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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the genus Moxostoma: [ 43 ] records

albidus, Ptychostomus Girard [C. F.] 1856:172 [8] [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 8; ref. 1810] Near Monterey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Lectotype: USNM 170 (poor condition). Paralectotypes: USNM 164524 [ex USNM 170] (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:170 [ref. 23395]. On p. 8 of separate. Lectotype selected by Robins & Raney 1957:300 [ref. 12166]. •Synonym of Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard 1854) -- (Lee et al. 1980:418 [ref. 22416]). •Synonym of Scartomyzon congestus (Baird & Girard 1856) but a valid subspecies -- (Gilbert 1998:170 [ref. 23395]). •Valid as Moxostoma albidum (Girard 1856) -- (Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:10 [ref. 30386], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2016:[3] 635 [ref. 37366], Page et al. 2023:64 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:159 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma albidum (Girard 1856). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: Southern North America: Rio Bravo tributaries (northeastern Mexico). Habitat: freshwater.

albus, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:472 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Catawba River, Santee River drainage, North Carolina, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:34 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:170-171 [ref. 23395]. •Questionably a synonym of Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque 1820). •Synonym of Moxostoma collapsum (Cope 1870). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma collapsum (Cope 1870). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

alleghaniensis, Moxostoma Nichols [J. T.] 1911:275, Pl. 11 (fig. 1) [Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History v. 30 (art. 11); ref. 14796] French Broad River at Marshall, Madison County, North Carolina, U.S.A. Holotype: AMNH 1830. Paratypes: AMNH 1831 (3). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:171 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma duquesnei (Lesueur 1817) -- (Gilbert 1998:171 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma duquesnei (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

anisurus, Catostomus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1820:300 [Western Review and Miscellaneous Magazine: a monthly publ., devoted to literature and science, Lexington, KY v. 2 (no. 5); ref. 5006] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:171 [ref. 23395]. See Markle 1997:446 [ref. 23370]. •Valid as Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Lee et al. 1980:409 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:105 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:276 [ref. 23393], McAllister 1990:56 [ref. 14674], Page & Burr 1991:186 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:62 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:285 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:513 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:193 [ref. 23376], Mettee et al. 1996:357 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:171 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:564 [ref. 24570], Lyons et al. 2000:34 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:281 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:121 [ref. 27882], Boschung & Mayden 2004:310 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:333 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:315 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:64 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque 1820). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: eastern-central U.S.A. and Canada. Habitat: freshwater.

ariommum, Moxostoma Robins [C. R.] & Raney [E. C.] 1956:37, Pls. 1, 5 [Cornell University, Agricultural Experiment Station, Memoir No. 343; ref. 12222] Roanoke River, 2.5 miles southwest of Shawsville, Montgomery County, Virginia, U.S.A. Holotype: USNM 162007. Paratypes: CUMV 20341 (1), 20725 (1), 22850-51 (1, 2), 24712-13 (1, 10); UMMZ 95335 (1); USNM 165593 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:172 [ref. 23395]. •Valid as Scartomyzon ariommus (Robins & Raney 1956) -- (Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:496 [ref. 21581], Gilbert 1998:172 [ref. 23395]). •Valid as Moxostoma ariommum Robins & Raney 1956 -- (Lee et al. 1980:411 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:189 [ref. 18983], Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:338 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:64 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma ariommum Robins & Raney 1956. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Roanoke River drainage, Virginia and North Carolina (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

aureolus, Catostomus Lesueur [C. A.] 1817:95, Fig. [Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia v. 1 (pt 1, nos 5/6); ref. 2734] Lake Erie, near Buffalo, N. Y., U.S.A. Lesueur specimens (non-types): MNHN 0000-3814 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:8 [ref. 19574], Gilbert 1998:172 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817) -- (Lee et al. 1980:427 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:111 [ref. 22186]). •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), subspecies macrolepidotum -- (Gilbert 1998:172 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

