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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the genus Paraliparis: [ 161 ] records

abyssorum, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] & Chernova [N. V.] 1997:439, Figs. 3-4 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 37 (no. 4); ref. 23747] Northeastern Atlantic, 49°54'N, 13°56'W, depth 3852 meters. Holotype: BMNH 1996.6.28.6. Paratypes: ZIN 51111 (1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:769-770 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis abyssorum Andriashev & Chernova 1997 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:33 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis abyssorum Andriashev & Chernova 1997. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern North Atlantic: southwest of Ireland; known only from the types from 3852 m. Habitat: marine.

acutidens, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] 2006:S5, Fig. 3 [Journal of Ichthyology v. 46 (supp. 1); ref. 28977] Drake Passage, 59°09.3'S, 58°32.2'W, depth 3721-3723 meters. Holotype (unique): ISH 9055. •Valid as Paraliparis acutidens Chernova 2006. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis acutidens Chernova 2006. Liparidae. Distribution: Scotia Sea. Habitat: marine.

adustus, Paraliparis Busby [M. S.] & Cartwright [R. L.] 2009:2446, Figs. 1-5 [Ichthyological Research v. 56 (no. 3); ref. 30300] North of Adak Island, Alaska, 53°24'36"N, 176°40'12"W, Aleutian Island Archipelago, Bering Sea, depth 640 meters over bottom depth of 3658 meters. Holotype (unique): UW 028648. •Valid as Paraliparis adustus Busby & Cartwright 2009 -- (Love et al. 2021:141 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis adustus Busby & Cartwright 2009. Liparidae. Distribution: North Pacific: Bering Sea, off Alaska (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

albeolus, Paraliparis Taranetz [A. Ya.] 1937:137 [Izvestiia Tikhookeanskogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Rybnogo Khoziaistva i Okeanografii [Proceedings, Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, TINRO, Moskva] v. 11; ref. 13384] •Unavailable nomen nudum in the synonymy of Paraliparis albeolus Schmidt 1950 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:62 [ref. 27592], Parin et al. 2014:344 [ref. 33547]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis albeolus Schmidt 1950. Liparidae.

albeolus, Paraliparis Schmidt [P. Yu.] 1950:220 [212], Pl. 20 (fig. 1) [Trudy Tichookeanskogo Komiteta, Akademija Nauk S.S.S.R. v. 6; ref. 12471] About midway between Iony Island and Kamchatka, northern Okhotsk Sea, 55°31'N, 149°10'E, depth 375 meters. Syntypes: MCZ 34079 (1, missing), ZIN 24482 (6, now 2). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. On p. 212 of English translation. Appeared first as a nomen nudum in Taranetz 1937:138 [ref. 13384]. •Valid as Paraliparis albeolus Schmidt 1950 -- (Pitruk 1990:42 [ref. 20303], Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687], Fedorov et al. 2003:105 [ref. 27579], Chernova et al. 2004:33 [ref. 27592], Maslenikov et al. 2013:15 [ref. 37947], Parin et al. 2014:344 [ref. 33547], Love et al. 2021:141 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis albeolus Schmidt 1950. Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: Sea of Okhotsk; Aleutian Islands (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

albescens, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] 1915:355, Pl. 18 (fig. 13) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 48 (no. 2075); ref. 1632] Monterey Bay, California, U.S.A., Albatross station 4515, depth 198-495 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 75816. •Valid as Paraliparis albescens Gilbert 1915 -- (Anderson et al. 1979:260 [ref. 16035], Chernova et al. 2004:33 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:106 [ref. 37547], Burton & Lea 2019:72 [ref. 37205], Love et al. 2021:141 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis albescens Gilbert 1915. Liparidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: California (U.S.A.) endemic. Habitat: marine.

alius, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:28, Figs. 16-17 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Southwest of Iselin Seamount, 70°29.80'S, 179°07.60'E, Southern Ocean, depth 1225-1332 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.042623. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.042623/1. •Valid as Paraliparis alius Stein 2012. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis alius Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

amerismos, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:29, Fig. 19 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Antarctic: Hillary Canyon (near Pennell Bank), Ross Sea, 72°08.20'S, 175°38.60'E, depth 1149-1358 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.041444. •Valid as Paraliparis amerismos Stein 2012. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis amerismos Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

andriashevi, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Tompkins [L. S.] 1989:4, Figs. 5-6 [Ichthyological Bulletin of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology No. 53; ref. 12858] Ross Sea, 72°26.5'S, 177°08'W, depth 1890 meters. Holotype: LACM 11467-2. Paratypes: LACM 11401-1 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis andriashevi Stein & Tompkins 1989 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:237 [ref. 21694], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Andriashev 2003:228 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:33 [ref. 27592], Stein 2012:36 [ref. 31964], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis andriashevi Stein & Tompkins 1989. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

angustifrons, Merophorus Garman [S.] 1899:119, Pls. 27 (4), 28 (4), 29 (3) [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Off Panama Bay, 7°21'N, 79°35'W, Albatross station 3394, depth 511 fathoms. Syntypes: MCZ 28699 (2, poor condition). •Valid as Paraliparis angustifrons (Garman 1899) -- (Chernova et al. 2004:33 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:5 [ref. 28392]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis angustifrons (Garman 1899). Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern North Pacific: off Panama; known only from the types. Habitat: marine.

antarcticus, Paraliparis Regan [C. T.] 1914:11 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 13 (no. 73); ref. 3661] South of Balleny Island, Antarctica, depth 200 fathoms [370 meters]. Lectotype: BMNH 1913.12.4.58-60 (140 mm SL). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1913.12.4.58-60 (2 of 3). Lectotype selected by Andriashev 1982:536 [ref. 8514]. Also appeared in Regan 1914:13, Pl. 2 (fig. 1) [ref. 3659]. •Valid as Paraliparis antarcticus Regan 1914 -- (Regan 1916:377 [ref. 40111], Andriashev 1986:31 [ref. 12760], Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125], Stein & Andriashev 1990:238 [ref. 21694], Duhamel 1992:195 [ref. 19909], Miller 1993:619 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Matallanas 1999:1026 [ref. 24927], Andriashev 2003:231 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:33 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2010:333 [ref. 37229], Stein 2012:38 [ref. 31964], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis antarcticus Regan 1914. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

anthracinus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:364, Fig. 20 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Granville Harbour, west coast of Tasmania, Australia, 41°46.4'S, 144°24.4'E, depth 1024-1080 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 1576-02. •Valid as Paraliparis anthracinus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:33 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:956 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis anthracinus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

aspersus, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1992:149, Figs. 1-3 [Zoosystematica Rossica v. 1; ref. 21311] South Atlantic, 54°38'S, 61°49'W, Walther Herwig station 804/78. Holotype: ISH 477-1978. Paratypes: ZIN 49951 [ex ISH 541-1978] (1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis aspersus Andriashev 1992 -- (Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687], Chernova & Eastman 2001:97 [ref. 25672], Andriashev 2003:236 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:34 [ref. 27592], Koerber 2023:31 [ref. 40486]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis aspersus Andriashev 1992. Liparidae. Distribution: Southwestern Atlantic: Argentina and Burdwood Bank. Habitat: marine.

ater, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:365, Fig. 21 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Granville Harbour, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 41°45.8'S, 144°24.8'E, depth 1000-992 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 749-04. •Valid as Paraliparis ater Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:34 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:956 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis ater Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

atramentatus, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] & Burke [C. V.] 1912:377, Pl. 48 (fig. 1) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1907); ref. 1633] Off Cape Shionomisaki, eastern coast of Honshu, Japan, 33°23'30"N, 135°34'E, Albatross station 4971, depth 649 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 73345. •Valid as Paraliparis atramentatus Gilbert & Burke 1912 -- (Kido in Masuda et al. 1984:340 [ref. 6441], Yatou in Okamura et al. 1985:603, 731 [ref. 8056], Kido 1988:237 [ref. 12287], Nakabo 2000:677 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:677 [ref. 26001], Chernova et al. 2004:34 [ref. 27592], Shinohara et al. 2005:429 [ref. 28370], Baldwin & Orr 2010:642 [ref. 31082], Murasaki et al. 2019:1 [ref. 37083], Kai et al. 2020:155 [ref. 37773]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis atramentatus Gilbert & Burke 1912. Liparidae. Distribution: Western North Pacific: Off Honshu and Suruga Bay, Japan, and Okinawa Trough, East China Sea. Habitat: marine.

atrolabiatus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:366, Fig. 22 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Cape Sorell, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 42°20.45'S, 144°40.4'E, depth 1120-1220 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 550-11. •Valid as Paraliparis atrolabiatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:34 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:956 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis atrolabiatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

attenuatus, Paraliparis Garman [S.] 1899:118, Pls. 27 (3), 28 (3), 29 (2) [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Off Panama Bay, 5°30'00"N, 86°8'30"W, Albatross station 3364, depth 902 fathoms. Holotype (unique): MCZ 28700 (poor condition). •Valid as Paraliparis attenuatus Garman 1899 -- (Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901], Chernova et al. 2004:34 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:5 [ref. 28392]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis attenuatus Garman 1899. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern North Pacific: off Panama; known only from the holotype from 3364 m. Habitat: marine.

auriculatus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:367, Fig. 23 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Granville Harbour, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 41°45.8'S, 144°24.8'E, depth 1000-992 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 749-06. •Valid as Paraliparis auriculatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:34 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:956 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis auriculatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

australiensis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:369, Fig. 24 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] 100 kilometers south of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, 37°01.09'S, 137°25.44'E, depth 1090-1160 meters. Holotype (unique): NMV A21497. •Valid as Paraliparis australiensis Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:34 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:956 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis australiensis Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off South Australia, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

australis, Paraliparis Gilchrist [J. D. F.] 1902:107, Pl. 7 [Marine Investigations in South Africa v. 2; ref. 1644] Forty miles west by north off Table Mountain, South Africa, southeastern Atlantic, depth 300 fathoms. Syntypes: (2) BMNH 1902.5.28.15 (1), ?SAM 25104 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis australis Gilchrist 1902 -- (Stein 1986:493 [ref. 6297], Andriashev 1986:37 [ref. 12760], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Andriashev 2003:240 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:34 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis australis Gilchrist 1902. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern South Atlantic: off southwestern Africa. Habitat: marine.

avellaneus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:370, Fig. 25 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] Australia, 100 kilometers south of Kangaroo Island, 37°01.09'S, 137°25.44'E, depth 1090-1160 meters. Holotype (unique): NMV A5873. •Valid as Paraliparis avellaneus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:35 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:957 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis avellaneus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off South Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

badius, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:371, Fig. 26 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] Off Tasmania, Australia, depth unknown. Holotype (unique): CSIRO T 1981-01. •Valid as Paraliparis badius Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:35 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:957 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis badius Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

balgueriasi, Paraliparis Matallanas [J.] 1999:1018, Fig. 1 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 54 (no. 5); ref. 24927] Weddell Sea, 71°53'S, 12°43'W, depth 504-529 meters. Holotype (unique): ZUAB 014-1997. •Valid as Paraliparis balgueriasi Matallanas 1999 -- (Andriashev 2003:228 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:35 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis balgueriasi Matallanas 1999. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Weddell Sea, Antarctica; known only from the holotype from 504-529 m. Habitat: marine.

