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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Species in the genus Paratanakia: [ 5 ] records

chii, Acheilognathus Miao [C.-P.] 1934:182, Fig. 33 [Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China. (Zoological Series) v. 10 (no. 3); ref. 13903] Lanchie, Upper Tsien Tang River, Chinkiang, Jiangsu Province, China. Holotype (unique): SSCN 13182. Spelled chi in title, chii elsewhere. •Synonym of Paracheilognathus himantegus (Günther 1868) -- (Wu 1964:210 [ref. 13503] as himategus, Lin in Chen et al. 1998:439 [ref. 23878]). •In genus Tanakia -- (Arai & Akai 1988:205 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Tanaka himantegus (Günther 1868) but a valid subspecies chii Miao 1934 -- (Chang et al. 2009:824 [ref. 31127]). •Valid as Tanakia chii (Miao 1934) -- (Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477]). •Valid as Paratanakia chii (Miao 1934) -- (Li et al. 2017:84 [ref. 35680], Huang et al. 2024:244 [ref. 41751]). Current status: Valid as Paratanakia chii (Miao 1934). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Taiwan and China. Habitat: freshwater.

fulvidorsalis, Paratanakia Chen [I-S.] & Shy [J.-Y.] 2024:251, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa 5550 (no. 1); ref. 41752] Tanshuei River basin, Dashi, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. Holotype: NTOUP 2010-10-301. Paratypes: NTOUP 2010-10-302 (4). •Valid as Paratanakia fulvidorsalis Chen & Shy 2024. Current status: Valid as Paratanakia fulvidorsalis Chen & Shy 2024. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: lower Tanshuei River basin, Taiwan. Habitat: freshwater.

haifengensis, Paratanakia Huang [S.-P.], Cheng [Y.-H.], Shao [K.-T.] & Chen [I-S.] 2024:242, Figs. 2A-B, 3, 4A [Zootaxa 5550 (no. 1); ref. 41751] Huang River (Huangjiang) drainage, near Lianhua Mountain, Haifeng County, Guangdong Province, China. Holotype: NTOUP 2009-11-001. Paratypes: AZISP, NTOUP. •Valid as Paratanakia haifengensis Huang, Cheng, Shao & Chen 2024. Current status: Valid as Paratanakia haifengensis Huang, Cheng, Shao & Chen 2024. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: upper Huang River drainage, eastern Guangdong Province, China. Habitat: freshwater.

himantegus, Achilognathus Günther [A.] 1868:277 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] Taiwan. Syntypes: (at least 4) BMNH 1865.5.2.54-58 (5). Original genus should have been Acheilognathus. •Valid as Paracheilognathus himantegus (Günther 1868) -- (Wu 1964:210 [ref. 13503] as himategus, Zhu 1995:45 [ref. 25213] as himantagus, Cheng & Zhou 1997:151 [ref. 26385], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:439 [ref. 23878]). •In genus Tanakia -- (Arai & Akai 1988:205 [ref. 6999]). •Valid as Tanakia himantegus subspecies himantegus (Günther 1868) -- (Chang et al. 2009:824 [ref. 31127]). •Valid as Tanakia himantegus (Günther 1868) -- (Arai et al. 1995 [ref. 22109], Ho & Shao 2011:25 [ref. 31432], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477]). •Valid as Paratanakia himantegus (Günther 1868) -- (Chang et al. 2014:191 [ref. 33502], Li et al. 2017:84 [ref. 35680], Huang et al. 2024:244 [ref. 41751]). Current status: Valid as Paratanakia himantegus (Günther 1868). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Taiwan and southern China. Habitat: freshwater.

julongjiangensis, Paratanakia Chen [I-S.] & Shy [J.-Y.] 2024:255, Figs. 4 [Zootaxa 5550 (no. 1); ref. 41752] Lower reaches of Julongjiang River basin, Peinhe, Najin, Fujian Province, China. Holotype: NTOUP 2005-03-351. Paratypes: NTOUP 2005-05-352 (2). •Valid as Paratanakia julongjiangensis Chen & Shy 2024. Current status: Valid as Paratanakia julongjiangensis Chen & Shy 2024. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: lower Julongjiang River basin, Fujian Province, China. Habitat: freshwater.

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