austrinum, Myxostoma Bean [T. H.] 1880:302 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 2 (no. 95); ref. 16034] Piedad, in Morelia, Michoacàn, Mexico. Lectotype: USNM 23121. Paralectotypes: USNM 23120 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:173 [ref. 23395]. Originally as austrina (p. 302) and austrinum (p. 303), austrinum is correct. Lectotype established (as figured specimen) in caption to Pl. 37, p. 3238 in Jordan & Evermann 1900 [ref. 2446]; Robins & Raney 1957:308 [ref. 12166] designated another specimen (USNM 23120) as lectotype. •Valid as Scartomyzon austrinus (Bean 1880), subspecies austrinus -- (Gilbert 1998:173 [ref. 23395], Miller 2006:151 [ref. 28615]). •Valid as Moxostoma austrinum Bean 1880 -- (Lee et al. 1980:413 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:187 [ref. 18983], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:23 [ref. 22290], Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386] with subspecies, Page & Burr 2011:335 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2016:[3] 635 [ref. 37366], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:159 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma austrinum Bean 1880. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Pacific watersheds (western Mexico) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

breviceps, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:478 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Youghiogheny River, Maryland/Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): ANSP 22104. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:34 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:174 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817) -- (Lee et al. 1980:427 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:111 [ref. 22186]). •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), but a valid subspecies -- (Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:503 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:200 [ref. 23376]). •Valid as Moxostoma breviceps (Cope 1870) -- (Gilbert 1998:174 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:311 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:315 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma breviceps (Cope 1870). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Ohio River basin (eastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

bucco, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1871:437 [Preliminary report of the United States Geological Survey of Wyoming and portions of contiguous territories. Part 4 (art. 8); ref. 19655] St. Joseph, Missouri, U.S.A. Lectotype: ANSP 6961. Paralectotypes: ANSP 6962-64 (3). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:34 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:174-175 [ref. 23395]. Lectotype selected by Jenkins in Gilbert 1998:174 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:174-175 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

campbelli, Moxostoma Girard [C. F.] 1856:172 [8] [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 8; ref. 1810] Live Oak Creek [Crocket County] and Devils River [Val Verde County], basin of the Rio Grande del Norte, Texas, U.S.A. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-0345 [ex USNM 163] (1), USNM 162 (orig. 1, now 0), 163 (orig. 2, now 0). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:175 [ref. 23395]. On p. 8 of separate. •Synonym of Scartomyzon congestus (Baird & Girard 1854), subspecies congestus -- (Gilbert 1998:175 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard 1854). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard 1854). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

carinatus, Placopharynx Cope [E. D.] 1870:467, Fig. [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Wabash River at Lafayette, Tippecanoe County, Indiana, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): ANSP 22108. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:34 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:175 [ref. 23395]. •Valid as Moxostoma carinatum (Cope 1870) -- (Lee et al. 1980:415 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:106 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:277 [ref. 23393], McAllister 1990:56 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:110 [ref. 24089], Burkhead & Jenkins 1991:362 [ref. 21804], Page & Burr 1991:183 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:62 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:288 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:509 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:195 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:132 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:359 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:175 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:567 [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:485 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:34 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:283 [ref. 25978], Retzer & Kowalik 2002:327 [ref. 26472], Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:122 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:214 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:312 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:328 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Bennett et al. 2015:54 [ref. 41443], Robins et al. 2018:136 [ref. 35886], Bagley et al. 2023:315 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma carinatum (Cope 1870). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: eastern and central U.S.A. and Canada. Habitat: freshwater.

carpio, Catostomus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1844:457, Pl. 517 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 17; ref. 1010] Lake Ontario, North America. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:175 [ref. 23395]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Catostomus carpio Rafinesque 1820, replaced by Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan 1885. •Synonym of Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan 1885 -- (Gilbert 1998:175 [ref. 23395]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan 1885. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

cervinus, Teretulus Cope [E. D.] 1868:236, Pl. [24] 28 (fig. 3) [Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Second series. v. 6 (pt 3) (art. 5); ref. 909] Headwaters of Roanoke and James rivers, Virginia, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 14994. Paralectotypes: ANSP 6904-15 (12), 6916-18 (3), 6928-46 (19); MCZ 25162 (1); MNHN 0000-4851 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:34 [ref. 13621]. Lectotype as ANSP 6904 designated in Robins & Raney 1956:25 [ref. 12222], not by Fowler; but established as USNM 14994 in Jordan & Evermann 1896:197 [ref. 2443]. •Valid as Scartomyzon cervinus (Cope 1868) -- (Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:493 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:200 [ref. 23376], Gilbert 1998:176 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:172 [ref. 25838]). •Valid as Moxostoma cervinum (Cope 1868) -- (Lee et al. 1980:417 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:188 [ref. 18983], Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:336 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma cervinum (Cope 1868). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Virginia and North Carolina (eastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