bathybii, Liparis (Paraliparis) Collett [R.] 1879:32 [Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-selskabet i Christiania (for 1878) No. 14; ref. 885] 108 kilometers west of Bear Island, Barents Sea, depth 1200 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMUO J4346. Type catalog: Pethon 1969:8 [ref. 19268]. Species was described as Liparis bathybii but placed in the new subgenus Paraliparis later in the same work. Also appeared as new in Collett 1880:52, Pl. 2 (fig. 14) [ref. 887]. Emended to bathybius by authors (first by Günther 1887:68 [ref. 2013]), and that spelling has been in prevailing use since 1892. •Valid as Paraliparis bathybius (Collett 1879) -- (Lindberg 1973:611 [ref. 7220], Stein & Able in Whitehead et al. 1986:1280 [ref. 13677], McAllister 1990:212 [ref. 14674], Chernova 1991:70 [ref. 23263], Chernova & Borkin 1993:24 [ref. 24660], Kido & Yabe in Okamura et al. 1995:181 [ref. 22531], Andriashev & Chernova 1997:442 [ref. 23747], Chernova et al. 2004:35 [ref. 27592], Møller et al. 2010:56 [ref. 31169], Mecklenburg et al. 2011:127 [ref. 31212], Mecklenburg et al. 2014:144, 145 [ref. 33463], Parin et al. 2014:345 [ref. 33547], Mecklenburg & Steinke 2015:164 [ref. 34033], Afonso et al. 2016:60, 245 [ref. 36199], Mecklenburg et al. 2016:148 [ref. 34440], Dolgov et al. 2018:178 [ref. 41055], Mecklenburg et al. 2018:296 [ref. 36370], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:141 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis bathybius (Collett 1879). Liparidae. Distribution: Arctic Ocean: Norwegian and Greenland seas, Baffin Bay, central Polar basin. Habitat: marine.

bipolaris, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1997:261, Figs. 1-2 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 37 (no. 2); ref. 23173] Northeastern Atlantic, 50°12'N, 13°40'W, depth 3000-3040 meters. Holotype: BMNH 1996.6.28.9 [not 1996.6.2819]. Paratypes: ZIN 51110 (1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis bipolaris Andriashev 1997 -- (Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687], Chernova et al. 2004:35 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis bipolaris Andriashev 1997. Liparidae. Distribution: North Atlantic: southwest of Ireland; known only from the types from 3000-3040 m. Habitat: marine.

brunneocaudatus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:372, Fig. 27 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] Western coast of Tasmania, Australia. Holotype (unique): CSIRO T 1980-01. •Valid as Paraliparis brunneocaudatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:35 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:957 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis brunneocaudatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

brunneus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:374, Fig. 28 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Granville Harbour, western coast of Tasmania, 41°45.8'S, 144°24.8'E, depth 1000-992 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 749-05. •Valid as Paraliparis brunneus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:35 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:957 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis brunneus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

bullacephalus, Paraliparis Busby [M. S.] & Cartwright [R. L.] 2009:249, Figs. 1, 4, 6-8 [Ichthyological Research v. 56 (no. 3); ref. 30300] Shelikov Strait, Gulf of Alaska, 57°59'01"N, 154°22'08"W, depth 279 meters. Holotype: UW 042323. Paratypes: UW 047282 (1), 110935 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis bullacephalus Busby & Cartwright 2009 -- (Love et al. 2021:141 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis bullacephalus Busby & Cartwright 2009. Liparidae. Distribution: North Pacific: Gulf of Alaska (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

calidus, Paraliparis Cohen [D. M.] 1968:385, Fig. 1 [Copeia 1968 (no. 2); ref. 7880] Gulf of Mexico, 27°25'N, 93°40'W, Oregon station 4662, depth 400 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 202469. Paratypes: USNM 202470-71 (2, 1). •Valid as Paraliparis calidus Cohen 1968 -- (Scott & Scott 1988:530 [ref. 25518], McAllister 1990:212 [ref. 14674], Moore et al. 2003:223 [ref. 27076], Chernova et al. 2004:35 [ref. 27592], Chernova 2004:149 [ref. 27722], Nelson et al. 2004:125 [ref. 27807], Page et al. 2013:128 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis calidus Cohen 1968. Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Atlantic: Gulf of St. Lawrence to Gulf of Mexico. Habitat: marine.

camilarus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:40, Figs. 27-28 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northeast edge of Mawson Bank, 71°55.80'S, 173°18.08'E, depth 1431-1658 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.043687. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043687/1. •Valid as Paraliparis camilarus Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis camilarus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

caninus, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] & Prut'ko [V. G.] 2011 [Journal of Ichthyology v. 51 (no. 5); ref. 31398] Ross Sea, Antarctica, stomach content, depth 1182-1651 meters. Holotype. Original description not yet seen. •Valid as Paraliparis caninus Chernova & Prut'ko 2011 -- (Stein 2012:116 [ref. 31964]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis caninus Chernova & Prut'ko 2011. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

carlbondi, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2005:6, Fig. 2 [Zootaxa No. 1019; ref. 28392] Off Peru, 8°26'S, 80°36.5'W, deep longline, depth 1830-1930 meters. Holotype (unique): USNM 381002. Other material (not a paratype): USNM 381004 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis carlbondi Stein 2005. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis carlbondi Stein 2005. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Peru. Habitat: marine.

cephalus, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] 1892:561 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 14 (no. 880); ref. 1626] Off California and Oregon, U.S.A., depth 284-984 fathoms. Syntypes: CAS-SU 21 (4). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:138 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Paraliparis cephalus Gilbert 1892 -- (Stein 1978:39 [ref. 4203], McAllister 1990:212 [ref. 14674], Sheiko & Fedorov 2000:33 [ref. 25650], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:641 [ref. 25968], Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:106 [ref. 37547], Maslenikov et al. 2013:15 [ref. 37947], Parin et al. 2014:345 [ref. 33547], Burton & Lea 2019:72 [ref. 37205], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Kai et al. 2020:155 [ref. 37773], Love et al. 2021:141 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis cephalus Gilbert 1892. Liparidae. Distribution: North Pacific: Commander Islands (Russia), central Bering Sea, off Unalaska Island, western Gulf of Alaska, northern British Columbia south to Pacific coast of northern Baja California (Mexico). Habitat: marine.

cerasinus, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:40, Fig. 13 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Princess Astrid Coast, eastern Antarctica, 69°14'S, 12°35'E, depth 950-1100 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 46808. Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis cerasinus Andriashev 1986 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:238 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:627 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687], Matallanas & Pequeño 2000:300 [ref. 24421], Andriashev 2003:246 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis cerasinus Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: East Antarctic; known only from the holotype from 950-1100 m. Habitat: marine.

challengeri, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1993:598, Figs. 1-2 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 33 (no. 5); ref. 21898] Northeastern Atlantic, 57°01'N, 10°05'W, depth 2100 meters. Holotype: BMNH 1992.4.10.8. Paratypes: ZIN 50436 (1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis challengeri Andriashev 1993 -- (Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687], Chernova 2003:279 [ref. 26892], Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis challengeri Andriashev 1993. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern North Atlantic: Porcupine Basin. Habitat: marine.

charcoti, Paraliparis Duhamel [G.] 1992:196, Fig. 1c [Cybium v. 16 (no. 3); ref. 19909] Halley Bay, Weddell Sea, 74°40.2'S, 29°36.6'W, depth 484-509 meters. Holotype: MNHN 1991-0352. Paratypes: ISH 7-1991 (1), 11-1991 (12), 21-1991 (3), 77-1991 (1); MNHN 1991-0340 (1), 1991-0349 (3), 1991-0350 (15), 1991-0351 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis charcoti Duhamel 1992 -- (Matallanas 1999:1023 [ref. 24927], Andriashev 2003:249 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592], Chernova 2006:S12 [ref. 28977], Duhamel et al. 2010:334 [ref. 37229], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis charcoti Duhamel 1992. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Weddell Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

copei, Paraliparis Goode [G. B.] & Bean [T. H.] 1896:279, Pl. 71 (fig. 253) [Special Bulletin U. S. National Museum No. 2; ref. 1848] Gulf Stream, 39°12'17"N, 72°09'30"W, Albatross station 2232, depth 520 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 35637. Paratypes: USNM 35469 [not 35479] (orig. 2, fragments), 46007 (1). Four subspecies are recognized: P. c. copei (North Atlantic), P. c. wilsoni (Meteor Seamount and Walvis Ridge to Southwest Africa), P. c. gibbericeps (South Georgia I.), and P. c. kerguelensis (Kerguelen Is. and Kerguelen Plateau) -- see Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592]. •Valid as Paraliparis copei Goode & Bean 1896, subspecies copei Goode & Bean 1896 -- (Chernova & Duhamel 2003:141 [ref. 27237], Andriashev 2003:251 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592], Chernova & Møller 2008:369 [ref. 30004], Afonso et al. 2016:60, 246 [ref. 36199], Mecklenburg et al. 2018:298 [ref. 36370] see remarks). •Valid as Paraliparis copei Goode & Bean 1896 -- (Stein 1986:493 [ref. 6297], Scott & Scott 1988:530 [ref. 25518], Shcherbachev et al. 1989:165 [ref. 36134], McAllister 1990:212 [ref. 14674], Kido & Yabe in Okamura et al. 1995:182 [ref. 22531], Arruda 1997:118 [ref. 24952], Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901], Stein & Chernova 2002:158 [ref. 26234], Moore et al. 2003:223 [ref. 27076], Møller et al. 2010:56 [ref. 31169], Carneiro et al. 2019:238 [ref. 37250], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis copei Goode & Bean 1896. Liparidae. Distribution: North Atlantic; southeastern Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

coracinus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:375, Fig. 29 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Cape Martin, off South Australia, 37°34.53'S, 138°57.00'E, depth 1205-1175 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 1935-02. •Valid as Paraliparis coracinus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:957 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis coracinus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off South Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

costatus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:376, Fig. 30 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Granville Harbour, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 41°51.4'S, 144°23.8'E, depth 1366-1370 meters. Holotype: CSIRO H 561-02. Paratypes: CSIRO H 1378-01 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis costatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:957 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis costatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia. Habitat: marine.

csiroi, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:378, Fig. 31 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] 60 kilometers south of the Victoria-South Australia border, 38°37.58'S, 141°01.12'E, depth 1080-1110 meters. Holotype (unique): NMV A5874. •Valid as Paraliparis csiroi Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:37 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:957 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis csiroi Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off eastern South Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

dactyloides, Paraliparis Schmidt [P. Yu.] 1950:219 [211], Pl. 18 (fig. 2); Fig. 22 [Trudy Tichookeanskogo Komiteta, Akademija Nauk S.S.S.R. v. 6; ref. 12471] Northeast of Cape Elizaveta, northern Okhotsk Sea, 54°55'N, 143°50'E, depth 525 meters. Lectotype: ZIN 24481. Paralectotypes: ZIN 24481 (2, now 1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. On p. 211 of English translation. Lectotype selected by Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis dactyloides Schmidt 1950 -- (Pitruk 1990:42 [ref. 20303], Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687], Fedorov et al. 2003:105 [ref. 27579], Chernova et al. 2004:37 [ref. 27592], Parin et al. 2014:345 [ref. 33547], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:219 [ref. 39115]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis dactyloides Schmidt 1950. Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: Sea of Okhotsk. Habitat: marine.

dactylosus, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] 1896:469, Pl. 34 (middle) [United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Report of the Commissioner v. 19 (for 1893) (art. 6); ref. 1628] Off Santa Cruz, California, U.S.A., Albatross station 3112, 37°08'00"N, 122°47'00"W, depth 296 fathoms. Lectotype: USNM 48616. Paralectotypes: CAS-SU 3024 (1), USNM 53032 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:138 [ref. 12291]. Lectotype established by Burke 1930:164 [ref. 702]. •Valid as Paraliparis dactylosus Gilbert 1896 -- (Stein 1978:47 [ref. 4203], Sheiko & Fedorov 2000:33 [ref. 25650], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:635 [ref. 25968], Chernova et al. 2004:37 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Parin et al. 2014:345 [ref. 33547], Burton & Lea 2019:72 [ref. 37205], Orr et al. 2019:22 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:141 [ref. 39279], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:219 [ref. 39115] with question, Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis dactylosus Gilbert 1896. Liparidae. Distribution: North Pacific: off Commander and Kuril Islands, eastern Bering Sea off Pribilof Islands (Russia), Pacific south of Unimak Pass and off Oregon and California (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

darwini, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Chernova [N. V.] 2002:153, Fig. 1 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 53 (no. 11); ref. 26234] Isla Wolf, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, eastern Pacific, depth 637 meters. Holotype (unique): CAS 86576. •Valid as Paraliparis darwini Stein & Chernova 2002 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:37 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:5 [ref. 28392], Busby & Cartwright 2009:251 [ref. 30300], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:191 [ref. 30957], Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis darwini Stein & Chernova 2002. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) endemic. IUCN (2023): Data Deficient. Habitat: marine.

