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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Mustura: [ 18 ] records bella, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:104, Figs. 72-73 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Mae Nam Fang, 35 kilometers south of Fang on road to Chiang Mai, Mekong basin, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27473 [now ZRC 38465]. Paratypes: USNM 295769 (10), 295776 (3, c&s). Type catalog: Neumann 2011:240 [ref. 31652] Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura bella Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar 2004:328 [ref. 28011], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2010:324 [ref. 30687], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:176 [ref. 31357], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 33238], Kottelat 2017:402 [ref. 35532]). •Valid as Mustura bella (Kottelat 1990) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38288]). Current status: Valid as Mustura bella (Kottelat 1990). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mae Nam Kok, Mekong River basin, northern Thailand and Nam Ma basin, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. celata, Mustura Kottelat [M.] 2018:297, Figs. 11-18 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 28 (no. 4) [IEF-1080]; ref. 36206] Nan Mon Chaung [stream], about 2 km upstream of Nan Mon village [also Nan Mun or Nam Mun village], Lake Indawgyi basin, Kachin State, Myanmar, 24°59'05"N, 96°20'44"E. Holotype: MHNG 2772.057. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Mustura celata Kottelat 2018 -- (Chinglemba et al. 2021:560 [ref. 38874], Rameshori et al. 2022:293 [ref. 39209], Qin et al. 2022:10 [ref. 39513], Chen et al. 2024:24 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Mustura celata Kottelat 2018. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Indawgyi and Irrawaddy River basin, Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. chhimtuipuiensis, Physoschistura Lalramliana [no initials], Lalhlimpuia [D. V.], Solo [B.] & Vanramliana [no initials] 2016:193, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa 4173 (no. 2); ref. 34795] Ngengpui River, a tributary of Kaladan River, in the vicinity of Khawmawi, Lunglei district, Mizoram, India, 22°31'18"N, 92°46'27"E. Holotype: PUCMF 14062. Paratypes: PUCMF. •Valid as Physoschistura chhimtuipuiensis Lalramliana, Lalhlimpuia, Solo & Vanramliana 2016 -- (Endruweit 2017:378 [ref. 35305], Das & Darshan 2017:412 [ref. 35638], Bleher 2018:201 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Mustura chhimtuipuiensis (Lalramliana, Lalhlimpuia, Solo & Vanramliana 2016) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:7 [ref. 38288], Rameshori et al. 2022:292 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura chhimtuipuiensis (Lalramliana, Lalhlimpuia, Solo & Vanramliana 2016). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Kaladan River drainage, Mizoram, India. Habitat: freshwater. chindwinensis, Physoschistura Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2012:231, Figs. 1-4 [Ichthyological Research v. 59 (no. 3); ref. 32098] Lokchao [as Loakchao on p. 232] River at Moreh, 24°15'03"N, 94°17'59"E, Chindwin basin, Manipur, India, elevation 212 meters. Holotype: MUMF 11077. Paratypes: MUMF 11074-076 [?075] (given as 2), 11076-084 (6), 11085-086 (2), 11087-089 (3); SZI FF 4603/3 (3). •Valid as Physoschistura chindwinensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012 -- (Lokeshor & Wishwanath 2012:102 [ref. 32325], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:101 [ref. 32325], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:253 [ref. 32336], Kottelat 2012:102 [ref. 32367], Suvarnaraksha 2013:246 [ref. 32981], Kottelat 2013:203 [ref. 32989], Khynrian & Sen 2014:12 [ref. 33853], Lalramliana et al. 2016:198 [ref. 34795], Tamang & Sinha 2016:287 [ref. 34804], Endruweit 2017:378 [ref. 35305], Das & Darshan 2017:410 [ref. 35638], Bleher 2018:200 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Mustura chindwinensis (Lokeswor & Vishwanath 2012) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:7 [ref. 38288], Chinglemba et al. 2021:563 [ref. 38874], Rameshori et al. 2022:293 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura chindwinensis (Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Lokchao River drainage, Chindwin-Irrawaddy basin, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. daral, Mustura Rameshori [Y.], Chinglemba [Y.], Darshan [A.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2022:286, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa 5129 (no. 2); ref. 39209] Siang River at Pasighat, Brahmaputra basin, East Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 28°01'57"N, 95°22'05"E, elevation 144 meters. Holotype: MUMF 18061. Paratypes: MUMF 18062-18074 (13), 18075-10078 (4). •Valid as Mustura daral Rameshori, Chinglemba, Darshan & Vishwanath 2022. Current status: Valid as Mustura daral Rameshori, Chinglemba, Darshan & Vishwanath 2022. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Siang River drainage, Brahmaputra basin, Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India. Habitat: freshwater. dikrongensis, Physoschistura Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2012:250, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa No. 3586; ref. 32336] Arunachal Pradesh: from Dikarong river at Doimukh (Brahmaputra basin); 27°08'19"N, 93°44'51"E, India, elevation 120 meters. Holotype: MUMF 11091/3. Paratypes: MUMF 11090/2 (2), 11091/4 (4); ZSI FF 423 (2). •Valid as Physoschistura dikrongensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012 -- (Suvarnaraksha 2013:245 [ref. 32981], Khynrian & Sen 2014:13 [ref. 33853], Lalramliana et al. 2016:192 [ref. 34795], Tamang & Sinha 2016:287 [ref. 34804], Endruweit 2017:378 [ref. 35305], Das & Darshan 2017:410 [ref. 35638], Bleher 2018:201 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Mustura dikrongensis (Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:7 [ref. 38288], Chinglemba et al. 2021:563 [ref. 38874], Rameshori et al. 2022:292 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura dikrongensis (Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: upper Brahmaputra basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Habitat: freshwater. harkishorei, Physoschistura Das [D. N.] & Darshan [A.] 2017:404, Figs. 1-6, 9a,b [Zootaxa 4337 (no. 3); ref. 35638] Dibang River, Brahmaputra basin, Lower Dibang Valley district, Arunachal Pradesh state, India, 28°09'59"N, 95°43'55"E. Holotype: RGUMF 290. Paratypes: RGUMF. •Valid as Physoschistura harkishorei Das & Darshan 2017 -- (Bleher 2018:201 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Mustura harkishorei (Das & Darshan 2017) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Rameshori et al. 2022:292 [ref. 39209]). •Synonym of 'Nemacheilus' corica (Hamilton 1822) -- (Choudhury et al. 2021:10 [ref. 38288]). Current status: Valid as Mustura harkishorei (Das & Darshan 2017). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Dibang and Lohit River drainages, Brahmaputra basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Habitat: freshwater. maepaiensis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:143, Figs. 105-106 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Nam Mae Cha at Ban Pha Bong, 19°12'N, 97°59'E, 12 kilometers south of Mae Hong son, Mae Hong Son Province, Salween basin, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27479 [now ZRC 38476] [ex NIFI 2064]. Paratypes: CMK 4050 (4), 4243 (3), 4381 (6), 5848 (1); NIFI 852 (1), 866 (5), 870 (2), 873 (1), 880 (1), 1449 (1); USNM 288472 (6). Type catalog: Neumann 2011:241 [ref. 31652]. Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura maepaiensis Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:176 [ref. 31357], Kottelat 2012:112 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 33238]). •Valid as Mustura maepaiensis (Kottelat 1990) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38288]). Current status: Valid as Mustura maepaiensis (Kottelat 1990). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Salween basin, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. prashadi, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1921:203, Pl. 10 (figs. 2, 2a) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 22 (pt 3, no. 19); ref. 2202] Thoubal and Sikmai stream, southern watershed of the Naga Hills, India. Holotype: ZSI F9987/1. Paratypes: ANSP 89744 (1), MCSZG 17113 (2), ZSI F9988/1 (26), plus additional paratypes. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:124 [ref. 20743], Böhlke 1984:64 [ref. 13621], Menon 1987:129 [ref. 14149]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:365 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus prashadi Hora 1921 -- (Menon 1987:127 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:495 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:176 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura prashadi (Hora 1921) -- (Kottelat 1990:191 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1514 [ref. 31183], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594] but questioned Nepal, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:102 [ref. 32325], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:88, 92 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 33238], Khynrian & Sen 2014:20 [ref. 33853]). •Valid as Physoschistura prashadi (Hora 1921) -- (Suvarnaraksha 2013:246 [ref. 32981], Lalramliana et al. 2016:198 [ref. 34795], Tamang & Sinha 2016:287 [ref. 34804], Endruweit 2017:378 [ref. 35305], Das & Darshan 2017:410 [ref. 35638], Bleher 2018:202 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Mustura prashadi (Hora 1921) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:6 [ref. 38288], Chinglemba et al. 2021:564 [ref. 38874], Rameshori et al. 2022:293 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura prashadi (Hora 1921). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Naga Hills streams and Chindwin River basin, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. shanensis, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1929:322, Pl. 15 (figs. 5-6) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 31 (pt 4); ref. 15899] Thale-ú Stream near Fort Stedman (eastern shore of Inle Lake), southern Shan States, Myanmar. Holotype: ZSI F11058 /1. Paratypes: BMNH 1930.3.3.5 [ex ZSI] (1), ZSI (3). Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:365 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus shanensis Hora 1929 -- (Menon 1987:137 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:503 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Schistura shanensis (Hora 1929) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187]). •Valid as Physoschistura shanensis (Hora 1929) -- (Kottelat 1990:88 [ref. 14137], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:9 [ref. 32001], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:230 [ref. 32098], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:102 [ref. 32325], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:249 [ref. 32336], Kottelat 2012:103 [ref. 32367], Suvarnaraksha 2013:246 [ref. 32981], Kottelat 2013:203 [ref. 32989], Lalramliana et al. 2016:192 [ref. 34795], Tamang & Sinha 2016:287 [ref. 34804], Kano et al. 2016:9 [ref. 34887], Endruweit 2017:378 [ref. 35305], Das & Darshan 2017:412 [ref. 35638]). •Valid as Mustura shanensis (Hora 1929) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38288], Qin et al. 2022:11 [ref. 39513], Lin et al. 2024:245 [ref. 41175]). Current status: Valid as Mustura shanensis (Hora 1929). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Inle Lake drainage, Salween River basin, Shan State, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. shuensis, Schistura Bohlen [J.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2014:217, Figs. 1-4 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no. 3) (for 2013); ref. 33238] Magway division: Shu Chaung [chaung = stream] at bridge of Pathein-Monywa highway; 19°09.395'N, 94°47.835'E, Myanmar. Holotype: ZRC 54186. Paratypes: ZRC 54187 (5). •Valid as Mustura shuensis (Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38288], Chinglemba et al. 2021:560 [ref. 38874], Rameshori et al. 2022:292 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura shuensis (Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Shu stream drainage, Irrawaddy River basin, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. subhashi, Mustura Choudhury [H.], Das [R.], Bharali [R. C.], Sarma [K.], Tyagi [L. K.], Lal [K. K.] & Sarma [D.] 2021:2, Figs. 1-4 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 99 (no. 2); ref. 38288] Unnamed tributary of Dikal River at Upper Dikalmukh, Brahmaputra basin, East Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 26°57'31"N, 93°15'19"E, elevation 141 meters. Holotype: NBFGR NEMMSUB. Paratypes: GUMF, NBFRG, ZSI. •Valid as Mustura subhashi Choudhury, Das, Bharali, Sarma, Tyagi, Lal & Sarma 2021 -- (Rameshori et al. 2022:292 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura subhashi Choudhury, Das, Bharali, Sarma, Tyagi, Lal & Sarma 2021. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Dikal River drainage, Brahmaputra basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Habitat: freshwater. taretensis, Mustura Chinglemba [Y.], Rameshori [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2021:552, Figs. 1-3a, 4, 5a, 6a, 7-8 [Zootaxa 5081 (no. 4); ref. 38874] Taret River, a tributary of the Yu River, Chindwin River drainage, Tengnoupal District, Manipur, India, 24°29'55"N, 94°22'39"E, elevation 242 meters. Holotype: MUMF 18007. Paratypes: MUMF. •Valid as Mustura taretensis Chinglemba, Rameshori & Vishwanath 2021 -- (Rameshori et al. 2022:293 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura taretensis Chinglemba, Rameshori & Vishwanath 2021. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Taret River drainage, Chindwin River basin, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. tigrinum, Physoschistura Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2012:97, Fig. 1-4 [Zootaxa No. 3586; ref. 32325] Phungrei, Changa River (the Chindwin drainage); 25°12´26˝N, 94°31´35˝E, Ukhrul district, Manipur, India. Holotype: MUMF 11051. Paratypes: MUMF 11050 (1), 11052-53 (2). •Valid as Physoschistura tigrina Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012 (often seen as tigrinum) -- (Suvarnaraksha 2013:246 [ref. 32991], Kottelat 2013:203 [ref. 32989], Khynrian & Sen 2014:13 [ref. 33853], Lalramliana et al. 2016:192 [ref. 34795], Tamang & Sinha 2016:287 [ref. 34804], Endruweit 2017:378 [ref. 35305], Das & Darshan 2017:410 [ref. 35638], Bleher 2018:203 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Mustura tigrina (Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:6 [ref. 38288], Chinglemba et al. 2021:563 [ref. 38874], Rameshori et al. 2022:293 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura tigrina (Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Changa River drainage, Chindwin River basin, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. tuivaiensis, Physoschistura Lokeshwor [Y.], Vishwanath [W.] & Shanta [K.] 2012:6, Figs. 1-5 [Taprobanica v. 4 (no. 1); ref. 32001] Tuiva River at Likhailok, 24°04'41"N, 93°33'67"E, Brahmaputra River basin, Churchandpur district, Manipur, India, elevation 635 meters. Holotype: MUMF 5089. Paratypes: MUMF 5082-88 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1). •Valid as Physoschistura tuivaiensis Lokeshwor, Vishwanath & Shanta 2012 -- (Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:102 [ref. 32325], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:253 [ref. 32336], Kottelat et al. 2012:103 [ref. 32367], Suvarnaraksha 2013:246 [ref. 32981], Khynrian & Sen 2014:13 [ref. 33853], Lalramliana et al. 2016:199 [ref. 34795], Tamang & Sinha 2016:287 [ref. 34804], Endruweit 2017:378 [ref. 35305], Das & Darshan 2017:410 [ref. 35638], Bleher 2018:204 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Mustura tuivaiensis (Lokeshwor, Vishwanath & Shanta 2012) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Chinglemba et al. 2021:563 [ref. 38874], Rameshori et al. 2022:293 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura tuivaiensis (Lokeshwor, Vishwanath & Shanta 2012). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Tuiva River drainage, Brahmaputra basin, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. walongensis, Physoschistura Tamang [L.] & Sinha [B.] 2016:281, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa 4173 (no. 3); ref. 34804] Arunachal Pradesh, small diverted water course of Lohit River (Brahmaputra River basin) at Walong, India, 28°07.395'N, 97°01.096'E, elevation 1096 meters. Holotype: ZSI/APRC 1190. Paratypes: ZSI/APRC. •Valid as Schistura walongensis (Tamang & Sinha 2016) -- (Endruweit 2017:383 [ref. 35305]). •Valid as Physoschistura walongensis Tamang & Sinha 2016 -- (Bleher 2018:203 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Mustura walongensis (Tamang & Sinha 2016) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:10 [ref. 38288], Rameshori et al. 2022:292 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura walongensis (Tamang & Sinha 2016). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Lohit River drainage, Brahmaputra basin, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Habitat: freshwater. yangi, Mustura Qin [T.], Kottelat [M.], Kyaw [Y. M. M.] & Chen [X.] 2022:4, Figs. 1-7 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 31 (no. 2): IEF-1181; ref. 39513] Tanjar Chaung, a stream passing Lone Shar Yan Village, Mali Hka River drainage, Irrawaddy River basin, Putao District, Kachin State, Myanmar, 27°08'19"N, 97°33'34"E, elevation 435 meters. Holotype: KIZ 2015006389. Paratypes: CMK, KIZ, SEABRI. •Valid as Mustura yangi Qin, Kottelat, Kyaw & Chen 2022. Current status: Valid as Mustura yangi Qin, Kottelat, Kyaw & Chen 2022. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Mali Hka River drainage, upper Irrawaddy River basin, Kachin State, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. yunnaniloides, Physoschistura Chen [X.-Y.], Kottelat [M.] & Neely [D. A.] 2011:180, Figs. 1-4 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 22 (no. 2); ref. 31359] Kalemyo fish markets, Chindwin River drainage, Sagaing Division, Myanmar. Holotype: CAS 88871. Paratypes: CAS 232917 [ex CAS 88871] (3). •Valid as Physoschistura yunnaniloides Chen, Kottelat & Neely 2011 (Lokeshwor et al. 2012:9 [ref. 32001], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:230 [ref. 32098], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:102 [ref. 32325], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012:249 [ref. 32336], Kottelat et al. 2012:103 [ref. 32367], Suvarnaraksha 2013:246 [ref. 32981], Kottelat 2013:203 [ref. 32989], Lalramliana et al. 2016:192 [ref. 34795], Tamang & Sinha 2016:287 [ref. 34804]). •Valid as Schistura yunnaniloides (Chen, Kottelat & Neely 2011) -- (Endruweit 2017:383 [ref. 35305]). •Valid as Mustura yunnaniloides (Chen, Kottelat & Neely 2011) -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38288], Chinglemba et al. 2021:560 [ref. 38874], Rameshori et al. 2022:293 [ref. 39209]). Current status: Valid as Mustura yunnaniloides (Chen, Kottelat & Neely 2011). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Chindwin River drainage, Sagaing Division, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. |