collapsus, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:471 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Neuse River, North Carolina, U.S.A. Lectotype: ANSP 6949. Paralectotypes: ANSP 6950 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:35 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:177 [ref. 23395]. Lectotype selected by Fowler 1913: 57 [ref. 1388]. •Synonym of Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque 1820) -- (authors). •Valid as Moxostoma collapsum (Cope 1870) -- (Gilbert 1998:177 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:333 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma collapsum (Cope 1870). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Atlantic Slope, Virginia to Georgia (U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

congestus, Catostomus Baird [S. F.] & Girard [C. F.] 1854:27 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 7; ref. 168] Rio Salado, [assumed Salado Creek, just east of San Antonio, Bexar County], Texas, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 171 (plus 2 pharyngeal arches as # 2760). Paralectotypes: USNM 164525 [ex USNM 171] (1). Lectotype selected by Robins & Raney 1957:298 [ref. 12166]. •Valid as Scartomyzon congestus (Baird & Girard 1854), subspecies congestus -- (Gilbert 1998:178 [ref. 23395], Miller 2006:152 [ref. 28615]). •Valid as Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard 1854) -- (Lee et al. 1980:418 [ref. 22416], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:111 [ref. 24089], Page & Burr 1991:187 [ref. 18983], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:23 [ref. 22290], Nelson et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:334 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2016:[3] 635 [ref. 37366], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:159 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard 1854). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Río Grande/Río Bravo watersheds of Texas and New Mexico (southern U.S.A.) and northeastern Mexico. Habitat: freshwater.

conus, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:478 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Yadkin River, North Carolina, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:35 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:178 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), subspecies macrolepidotum -- (Gilbert 1998:178 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

coregonus, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:472 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Catawba and Yadkin rivers, North Carolina, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:35 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:178 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), subspecies macrolepidotum -- (Gilbert 1998:178 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

crassilabris, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:477 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Neuse River, near Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): ANSP 6960. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:35 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:178-179 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), subspecies macrolepidotum -- (Gilbert 1998:179 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

duquesnii, Catostomus Lesueur [C. A.] 1817:105 [Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia v. 1 (pt 1, nos 5/6); ref. 2734] Ohio River, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:180-181 [ref. 23395]. Lesueur spelled the name duquesnii (based on Fort Duquesne), and this spelling was used by earlier authors; the spelling duquesnei is an unjustified emendation but is the spelling in current prevailing use and probably can be retained on the basis of Art. [or Art. 33.3.1] of the Code. •Valid as Moxostoma duquesnei (Lesueur 1817) -- (Lee et al. 1980:419 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:107 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:278 [ref. 23393], McAllister 1990:56 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:107 [ref. 24089], Page & Burr 1991:185 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:62 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:290 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:500 [ref. 21581], Cross & Collins 1995:134 [ref. 23394] as duquesnii, Stauffer et al. 1995:196 [ref. 23376], Mettee et al. 1996:361 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:181 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:571 [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:485 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:34 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:285 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:123 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:216 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:313 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:331 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Bennett et al. 2015:54 [ref. 41443], Bagley et al. 2023:315 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma duquesnei (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: central U.S.A. and Ontario, Canada. Habitat: freshwater.

erythrurus, Catostomus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1818:355 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 3 (no. 5) (art. 3) (Sept.); ref. 3586] Ohio River, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:181-182 [ref. 23395]. Spelled erythrurus on p. 354 and erythurus on p. 355; earliest first reviser not researched. Neotype to be designated by Jenkins, not designated here; original locality Ohio R. •Valid as Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Lee et al. 1980:421 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:108 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:279 [ref. 23393], McAllister 1990:56 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:108 [ref. 24089], Page & Burr 1991:185 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:63 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:291 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:506 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:197 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:136 [ref. 23394], Mettee et al. 1996:363 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:182 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:574 [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:171 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:35 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:287 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:124 [ref. 27882], Miller & Robison 2004:218 [ref. 27931], Boschung & Mayden 2004:315 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:332 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:315 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: eastern-central U.S.A. and Canada. Habitat: freshwater.