deani, Paraliparis Burke [C. V.] 1912:571 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 43 (no. 1941); ref. 701] Stephens Passage, southeastern Alaska, U.S.A., Albatross station 4253, depth 31-188 meters. Holotype: USNM 60570. Paratypes: (2 + ?19) USNM ?60568-69 (1, 1), ?60571 (1), ?60589-90 (1, 1), ?60670-71 (5, 9), 64113 (2) Paratypes ('cotypes') not clearly marked on p. 572 of original description, except USNM 64113. •Valid as Paraliparis deani Burke 1912 -- (Stein 1978:47 [ref. 4203], Eschmeyer & Herald 1983:194 [ref. 9277], McAllister 1990:213 [ref. 14674], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:639 [ref. 25968], Chernova et al. 2004:37 [ref. 27592], Nelson et al. 2004:125 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Baldwin & Orr 2010:643 [ref. 31082], Page et al. 2013:128 [ref. 32708], Burton & Lea 2019:72 [ref. 37205], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis deani Burke 1912. Liparidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: Shelikof Strait, western Gulf of Alaska south to central California (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

debueni, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:57, Figs. 21-22 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Coast of Chile, near Chiloé Islands, 42°24'S, 74°45'W, depth 440-470 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 46809. Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis debueni Andriashev 1986 -- (Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125], Stein et al. 1991:371 [ref. 19979], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687], Matallanas 1999:1020 [ref. 24927], Andriashev 2003:262 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:37 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:5 [ref. 28392]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis debueni Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern South Pacific: off Chile; known only from the holotype from 440-470 m. Habitat: marine.

delphis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:379, Fig. 32 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Granville Harbour, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 41°45.8'S, 144°24.8'E, depth 1000-992 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 749-03. •Valid as Paraliparis delphis Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:37 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:958 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis delphis Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

devriesi, Paraliparis DeVries [A. L.] & Lin [Y.] 1977:?439 [Adaptations within Antarctic ecosystems; ref. 26864] Name only, not available. •Nomen nudum in the synonymy of Paraliparis devriesi Andriashev 1980 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:62 [ref. 27592]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis devriesi Andriashev 1980. Liparidae.

devriesi, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1980:150, Fig. [Antarctic Journal of the United States v. 15 (no. 5); ref. 8758] Near McMurdo Observatory, Ross Sea, Antarctica, depth 700 meters. Holotype: ZIN 43577. Paratypes: ZIN 43578 (9, now 5). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687]. Appeared first as a nomen nudum in DeVries and Lin 1977:479 [ref. 26864] as a nomen nudumeters. Also appeared in Andriashev 1982:538, Figs. 13-14 [ref. 8514]. •Valid as Paraliparis devriesi Andriashev 1980 -- (Andriashev 1986:61 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:240 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:622 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:770 [ref. 24687], Matallanas & Pequeño 2000:300 [ref. 24421], Chernova & Eastman 2001:102 [ref. 25672], Andriashev 2003:265 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:37 [ref. 27592], Chernova et al. 2004:62 [ref. 27592] as devriesii, Stein 2012:49 [ref. 31964]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis devriesi Andriashev 1980. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

dewitti, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:381, Fig. 33 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] Great Australian Bight, South Australia, 34°26.5'S, 132°04'E, depth 1175-1118 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO T 889-02. •Valid as Paraliparis dewitti Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis dewitti Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off South Australia, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

diploprora, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:65, Figs. 25-26 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Scotia Sea off South Georgia Island, 54°12'S, 40°02'W, Walther Herwig station 97-II/76, depth 0-2600 meters. Holotype (unique): ISH 407-1976. Type catalog: Krefft 1987:84 [ref. 20751]. •Valid as Paraliparis diploprora Andriashev 1986 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:241 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:626 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Andriashev 2003:269 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis diploprora Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Scotia Sea off South Georgia Island; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

dipterus, Paraliparis Kido [K.] 1988:242, Fig. 63 [Memoirs of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University v. 35 (no. 2); ref. 12287] Off Ida, Suruga Bay, Pacific side of Honshu, Japan, depth 250 meters. Holotype (unique): HUMZ 106666. •Valid as Paraliparis dipterus Kido 1988 -- (Nakabo 2000:675 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:675 [ref. 26001], Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592], Baldwin & Orr 2010:642 [ref. 31082], Murasaki et al. 2019:513 [ref. 36675], Kai et al. 2020:155 [ref. 37773]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis dipterus Kido 1988. Liparidae. Distribution: Western North Pacific: off central Honshu, continental slope of Japan. Habitat: marine.

duhameli, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1994:294 [3], Figs. 2-3 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 34 (no. 3); ref. 21902] Off the subantarctic islands of the Indian Ocean, 45°50'S, 51°17'E, depth 995-1055 meters. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1988-0070. On p. 3 of English translation. •Valid as Paraliparis duhameli Andriashev 1994 -- (Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Andriashev 2003:272 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2005:306 [ref. 32059], Duhamel & King 2007:386 [ref. 29364]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis duhameli Andriashev 1994. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Crozet Archipelago. Habitat: marine.

eastmani, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:382, Fig. 34 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] East of Broken Bay, New South Wales, Australia, 33°29.5'S, 152°12.5'E, depth 1035-1070 meters. Holotype (unique): AMS I.28900-003. •Valid as Paraliparis eastmani Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:958 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis eastmani Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Tasman Sea off New South Wales, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

echongpachot, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Mundy [B. C.] 2021:Figs. [Ichthyological Research v. 69 (no. 1); ref. 38274] Holotype. Paratypes: •Valid as Paraliparis echongpachot Stein & Mundy 2021. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis echongpachot Stein & Mundy 2021. Liparidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Mariana Archipelago. Habitat: marine.

edentatus, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:69, Figs. 29-30 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica, 77°23.8'S, 42°32.2'W, depth 550 meters. Holotype: ISH 266-1981. Paratypes: ZIN 46830 (1). Type catalog: Krefft 1987:84 [ref. 20751], Chernova 1998:764, 770 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis edentatus Andriashev 1986 -- (Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125]). •Synonym of Edentoliparis terraenovae (Regan 1916) -- (Andriashev 1990:181 [ref. 19918], Chernova 1998:764 [ref. 24687], Andriashev 2003:381 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:18 [ref. 27592]). •Synonym of Paraliparis terraenovae Regan 1916 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:252 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:631 [ref. 21297], Stein 2012:107 [ref. 31964]). Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis terraenovae Regan 1916. Liparidae. Habitat: marine.

edwardsi, Gymnolycodes Vaillant [L. L.] 1888:313 (387), Pl. 26 (fig. 3 ) [Expéditions scientifiques du "Travailleur" et du "Talisman"; ref. 4496] Off Morocco, depth 1319 meters. Holotype (unique): MNHN 1886-0522 (poor condition). Type catalog: Bauchot 1967:62 [ref. 20734]. •Valid as Paraliparis edwardsi (Vaillant 1888) -- (Cohen 1968:384 [ref. 7880], Lindberg 1973:611 [ref. 7220], Stein & Able in Whitehead et al. 1986:1281 [ref. 13677], Matallanas 2000:936 [ref. 25878], Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592], Chernova 2004:150 [ref. 27722], Stein 2016:2296 [ref. 34616]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis edwardsi (Vaillant 1888). Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern North Atlantic: off Morocco; known only from the holotype from 1319 m. Habitat: marine.

ekaporus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:50, Fig. 33 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Nothwestern edge of Mawson Bank, 71°55.80'S, 173°18.08'E, depth 1431-1658 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.043688. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ 043688/1. •Valid as Paraliparis ekaporus Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis ekaporus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

eltanini, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Tompkins [L. S.] 1989:3, Figs. 3-4 [Ichthyological Bulletin of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology No. 53; ref. 12858] Strait of Magellan, 53°46.5'S, 70°53'W, depth 485 meters. Holotype: LACM 10450-3. Paratypes: LACM 10450-4 (3). •Valid as Paraliparis eltanini Stein & Tompkins 1989 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:242 [ref. 21694], Stein et al. 1991:371 [ref. 19979], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Andriashev 2003:275 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:5 [ref. 28392]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis eltanini Stein & Tompkins 1989. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern South Pacific: southern Chile at Strait of Magellan; known only from the types from 485 m. Habitat: marine.

entochloris, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] & Burke [C. V.] 1912:378, Pl. 48 (fig. 3) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1907); ref. 1633] Southern Okhotsk Sea, 46°41'30"N, 143°57'40"E, Albatross station 5018, depth 100 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 73347. Paratypes: CAS-SU 22381 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:138 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Paraliparis entochloris Gilbert & Burke 1912 -- (Kido in Masuda et al. 1984:340 [ref. 6441], Lindberg & Krasyukova 1987:465 [ref. 15964], Kido 1988:243 [ref. 12287], Pitruk 1990:42 [ref. 20303], Nakabo 2000:677 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:677 [ref. 26001], Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592], Baldwin & Orr 2010:643 [ref. 31082], Parin et al. 2014:346 [ref. 33547], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:219 [ref. 39115]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis entochloris Gilbert & Burke 1912. Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: Sea of Okhotsk, northern Kuril Islands (Russia). Habitat: marine.

epacrognathus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:52, Fig. 35 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°55.80'S, 173°18.08'E, depth 1431-1658 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.043690. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043690/1. •Valid as Paraliparis epacrognathus Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis epacrognathus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

exilis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:23, Figs. 18-19 [Zootaxa No. 3588; ref. 32334] 43°42.375'S, 174°10.158'W, southeastern Chatham Slope, near New Zealand, depth 1086 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.047284. •Valid as Paraliparis exilis Stein 2012 -- (Stein 2015:1141 [ref. 34287]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis exilis Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Chatham Rise, near New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

fimbriatus, Paraliparis Garman [S.] 1892:9 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 14 (pt 2); ref. 1537] Southwest of (Pacific) Panama, 4°56'N, 80°52'W, Albatross station 3381, depth 1772 fathoms. Holotype (unique): MCZ 28702. •Valid as Paraliparis fimbriatus Garman 1892 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:38 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:5 [ref. 28392]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis fimbriatus Garman 1892. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern North Pacific: off Panama; known only from the holotype from 3243 meters. Habitat: marine.

flammeus, Paraliparis Kai [Y.], Murasaki [K.] & Fukui [A.] in Kai, Murasaki, Misawa, Fukui Morikawa & Narimatsu 2020:146, Figs. 1, 2, 3A, 3C [ZooKeys No. 968; ref. 37773] Tohoku district off northern Honshu, Japan, 36.850°N, 141.496°E, depth 510 meters. Holotype: MSM 20-52. Paratypes: FAKU, MSM. •Valid as Paraliparis flammeus Kai, Murasaki & Fukui 2020. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis flammeus Kai, Murasaki & Fukui 2020. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Pacific coast of Tohoku district, northern Honshu, Japan, western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

freeborni, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:25, Fig. 20 [Zootaxa No. 3588; ref. 32334] 43°37.09'S, 174°01.43'W, northeastern Chatham Rise, near New Zealand, depth 1218 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.040874. •Valid as Paraliparis freeborni Stein 2012 -- (Stein 2015:1142 [ref. 34287]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis freeborni Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Chatham Rise, near New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

fuscolingua, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Tompkins [L. S.] 1989:5, Figs. 7-8 [Ichthyological Bulletin of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology No. 53; ref. 12858] Cape Adare, Ross Sea, Antarctica, 70°55'S, 172°59.5'E, depth 2273 meters. Holotype: LACM 11351-4. Paratypes: LACM 11351-7 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis fuscolingua Stein & Tompkins 1989 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:242 [ref. 21694], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Andriashev 2003:278 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592], Stein 2012:55 [ref. 31964]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis fuscolingua Stein & Tompkins 1989. Liparidae. Distribution: Ross Sea., Antarctica; known only from the types. Habitat: marine.

