], Kosygin et al. 2022:653 [ref. 40736], Tudu et al. 2022:43 [ref. 40484], Chan et al. 2023:136 [ref. 40365], Çiçek et al. 2023:20 [ref. 40326], Jamandre 2023:165 [ref. 40455], Çiçek et al. 2024:166 [ref. 40789], Gupta et al. 2024:101 [ref. 41453], Chen et al. 2024:92 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka. Introduced widely in Asia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. rosae, Labeo Steindachner [F.] 1894:139 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 31 (no. 14) (for 25 May 1894); ref. 20493] Marico River [Limpopo River], Botswana/Transvaal [now Gauteng], South Africa. Holotype (unique): NMW 55584 [?53584]. Species illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner 1894:457, Pl. 5 (fig. 1) [ref. 14564]. •Valid as Labeo rosae Steindachner 1894 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:318 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:92 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:181 [ref. 24071], Skelton 2001:181 [ref. 27406], Marshall 2011:111 [ref. 31755], Van Steenberge et al. 2016:[9] 272 [ref. 35045], Abwe et al. 2023:30 [ref. 39992] as cf. rosae). Current status: Valid as Labeo rosae Steindachner 1894. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southeastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. roseopunctatus, Labeo Paugy [D.], Guégan [J.-F.] & Agnèse [J.-F.] 1990:1127, Fig. 3 [Canadian Journal of Zoology v. 68 (no. 6); ref. 19501] Baoulé River (upper Senegal) at Missira (Mali). Holotype: MNHN 1989-0097. Paratypes: MNHN 1989-0098 to 0101 (7, 3, 2, 1). •Valid as Labeo roseopunctatus Paugy, Guégan & Agnèse 1990 -- (Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:293 [ref. 21589]). Current status: Valid as Labeo roseopunctatus Paugy, Guégan & Agnèse 1990. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. rouaneti, Labeo Daget [J.] 1962:68, Fig. 11; Pl. 8 (fig. 15) [Mémoires de l'Institut français d'Afrique Noire No. 65; ref. 5866] Kakrima tributary of Konkouré River, near Télimelé, at bridge on road Kindia-Télimélé, Guinea. Lectotype: MNHN 1959-0112. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1959-0112 (1 of 2), 1960-0416 (5). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:169 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo rouaneti Daget 1962 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:319 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:169 [ref. 19189], Lévêque et al. 1989:117 [ref. 26480], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:291 [ref. 21589]). •Mention -- (Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477]). Current status: Valid as Labeo rouaneti Daget 1962. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Guinea. Habitat: freshwater. rouxii, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:270 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Mumbai, India. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3859 (4). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:16 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo dussumieri (Valenciennes 1842) -- (Menon 1999:132 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:22 [ref. 25342], Sudasinghe et al. 2018:222 [ref. 36164]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo dussumieri (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. rubirostris, Cirrhinus Roberts [T. R.] 1997:195, Fig. 14 [Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society v. 45 (no. 2); ref. 23550] Tenasserim River, southeastern Myanmar. Holotype: MNHN 1992-1043. Paratypes: CAS 91753-55 (1, 1, 1), MNHN 1992-1044 (2), ZRCS 22933 (1). •Valid as Cirrhinus rubirostris Roberts 1997 -- (Kottelat 2013:89 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Labeo rubirostris (Roberts 1997) -- (Ciccotto & Page 2020:499 [ref. 37710]). Current status: Valid as Labeo rubirostris (Roberts 1997). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Tenasserim River basin, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. rubromaculatus, Labeo Gilchrist [J. D. F.] & Thompson [W. W.] 1913:359, Fig. 28 [Annals of the South African Museum v. 11 (pt 5); ref. 14958] M'Fongosi, Tugela River, Zululand, southern Africa, 29°20'S, 30°40'E. Holotype (unique): SAM 10714 [now at AMG]. •Valid as Labeo rubromaculatus Gilchrist & Thompson 1913 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:319 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:123 [ref. 19189], Skelton 2001:179 [ref. 27406]). Current status: Valid as Labeo rubromaculatus Gilchrist & Thompson 1913. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southeastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. rubropunctatus, Cirrhinus Jerdon [T. C.] 1849:303 [Madras Journal of Literature and Science v. 15 (pt 2); ref. 4902] Upper Cavery River and its tributaries, southern India. No types known. Originally as rubro-punctatus. •Synonym of Labeo kontius (Jerdon 1849) -- (Menon 1999:134 [ref. 24904]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo kontius (Jerdon 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. rubropunctatus, Labeo Gilchrist [J. D. F.] & Thompson [W. W.] 1913:355, Fig. 24 [Annals of the South African Museum v. 11 (pt 5); ref. 14958] Sabi [Sabie] River, Transvaal [now Gauteng], South Africa. Lectotype: SAM 10765 [now at AMG]. Paralectotypes: SAM 10645 (1), 10759 (1), 10777 (1). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:160 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo rubropunctatus Gilchrist & Thompson 1913 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:319 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo congoro Peters 1852 -- (Reid 1985:156 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo congoro Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. ruddi, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1907:392 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 19 (no. 113) (art. 46); ref. 15133] Klein Letaba River, tributary of Olifant River, Limpopo system, Transvaal [now Gauteng], South Africa. Lectotype: BMNH 1907.4.9.84. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1907.4.9.85-87 (3). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:97 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo ruddi Boulenger 1907 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:319 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:95 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:182 [ref. 24071], Skelton 2001:182 [ref. 27406], Marshall 2011:112 [ref. 31755], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564]). Current status: Valid as Labeo ruddi Boulenger 1907. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. rufescens, Cyprinus Hasselquist [F.] 1762:435 [Reise nach Palästina; ref. 18250] Locality not stated [Nile River, Egypt]. Not available, published in a rejected work (ICZN Opinion 57). Based on Hasselquist 1757:393 [ref. 30181], also a rejected work (ICZN Opinion 57). Name listed by Linnaeus 1758:322 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X. v. 1; ref. 2787] and Walbaum 1792:23 [ref. 4572] in the synonymy of Cyprinus niloticus Linnaeus 1758; not made available by these authors. See also Cyprinus niloticus Linnaeus 1758. •In the synonymy of Labeo niloticus (Linnaeus 1758). Suppressed. Current status: Uncertain as Labeo niloticus (Linnaeus 1758). Cyprinidae: Cyprininae. sanagaensis, Labeo Tshibwabwa [S. M.] 1997:142, Pl. 2 (2) [Systématique des espèces Africaines du genre Labeo (Teleostei, Cyprinidae) v. 1; ref. 24616] Medjamba, Mekay River, affluent of Djerem River, Cameroon, 6°20'N, 12°33'E. Holotype: MRAC 93-041-P-1041-1043. Paratypes: MRAC 93-041-P-1041-1043 (1, with holotype), 93-041-P-1044-1057 (3). •Valid as Labeo sanagaensis Tshibwabwa 1997 -- (De Weirdt et al. 2007:561 [ref. 30024], Fermon et al. 2022:136 [ref. 39448] with question). Current status: Valid as Labeo sanagaensis Tshibwabwa 1997. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: Sanaga River basin (Cameroon). Habitat: freshwater. seeberi, Labeo Gilchrist [J. D. F.] & Thompson [W. W.] 1911:477 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 7 (no. 41); ref. 14789] Olifants River, Transvaal [now Gauteng], South Africa. Holotype: ?BMNH 1937.10.4.15 [ex SAM]. Possible types: SAM 10545 (1, ?lost). Neotype [as BMNH 1937.10.4.15] designated by Reid 1985:119 [ref. 19189] but that is likely the holotype. •Valid as Labeo seeberi Gilchrist & Thompson 1911 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:319 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:118 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:179 [ref. 24071], Skelton 2001:179 [ref. 27406]). Current status: Valid as Labeo seeberi Gilchrist & Thompson 1911. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Africa. Habitat: freshwater. selti, Labeo Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:345 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Senegal. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3861 (6). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:16 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:309 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:366 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. senegalensis, Labeo Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:346, Pl. 486 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] Senegal. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-5826. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:17 [ref. 19574]. •Valid as Labeo senegalensis Valenciennes 1842 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:320 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:73 [ref. 19189], Lévêque et al. 1989:118 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Lévêque 1990:42 [ref. 19786], Paugy et al. 1990:1130 [ref. 19501], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:292 [ref. 21589], Lévèque et al. 1991:142 [ref. 31367], Dankwa et al. 1999:26 [ref. 28023]). Current status: Valid as Labeo senegalensis Valenciennes 1842. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. shivamogaensis, Labeo Arunachalam [M.], Anusha [J.] & Sivakumar [P.] 2018:51, Figs. 2-4 [Trends in Fisheries Research v. 7 (no. 3); ref. 36286] Bhadra Reservoir, Shimoga, Karnataka, India, 13°42'15.1632"N, 75°38'34.1988"E. Holotype: CUKMNH F1. Paratypes: CUKMNH. •Valid as Labeo shivamogaensis Arunachalam, Anusha & Sivakumar 2018. Current status: Valid as Labeo shivamogaensis Arunachalam, Anusha & Sivakumar 2018. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: South Asia: Bhadra River basin (Karnataka, India). Habitat: freshwater. sicheli, Labeo Castelnau [F. L.] 1861:60 [Mémoire sur les poissons de l'Afrique australe; ref. 767] Upper Orange River, South Africa. •Synonym of Labeo umbratus (Smith 1841) -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo umbratus (Smith 1841). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. sima, Rohita Sauvage [H.-E.] 1878:238 [6] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 2; ref. 3879] Mekong River, Phnom-Penh [Phnom Penh], Cambodia. No types known. On p. 6 of separate. •Nomen dubium -- (Karnasuta 1993:84 [ref. 20700]). •Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849) -- (Kottelat 1984:807 [ref. 11440], Kottelat 2001:57 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo chrysophekadion (Bleeker 1849). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. simpsoni, Labeo Ricardo-Bertram [C. K.] 1943:206 [The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology v. 41 (no. 278); ref. 13217] Chambezi River, Bangweulu region, above Safwa Falls at Lukonya, southern central Africa. Lectotype: BMNH 1943.7.27.315. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1943.7.27.316-317 (2). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:263 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo lukulae Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:260 [ref. 19189]). •Valid as Labeo simpsoni Ricardo-Bertram 1943 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:320 [ref. 6186], Tshibwabwa 1997:402 [ref. 24617], Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[8] 707 [ref. 38315], Loyandja et al. 2022:[11] [ref. 39441]). Current status: Valid as Labeo simpsoni Ricardo-Bertram 1943. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater. sondhii, Osteochilus Hora [S. L.] & Mukerji [D. D.] 1934:359, Fig. 2 [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 36 (pt 3); ref. 16428] Salween River at Takaw, Kengtung State, southern Shan States, Myanmar. Holotype: ZSI F11600/1. Paratypes: ZSI F11601/1 (1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:113-114 [ref. 20743]. See Das 2003:359 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Osteochilus sondhii Hora & Mukerji 1934 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:245 [ref. 20764]). •Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839) -- (Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. sorex, Labeo Nichols [J. T.] & Griscom [L.] 1917:691, Fig. 9 [Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History v. 37 (art. 25); ref. 3185] Kisangani, 0°30'N, 25°12'E, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype (unique): AMNH 5941. •Valid as Labeo sorex Nichols & Griscom 1917 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:320 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:270 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1574 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:434 [ref. 24617], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:34 [ref. 28698]). Current status: Valid as Labeo sorex Nichols & Griscom 1917. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: West Africa. Habitat: freshwater. steindachnerii, Labeo Pfeffer [G. J.] 1896:51 [Die Thierwelt Ost-Afrikas und der Nachbargebiete v. 3; ref. 14617] Kingani River, Tanzania. Syntypes: ZMB 13687 (3), ZMH H475 (1). Type catalog: Ladiges et al. 1958:159 [ref. 19181], Wilkens & Dohse 1993:403 [ref. 21161]. Possible lectotype selected by Ladiges et al. 1958:159 [ref. 19181]. •Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:309 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:147 [ref. 19189] with question, Tshibwabwa 1997:366 [ref. 24617] with question). Current status: Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. stenningi, Labeo Gilchrist [J. D. F.] & Thompson [W. W.] 1913:363, Fig. 31 [Annals of the South African Museum v. 11 (pt 5); ref. 14958] Mooi River, Potchefstroom, Transvaal [now Gauteng], South Africa, 26°40'S, 27°11'E. Holotype (unique): SAM 10668 [now at AMG]. •Synonym of Labeo umbratus (Smith 1841) -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:322 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:105 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo umbratus (Smith 1841). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. stictolepis, Labeo Vinciguerra [D.] 1912:297 [5] [Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Serie 3). v. 45; ref. 14989] Upper Genale River, Ethiopia. Holotype (unique): MSNG 2067 (dry, poor condition, not found in 1995). Type catalog: Tortonese 1961:186 [ref. 10343]. On p. 5 of separate. •Valid as Labeo stictolepis Vinciguerra 1912 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897 -- (Reid 1985:189 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo bottegi Vinciguerra 1897. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. stolizkae, Labeo Steindachner [F.] 1870:634 [12] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 61 (1. Abth.); ref. 4218] Moulmein, Myanmar. Holotype (unique): NMW 53600. On p. 12 of separate. •Valid as Labeo stolizkae Steindachner 1870 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:221 [ref. 20764], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:74 [ref. 25342] as stoliczkae). •Doubtfully valid as Labeo stolizkae (Steindachner 1870) -- (Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Labeo stolizkae Steindachner 1870. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. striolatus, Tylognathus Günther [A.] 1868:62 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] Poona, India. Syntypes: BMNH 1867.2.14.11-12 (2). •Synonym of Labeo boggut (Sykes 1839) -- (Menon 1999:128 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:16 [ref. 25342]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo boggut (Sykes 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. tenuirostris, Labeo Steindachner [F.] 1894:139 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 31 (no. 14) (for 25 May 1894); ref. 20493] ?Limpopo River, South Africa. Holotype (unique): NMW 53601. Species illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner 1894:459, Pl. 5 (figs. 2-2a) [ref. 14564]. For comments on locality see Reid 1985:116 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo capensis (Smith 1841) -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:307 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:116 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo capensis (Smith 1841). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. tezpurensis, Labeo Chaudhuri [B. L.] 1912:439, Pl. 39 (figs. 1, 1a-b) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 7 (pt. 5) (art. 35); ref. 14837] Belsiri River, Tezpur, Assam, northern India. Syntypes: ZSI F5788/1 to 5890/1 (3). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:112 [ref. 20743]. •Synonym of Labeo pangusia (Hamilton 1822) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:216 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:136 [ref. 24904]). •Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839), subspecies dyocheilus (McClelland 1839) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:51 [ref. 25342] as tezpuransis). •Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (MaClellan 1839) -- (Kottelat 2013:116 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo dyocheilus (McClelland 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. tibestii, Labeo Pellegrin [J.] 1920:326 [Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France v. 44 (no. 8/10) [for 1919]; ref. 15226] Debassa [Debassar], a wadi at foot of Tibesti mountains, Chad, 20°22'N, 16°47'E. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1919-0335. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:19-20 [ref. 19574]. •Valid as Labeo tibestii Pellegrin 1920 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Reid 1985:245 [ref. 19189], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21589]). •Synonym of Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910 -- (Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367]) Current status: Synonym of Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. tincoides, Rohita Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1842:269 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 16; ref. 1009] No locality. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-3866. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:16 [ref. 19574]. •Species iquirena in Labeo -- (Kottelat 2013:114 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Uncertain as Labeo tincoides (Valenciennes 1842). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. toboensis, Labeo Svensson [G. S. O.] 1933:66, Fig. 23 [Kongliga Vetenskaps-Academiens Handlingar, Stockholm v. 12 (no. 3); ref. 16524] Tobo swamp on Gambia River, 2 kilometers southwest of Georgetown, MacCarthy Island Division, Gambia, western Africa. Holotype (unique): NRM 11138. •Synonym of Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910 -- (Reid 1985:245 [ref. 19189]). •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:317 [ref. 6186], Paugy & Bénech 1989:301 [ref. 26478], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:297 [ref. 21589]). •Synonym of Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910 -- (Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo ogunensis Boulenger 1910. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. tongaensis, Labeo Rendahl [H.] 1935:11, Figs. 1-2 [Annales Zoologici Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae Vanamo v. 2 (2); ref. 13741] Tonga, White Nile River, Sudan, 9°22'N, 31°06'E. Holotype (unique): ZMUA [= UAZM] 6.9.14. •Valid as Labeo tongaensis Rendahl 1935 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832 -- (Reid 1985:147 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. transvaalensis, Labeo Methuen [P. A.] 1911:251, Pl. [Annals of the Transvaal Museum v. 2 (pt. 4); ref. 14794] Crocodile River, Rustenburg District, Transvaal [now Gauteng], South Africa. Syntypes: SAIAB [formerly RUSI] 44300-01 [ex TMP 10104-05] (2). Author states type and co-type, so if one specimen is marked type then it is the holotype. •Synonym of Labeo rosae Steindachner 1894 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:319 [ref. 6186] as transvalensis, Reid 1985:92 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo rosae Steindachner 1894. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. trigliceps, Labeo Pellegrin [J.] 1927:385 [Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France v. 51 (no. 5) [for 1926]; ref. 15937] Upper reaches of Athi [Sabaki] River near Nairobi, Kenya. Lectotype: MNHN 1926-0280. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1926-0281 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:20 [ref. 19574]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:220 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo trigliceps Pellegrin 1927 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:220 [ref. 19189], Seegers et al. 2003:34 [ref. 28087]). Current status: Valid as Labeo trigliceps Pellegrin 1927. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Northeast Africa: Kenya. Habitat: freshwater. udaipurensis, Labeo Tilak [R.] 1968:351, Fig. 1 [Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) [Anales of Zoology] v. 26 (no. 15); ref. 7927] Fateh Sagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Holotype (unique): ZSI F4923/2. See Das 2003:359 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Labeo udaipurensis Tilak 1968 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:222 [ref. 20764]). •Synonym of Labeo boggut (Sykes 1839) -- (Jayaram & Dhas 2000:18 [ref. 25342], Lal et al. 2016:11 [ref. 34149]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo boggut (Sykes 1839). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. uhamensis, Labeo Pellegrin [J.] 1920:247 [Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France v. 45 (no. 3/7); ref. 15250] Ouham River, tributary to Chari River, Sabo, Chad. Lectotype: MNHN 1920-145. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1920-0146 to 0147 (2). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:20 [ref. 19574]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:151 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo uhamensis Pellegrin 1920 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832 -- (Reid 1985:147 [ref. 19189], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:291 [ref. 21589], Lévèque et al. 1991:141 [ref. 31367]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo coubie Rüppell 1832. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. ulangensis, Labeo Steindachner [F.] 1914:537 [Anzeiger der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 51 (no. 25); ref. 18910] Ulanga River, near Ifakara, Tanzania, 8°10'S, 36°39'E. Syntypes: NMW 53602 (2). Species illustrated and described in more detail in Steindachner 1915:70 [p. 12 of separate] [ref. 15072]. •Valid as Labeo ulangensis Steindachner 1914 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo congoro Peters 1852 -- (Reid 1985:156 [ref. 19189]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo congoro Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. umbratus, Abrostomus Smith [A.] 1841:no pagination, Pl. 12 (fig. 1) [Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa v. 4; ref. 4035] Streams north of Orange River, South West Africa. Neotype: BMNH 1902.10.28.73. Neotype designated by Reid 1985:107 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Abrostomus umbratus Smith 1841 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:321 [ref. 6186]). •Valid as Labeo umbratus (Smith 1841) -- (Reid 1985:92 [ref. 19189], Skelton 1993:177 [ref. 24071], Hay et al. 1999:42 [ref. 40428], Skelton 2001:177 [ref. 27406]). Current status: Valid as Labeo umbratus (Smith 1841). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Southern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. valenciennesi, Rohita (Rohitodes) Bleeker [P.] 1860:114 [Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae v. 7 (art. 2); ref. 380] Bengal, India. Syntypes: MNHN 3855 (2). New name for Labeo dussumieri Valenciennes 1842. •Objective synonym of Labeo dussumieri Valenciennes 1842. •Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822) -- (Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. variegata, Labeo cyclorhynchus var. Pellegrin [J.] 1901:332 [Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Série 1) v. 7 (no. 7); ref. 14887] Ogôoué River at Adouma, Gabon, western Africa [probably from the Congo basin]. Lectotype: MNHN 1886-0392. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1886-0393 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:19 [ref. 19574]. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:141 [ref. 19189]. Type locality incorrect, see De Weirdt et al. 2021:78 [ref. 38741]. •Valid as Labeo variegatus Pellegrin 1901 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:322 [ref. 6186]). •Synonym of Labeo cyclorhynchus Boulenger 1899 -- (Reid 1985:138 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa 1997:446 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo cyclorhynchus Boulenger 1899. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. velatus, Labeo Valenciennes [A.] 1841:no page number, Pl. 93 (fig. 3) [Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation; ref. 17868] Not stated. •Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:129 [ref. 24904], Jayaram & Dhas 2000:83 [ref. 25342], Kottelat 2013:115 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton 1822). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. velifer, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:32, Pl. 16 [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 2); ref. 4864] New Antwerp, upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo. Lectotype: BMNH 1898.12.28.1. Paralectotypes: MRAC 157 (1) New Antwerp, 22 (1) Boma, 82 (1) Manyanga. Nichols & Griscom 1917:690 [ref. 3185] gave precedence to Labeo longipinnis Boulenger 1898 over Labeo velifer Boulenger 1898. Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:179 [ref. 19189], see also van Steenberge et al. 2016:3 [ref. 34374]. •Valid as Labeo velifer Boulenger 1898 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:322 [ref. 6186], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564]). •Synonym of Labeo longipinnis Boulenger 1898 -- (Reid 1985:176 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1554 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:359 [ref. 24617]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo longipinnis Boulenger 1898. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. victorianus, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1901:159 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1901, v. 2 (pt 3) (art. 2) (for 4 June 1901); ref. 14746] Lake Victoria [Victoria Nyanza], East Africa. Lectotype: BMNH 1901.6.24.95. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1901.6.24.96-97 (2). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:225 [ref. 19189]. •Valid as Labeo victorianus Boulenger 1901 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:323 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:223 [ref. 19189], Seegers et al. 2003:34 [ref. 28087], Seegers 2008:184 [ref. 29830], Moritz & Neumann 2017:32 [ref. 35181], Akoth et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40069]). Current status: Valid as Labeo victorianus Boulenger 1901. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: East Africa: Lake Victoria drainage. Habitat: freshwater. vulgaris, Labeo Heckel [J. J.] 1847:303, Pl. 20 (fig. 3) [Reisen in Europa, Asien und Africa v. 2 (pt 3); ref. 2068] Cairo, Egypt [Nile River]. Syntypes: whereabouts unknown. The Labeo niloticus of authors. •Wrongly treated as a synonym of Labeo niloticus (Forsskål 1775) -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:316 [ref. 6186]). •Valid as Labeo vulgaris Heckel 1847 -- (Fricke 2008:17 [ref. 30182]). Current status: Valid as Labeo vulgaris Heckel 1847. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Egypt. Habitat: freshwater. walkeri, Labeo Günther [A.] 1903:338, Pl. 33 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1902, v. 2 (pt 2) (art. 3) (for 18 Nov. 1902); ref. 2021] Nyankoma, Ghana. Lectotype: BMNH 1903.4.24.128. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1903.4.24.129-131 (? 3). Lectotype selected by Reid 1985:165 [ref. 19189]. •Synonym of Labeo parvus Boulenger 1902 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:317 [ref. 6186]). •Questionably a synonym of Labeo brachypoma Günther 1868 -- (Reid 1985:162 [ref. 19189], Lévêque in Lévêque et al. 1990:296 [ref. 21589]). •Mention -- (Paugy et al. 1990:338 [ref. 26477]). Current status: Uncertain as Labeo brachypoma Günther 1868. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Ghana. Habitat: freshwater. weeksii, Labeo Boulenger [G. A.] 1909:310, Fig. 232 [Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa v. 1; ref. 14364] Monsembé, Upper Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2°11'S, 16°17'E. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1901.1.31.7. Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1547 [ref. 27895] have 1°15'N, 18°38'E. •Valid as Labeo weeksii Boulenger 1909 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:323 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:85 [ref. 19189], Tshibwabwa & Teugels 1995:1551 [ref. 27895], Tshibwabwa 1997:190 [ref. 24616], De Vos et al. 2001:131 [ref. 26059], Tshibwabwa et al. 2006:33 [ref. 28698], Skelton 2019:233 [ref. 36564]). •Synonym of Labeo altivelis Peters 1852 -- (Van Steenberge et al. 2016:[9] 272 [ref. 35045], Decru et al. 2017:237 [ref. 35620]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo altivelis Peters 1852. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. werneri, Labeo Lohberger [K.] 1929:93 [2] [Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 66 (no. 11) (for 18 Apr. 1929); ref. 15907] Lake Victoria [Victoria Nyanza]. Syntypes: NMW 8981-82 (1, 1). On p. 2 of separate. •Valid as Labeo werneri Lohberger 1929 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:323 [ref. 6186]). Current status: Valid as Labeo werneri Lohberger 1929. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Eastern Africa: Lake Victoria. Habitat: freshwater. worthingtoni, Labeo Fowler [H. W.] 1958:11 [Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) No. 310; ref. 1470] Lake Malawi [Lake Nyasa], southeastern Africa. Lectotype: BMNH 1932.11.15.490. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1906.9.7.1 (1), BMNH 1932.11.15.491-492 (2?). Replacement name for Labeo intermedius Worthington 1933, preoccupied by Labeo intermedius Nichols & Griscom 1917. •Valid as Labeo worthingtoni Fowler 1958 -- (Lévêque & Daget 1984:323 [ref. 6186], Reid 1985:228 [ref. 19189], Snoeks 2004:21 [ref. 28111]). Replacement Name. Current status: Valid as Labeo worthingtoni Fowler 1958. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Lake Malawi, eastern Africa. Habitat: freshwater. yunnanensis, Labeo Chaudhuri [B. L.] 1911:14, Pl. 1 (figs. 1, 1a-b) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 6 (pt 1) (art. 3); ref. 14785] Lake Tali Fu, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype (unique): ZSI F4748/1. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:112 [ref. 20743]. •Valid as Labeo yunnanensis Chaudhuri 1911 -- (Wu et al. 1977:351 [ref. 4807], Chu & Cui in Chu & Chen 1989:249 [ref. 13584], Zhu 1995:66 [ref. 25213], Kottelat 1998:37 [ref. 23436], Zhang et al. in Yue 2000:199 [ref. 25272]). •Synonym of Labeo pierrei (Sauvage 1880) -- (Kottelat 2001:58 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2013:117 [ref. 32989] with question, Zhang et al. 2016:112 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Synonym of Labeo pierrei (Sauvage 1880). Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater. |