euryops, Myxostoma Jordan [D. S.] 1877:348 [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 11 (nos 11-12) (art. 29); ref. 2373] Lovejoy's Creek, tributary of Oostanaula River, near Floyd Springs, 14 miles north of Rome, Floyd County, Georgia, U.S.A. Holotype (?): USNM 31086. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:182 [ref. 23395], Gilbert 2009:159 [ref. 30728]. •Synonym of Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:182 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

euryops, Teretulus Jordan [D. S.] & Copeland [H. E.] 1877:157 [Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences v. 3 (no. 4); ref. 5961] Apparently name only; same as Myxostoma euryops Jordan 1877. •In the synonymy of Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818). Catostomidae: Catostominae.

haydeni, Ptychostomus Girard [C. F.] 1856:172 [8] [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 8; ref. 1810] Yellowstone River (probably in Wyoming, possibly in Montana), U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 20263 [ex USNM 172]. Paralectotypes: USNM 172 (orig. 2, now 0, one pair pharyngeal arches as #2759). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:185 [ref. 23395]. On p. 8 of separate. Lectotype established in Jordan & Evermann 1896:187 [ref. 2443]; also designated by Jenkins in Gilbert 1998:185 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), subspecies macrolepidotum -- (Gilbert 1998:185 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

hubbsi, Moxostoma Legendre [V.] 1952:vi [Société Canadienne d'Écologie; ref. 18448] Saint Lawrence River at western end of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Lectotype: UMMZ 141375. Paralectotypes: UMMZ (2, discarded, but one pair of pharyngeal arches survives). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:186 [ref. 23395] with remarks on types. Lectotype selected by Jenkins in Gilbert 1998:186 [ref. 23395]. Based on Moxostoma valencienesi Jordan 1886 as treated by Legendre 1942. •Valid as Moxostoma hubbsi Legendre 1952 -- (Lee et al. 1980:424 [ref. 22416], Mongeau et al. 1988:133 [ref. 18676], McAllister 1990:56 [ref. 14674], Page & Burr 1991:183 [ref. 18983], Gilbert 1998:186 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:577 [ref. 24570], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:326 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma hubbsi Legendre 1952. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Saint Lawrence River drainage (Canada endemic). Habitat: freshwater.

lacera, Lagochila Jordan [D. S.] & Brayton [A. W.] 1877:280, Figs. 1-2 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 29 (pt 2); ref. 2435] Chickamauga River [Chickamauga Creek] near Ringgold, Catoosa County, Georgia, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 31129. Paralectotypes: (2) lost. Lectotype established by Jordan & Evermann 1896:199 [ref. 2443], also designated by Jenkins in Gilbert 1998:188 [ref. 23395]. Apparently extinct. •Valid as Lagochila lacera Jordan & Brayton 1877 -- (Lee et al. 1980:407 [ref. 22416], Etnier & Starnes 1993:280 [ref. 22809], Mettee et al. 1996:353 [ref. 25836]). •Valid as Moxostoma lacerum (Jordan & Brayton 1877) -- (Boschung 1992:63 [ref. 23239], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:519 [ref. 21581], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:316 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386], Fink & Humphries 2010:5 [ref. 30736], Page & Burr 2011:325 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma lacerum (Jordan & Brayton 1877). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: eastern-central U.S.A. [extinct]. Habitat: freshwater.

lachneri, Moxostoma Robins [C. R.] & Raney [E. C.] 1956:9, Pls. 1, 2, 4 [Cornell University, Agricultural Experiment Station, Memoir No. 343; ref. 12222] Hatchechubbee Creek, Apalachicola River system, 4 miles southwest of Seale, Russell County, Alabama, U.S.A. Holotype: CUMV 15831. Paratypes: ANSP 136721 (1); CUMV 11207 (1), 15957 (1), 17518 (3), 17784 (2), 19799 (1), 21414 (1), 21449 (1), 24133 (3), 25019 (2); UMMZ 157955 (4), 157964 (2), 165539 (4), 165616 (11); USNM 162416 (17). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:36 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Scartomyzon lachneri (Robins & Raney 1956) -- (Boschung 1992:63 [ref. 23239], Fuller et al. 1999:173 [ref. 25838], Boschung & Mayden 2004:319 [ref. 27995], Page & Burr 2011:337 [ref. 31215]). •Valid as Moxostoma lachneri Robins & Raney 1956 -- (Lee et al. 1980:425 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:189 [ref. 18983], Mettee et al. 1996:365 [ref. 25836], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma lachneri Robins & Raney 1956. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Georgia and Alabama (southeastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