galapagosensis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Chernova [N. V.] 2002:155, Fig. 2 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 53 (no. 11); ref. 26234] Cabo Rosa, south of Isla Isabela, Galapágos Islands, eastern Pacific, depth 710 meters. Holotype (unique): CAS 86737. •Valid as Paraliparis galapagosensis Stein & Chernova 2002 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:5 [ref. 28392], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:191 [ref. 30957], Grove et al. 2022:22 [ref. 41326] as galapagoensis). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis galapagosensis Stein & Chernova 2002. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) endemic. IUCN (2023): Data Deficient. Habitat: marine.

garmani, Paraliparis Burke [C. V.] 1912:572 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 43 (no. 1941); ref. 701] Off New England, 39°02'40"N, 72°40'00"W, U.S.A., Albatross station 2586, depth 328 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 64129. Paratypes: (14) USNM 26739 (1), 28786 (1), 28855 (1), 28899 (1), 31594 (1), 35562 (4), 46004-05 (1, 1), 46013 (1), 64130 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis garmani Burke 1912 -- (Scott & Scott 1988:531 [ref. 25518], McAllister 1990:213 [ref. 14674], Kido & Yabe in Okamura et al. 1995:183 [ref. 22531], Moore et al. 2003:223 [ref. 27076], Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592], Chernova 2004:149 [ref. 27722], Møller et al. 2010:56 [ref. 31169], Afonso et al. 2016:60, 247 [ref. 36199], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis garmani Burke 1912. Liparidae. Distribution: North Atlantic: Greenland; northwestern Atlantic: Labrador (Canada) south to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

gibbericeps, Paraliparis copei Andriashev [A. P.] 1982:182 [4], Figs. 2, 3(2) [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 22 (no. 2); ref. 8515] Near South Georgia Island, South Atlantic, 53°39'S, 36°20'W, depth 640-625 meters. Holotype: ZIN 45711. Paratypes: OSU [ex ZIN 45712] (1); ZIN 45712 (3, now 2), 45713-15 (1, 2, 1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:770-771 [ref. 24687]. On p. 4 of English translation. •Synonym of Paraliparis copei Goode & Bean 1896, but a valid subspecies gibbericeps Andriashev 1982 as described -- (Andriashev 1986:44 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:238 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:601 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901], Stein & Chernova 2002:158 [ref. 26234], Andriashev 2003:252 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592], Stein 2006:711 [ref. 28596], Chernova & Møller 2008:369 [ref. 30004]). Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis copei Goode & Bean 1896. Liparidae. Distribution: Subspecies occurs in South Georgia, South Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

gomoni, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:383, Fig. 35 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] 100 kilometers northeast of Flinders Island, Tasmania, Australia, 39°00.92'S, 148°43.71'E, depth 1140-1160 meters. Holotype (unique): NMV A7124. •Valid as Paraliparis gomoni Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:958 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis gomoni Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Tasman Sea northeast of Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

gracilis, Paraliparis Norman [J. R.] 1930:352, Fig. 42 [Discovery Reports v. 2; ref. 3219] Near South Georgia Island, southwestern Atlantic, 53°48'00"S, 35°37'30"W, depth 728 meters. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1930.1.12.1077. •Valid as Paraliparis gracilis Norman 1930 -- (Andriashev 1986:74 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:243 [ref. 21694], Duhamel 1992:199 [ref. 19909], Miller 1993:603 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1994:296 [ref. 21902], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova & Duhamel 2003:142 [ref. 27237], Andriashev 2003:281 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2005:308 [ref. 32059], Stein 2006:711 [ref. 28596], Duhamel & King 2007:386 [ref. 29364]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis gracilis Norman 1930. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: off South Georgia Island, South Orkney, South Sandwich and Crozet Archipelago. Habitat: marine.

grandiceps, Paraliparis Garman [S.] 1899:117, Pl. 29 (figs. 4-4g) [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Off Baja California, 25°29'30"N, 109°48'W, Albatross station 3434, depth 1588 fathoms. Holotype (unique): MCZ 28701 (poor condition). •Valid as Paraliparis grandiceps Gilbert 1890 -- (Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901]). •Synonym of Paraliparis rosaceus Gilbert 1890 -- (Stein 1978:41 [ref. 4203], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:642 [ref. 25968], Chernova et al. 2004:44 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis rosaceus Gilbert 1890. Liparidae. Habitat: marine.

grandis, Paraliparis Schmidt [P. Yu.] 1950:218 [210], Pl. 20 (fig. 2); Fig. 21 [Trudy Tichookeanskogo Komiteta, Akademija Nauk S.S.S.R. v. 6; ref. 12471] Northern Okhotsk Sea, 55°13'N, 146°34'E, depth 525 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 24486. Type catalog: Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687]. On p. 210 of English translation. Appeared first as name only in Schmidt in Taranetz 1937. •Valid as Paraliparis grandis Schmidt 1950 -- (Kido in Amaoka et al. 1983:303, 346 [ref. 8379], Kido in Masuda et al. 1984:340 [ref. 6441], Kido 1988:238 [ref. 12287], Pitruk 1990:42 [ref. 20303], Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687], Imamura et al. 2000:2 [ref. 25064], Nakabo 2000:676 [ref. 25086], Sheiko & Fedorov 2000:33 [ref. 25650], Nakabo 2002:676 [ref. 26001], Fedorov et al. 2003:106 [ref. 27579], Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592], Maslenikov et al. 2013:15 [ref. 37947], Parin et al. 2014:346 [ref. 33547], Tohkairin et al. 2015:11 [ref. 35331], Orr et al. 2019:22 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:219 [ref. 39115], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis grandis Schmidt 1950. Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: Okhotsk Sea, Kuril Islands, southeastern Kamchatka, Bering Sea. Habitat: marine.

haploporus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:57, Fig. 39 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°52.37'S, 174°04.28'E, depth 1954-1990 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.046423. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.046423/1. •Valid as Paraliparis haploporus Stein 2012. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis haploporus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Ross Sea, Antarctica; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

hawaiiensis, Paraliparis Stein [D. l.] & Drazen [J. C.] 2014:1520 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 84 (no. 5); ref. 33253] 24° 1.801' N, 165° 57.944' W, near French Frigate Shoals. Holotype: CAS 234828. Paratypes: 234829 (1). Preliminary copy published online. Final publication May 2014. •Valid as Paraliparis hawaiiensis Stein & Drazen 2014. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis hawaiiensis Stein & Drazen 2014. Liparidae. Distribution: North-western Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine.

hobarti, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:384, Fig. 36 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] Continental slope of Tasmania, Australia. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 3170-01. •Valid as Paraliparis hobarti Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:958 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis hobarti Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia (no other details). Habitat: marine.

hokuto, Paraliparis Murasaki [K.], Takami [M.] & Fukui [A.] 2019:2, Figs. [Ichthyological Research v. 67 (no. 1); ref. 37083] Suruga Bay, northern part of Suruga Trough, Japan, 34.982°N, 138.632°E, depth 1,432 - 1,554 meters. Holotype: MSM 19-198. Paratype: MSM 19-199 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis hokuto Murasaki, Takami & Fukui 2019 -- (Kai et al. 2020:156 [ref. 37773]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis hokuto Murasaki, Takami & Fukui 2019. Liparidae. Distribution: Suruga Trough, Japan, western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

holomelas, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] 1896:441 [United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Report of the Commissioner v. 19 (for 1893) (art. 6); ref. 1628] North of Unalaska Island, 54°02'50"N, 166°45'00"W, Albatross station 3332, depth 406 fathoms. Lectotype: USNM 48637. Paralectotypes: CAS-SU 3026 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:138 [ref. 12291]. Lectotype established by Jordan & Evermann 1898:2141 [ref. 2444]. •Valid as Paraliparis holomelas Gilbert 1896 -- (Pitruk 1990:42 [ref. 20303], Sheiko & Fedorov 2000:33 [ref. 25650], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:638 [ref. 25968], Fedorov et al. 2003:106 [ref. 27579], Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Busby & Cartwright 2006:371 [ref. 29237], Busby & Cartwright 2009:245 [ref. 30300], Parin et al. 2014:346 [ref. 33547], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:219 [ref. 39115], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis holomelas Gilbert 1896. Liparidae. Distribution: North Pacific: Okhotsk Sea, off northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka, southern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. Habitat: marine.

hubbsi, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:79, Figs. 33-34 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Southwestern Atlantic off Patagonia, 45°53'S, 58°46'W, depth 1500 meters. Holotype: ZIN 46776. Paratypes: OSU [ex ZIN 46778] (1); ZIN 46777 (1), 46778 (3, now 2), 46779 (2). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis hubbsi Andriashev 1986 -- (Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687], Chernova & Eastman 2001:97 [ref. 25672], Andriashev 2003:286 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:39 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis hubbsi Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Western South Atlantic: off Argentina. Habitat: marine.

hureaui, Paraliparis Matallanas [J.] 1999:1020, Fig. 2 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 54 (no. 5); ref. 24927] Weddell Sea, 71°53'S, 12°43'W, depth 504-529 meters. Holotype (unique): ZUAB 015-1997. •Valid as Paraliparis hureaui Matallanas 1999 -- (Andriashev 2003:289 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis hureaui Matallanas 1999. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Weddell Sea, Antarctica; known only from the type from 504-529 m. Habitat: marine.

hystrix, Paraliparis Merrett [N. R.] 1983:430, Fig. 1 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 23 (no. 4); ref. 8305] Northeastern Atlantic, 49°30.7'N, 11°36.0'W. Holotype: BMNH 1982.2.1.1. Paratypes: (orig. 18 lots) BMNH 1982.2.1.2-19 (18), BMNH 1989.10.26.1-20 (20); ISH (now 10 lots, 44 spec); ZIN 46824 [ex BMNH] (1); ZMUC [ex BMNH] (2); USNM (1 lot). Type catalog: Krefft 1987:84 [ref. 20751], Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis hystrix Merrett 1983 -- (Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687], Matallanas 2000:936 [ref. 25878], Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592], Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592], Chernova 2004:150 [ref. 27722], Hartel et al. 2008:329 [ref. 29890], Bañón et al. 2016:321 [ref. 34397], Bañón & Maño 2021:69 [ref. 38883], Bañón et al. 2021:7 [ref. 40417], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis hystrix Merrett 1983. Liparidae. Distribution: North Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

impariporus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:386, Fig. 37 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Trial Harbour, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 41°51.97'S, 144°27.16'E, depth 1040-1050 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 3168-01. •Valid as Paraliparis impariporus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:958 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis impariporus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

incognita, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Tompkins [L. S.] 1989:6 [Ichthyological Bulletin of the J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology No. 53; ref. 12858] Davis Sea, off Shackleton Ice Shelf, 64°06'S, 98°27'E, Southern Ocean, depth 460-560 meters. Holotype: ZIN 45935. Paratypes: IRSNB 805 [ex IRSNB 15747] (2). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis incognita Stein & Tompkins 1989 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:244 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:624 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Voskoboinikova & Andriashev 1998:553 [ref. 24682], Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687], Matallanas 1999:1024 [ref. 24927], Andriashev 2003:292 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis incognita Stein & Tompkins 1989. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: East Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

infeliciter, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:387, Fig. 38 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Cape Banks, South Australia, 37°37.9'S, 139°00.60'E, depth 1070-1090 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 3169-01. •Valid as Paraliparis infeliciter Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:958 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis infeliciter Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off South Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

kadadakaleguak, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Mundy [B. C.] 2021:Figs. [Ichthyological Research v. 69 (no. 1); ref. 38274] Holotype. Paratypes: •Valid as Paraliparis kadadakaleguak Stein & Mundy 2021. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis kadadakaleguak Stein & Mundy 2021. Liparidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Mariana Archipelago. Habitat: marine.

