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Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Ogcocephalus: [ 19 ] records angusta, Malthe Cuvier [G.] 1829:252 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] No locality. No types known. Valenciennes specimens: MNHN A-4767 (1) French Guiana, A-4768 (1) Suriname. Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:145 [ref. 6339] dating to Valenciennes 1837 with syntypes MNHN A.4767 and A.4768 from Suriname. Apparently available from footnote as, "M. angusta, Nob., dont le squelette est daus Rosenthal, pl. Ichthyol., t. XIX, 2." Also appeared as Malthaea angusta Valenciennes 1837:447, 454 [ref. 1006]. •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine. cayennensis, Ogcocephalus nasutus var. Puyo [J.] 1936:241, Fig. 46 [Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse v. 71 (no. 4); ref. 15298] Cayenne, French Guiana. No types known. •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine. corniger, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:274, Figs. 26 (A-C) [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Gulf coast of Florida, U.S.A., 29°00'N, 85°01'W, Oregon station 729-730, depth 16-20 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 188808. Paratypes: ANSP 103626 (1); CAS 23926-27 (1, 1); FMNH 46744 (1), 64103-04 (2), 64109 (1), 64113 (1), 64116 (2), 64119 (1), 64122 (2), 64124 (6, 1 c&s), 64126 (4), 64129 (3), 66387 (1); MCZ 45070-71 (1, 1); CAS-SU 62124 (1), 62128 (1); UF 24182-83 (1, 1); USNM 37853 (1), 74089 (1), 117001-02 (1, 3), 134087 (1), 152030 (1), 159159 (1), 161375 (1); 188793 (1), 188804 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:61 [ref. 12367] as 23 specimens in 12 localities at FMNH. •Valid as Ogcocephalus corniger Bradbury 1980 -- (Robins & Ray 1986:90 [ref. 23100], Dennis & Bright 1988:3 [ref. 39782], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:837 [ref. 23897], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Schwartz et al. 2003:97 [ref. 27315], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Robertson et al. 2020:159 [ref. 38098], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus corniger Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: including Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: marine. cubifrons, Lophius (Malthe) Richardson [J.] 1836:103, Pl. 96 [Fauna Boreali-Americana Part 3; ref. 3731] Labrador Coast, Canada. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1855.9.19.848. As Malthe cubifrons on Pl. 96. •Valid as Ogcocephalus cubifrons (Richardson 1836) -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:258 [ref. 6538], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:839 [ref. 23897], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Schwartz et al. 2003:98 [ref. 27315], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:680 [ref. 38945], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus cubifrons (Richardson 1836). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. darwini, Ogcocephalus Hubbs [C. L.] 1958:161, Pls. 1-5 [Copeia 1958 (no. 3); ref. 12073] Tagus Cove, Isabela Island [Albemarle Island], Galápagos Islands. Holotype: SIO H51-214. Paratypes: LACM 21544 [ex AHF] (1); SIO H50-18 (1), H50-19 (3, now 2), H50-132 (1), H51-51 (1), H53-196 (1), 54-175 (1), 54-199 (1), 55-16 (1), 56-60 (1), 57-20 (1), 58-39 (1); CAS-SU 14977 [ex SIO 57-23] (1), 16901 [ex SIO 57-24] (1), 17112 [ex SIO 7-22] (1); Cal. St. Poly. Coll. [ex SIO 57-111] (1); Cal. St. Fish. Coll. [ex SIO 57-166] (1); UCLA [ex SIO 57-167] (1); no coll. 58-39 (1). •Valid as Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs 1958 -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:278 [ref. 6538], Allen & Robertson 1994:84 [ref. 22193], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:236 [ref. 24023], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:222 [ref. 24555], Bradbury et al. 1999:80 [ref. 23679], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:190 [ref. 30957] dated 1952, Briones-Mendoza et al. 2022:224 [ref. 41488], Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus darwini Hubbs 1958. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), mainland Ecuador south to northern Peru. IUCN (2023): Least Concern. Habitat: marine. declivirostris, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:269, Figs. 24 (C-E) [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Off Texas, U.S.A., 28°02'N, 96°03'W, depth 40 meters. Holotype: FMNH 64136. Paratypes: ANSP 103628 (1); CAS 23930-31 (2); FMNH 46735-37 (1, 3, 3), 61579 (1), 64120 (2); GCRL 557-560 (2, 2, 1, 1), MCZ 45072 (3), 45073-74 (1, 1); CAS-SU 62119 (3), 62140 (30); UF 203897 [ex UMML 3897] (1); USNM 118606 [noy 118616] (orig. 26, now 25), 131166 (22), 171763 (2), 188761 (1), 188764-65 (1, 1), 188766-67 (1, 1), 188771 (1), 188774 (1) 188776-77 (1, 1), 188784 (2), 188792 (2), 188796 (1), 188799 (1), 188801 (2); plus FMNH (9 lots, 11). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:62 [ref. 12367] as 21 specimens from 14 localities at FMNH. •Valid as Ogcocephalus declivirostris Bradbury 1980 -- (Robins & Ray 1986:91 [ref. 23100], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:841 [ref. 23897], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:178 [ref. 24550], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Smith et al. 2003:13 [ref. 27621], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Lins Oliveira et al. 2015:122 [ref. 37485], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus declivirostris Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida (U.S.A.) south to Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), including Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: marine. longirostris, Malthaea Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:450, Pl. 365 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 12; ref. 1006] Bahia, Brazil. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-6369 (3). Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:145 [ref. 6339]. •Synonym of Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Bradbury 1967:427 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus 1758). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine. nasuta, Malthe Cuvier [G.] 1829:252 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] No locality. Valenciennes specimens: MNHN A-4665 (1) [Martinique], A-4765 (1) [Saint Domingue = Haiti & Dominican Republic?], A-4766 (1) [New York - an error], 5257 to 5258 (1, 1). Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:145 [ref. 6339] dating to Valenciennes 1837 with syntypes A.4765-66 (2) and 5257-58 (2) and A.4665 (1). Available from footnote as, "Malth. nasuta, N., Séb. I, lxxiv, 2." Also appeared in Valenciennes 1837:452 [ref. 1006]. •Valid as Ogcocephalus nasutus (Cuvier 1829) [authorship sometimes as Valenciennes 1837] -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:251 [ref. 6538], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:253 [ref. 14275], Robins & Ray 1986:90 [ref. 23100], Cervigón 1991:196 [ref. 24472], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:842 [ref. 23897], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221], Schmitter-Soto et al. 2000:153 [ref. 27754], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192] dating to 1837, Smith et al. 2003:13 [ref. 27621], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Smith-Vaniz & Jelks 2014:30 [ref. 33341], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:681 [ref. 38945], Carvalho-Filho 2023:86 [ref. 40480], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus nasutus (Cuvier 1829). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: New York (U.S.A.) south to southeastern Brazil, including northern and eastern Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. IUCN (2015): Least Concern. Habitat: marine. notata, Malthaea Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:453 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 12; ref. 1006] Suriname; New York, U.S.A. Syntypes: MNHN A-4764 (3) Suriname, ?A-5242 (?). Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:146 [ref. 6339]. Appeared first as Malthe notata as name only in Cuvier 1829:252 [ref. 995] and Richardson 1836:103 [ref. 3731]. According to Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Malthe angusta Cuvier 1829 is a senior synonym but continued usage of the name Malthaea notata Valenciennes 1837 is recommended. •Valid as Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:255 [ref. 14275], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639], Bradbury 2003:9 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:682 [ref. 38945], Hoff et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40463], Carvalho-Filho 2023:86 [ref. 40480]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Colombia to São Paulo (Brazil). Habitat: marine. notata, Malthe Cuvier [G.] 1829:252 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] Not available, name only. See Malthaea notata Valenciennes 1837. •Nomen nudum; in the synonymy of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 1980:243 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. pantostictus, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:264, Fig. 23 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Santa Rosa Sound, Pensacola, Florida, U.S.A. Holotype: FMNH 50765. Paratypes: ANSP 71329 (1), 90675 (1); CAS 23932 (1), 23934 (1); GCRL 562-66 (5); MCZ 45079-80 (1, 1); CAS-SU 40559 (10); FMNH 21636 (1), 37728-29 (2), 40298 (1), 46734 (1), 50997 (2), 64111 (1); UF (1); USNM 94443 (1), 117804 (14), 118603-06 (1, 1, 1, 1), 118610-11 (9, 1), 120070-71 (1, 1), 176982 (1), 188755-56 (1, 1), 188758 (1), 188769 (1), 188775 (1), 188783 (1), 188798 (2), 188800 (1), 188803 (2), 188805 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:62 [ref. 12367] as 8 specimens from 6 localities at FMNH. •Valid as Ogcocephalus pantostictus Bradbury 1980 -- (Robins & Ray 1986:91 [ref. 23100], Boschung 1992:80 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:844 [ref. 23897], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:177 [ref. 24550], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus pantostictus Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. parvus, Ogcocephalus Longley [W. H.] & Hildebrand [S. F.] 1940:283, Fig. 28 [Papers Tortugas Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington v. 32; ref. 2822] Tortugas, Florida, U.S.A., depth 40-60 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 109313. Paratypes: USNM 109314 (12). •Valid as Ogcocephalus parvus Longley & Hildebrand 1940 -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:276 [ref. 6538], Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:254 [ref. 14275], Robins & Ray 1986:90 [ref. 23100], Boschung 1992:81 [ref. 23239], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:846 [ref. 23897], Claro et al. 2000:21 [ref. 26458], Schmitter-Soto et al. 2000:153 [ref. 27754], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Schwartz et al. 2003:99 [ref. 27315], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Lins Oliveira et al. 2015:123 [ref. 37485], Carvalho-Filho 2023:86 [ref. 40480], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus parvus Longley & Hildebrand 1940. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: North Carolina (U.S.A.) south to Recife (Brazil), including Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Habitat: marine. porrectus, Oncocephalus Garman [S.] 1899:86 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Vicinity of Cocos Island, 5°32'45"N, 86°54'30"W, Albatross station 3368A, depth 66 fathoms. Lectotype: MCZ 28733. Paralectotypes: MCZ 41594 (3). Original genus should have been Ogcocephalus. Lectotype selected by Hubbs 1958:162 [ref. 12073] as "lectoholotype." •Valid as Ogcocephalus porrectus Garman 1899 -- (Bradbury 1967:417 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:282 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:200 [ref. 28944], Sánchez-Jiménez et al. 2018:6 [ref. 36248]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus porrectus Garman 1899. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific. Habitat: marine. pumilus, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:272, Figs. 26 (D-E) [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Suriname, 7°5'N, 54°8'W, Oregon station 2018, depth 35 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 188812. Paratypes: ANSP 103632-33 (41); CAS 23919-21 (1, 1, 1); FMNH 64841 (4), 64843-46 (2, 10, 2, 5), 64848 (2), 64891 (33, now 32), 64893 (3), 64899 (2), 65965-70 (1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 4); MCZ 45085-87 (3, 3, 8); CAS-SU 62122 (3), 62125 (1); UF 207488 [ex UMML 7488] (14); USNM 108353 (1), 185984 (3), 188759 (2), 190467 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:62 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Ogcocephalus pumilus Bradbury 1980 -- (Uyeno & Aizawa in Uyeno et al. 1983:256 [ref. 14275], Cervigón 1991:198 [ref. 24472], Aguilera 1998:47 [ref. 24221], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:683 [ref. 38945]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus pumilus Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. radiatus, Lophius Mitchill [S. L.] 1818:326 [American Monthly Magazine and Critical Review v. 2 (no. 5, art. 1); ref. 30214] Straits of Bahamas, Atlantic. No types known. Included in the synonymy of Ogcocephalus cubifrons but as a nomen dubium by Bradbury 1980:258, with additional comments following the synonymy (Bradbury 1980:259 [ref. 6538]). Species is therefore considered a nomen dubium in the genus Ogcocephalus. •Valid as Ogcocephalus radiatus (Mitchill 1818) -- (Robins & Ray 1986:90 [ref. 23100], Robins et al. 1991:82 [ref. 14237], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639]). •Nomen dubium in the genus Ogcocephalus -- (Bradbury 1980:258, 259 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). Nomen Dubium. Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine. rostellum, Ogcocephalus Bradbury [M. G.] 1980:267, Figs. 24 (A-B) [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 42 (no. 7); ref. 6538] Atlantic coast of Florida, U.S.A., 29°10'N, 80°19'W, Combat station 336, depth 25 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 188809. Paratypes: ANSP 103634 (1); CAS 23925 (3); FMNH 64100 (1), 64338 (1), 66385 (15, now 13), 66388 (2); MCZ 32940 (1), 45088-93 (8); MUSM [ex FMNH] (2); CAS-SU 62117 (2), 62123 (1); UF 24189-90 (1, 1); USNM 18031 (1), 38026 (1), 72288 (1), 84510 (4), 111848 (1), 117004-05 (2, 1), 131628 (2), 132093 (1), 148317 (2), 148320 (3), 149959 (2), 151919 (1), 151962 (1), 151971 (1), 188790 (1), 188794 (1), 188806-07 (1, 1), 188809-10 (1, 1), 188813 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:132 [ref. 13621], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:62 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Ogcocephalus rostellum Bradbury 1980 -- (Robins & Ray 1986:91 [ref. 23100], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Nelson et al. 2004:96 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:98 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:164 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus rostellum Bradbury 1980. Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine. rostratus, Lophius Shaw [G.] 1804:383, Pl. 163 [General zoology or systematic natural history; ref. 4015] South American Seas. No types known. Based on several literature sources. Misspelled nostratus by Mitchill 1818:325 [ref. 30214]. •Nomen dubium, perhaps same as Ogcocephalus nasutus (Cuvier 1829) -- (Bradbury 1980:251 [ref. 6538]). •Nomen dubium in the genus Ogcocephalus -- (Bradbury 1980:258, 259 [ref. 6538], Bradbury 2003:14 [ref. 27309]). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine. truncata, Malthaea Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:454 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 12; ref. 1006] America. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-4772. Type catalog: Pietsch et al. 1987:146 [ref. 6339], Bauchot & Daget 1996:243 [ref. 22899]. Appeared first as Malthe truncata without distinguishing features in Cuvier 1829:252 [ref. 995] and in Richardson 1836:103 [ref. 3731]. •Valid as Malthe truncata (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Herrera 1896:73 [ref. 39336]). •Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837) -- (Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309]). Current status: Synonym of Ogcocephalus notatus (Valenciennes 1837). Ogcocephalidae. Habitat: marine. vespertilio, Lophius Linnaeus [C.] 1758:236 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] American Ocean. Holotype (unique): Zool. Inst. Uppsala [Mus. Alströmer-Linné] 40. Type catalog: Lönnberg 1896:39 [ref. 23530]. Holotype is dried and mounted. •Valid as Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Bradbury 1967:427 [ref. 23209], Bradbury 1980:247 [ref. 6538], Andreata & Séret 1996:584 [ref. 16204], Camargo & Isaac 2001:141 [ref. 27639], Bradbury 2003:10 [ref. 27309], Menezes in Menezes et al. 2003:64 [ref. 27192], Lins Oliveira et al. 2015:124 [ref. 37485], Nión et al. 2016:41 [ref. 35565], Marceniuk et al. 2017:39 [ref. 35324], Spier et al. 2018:8 [ref. 36103], Ribeiro et al. 2019:6 [ref. 36717], Rotundo et al. in Marceniuk et al. 2021:684 [ref. 38945], Carvalho-Filho 2023:85 [ref. 40480], Hoff et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40463]). Current status: Valid as Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus 1758). Ogcocephalidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: New York (U.S.A.) south to Uruguay. IUCN (2019): Least Concern. Habitat: marine. |