lachrymalis, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:474 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Neuse River, Newbern, North Carolina, U.S.A. Syntypes: (2) lost. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:36 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:189 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), subspecies macrolepidotum -- (Gilbert 1998:189 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

lesueurii, Catastomus Richardson [J.] 1823:721 [17] [Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea; ref. 18624] Perhaps Pine-Island Lake, 54°N, 110°W, or Cumberland Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. Possible syntype: BMNH 2004.2.2.5 (RHS skin). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:190 [ref. 23395] with remarks on locality. On p. 17 of separate. Original genus should have been spelled Catostomus. Unjustifiably emended to Cyprinus sueurii by Richardson 1836:118 [ref. 3731]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817) -- (Smith 1986:111 [ref. 22186], Scott & Crossman 1998:583 [ref. 24570]). •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), subspecies macrolepidotum -- (Gilbert 1998:190 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

macrolepidotus, Catostomus Lesueur [C. A.] 1817:94, 111, Fig. [Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia v. 1 (pt 1, nos 5/6); ref. 2734] Delaware River, New Jersey or Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Lesueur specimens: MNHN 0000-3834 (2), 0000-5779 (2, poor condition). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:8 [ref. 19574], Gilbert 1998:191 [ref. 23395]. •Valid as Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817) [sometimes as subspecies macrolepidotum] -- (Lee et al. 1980:427 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:109 [ref. 22186], Robison & Buchanan 1988:280 [ref. 23393], McAllister 1990:56 [ref. 14674], Tomelleri & Eberle 1990:109 [ref. 24089], Page & Burr 1991:184 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:63 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:292 [ref. 22809], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:503 [ref. 21581], Baxter & Stone 1995:138 [ref. 23374], Stauffer et al. 1995:199 [ref. 23376], Cross & Collins 1995:137 [ref. 23394], Chereshnev 1996:601 [ref. 24659], Mettee et al. 1996:367 [ref. 25836], Murdy et al. 1997:82 [ref. 23144], Gilbert 1998:191 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:579 [ref. 24570], Fuller et al. 1999:172 [ref. 25838], Lyons et al. 2000:35 [ref. 26594], Ross et al. 2001:289 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:125 [ref. 27882], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:329 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Canada and central U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

mascotae, Moxostoma Regan [C. T.] 1907:147, Pl. 24 (fig. 2) [Biologia Centrali-Americana Part 215; ref. 3629] Near source of Río Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico, elevation 4000 feet. Syntypes: BMNH 1892.9.5.87-93 (7). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:191-192 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma austrinum (Bean 1880) -- (Lee et al. 1980:413 [ref. 22416], Miller 2006:152 [ref. 28615] with question). •Valid as Scartomyzon mascotae (Regan 1907) -- (Gilbert 1998:192 [ref. 23395]). •Valid as Moxostoma mascotae Regan 1907 -- (Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:160 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma mascotae Regan 1907. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: Southern North America: Pacific watersheds of Jalisco (Mexico) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

milleri, Moxostoma austrinum Robins [C. R.] & Raney [E. C.] 1957:307, Figs. 2, 6, 10 [Tulane Studies in Zoology v. 5 (no. 12); ref. 12166] Tributary of Río Mezquital, as Rayar, about 5 miles south of Durango City, Durango, Mexico. Holotype: USNM 132446. Paratypes: UMMZ 173136 (2), USNM 169889 (1). Additional material: USNM 161693 (2), 173135 (53 of 55), 193559 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:193 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma austrinum Bean 1880 -- (Lee et al. 1980:413 [ref. 22416]). •Synonym of Scartomyzon austrinus (Bean 1880), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Gilbert 1998:193 [ref. 23395], Scharpf 2006:11 [ref. 30386]). •Valid as Moxostoma milleri Robins & Raney 1957 -- (Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2016:[3] 635 [ref. 37366], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:160 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma milleri Robins & Raney 1957. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: Southern North America: Durango (central Mexico) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