kerguelensis, Paraliparis copei Andriashev [A. P.] 1982:722, Figs. 1(4-6), 2(3) [Zoologicheskii Zhurnal v. 61 (no. 5); ref. 8516] Southern Indian Ocean, near Kerguelen Island, 50°01'S, 70°48'E, depth 580-600 meters. Holotype: ZIN 45825. Paratypes: OSU [ex ZIN 45830] (1); ZIN 45826-29 (2, 1, 1, 1), 45830 (2, now 1), 45831-32 (1, 1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687]. •Synonym of Paraliparis copei Goode & Bean 1896, but a valid subspecies kerguelensis Andriashev 1982 as described -- (Andriashev 1986:449 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:240 [ref. 21694], Duhamel 1992:198 [ref. 19909], Miller 1993:635 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1994:294 [ref. 21902], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901], Stein & Chernova 2002:158 [ref. 26234], Chernova & Duhamel 2003:141 [ref. 27237], Andriashev 2003:256 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2005:302 [ref. 32059], Chernova & Møller 2008:369 [ref. 30004], Duhamel et al. 2010:325 [ref. 37229]). •Valid as Paraliparis kerguelensis Andriashev 1982. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis kerguelensis Andriashev 1982. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Islands endemic. Habitat: marine.

kocki, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] 2006:S3 [Journal of Ichthyology v. 46 (supp. 1); ref. 28977] Bransfield Strait, 62°17.6'S, 57°59.8"W, depth 1914-1920 meters. Holotype: ZMH 9078. Paratypes: ZMH 9569 (2). Plus doubtful specimen LACM 10784-1. •Valid as Paraliparis kocki Chernova 2006. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis kocki Chernova 2006. Liparidae. Distribution: Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

kreffti, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:83, Figs. 35-36 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Scotia Sea, between South Georgia Island and Shag Rocks, 54°12'S, 40°02'W, Walther Herwig station 97-II/76, depth about 2600 meters. Holotype: ISH 405-1976. Paratypes: ZIN 46826 (1). Type catalog: Krefft 1987:84 [ref. 20751], Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis kreffti Andriashev 1986 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:244 [ref. 21694], Andriashev 1992:151 [ref. 21311], Miller 1993:614 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1997:261 [ref. 23173], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687], Andriashev 2003:295 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592], Duhamel & King 2007:384 [ref. 29364]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis kreffti Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: South Ocean: Weddell sea, Antarctica and Scotia Sea. Habitat: marine.

labiatus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:388, Fig. 39 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Granville Harbour, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 44°45.8'S, 144°24.8'E, depth 1000-992 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 749-02. •Valid as Paraliparis labiatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:958 [ref. 29047]) Current status: Valid as Paraliparis labiatus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

lasti, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:389, Fig. 40 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] Great Australian Bight, South Australia, 33°45.5'S, 129°37.5'E, depth 1152-1000 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO T 982-02. •Valid as Paraliparis lasti Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:959 [ref. 29047], Gomon 2008:525 [ref. 30616]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis lasti Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: South Australia: known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

latifrons, Paraliparis Garman [S.] 1899:120, Pls. 27 (fig. 2), 28 (figs. 2-2f) [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Off Panama Bay (Pacific), 6°21'N, 80°41'W, Albatross station 3382, depth 1793 fathoms. Syntypes: MCZ 28698 (7). •Valid as Paraliparis latifrons Garman 1899 -- (Stein 1978:45 [ref. 4203], Chernova et al. 2004:40 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Stein 2005:5 [ref. 28392], Busby & Cartwright 2009:251 [ref. 30300], Murasaki et al. 2018:95 [ref. 36065], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis latifrons Garman 1899. Liparidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: Oregon (U.S.A.) south to Panama. Habitat: marine.

leobergi, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1982:534 [4], Figs. 2, 5(2) [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 22 (no. 4); ref. 8514] Commonwealth Sea, Antarctica, 66°48'[not 64°48']S, 63°50'E, depth 165-180 meters. Holotype: ZIN 45936. Paratypes: IRSNB 727 [ex IRSNB 15747, not 15746] (3). Type catalog: Walschaerts 1987:25 [ref. 20755], Chernova 1998:771-772 [ref. 24687]. On p. 4 of English translation. •Valid as Paraliparis leobergi Andriashev 1982 -- (Andriashev 1986:87 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:245 [ref. 21694], Duhamel 1992:199 [ref. 19909], Miller 1993:625 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:771 [ref. 24687], Andriashev 2003:300 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2010:334 [ref. 37229], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis leobergi Andriashev 1982. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: East Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

leucogaster, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:91, Figs. 39-40 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Bransfield Strait, northernmost part of Antarctic Peninsula, 63°56'S, 61°47'W, depth 210-260 meters. Holotype (unique): ISH 914-1976. Type catalog: Krefft 1987:85 [ref. 20751]. •Valid as Paraliparis leucogaster Andriashev 1986 -- (Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125], Stein & Andriashev 1990:246 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:627 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova & Eastman 2001:101 [ref. 25672], Andriashev 2003:300 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis leucogaster Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: South Shetland Islands, Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

leucoglossus, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:95, Figs. 41-42 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Southeastern Lazarev Sea, Princess Astrid Coast, 69°23'S, 11°04'E, depth 900-960 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 47176. Type catalog: Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis leucoglossus Andriashev 1986 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:246 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:615 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687], Andriashev 2003:306 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis leucoglossus Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Lazarev Sea; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

liparina, Amitra Goode [G. B.] 1881:477, 478 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 3 (no. 177); ref. 1833] Off Rhode Island, U.S.A., Fish Hawk station 891, depth 487 fathoms. Syntypes: USNM 26184 (2, discarded). •Valid as Paraliparis liparina (Goode 1881) -- (Andriashev 1993:597 [ref. 21898], Moore et al. 2003:224 [ref. 27076]). •Valid as Paraliparis liparinus (Goode 1881) -- (Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis liparinus (Goode 1881). Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Atlantic: southeast of Long Island, New York (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

longicaecus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:60, Fig. 41 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°55.80'S, 173°18.08'E, depth 1431-1658 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.043691. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043691/1. •Valid as Paraliparis longicaecus Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis longicaecus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

macrocephalus, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] & Eastman [J. T.] 2001:93, Figs. 1-4a [Journal of Fish Biology v. 59; ref. 25672] Drygalski Trough, Ross Sea, Antarctic Ocean, 75°03'60.0"-75°04'49.9"S, 165°12'30.0"-165°10'16.0"E, depth 1181-1191 meters. Holotype: USNM 361866. Paratypes: ZIN 51706 (2). •Valid as Paraliparis macrocephalus Chernova & Eastman 2001 -- (Andriashev 2003:310 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592], Stein 2012:65 [ref. 31964]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis macrocephalus Chernova & Eastman 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Ross Sea, Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

macropterus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:66, Figs. 46-47 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°52.37'S, 174°04.28'E, depth 1954-1990 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.043716. Paratypes: NMNZ P.038582 (1), P.038592 (1), P.049141 (1). Right pectoral girdle of paratype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.038592/1. •Valid as Paraliparis macropterus Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis macropterus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

magnoculus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:70, Fig. 49 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Iselin Bank, Ross Sea, 72°21.00'S, 178°56.10'E, depth 950-1062 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.038643. Paratypes: NMNZ P.037589 (1). Right pectoral girdle of paratype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.037589/1. •Valid as Paraliparis magnoculus Stein 2012. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis magnoculus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica; known only from the types. Habitat: marine.

mandibularis, Paraliparis Kido [K.] 1985:362, Figs. 2-3 [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 31 (no. 4); ref. 6723] Tosa Bay, off Shikoku I, southern Japan, 32°58'N, 133°32'E, depth 605 meters. Holotype (unique): BSKU 30513. •Valid as Paraliparis mandibularis Kido 1985 -- (Kido 1988:234 [ref. 12287], Nakabo 2000:676 [ref. 25086], Shinohara et al. 2001:320 [ref. 25995], Nakabo 2002:676 [ref. 26001], Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592], Kai et al. 2020:152 [ref. 37773]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis mandibularis Kido 1985. Liparidae. Distribution: Western North Pacific: off southern Japan. Habitat: marine.

marianae, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Mundy [B. C.] 2021:Figs. [Ichthyological Research v. 69 (no. 1); ref. 38274] Holotype. Paratypes: •Valid as Paraliparis marianae Stein & Mundy 2021. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis marianae Stein & Mundy 2021. Liparidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Mariana Archipelago. Habitat: marine.

mawsoni, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:99, Figs. 43-44 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Southeastern Lazarev Sea, Princess Astrid Coast, 69°17'S, 10°51'E, depth 980-1080 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 46821 (poor condition). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis mawsoni Andriashev 1986 -- (Stein & Andriashev 1990:247 [ref. 21694], Duhamel 1992:200 [ref. 19909], Andriashev 1992:153 [ref. 21311], Miller 1993:608 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687], Matallanas 1999:1026 [ref. 24927], Andriashev 2003:313 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2010:338 [ref. 37229], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis mawsoni Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean; Lazarev Sea (Antarctica) and South Shetland Islands. Habitat: marine.

megalopus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 1978:50, Fig. 13e [Occasional Papers California Academy of Sciences No. 127; ref. 4203] Off Oregon, U.S.A., Yaquina cruise Y7206B, station CP-1-WW, haul BMT 291, 44°04.0N', 125°23.8'W, depth 2940 meters. Holotype: USNM 214616. Paratypes: CAS 33209-11 (1, 1, 1); OSUO 2317 (1); USNM 214617 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis megalopus Stein 1978 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:41 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis megalopus Stein 1978. Liparidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: Oregon south to central California (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

meganchus, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1982:179 [1], Figs. 1, 3(1) [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 22 (no. 2); ref. 8515] Near South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, 61°39'S, 55°39'W, depth 850-750 meters. Holotype: ZIN 45707. Paratypes: MNHN 1992-1391 [ex ZIN 45708] (1); OSU [ex ZIN 45708] (1); ZIN 45708 (6, now 4), 45709 (2). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687]. On p. 1 of English translation. •Valid as Paraliparis meganchus Andriashev 1982 -- (Andriashev 1986:102a [ref. 12760], Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125], Stein & Andriashev 1990:248 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:605 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687], Matallanas 1999:1025 [ref. 24927], Andriashev 2003:317 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis meganchus Andriashev 1982. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: South Orkney Islands, Weddell Sea, and South Shetland Islands - Bransfield Strait, Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

melanobranchus, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] & Burke [C. V.] 1912:378, Pl. 48 (fig. 2) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 42 (no. 1907); ref. 1633] Southern Okhotsk Sea, 48°22'30"N, 145°43'30"E, Albatross station 5029, depth 440 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 73346. •Valid as Paraliparis melanobranchus Gilbert & Burke 1912 -- (Stein 1978:52 [ref. 4203], Kido in Masuda et al. 1984:340 [ref. 6441], Lindberg & Krasyukova 1987:466 [ref. 15964], Kido 1988:244 [ref. 12287], Pitruk 1990:42 [ref. 20303], Nakabo 2000:677 [ref. 25086], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:643 [ref. 25968], Nakabo 2002:677 [ref. 26001], Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Baldwin & Orr 2010:643 [ref. 31082], Parin et al. 2014:346 [ref. 33547], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:219 [ref. 39115], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis melanobranchus Gilbert & Burke 1912. Liparidae. Distribution: North Pacific: Sea of Okhotsk (Russia) to British Columbia (Canada) and possibly Oregon (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

membranaceus, Paraliparis Günther [A.] 1887:69, Pl. 12 (fig. D) [Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger v. 22 (pt 57); ref. 2013] Off Cabo St. Vincent, Sarmiento Channel, Queen Adelaide Archipelago, Chile; Challenger station 310, 51°27'30"S, 74°03'W, depth 400 fathoms. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1887.12.7.20. •Valid as Paraliparis membranaceus Günther 1887 -- (Lindberg 1973:611 [ref. 7220], Stein & Able in Whitehead et al. 1986:1282 [ref. 13677], Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:8 [ref. 28392], Bañon et al. 2010:15 [ref. 31029], Carneiro et al. 2019:238 [ref. 37250], Bañón & Maño 2021:69 [ref. 38883]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis membranaceus Günther 1887. Liparidae. Distribution: Southeastern Pacific: off southern Chile; ?northeastern Atlantic: records from Spain and Portugal need verification. Habitat: marine.

