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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the genus Rhamdia: [ 98 ] records

alfaroi, Rhamdia Fowler [H. W.] 1932:382, Fig. [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 84; ref. 1411] Escobal, Costa Rica, elevation 400 meters. Holotype (unique): ANSP 53934. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:141 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Rhamdia alfaroi Fowler 1932 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Günther 1864) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:91 [ref. 22347], Bussing 1998:153 [ref. 24179], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

amatitlanensis, Rhamdia Fowler [H. W.] 1936:518, Figs. 9-10 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 87 (for 1935); ref. 13694] Stream issuing from Lake Amatitlan, Guatemala. Holotype (unique): ANSP 64136. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:141 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Rhamdia amatitlanensis Fowler 1936 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860] as amatitlensis). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

barbata, Rhamdia Meek [S. E.] 1907:106 [Field Columbian Museum, Zoölogical Series v. 7 (no. 4); ref. 2959] Lagoon at San Francisco, Guatemala. Holotype: FMNH 5906. Paratypes: FMNH 5907 (1), 59530 (7). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Rhamdia barbata Meek 1907 -- (Villa 1982:120 [ref. 36708], Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Probably a synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Bussing 1998:150 [ref. 24179]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

baronismuelleri, Pimelodus Troschel [F. H.] in Müller 1865:636 (v. 3) [Reisen in den Vereinigten Staaten, Canada und Mexico; ref. 14184] "Pacific" [Pacific side of Mexico]. Syntypes: (4) lost. Type catalog: Silfvergrip & Paepke 1997:172 [ref. 24006], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. Originally Baronis Mülleri, correction mandatory. •Valid as Pimelodus baronismuelleri Troschel 1865 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia lauticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia lauticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

bathyurus, Pimelodus Cope [E. D.] 1878:674 [Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society v. 17 (no. 101); ref. 945] Peruvian Amazon. Lectotype: ANSP 21437. Paralectotypes: ANSP 21438 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:141 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155] Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:28, 139 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia bathyura (Cope 1878) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860] as bathyurus). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:28 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

benedettii, Nannorhamdia Fernández-Yépez [A.] & Martín Salazar [F. J.] 1952:35, Fig. [Memoria de la Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle v. 12 (no. 31); ref. 12769] Quebrada Ojo de Agua, Baruta, Estado Miranda, Venezuela. Holotype: MHNLS 1672 [apparently not MHNLS 82]. Paratypes: AFY 49404 (4); MNHLS 12193 [no MNHLS 11] (4), 1680 [not MLHNS 168] (31). Type catalog: Lasso et al. 1997:47 [ref. 23639], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Imparfinis benedettii (Fernández-Yépez & Martín Salazar 1952) -- (Mees & Cala 1989:382 [ref. 14277], Burgess 1989:277 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia humilis (Günther 1864) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:82 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia humilis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

boucardi, Pimelodus Regan [C. T.] 1907:258 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 19 (no. 111); ref. 15175] Yucatán, Mexico. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1880.7.13.33. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Probably a synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

brachycephalus, Pimelodus Regan [C. T.] 1907:258 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 19 (no. 111); ref. 15175] Río Nacasil, Guatemala. Lectotype: BMNH 1875.6.9.5 (166.4 mm SL). Paralectotypes: (5) BMNH 1875.6.9.6-7 (2), 1875.6.9.8-9 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:31, 130 [ref. 22347], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Pimelodus brachycephalus Regan 1907 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

brachypterus, Pimelodus (Rhamdia) Cope [E. D.] 1867:404 [Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (New Series) v. 13 (pt 3) (art. 13); ref. 18027] Orizaba, Mexico. Holotype (unique): ANSP 16471. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:141 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Pimelodus brachypterus Cope 1867 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

branneri, Rhamdia Haseman [J. D.] 1911:377, Pl. 75 [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (nos 3-4) (19); ref. 2048] Creek of the Rio Iguaçú near Serrinha, Paraná, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 54235 [ex CM 2851]. Paratypes: FMNH 54236 [ex CM 2852], FMNH 54237 [ex CM 2853] (1). Type catalog: Henn 1928:78 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347] with lectotype FMNH 54236, Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Rhamdia branneri Haseman 1911 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860], López et al. 2002:59 [ref. 26808], Garavello & Shibatta 2016:[3] [ref. 34385], Koerber et al. 2017:5 [ref. 35083], Ribolli et al. 2017:[5] [ref. 35238], Koerber et al. 2019:6 [ref. 36736], Mirande & Koerber 2020:2 [ref. 37594], Reis et al. 2020:466 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia branneri Haseman 1911. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Iguaçu River basin (Brazil and Argentina). Habitat: freshwater.