oneida, Catostomus DeKay [J. E.] 1842:198 [Zoology of New-York; ref. 1098] Oneida Lake, New York, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:194 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817) -- (Smith 1986:111 [ref. 22186]). •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), subspecies microlepidotum -- (Gilbert 1998:194 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

pappillosus, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:470 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Catawba and Yadkin rivers, North Carolina, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:36 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:195 [ref. 23395]. •Valid as Moxostoma pappillosum (Cope 1870) -- (Lee et al. 1980:429 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:186 [ref. 18983], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:516 [ref. 21581], Gilbert 1998:195 [ref. 23395], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:334 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma pappillosum (Cope 1870). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: southeastern U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

parvidens, Moxostoma Regan [C. T.] 1907:147, Pl. 24 (fig. 3) [Biologia Centrali-Americana Part 215; ref. 3629] Río Grande at Juarez [Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua], Mexico. Syntypes: BMNH 1894.5.12.22-23 (2). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:195 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque 1818) -- (Gilbert 1998:195 [ref. 23395]). •Synonym of Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard 1854) -- (Fricke et al. 2024:159 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard 1854). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

pisolabrum, Moxostoma aureolum Trautman [M. B.] & Martin [R. G.] 1951:2, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-2, 4) [Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan No. 534; ref. 12808] Coon Creek, tributary to the north fork of the Spring River, U.S. highway 71, Jasper County, Missouri, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 153363. Paratypes: KU 227-33 (7), 237-38 (2), 242-243 (2), 1756 (1); OAM 543 (1), 2744 (1), 4114 (1); OSU 9190 (1); UMMZ 97066 (1), 128439 (2), 135894 (2), 144963 (1), 149577 (1), 150722 (3), 152736 (2), 153366 (1), 161578; UMOC 6015 (1), 7221 (4), 7236-37 (2), 7242-57 (16); UOMZ 26150 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:195-196 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Robison & Buchanan 1988:281 [ref. 23393], Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:503 [ref. 21581], Stauffer et al. 1995:200 [ref. 23376], Gilbert 1998:196 [ref. 23395]). •Valid as Moxostoma pisolabrum Trautman & Martin 1951 -- (Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma pisolabrum Trautman & Martin 1951. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma (southern-central U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

poecilura, Myxostoma Jordan [D. S.] 1877:66 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum [v. 1] No. 10; ref. 2374] Tangipahoa River, Mississippi, U.S.A. Syntypes: USNM 16928 (1), 21096 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:196-197 [ref. 23395]. Original genus should have been Moxostoma. •Valid as Moxostoma poecilurum Jordan 1877 -- (Lee et al. 1980:430 [ref. 22416], Robison & Buchanan 1988:281 [ref. 23393], Page & Burr 1991:184 [ref. 18983], Boschung 1992:63 [ref. 23239], Etnier & Starnes 1993:294 [ref. 22809], Warren et al. 1994:132 [ref. 25557], Knight & Hastings 1994:149 [ref. 25560], Mettee et al. 1996:369 [ref. 25836], Gilbert 1998:197 [ref. 23395], Ross et al. 2001:291 [ref. 25978], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Boschung & Mayden 2004:317 [ref. 27995], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:331 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Robins et al. 2018:137 [ref. 35886], Bagley et al. 2023:316 [ref. 41241], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma poecilurum Jordan 1877. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: central and southern U.S.A. Habitat: freshwater.

robustus, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:473 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Yadkin River, North Carolina, U.S.A. Holotype (unique): lost. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:36 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:198 [ref. 23395]. Lectotype selected by Robins and Raney 1956:32 [ref. 12222] as ANSP 6958, with paralectotype ANSP 6959, but that designation is invalid as the single type is lost and represents a different species than ANSP 6958 (R. Jenkins, pers. comm.). •Valid as Scartomyzon robustus (Cope 1870) -- (Jenkins & Burkhead 1994:491 [ref. 21581]). •Valid as Moxostoma robustum (Cope 1870) -- (Lee et al. 1980:432 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:187 [ref. 18983], Gilbert 1998:198 [ref. 23395], Wirgin et al. 2001:526 [ref. 25238], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:328 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:80 [ref. 32708], Darden & Tarpey 2014:70 [ref. 33348], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma robustum (Cope 1870). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia (eastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