mentikoilon, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:72, Fig. 51 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Maweson Bank, 71°52.37'S, 174°04.29'E, depth 1954-1990 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.043721. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043721/1 •Valid as Paraliparis mentikoilon Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis mentikoilon Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

mento, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] 1892:562 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 14 (no. 880); ref. 1626] Off Oregon, U.S.A., 47°29'N, 125°33'30"W, Albatross station 3071, depth 685 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 44298. •Valid as Paraliparis mento Gilbert 1892 -- (Stein 1978:40 [ref. 4203], Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Burton & Lea 2019:72 [ref. 37205], Kai et al. 2020:156 [ref. 37773], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis mento Gilbert 1892. Liparidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: British Columbia (Canada) south to central California (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

meridionalis, Paraliparis Kido [K.] 1985:364, Figs. 5-6 [Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 31 (no. 4); ref. 6723] Okinawa Trough, East China Sea, 29°46'N, 127°59'E, depth 610-713 meters. Holotype: BSKU 28687. Paratypes: BSKU 27875 (1), 28505 (1). Other material: BSKU 28556 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis meridionalis Kido 1985 -- (Yatou in Okamura et al. 1985:605, 732 [ref. 8056], Kido 1988:240 [ref. 12287], Nakabo 2000:677 [ref. 25086], Nakabo 2002:677 [ref. 26001], Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592], Shinohara et al. 2005:429 [ref. 28370], Mundy 2005:337 [ref. 28379], Busby & Cartwright 2009:249 [ref. 30300], Murasaki et al. 2019:513 [ref. 36675]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis meridionalis Kido 1985. Liparidae. Distribution: Western and Central North Pacific: Okinawa Trough, Japan to Mariana Islands, Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine.

merodontus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Meléndez C. [R.] & Kong U. [I.] 1991:362, Figs. 8-9 [Copeia 1991 (no. 2); ref. 19979] Off central Chile, 31°29'S, 71°44'W, southeastern Pacific, depth 700 meters. Holotype: MNHNC P.6657. Paratypes: LACM 44893-1 (1); MNHNC P.6658-59 (1, 1), P.6664 (1); USNM 307337 (1). Type catalog: Meléndez C. et al. 1993:127 [ref. 24124]. •Valid as Paraliparis merodontus Stein, Meléndez C. & Kong U. 1991 -- (Pequeño 1997:83 [ref. 23536], Karmovskaya 2006:566 [ref. 29417], Stein & Chernova 2002:155 [ref. 26234], Andriashev 2003:321 [ref. 26955] as merodontos and merodondos, Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:10 [ref. 28392]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis merodontus Stein, Meléndez C. & Kong U. 1991. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern South Pacific off Peru and Chile. Habitat: marine.

meteorensis, Paraliparis thalassobathyalis Andriashev [A. P.] 2003:358, Fig. 190 [Liparid fishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of the Southern Ocean and adjacent waters; ref. 26955] Meteor Seamount, 48°02'S, 08°25'E, depth 1020-1000 meters. Holotype: ZIN 45938. Paratypes: ZIN 45939-41 (28). Original not seen. •Synonym of Paraliparis thalassobathyalis Andriashev 1982, but a valid subspecies meteorensis Andriashev 2003 as described -- (Chernova et al. 2004:45 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis thalassobathyalis Andriashev 1982. Liparidae. Habitat: marine.

mexicanus, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] 2006:S8, Fig. 5 [Journal of Ichthyology v. 46 (supp. 1); ref. 28977] Pacific coast of Mexico, about 14°29'-18°56'N, 93°11'-104°24'W, depth 42-900 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMH 25411. •Valid as Paraliparis mexicanus Chernova 2006. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis mexicanus Chernova 2006. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: off Mexico. Habitat: marine.

molinai, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Meléndez C. [R.] & Kong U. [I.] 1991:364, Figs. 10-11 [Copeia 1991 (no. 2); ref. 19979] Off Chile, 31°14'S, 71°46'W, southeastern Pacific, depth 800 meters. Holotype: MNHNC P.6660. Paratypes: MNHNC P.6661 (1). Type catalog: Meléndez C. et al. 1993:127 [ref. 24124]. •Valid as Paraliparis molinai Stein, Meléndez C. & Kong U. 1991 -- (Pequeño 1997:83 [ref. 23536], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Karmovskaya 2006:566 [ref. 29417], Andriashev 2003:324 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592], Stein 2005:5, 9 [ref. 28392]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis molinai Stein, Meléndez C. & Kong U. 1991. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern South Pacific: off Valparaiso, Chile; known only from the types; 800 m. Habitat: marine.

monoporus, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] & Neelov [A. V.] 1979:14, Figs. 3, 5(3) [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 19 (no. 1) (art. 114); ref. 8756] Southern Scotia Sea, between South Shetland Islands and South Orkney Islands, 61°10'S, 50°41'W, depth 850-860 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 44094. Type catalog: Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis monoporus Andriashev & Neelov 1979 -- (Andriashev 1986:111 [ref. 12760], Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125], Stein & Andriashev 1990:249 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:613 [ref. 21297], Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687], Stein et al. 2001:387 [ref. 25901], Andriashev 2003:326 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592], Chernova 2006:S10 [ref. 28977]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis monoporus Andriashev & Neelov 1979. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Lazarev sea and Scotia Sea. Habitat: brackish, marine.

murieli, Paraliparis Matallanas [J.] 1984:563, Fig. 1 [Investigación Pesquera (Chile) v. 48 (no. 3); ref. 17438] Blanes, western Mediterranean Sea, depth 500-600 meters. Holotype (unique): UAB 30947. Named for Matallanas’ youngest daughter, Muriel; the correct species epithet would be murielae, not to be corrected according to the ICZN. •Valid as Paraliparis murieli Matallanas 1984 -- (Matallanas 2000:936 [ref. 25878], Chernova et al. 2004:42 [ref. 27592], Kovačić et al. 2021:71 [ref. 39014]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis murieli Matallanas 1984. Liparidae. Distribution: Mediterranean Sea; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

nassarum, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] & Fitch [J. E.] 1984:77, Figs. 1, 2b [Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences v. 83 (no. 2); ref. 8209] San Clemente Island, 10 miles east-northeast of Pyramid Head, California, U.S.A. Holotype: LACM 38272-3. Paratypes: CAS 51781 (2), LACM (35, 19 lots); USNM 247249-50 (1, 1). •Valid as Paraliparis nassarum Stein & Fitch 1984 -- (Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901], Stein & Chernova 2002:158 [ref. 26234], Chernova et al. 2004:43 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Busby & Cartwright 2009:245 [ref. 30300], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis nassarum Stein & Fitch 1984. Liparidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: southern California (U.S.A.) south to Pacific coast of northern Baja California (Mexico). Habitat: marine.

neelovi, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1982:721, Figs. 1(3), 2(2) [Zoologicheskii Zhurnal v. 61 (no. 5); ref. 8516] Southwestern Indian Ocean, Banzare Banks, south of Heard Island, 56°50'S, 71°06'E, depth 1420-1390 meters. Holotype: ZIN 45819. Paratypes: MNHN 1992-1393 [ex ZIN 45822] (1); OSU [ex ZIN 45821] (1); ZIN 45820 (1), 45821 (2, now 1), 45822 (2, now 1), 45823-24 (1, 1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis neelovi Andriashev 1982 -- (Andriashev 1986:117 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:249 [ref. 21694], Duhamel 1992:202 [ref. 19909], Miller 1993:629 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1994:296 [ref. 21902], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687], Stein & Chernova 2002:158 [ref. 26234], Chernova & Duhamel 2003:144 [ref. 27237], Andriashev 2003:330 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:43 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2005:310 [ref. 32059], Stein 2012:75 [ref. 31964], Duhamel et al. 2010:326 [ref. 37229], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis neelovi Andriashev 1982. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Islands (France); Southern Ocean: eastern Antarctica to Ross Sea. Habitat: marine.

nigellus, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] & Møller [P. R.] 2008:370, Fig. 2 [Marine Biology Research v. 4; ref. 30004] Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 51°45.04'N, 29°32.89'W, depth 1950 meters. Holotype: ZMUB 8485. Paratypes: ZMUB 2633 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis nigellus Chernova & Møller 2008 -- (Carneiro et al. 2019:238 [ref. 37250]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis nigellus Chernova & Møller 2008. Liparidae. Distribution: North Atlantic: northern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, including Azores. Habitat: marine.

nigrolineatus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:79, Fig. 56 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°52.37'S, 174°04.29'E, depth 1954-1990 meters. Holotype: NMNZ P.043723. Paratypes: NMNZ P.046424 (1). Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043723/1. •Valid as Paraliparis nigrolineatus Stein 2012. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis nigrolineatus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica; known only from the types. Habitat: marine.

nullansa, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:82, Fig. 58 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwestern ege of Mawson Bank, 71°52.37'S, 174°04.29'E, depth 1954-1900 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.043718. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043718/1. •Valid as Paraliparis nullansa Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis nullansa Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

obliquosus, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] & Duhamel [G.] 2003:138, Fig. 2 [Cybium v. 27 (no. 2); ref. 27237] Crozet Islands, 45°27'S, 50°25'E, depth 550-1345 meters (stomach content of *Dissostichus eleginoides*; in 2 fragments, poor condition). Holotype: MNHN 2002-1089. Paratypes: MNHN 2002-1075 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis obliquosus Chernova & Duhamel 2003 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:43 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2005:312 [ref. 32059]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis obliquosus Chernova & Duhamel 2003. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: off Crozet and Kerguelen islands. Habitat: marine.

obtusirostris, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:391, Fig. 41 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] 100 kilometers northeast of Flinders Island, off Tasmania, Australia, 38°57.09'S, 148°41.95'E, depth 1270-1290 meters. Holotype (unique): NMV A7123. •Valid as Paraliparis obtusirostris Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:43 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:959 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis obtusirostris Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Tasman Sea northeast of Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

operculosus, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1979:32, Fig. 3 [Biologiya Morya (Vladivostok) v. 1979 (no. 6); ref. 120] Near Kerguelen Island, 49°48'S, 71°01'E, depth 640 meters. Holotype: ZIN 44933. Paratypes: (24) ISH 48-1986 [ex ZIN 45051] (1); LACM [ex ZIN 45051] (1); MNHN [ex ZIN 45051] (1); OSU [ex ZIN 45051] (1); ZIN 45051 (10, now 6), 45052-53 (2, 2), 45054-61 (2, 1, 1, 1, 2 now 1, 1, 1, 1), 45638 (1). Type catalog: Krefft 1987:85 [ref. 20751], Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis operculosus Andriashev 1979 -- (Andriashev 1986:123 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:249 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:637 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1994:296 [ref. 21902], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687], Chernova & Duhamel 2003:145 [ref. 27237], Andriashev 2003:334 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:43 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2005:314 [ref. 32059], Duhamel et al. 2010:326 [ref. 37229], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis operculosus Andriashev 1979. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: Kerguelen Islands; Heard Islands; Skif Seamount. Habitat: marine.

orbitalis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:85, Fig. 61 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Off Cape Adare, 71°18.30'S, 172°03.00'E, depth 1110-1210 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.045678. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.045678/1. •Valid as Paraliparis orbitalis Stein 2012. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis orbitalis Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Off Cape Adare, Ross Sea, Antarctica; known only from the Holotype. Habitat: marine.

orcadensis, Paraliparis Matallanas [J.] & Pequeño [G.] 2000:298, Fig. 1 [Polar Biology v. 23; ref. 24449] South Orkney Islands, 60°54.20'S, 42°19.60'W, depth 1253 meters. Holotype (unique): MNHNC P.7126. •Valid as Paraliparis orcadensis Matallanas & Pequeño 2000 -- (Andriashev 2003:337 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:43 [ref. 27592]) Current status: Valid as Paraliparis orcadensis Matallanas & Pequeño 2000. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: off South Orkney Islands; known only from the holotype from 1253 meters. Habitat: marine.

