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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Paracottus: [ 4 ] records insularis, Paracottus Taliev [D. N.] 1955:42 et seq., 241, Figs. 2 et seq., Fig. 92 [ ref. 4316] Lake Baikal, Russia. Syntypes: (14) none found at ZIN. Type catalog: Spodareva et al. 2023:240 [ref. 40445]. Appeared as Cottus insularis in Taliev 1948:113 [ref. 19628] without distinguishing features. As Paracottus (Paracottus) insularis on p. 235 and 241. Neotype (ZIN 56981) designated incorrectly by Spodareva et al. 2023:240 [ref. 40445]. •Synonym of Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874) -- (Sideleva 1982:28 [ref. 14469], Sideleva 1998:153 [ref. 23595], Sideleva 2001:59 [ref. 26181], Sideleva 2003:16, 168 [ref. 27815], Bogdanov 2023:73 [ref. 40329]). Current status: Synonym of Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874). Cottidae. Habitat: freshwater. knerii, Cottus Dybowski [B. N.] 1874:385, Pl. 2 (fig. 2) [Verhandlungen der K.-K. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien v. 24 (no. 3-4); ref. 1172] Lake Baikal; Angara, Irkut, Selenga rivers, Siberia, Russia. Lectotype: ZMB 7809. Paralectotypes: ZMB 7947 (2). Type catalog: Paepke & Fricke 1992:283 [ref. 19946]. Lectotype selected by Dybowski 1908:546 [ref. 17422] •Valid as Cottus knerii Dybowski 1874 -- (Berg 1949:1151 [ref. 20662] as kneri). •Valid as Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874) -- (Taliev 1955:236 [ref. 4316], Sideleva 1982:28 [ref. 14469], Chereshnev 1996:606 [ref. 24659] as kneri, Reshetnikov et al. 1997:759 [ref. 24702], Sideleva 1998:153 [ref. 23595], Bogutskaya et al. 2001:46 [ref. 26178], Sideleva 2001:58 [ref. 26181], Kontula et al. 2003:149 [ref. 26791], Sideleva 2003:16, 168 [ref. 27815], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:193 [ref. 28183], Goto et al. 2014:[15] [ref. 33456], Dyldin et al. 2020:115 [ref. 37569], Bogdanov 2023:73 [ref. 40329]). Current status: Valid as Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874). Cottidae. Distribution: North Asia: Lake Baikal and tributaries (Russia). Habitat: freshwater. nudus, Cottus knerii var. Dybowski [B. N.] 1908:546 [11] [Kosmos Lwów v. 33; ref. 17422] Lake Baikal, Russia. No syntypes. •Synonym of Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874) -- (Bogdanov 2023:73 [ref. 40329]). Current status: Synonym of Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874). Cottidae. Habitat: freshwater. putorania, Paracottus (Paracottus) kneri Koryakov [E. A.] & Sidelev [G. N.] 1976:555 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 16 (no. 3); ref. 9001] Lake Agatha, Enisei River basin, Russia. Syntypes: (16) whereabouts unknown. On p. 500 or English translation. •Synonym of Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874), but a valid subspecies putorania Koryakov & Sidelev 1976 as described -- (Sideleva 1982:28 [ref. 14469], Reshetnikov et al. 1997:759 [ref. 24702], Sideleva 1998:153 [ref. 23595], Sideleva 2001:59 [ref. 26181]). •Synonym of Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874) -- (Bogdanov 2023:73 [ref. 40329]). Current status: Synonym of Paracottus knerii (Dybowski 1874). Cottidae. Habitat: freshwater. |