rubreques, Moxostoma Hubbs [C. L.] 1930:24, Fig. [Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 20; ref. 5590] Au Sable River, just below Foote Dam, Iosco County, Michigan, U.S.A. Holotype: UMMZ 73194. Paratypes: FMNH 45034-35 (2); UMMZ (26 spec., 18 lots); USNM 117557 (1). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:58 [ref. 12367], Gilbert 1998:199 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan 1885 -- (Smith 1986:112 [ref. 22186], Gilbert 1998:199 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan 1885. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

rupiscartes, Moxostoma Jordan [D. S.] & Jenkins [O. P.] in Jordan 1889:353, Pl. 44 (fig. 3) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 11 (no. 723); ref. 10478] Catawba River at Marian, McDowell County, North Carolina, U.S.A. Lectotype: USNM 39927. Paralectotypes: USNM 163139 [ex 39927] (6), 40424 (4), 67973 (1), 125212 (1), 324153 (3); ANSP 68539 (1, ex USNM 40424). Additional original material: CAS-SU 851 (4), 958 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:28 [ref. 12291], Gilbert 1998:199 [ref. 23395]. Second author is O. P. Jenkins. Lectotype established (as figured specimen) in caption to Pl. 37, p. 3239 in Jordan & Evermann 1900 [ref. 2446]; specimen also designated lectotype by Robins & Raney 1956:16 [ref. 12222]. •Valid as Scartomyzon rupiscartes (Jordan & Jenkins 1889) -- (Gilbert 1998:199 [ref. 23395], Fuller et al. 1999:173 [ref. 25838]). •Valid as Moxostoma rupiscartes Jordan & Jenkins 1889 -- (Lee et al. 1980:433 [ref. 22416], Page & Burr 1991:188 [ref. 18983], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:336 [ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:81 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Moxostoma rupiscartes Jordan & Jenkins 1889. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: North America: North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia (southeastern U.S.A.). Habitat: freshwater.

sueurii, Cyprinus (Catostomus) Richardson [J.] 1836:119, 303 [Fauna Boreali-Americana Part 3; ref. 3731] Possible syntype: BMNH 2004.2.2.5 (RHS skin). Unjustified emendation of Catastomus lesueurii Richardson 1823 [Le Sueur a common spelling for Lesueur]. •Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Unjustified Emend.. Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur 1817). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

thalassinus, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:472 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Yadkin River, North Carolina, U.S.A. No types known. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:37 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:202 [ref. 23395]. •Synonym of Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:202 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque 1820). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

valenciennesi, Moxostoma Jordan [D. S.] 1885:73 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 8 (no. 485); ref. 18344] Lake Ontario, North America. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Gilbert 1998:203 [ref. 23395]. Replacement name for Catostomus carpio Valenciennes 1844, preoccupied by Catostomus carpio Rafinesque 1820. •Valid as Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan 1885 -- (Lee et al. 1980:434 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:111 [ref. 22186], McAllister 1990:56 [ref. 14674], Page & Burr 1991:181 [ref. 18983], Gilbert 1998:203 [ref. 23395], Scott & Crossman 1998:584 [ref. 24570], Lyons et al. 2000:35 [ref. 26594], Retzer & Kowalik 2002:327 [ref. 26472], Nelson et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27807], Bailey et al. 2004:126 [ref. 27882], Scharpf 2006:12 [ref. 30386], Page & Burr 2011:326[ref. 31215], Page et al. 2013:81 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:65 [ref. 40505]). Replacement Name. Current status: Valid as Moxostoma valenciennesi Jordan 1885. Catostomidae: Catostominae. Distribution: Northeastern North America. Habitat: freshwater.

velatus, Ptychostomus Cope [E. D.] 1870:470 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 11 (no. 84); ref. 913] Youghiogheny River, western Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Lectotype: ANSP 6954. Paralectotypes: ANSP 6955 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:37 [ref. 13621], Gilbert 1998:203-204 [ref. 23395]. Lectotype established by Fowler 1913:56 [ref. 1388]. •Synonym of Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque 1820) -- (Gilbert 1998:204 [ref. 23395]). Current status: Synonym of Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque 1820). Catostomidae: Catostominae. Habitat: freshwater.

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