parviradialis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:90, Fig. 63 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°52.37'S, 174°04.29'E, depth 1954-1990 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.043720. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043720/1. •Valid as Paraliparis parviradialis Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis parviradialis Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

paucidens, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 1978:43, Figs. 11d, 12 [Occasional Papers California Academy of Sciences No. 127; ref. 4203] Off Oregon, U.S.A., Acona cruise 6408, station WH 45, haul OTB 41, 44°21.9'N, 125°14.4'W, depth 2086 meters. Holotype: USNM 214618. Paratypes: CAS 33212 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis paucidens Stein 1978 -- (McAllister 1990:213 [ref. 14674], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:637 [ref. 25968], Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901], Stein & Chernova 2002:158 [ref. 26234], Chernova et al. 2004:43 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Busby & Cartwright 2009:249 [ref. 30300], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis paucidens Stein 1978. Liparidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: British Columbia (Canada) and Oregon (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

pearcyi, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:27, Figs. 21-22 [Zootaxa No. 3588; ref. 32334] 44°50.62'S, 175°29.45'E, Chatham Rise, near New Zealand, depth 1044-1050 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.027142. •Valid as Paraliparis pearcyi Stein 2012 -- (Stein 2015:1143 [ref. 34287]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis pearcyi Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Chatham Rise, near New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

pectoralis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 1978:49, Fig. 13c [Occasional Papers California Academy of Sciences No. 127; ref. 4203] Off Tillamook Head, Oregon, U.S.A., AEC station 26, 45°50'N, 125°06'W, depth 840 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 214606. Paratypes: BCPM 71-203 (1); CAS 33200 (1); OSUO 2286-87 (1, 1), 2301 (1); USNM 214607 (2). •Valid as Paraliparis pectoralis Stein 1978 -- (Kido 1993:107 [ref. 22478], Nakabo 2000:676 [ref. 25086], Sheiko & Fedorov 2000:33 [ref. 25650], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:636 [ref. 25968], Nakabo 2002:676 [ref. 26001], Chernova et al. 2004:43 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Parin et al. 2014:34 [ref. 33547], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:220 [ref. 39115], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis pectoralis Stein 1978. Liparidae. Distribution: North Pacific: Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido, eastern Bering Sea, British Columbia (Canada) south to central California (U.S.A.). Habitat: marine.

penicillus, Paraliparis Baldwin [Z. H.] & Orr [J. W.] 2010:640, Figs. 1-2 [Copeia 2010 (no. 4); ref. 31082] Bering Sea, 58.53°N, 174.01°W, depth 1003 meters. Holotype: UW 119193. Paratypes: BCPM 980-8 (1); UW 117234 (1), 117235 (1), 119192 (2). •Valid as Paraliparis penicillus Baldwin & Orr 2010 -- (Orr et al. 2019:22 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis penicillus Baldwin & Orr 2010. Liparidae. Distribution: Arctic Ocean: Bering Sea. Habitat: marine.

piceus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:392, Fig. 42 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Trial Harbour, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 41°51.25'S, 144°23.1'E, depth 1384-1416 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 805-04. •Valid as Paraliparis piceus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:44 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:959 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis piceus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

plagiostomus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:393, Fig. 43 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Cape Sorell, western coast of Tasmania, Australia, 42°19.5'S, 144°42'E, depth 993-987 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO T 488-02. •Valid as Paraliparis plagiostomus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:44 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:959 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis plagiostomus Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

plicatus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:91, Fig. 65 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°55.80'S, 173°18.08'E, depth 1431-1658 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.043689. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043689/1. •Valid as Paraliparis plicatus Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis plicatus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

porcus, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] 2006:S7, Fig. 4 [Journal of Ichthyology v. 46 (supp. 1); ref. 28977] Off Elephant Island, 61°03.36'S, 54°41.30'W, depth 332-374 meters. Holotype (unique): ZMH 25410. •Valid as Paraliparis porcus Chernova 2006. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis porcus Chernova 2006. Liparidae. Distribution: South Shetland Islands. Habitat: marine.

posteroporus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:95, Fig. 67 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°55.80'S, 173°18.08'E, depth 1431-1658 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.043692. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.0433692/1. •Valid as Paraliparis posteroporus Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis posteroporus Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

pseudokreffti, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:29, Fig. 23 [Zootaxa No. 3588; ref. 32334] 46°38.80'S, 178°30.03'E, Bounty Trough, near New Zealand, depth 2786-2821 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.038023. •Valid as Paraliparis pseudokreffti Stein 2012 -- (Stein 2015:1144 [ref. 34287]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis pseudokreffti Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Bounty Trough, near New Zealand. Habitat: marine.

retrodorsalis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:394, Fig. 44 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] West of Cape Martin, South Australia, 37°34.53'S, 138°57.00'E, depth 1205-1175 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 1935-01. •Valid as Paraliparis retrodorsalis Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:44 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:959 [ref. 29047]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis retrodorsalis Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Off South Australia, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

rosaceus, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] 1890:93 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 13 (no. 797); ref. 1623] Off southern California, U.S.A., 32°17'N, 119°17'W, Albatross station 2919, depth 984 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 48918. •Valid as Paraliparis rosaceus Gilbert 1890 -- (Stein 1978:41 [ref. 4203], Kido in Amaoka et al. 1983:301, 346 [ref. 8379], Kido in Masuda et al. 1984:340 [ref. 6441], Kido 1988:235 [ref. 12287], McAllister 1990:213 [ref. 14674], Pitruk 1990:42 [ref. 20303], Nakabo 2000:677 [ref. 25086], Sheiko & Fedorov 2000:33 [ref. 25650], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:642 [ref. 25968], Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901], Nakabo 2002:677 [ref. 26001], Stein & Chernova 2002:158 [ref. 26234], Chernova et al. 2004:44 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Busby & Cartwright 2009:249 [ref. 30300], Parin et al. 2014:347 [ref. 33547], Burton & Lea 2019:72 [ref. 37205], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:142 [ref. 39279], Dyldin & Orlov 2022:220 [ref. 39115], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis rosaceus Gilbert 1890. Liparidae. Distribution: North Pacific: Okhotsk Sea off Hokaido, Kuril Islands, and British Columbia (Canada) south to Pacific coast of central Baja California (Mexico). Habitat: marine.

rossi, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] & Eastman [J. T.] 2001:98, Figs. 4b-6 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 59; ref. 25672] Southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctic Ocean, 74°16'04.0"-74°17'43.9"S, 171°59'23.9"-171°56'52.3"E, depth 465-466 meters. Holotype: USNM 361867. Paratypes: USNM 361868 (2), ZIN N 52104 (1). •Valid as Paraliparis rossi Chernova & Eastman 2001 -- (Andriashev 2003:341 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:44 [ref. 27592], Stein 2012:97 [ref. 31964]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis rossi Chernova & Eastman 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica; known only from the types. Habitat: marine.

ruficometes, Paraliparis Murasaki [K.], Takami [M.] & Fukui [A.] 2018:89 [2], Fig. 2 [Ichthyological Research v. 66 (no. 1); ref. 36065] Suruga Trough, Suruga Bay, Japan, 34°57.8'N, 138°38.8'E - 34°55.9'N, 138°38.3'E, depth 1,510-1,560 meters. Holotype: MSM-18-69. Paratypes: MSM. NSMT. •Valid as Paraliparis ruficometes Murasaki, Takami & Fukui 2018 -- (Murasaki et al. 2019:513 [ref. 36675], Kai et al. 2020:156 [ref. 37773]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis ruficometes Murasaki, Takami & Fukui 2018. Liparidae. Distribution: Suruga Trough, Suruga Bay, Japan, western Pacific. Habitat: marine.

selti, Paraliparis Linley [T. D.], Gerringer [M. E.] & Canto-Hernández [J.] in Linley, Gerringer, Ritchie, Weston, Scott-Murray et al. 2022:6, Figs. 2-7 [Marine Biodiversity v. 52: 56; ref. 39679] Atacama Trench, 21.74162°S, 71.25775°W, depth 6,714 meters. Holotype (unique): MNHNC ICT 76227. •Valid as Paraliparis selti Linley, Gerringer & Canto-Hernández 2022. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis selti Linley, Gerringer & Canto-Hernández 2022. Liparidae. Distribution: Southeast Pacific: Atacama Trench. Habitat: marine.

skeliphrus, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2005:3, Fig. 1 [Zootaxa No. 1019; ref. 28392] Off Antofagasta, Chile, 34°09'S, 72°25.5'W, Anton Bruun station 61, deep longline, depth 1400-1475 meters. Holotype (unique): USNM 307338. •Valid as Paraliparis skeliphrus Stein 2005. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis skeliphrus Stein 2005. Liparidae. Distribution: Off Chile. Habitat: marine.

somovi, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] & Neelov [A. V.] 1979:12, Figs. 2, 5(1) [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 19 (no. 1) (art. 114); ref. 8756] Southwestern side of Elephant Island, South Shetland Islands, 61°39'S, 55°39'W, depth 850-750 meters. Holotype: ZIN 44100. Paratypes: BMNH 1979.8.4.2 [ex ZIN 44101] (1), LACM [ex ZIN 44101], MNHN 1992-1392 [exz ZIN 44101] (1), OSU [ex ZIN 44101] (1), ZIN 44101 (13, now 9). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis somovi Andriashev & Neelov 1979 -- (Andriashev 1986:127 [ref. 12760], Pequeño 1989:57 [ref. 14125], Stein & Andriashev 1990:250 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:616 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:772 [ref. 24687], Chernova & Eastman 2001:97 [ref. 25672], Andriashev 2003:344 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:44 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis somovi Andriashev & Neelov 1979. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: off South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

stehmanni, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:131, Figs. 57-58 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Northern Scotia Sea, 54°12'S, 40°02'W, Walther Herwig station 97-II/76, depth about 2600 meters. Holotype: ISH 404-1976. Paratypes: ZIN 46836 (1). Type catalog: Krefft 1987:85 [ref. 20751], Chernova 1998:772-773 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis stehmanni Andriashev 1986 -- (Andriashev 1986:131 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:251 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:609 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687], Andriashev 2003:347 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:44 [ref. 27592], Stein 2012:99 [ref. 31964], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis stehmanni Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Bransfield Strait and northern Scotia Sea, Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

tangaroa, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:103, Fig. 73 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Iselin Seamount, Ross Sea, 71°00.0'S, 179°30.0'W, depth 966-1153 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P-045475. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.045475/1. •Valid as Paraliparis tangaroa Stein 2012. Current status: Valid as Paraliparis tangaroa Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

tasmaniensis, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.], Chernova [N. V.] & Andriashev [A. P.] 2001:396, Fig. 45 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 53; ref. 25901] Southwest of King Island, northwestern Tasmania, Australia, 40°26.64'S, 143°18.36'E, depth 1000-1100 meters. Holotype (unique): CSIRO H 2679-02. •Valid as Paraliparis tasmaniensis Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001 -- (Chernova et al. 2004:44-45 [ref. 27592], Hoese et al. 2006:959 [ref. 29047], Gomon 2008:525 [ref. 30616]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis tasmaniensis Stein, Chernova & Andriashev 2001. Liparidae. Distribution: Great Australian Bight northwest of Tasmania, Australia; known only from the holotype. Habitat: marine.

terraenovae, Paraliparis Regan [C. T.] 1916:129, Pl. 1 (fig. 6) [British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition (1910-1913). Zoology v. 1 (no. 4); ref. 15063] Southern Ross Sea, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, 77°15'S, 166°00'E, depth 0-550 meters. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1916.3.20.29. Originally as terrae-novae. •Valid as Edentoliparis terraenovae (Regan 1916) -- (Andriashev 1990:181 [ref. 19918], Duhamel 1992:195 [ref. 19909], Andriashev 1998:263 [ref. 23579], Andriashev 2003:381 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:18 [ref. 27592]). •Valid as Paraliparis terraenovae Regan 1916 -- (Andriashev 1986:117 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:252 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:630 [ref. 21297], Duhamel et al. 2010:339 [ref. 37229], Stein 2012:107 [ref. 31964], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis terraenovae Regan 1916. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: circumantarctic; shelf of Antarctica in Ross, Weddell, Cosmonaut, and Cooperation seas. Habitat: marine.

tetrapteryx, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] & Neelov [A. V.] 1979:16, Figs. 4, 5(4) [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 19 (no. 1) (art. 114); ref. 8756] Near South Georgia Island, southwestern Atlantic, 53°34'S, 36°45'W, depth 830-658 meters. Holotype: ZIN 44095. Paratypes: OSU [ex ZIN 44097] (1), ZIN 44096 (2), 44097 (2, now 1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis tetrapteryx Andriashev & Neelov 1979 -- (Andriashev 1986:139 [ref. 12760], Miller 1993:611 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Matallanas & Pequeño 2000:300 [ref. 24421], Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687], Andriashev 2003:351 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:45 [ref. 27592], Stein 2006:711 [ref. 28596], Chernova 2006:S13 [ref. 28977] as cf. tetrapteryx). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis tetrapteryx Andriashev & Neelov 1979. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: South Georgia Island and southwestern Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

thalassobathyalis, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1982:717, Figs. 1(1), 2(1) [Zoologicheskii Zhurnal v. 61 (no. 5); ref. 8516] Southwestern Indian Ocean, Banzare Banks, south of Heard Island, 56°53'S, 70°18'E, depth 1300 meters. Holotype: ZIN 45811. Paratypes: OSU [ex ZIN 45816] (1); ZIN 45812-15 (1, 1, 1, 2), 45816 (2, now 1), 45817-18 (1, 1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687]. Three subspecies are recognized: Paraliparis t. thalassobathyalis from Banzare and Elan banks at 620-1600 m; P. t. meteorensis from Meteor Seamount at 800-1100 m, and an unnamed subspecies form west of South Georgia I. at 620-635 meters (see Andriashev 2003 [ref, 27237]). •Valid as Paraliparis thalassobathyalis Andriashev 1982 -- (Andriashev 1986:143 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:253 [ref. 21694], Duhamel 1992:203 [ref. 19909], Miller 1993:633 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1994:296 [ref. 21902], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687], Chernova & Duhamel 2003:145 [ref. 27237], Andriashev 2003:354 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:45 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2005:316 [ref. 32059], Duhamel & King 2007:386 [ref. 29364], Duhamel et al. 2010:330 [ref. 37229], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis thalassobathyalis Andriashev 1982. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Indian Ocean: Banzare and Elan banks, Heard, Kerguelen and Crozet islands. Habitat: marine.

tompkinsae, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1992:150 [Zoosystematica Rossica v. 1; ref. 21311] Southern Ocean, 60°06'S, 36°01.5'W, Eltanin station 1555, depth 1976-2068 meters. Holotype (unique): LACM 11043-1. •Valid as Paraliparis tompkinsae Andriashev 1992 -- (Andriashev 2003:362 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:45 [ref. 27592], Chernova 2006:S11 [ref. 28977]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis tompkinsae Andriashev 1992. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: east of South Orkney Islands and South Shetland Islands. Habitat: marine.

trilobodon, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] & Neelov [A. V.] 1979:10, Figs. 1, 5(2) [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 19 (no. 1) (art. 114); ref. 8756] Off South Shetland Islands, 61°46'S, 53°59'W, depth 315-335 meters. Holotype: ZIN 44098. Paratypes: BMNH 1979.8.4.1 (1), MNHN 1992-1397 (1), OSU [ex ZIN 44099] (1), ZIN 44099 (7, now 4). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis trilobodon Andriashev & Neelov 1979 -- (Andriashev 1986:150 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:254 [ref. 21694], Miller 1993:607 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687], Chernova & Eastman 2001:101 [ref. 25672], Andriashev 2003:364 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:45 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis trilobodon Andriashev & Neelov 1979. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: off South Shetland Islands; known only from the types. Habitat: marine.

trunovi, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] 1986:153, Figs. 68-69 [Theses Zoologicae v. 7; ref. 12760] Southeastern Atlantic at Meteor Seamount, 48°03'S, 8°14'E, depth 960-970 meters. Holotype: ZIN 46831. Paratypes: ZIN 46832 (1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis trunovi Andriashev 1986 -- (Miller 1993:628 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687], Andriashev 2003:368 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:45 [ref. 27592]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis trunovi Andriashev 1986. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: southwestern Africa and Walvis Ridge to Meteor Seamount. Habitat: marine.

ulochir, Paraliparis Gilbert [C. H.] 1896:441 [United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Report of the Commissioner v. 19 (for 1893) (art. 6); ref. 1628] Gulf of California, Mexico, Albatross station 3010, 27°23'45"N, 11°25'00"W, depth 1005 fathoms. Syntypes: CAS-SU 2481 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:138 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Paraliparis ulochir Gilbert 1896 -- (Stein 1978:50 [ref. 4203], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:640 [ref. 25968], Chernova et al. 2004:45 [ref. 27592], Love et al. 2005:107 [ref. 37547], Maslenikov et al. 2013:16 [ref. 37947], Burton & Lea 2019:73 [ref. 37205], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839], Love et al. 2021:143 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis ulochir Gilbert 1896. Liparidae. Distribution: Northeastern Pacific: southeastern Bering Sea south to Gulf of California (Mexico). Habitat: marine.

vaillanti, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] 2004:152, Fig. 2 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 44 (no. 2); ref. 27722] Northwestern Atlantic, 46°39'N, 58°51'W, depth 1150 meters. Holotype (unique): MNHN 2000-5391. •Valid as Paraliparis vaillanti Chernova 2004 -- (Hartel et al. 2008:329 [ref. 29890], Page et al. 2023:192 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis vaillanti Chernova 2004. Liparidae. Distribution: Northwestern Atlantic. Habitat: marine.

valentinae, Paraliparis Andriashev [A. P.] & Neelov [A. V.] 1984:1, Fig. 1; Pl. 1 [Uo (Japanese Society of Ichthyologists) No. 35; ref. 11367] Gunnerus Ridge, East Antarctica, 68°02'S, 34°33'E, depth 940-1100 meters. Holotype: ZIN 46833. Paratypes: OSU [ex ZIN 46834] (1); ZIN 46834 (2, now 1), 46835 (1). Type catalog: Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis valentinae Andriashev & Neelov 1984 -- (Andriashev 1986:159 [ref. 12760], Stein & Andriashev 1990:255 [ref. 21694], Duhamel 1992:204 [ref. 19909], Miller 1993:610 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687], Chernova & Eastman 2001:97 [ref. 25672], Andriashev 2003:371 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:45 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2010:341 [ref. 37229], Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis valentinae Andriashev & Neelov 1984. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Cosmonaut Sea (East Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

variabilidens, Paraliparis Murasaki [K.], Takami [M.] & Fukui [A.] 2019:510, Fig. 2 [Ichthyological Research v. 66 (no. 4); ref. 36675] Northern part of the Suruga Trough, Suruga Bay, Japan, 34°59.1'N, 138°38.9'E - 34°55.8'N, 138°38.4'E, depth 1,462 - 1,562 meters. Holotype (unique): MSM 19-32. •Valid as Paraliparis variabilidens Murasaki, Takami & Fukui 2019 -- (Kai et al. 2020:156 [ref. 37773]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis variabilidens Murasaki, Takami & Fukui 2019. Liparidae. Distribution: Suruga Trough, Suruga Bay, Japan. Habitat: marine.

violaceus, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] 1991:75, Figs. 38-40 [Snailfishes (Liparididae) from the Eurasian Arctic; ref. 23263] Nansen Basin, north of Severnaya Zemlya, 82°41'N, 87°03'E, depth 2365 meters. Holotype (unique): ZIN 29466. Type catalog: Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687]. •Valid as Paraliparis violaceus Chernova 1991 -- (Chernova 1998:773 [ref. 24687], Chernova et al. 2004:45-46 [ref. 27592], Mecklenburg et al. 2011:127 [ref. 31212]). •Synonym of Paraliparis bathybius (Collett 1879) -- (Mecklenburg et al. 2016:149 [ref. 34440], Mecklenburg et al. 2018:297 [ref. 36370]). Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis bathybius (Collett 1879). Liparidae. Distribution: Arctic Ocean: Nansen basin; known only from the holotype (if valid). Habitat: marine.

vipera, Paraliparis Chernova [N. V.] & Prut'ko [V. G.] 2011 [Journal of Ichthyology v. 51 (no. 5); ref. 31398] Ross Sea, Antarctica, stomach content, depth 1182-1651 meters. Holotype. Original description not yet seen. •Valid as Paraliparis vipera Chernova & Prut'ko 2011 -- (Stein 2012:116 [ref. 31964]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis vipera Chernova & Prut'ko 2011. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea, Antarctica. Habitat: marine.

voroninorum, Paraliparis Stein [D. L.] 2012:107, Fig. 77 [Zootaxa No. 3285; ref. 31964] Northwest edge of Mawson Bank, 71°52.37'S, 174°04.28'E, depth 1954-1990 meters. Holotype (unique): NMNZ P.043717. Right pectoral girdle of holotype cleared and stained and cataloged as NMNZ P.043717/1. •Valid as Paraliparis voroninorum Stein 2012 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis voroninorum Stein 2012. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Ross Sea (Antarctica). Habitat: marine.

wildi, Paraliparis Waite [E. R.] 1916:43, Pl. 4 (fig. 1); Fig. 9 [Scientific Report, Australasian Antarctic Expedition v. 3 (pt 1); ref. 4568] Mary Land, off Shackleton Ice Shelf, 65°06'S, 96°13'E, Antarctica, depth 325 fathoms. Holotype (unique): SAMA F378. Type catalog: Glover 1976:172 [ref. 19449]. •Valid as Paraliparis wildi Waite 1916 -- (Miller 1993:621 [ref. 21297], Andriashev 2003:231 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:33 [ref. 27592]). •Synonym of Paraliparis antarcticus Regan 1914 -- (Andriashev 1986:31 [ref. 12760], Stein 2012:38 [ref. 31964]). Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis antarcticus Regan 1914. Liparidae. Habitat: marine.

wilsoni, Paraliparis Richards [W. J.] 1966:171, Fig. 1 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 79; ref. 9058] Off Gabon, western Africa, 4°08'S, 10°08'E, depth 1134 meters. Holotype (unique): USNM 198201. •Valid as Paraliparis wilsoni Richards 1966 -- (Stein 1986:494 [ref. 6297], Stein 1990:689 [ref. 17857]). •Synonym of Paraliparis copei Goode & Bean 1896, but a valid subspecies wilsoni Richards 1966 -- (Andriashev 1986:31 [ref. 12760], Andriashev 1998:262 [ref. 23579], Stein et al. 2001:400 [ref. 25901], Stein & Chernova 2002:158 [ref. 26234], Chernova & Duhamel 2003:141 [ref. 27237], Andriashev 2003:259 [ref. 26955], Chernova et al. 2004:36 [ref. 27592], Duhamel et al. 2005:304 [ref. 32059], Duhamel & King 2007:386 [ref. 29364] with wrong author for the species, Chernova & Møller 2008:369 [ref. 30004], Stein 2016:2296 [ref. 34616], Fermon et al. 2022:296 [ref. 39448]). Current status: Synonym of Paraliparis copei Goode & Bean 1896. Liparidae. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic: Gabon. Habitat: marine.

wolffi, Paraliparis Duhamel [G.] & King [N.] 2007:384, Figs. 6, 7A-B [Cybium v. 31 (no. 3); ref. 29364] Off Crozet Islands, 48°56.21'S, 51°03.90'E, depth 4182-4195 meters. Holotype: MNHN 2006-1233. Paratypes: MNHN 2006-1234 (1) •Valid as Paraliparis wolffi Duhamel & King 2007 -- (Orr et al. 2019:23 [ref. 38839]). Current status: Valid as Paraliparis wolffi Duhamel & King 2007. Liparidae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Crozet basin. Habitat: marine.

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