bransfordii, Rhamdia Gill [T. N.] 1877:337 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 28 (for 1876); ref. 17633] Camp Marie Caretta, Panama. Holotype (unique): USNM 16674. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:37 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

cabrerae, Rhamdia Meek [S. E.] 1906:93 [Field Columbian Museum, Zoölogical Series v. 7 (no. 3) (Publ. 116); ref. 15663] Outlet of Lake Amatitlán, Guatemala. Holotype: FMNH 5500 [or 5501]. Paratypes: FMNH 5501 (49, 1 c&s), ?52275 (2). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061] have holotype as FMNH 5501. •Valid as Rhamdia cabrerae Meek 1906 -- (Villa 1982:120 [ref. 36708], Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

cinerascens, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1860:237 [5], Pl. 10 (fig. A) [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1860 (pt 2) (art. 8); ref. 18211] Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Lectotype: BMNH 1860.6.16.193. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1860.6.16.213 (1) Guayaquil. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. On p. 5 of separate. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:22, 134 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Rhamdia cinerascens (Günther 1860) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:35 [ref. 37559], Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860], Perdices et al. 2002:174 [ref. 26367], Hernández et al. 2015:576 [ref. 34223]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia cinerascens (Günther 1860). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Ecuador. Habitat: freshwater.

cuprea, Pimelodus (Rhamdia) queleni var. Steindachner [F.] 1877:623 [65] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4224] Rio Parahyba at Juiz de Fora. Brazil. Lectotype: NMW 45789. Paralectotypes: (several) NMW 45790 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155] with lectotype as NMW 45877 [needs checking]. On p. 65 of separate. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:27 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

cuyabae, Pimelodus (Rhamdia) Steindachner [F.] 1877:633 [76] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4224] Cuiabá [Cuyaba], Brazil. Lectotype: NMW 45919:1 (123.1 mm SL). Paralectotypes: NMW 45919 (3, now 2), ZSM 4823 [ex NMW 45919] (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155], Neumann 2011:275 [ref. 31652]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:28, 142 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

decolor, Rhamdia guatemalensis Hubbs [C. L.] 1936:201, Pl. 1 (fig. 3) [Carnegie Institution of Washington Publications No. 457 (art. 17); ref. 2247] San Bulha Cave, Motul, Yucatán, Mexico. Holotype: UMMZ 102217. Paratypes: UMMZ 102125 (17, now 16), USNM 117602 [ex UMMZ 102125] (2). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:38 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155] •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860], Scharpf 2006:20 [ref. 30386]). •Mention -- (Romero & Paulson 2001:26 [ref. 26040]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

deppei, Pimelodus Müller [J.] & Troschel [F. H.] 1849:3 [Horae Ichthyologicae No. 3; ref. 3073] Mexico [not Hawaii]. Lectotype: ZMB 3046. Paralectotypes: ZMB 3047 (1). Type catalog: Silfvergrip & Paepke 1997:169 [ref. 24006], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155] Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:15 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). •Probably a synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

depressa, Rhamdia Barbour [T.] & Cole [L. J.] 1906:155, Pl. 1 [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 50 (no. 5); ref. 15639] Ikil Cenote, near Chichen-Itza, Yucatán, Mexico. Lectotype: MCZ 29072 (193.2 mm SL). Paralectotypes: MCZ 29072 (orig. 11, now 8), UMMZ 95832 [ex MCZ 29072] (1), USNM 120433 [ex MCZ 29072] (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:37 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:30, 133 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864), but a valid subspecies -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860], Scharpf 2006:20 [ref. 30386]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

dorsalis, Rhamdia Gill [T. N.] 1870:94 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 22; ref. 17630] Río Marañon or Río Napo, Amazon system, Peru or Ecuador. Holotype (unique): USNM 35334. Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:38 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia dorsalis Gill 1870 -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:35 [ref. 37559], Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

duquei, Rhamdia Eigenmann [C. H.] & Pearson [N. E.] in Eigenmann & Allen 1942:93 [Fishes of western South America; ref. 1246] Rio Urubamba, Santa Ana, Peru. Holotype (indistinguishable) and paratypes = syntypes: CAS-SU 57895 (36). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia duquei Eigenmann & Pearson 1942 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gairmard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:36 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

enfurnada, Rhamdia Bichuette [M. E.] & Trajano [E.] 2005:589, Fig. 1, 3-6 [Neotropical Ichthyology v. 3 (no. 4); ref. 28555] Gruta do Enfurnado, 13°38'44"S, 44°12'05.9"W, Povoado de Descoberto, Município de Coribe, Serra do Ramalho, southwestern Bahia State, Brazil, elevation 628 meters. Holotype: MZUSP 87776. Paratypes: LIRP 5643 (4); MZUSP 87777 (13), 87778 (1, c&s), 87779 (1, c&s). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:197 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia enfurnada Bichuette & Trajano 2005 -- (Ferraris 2007:197 [ref. 29155], Angrizani & Malabarba 2018:44 [ref. 35829], Silva et al. 2020:10 [ref. 37809]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia enfurnada Bichuette & Trajano 2005. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Gruta do Enfurnado, middle São Francisco River basin (Bahia State, Brazil) (in a cave). Habitat: freshwater.

erythropterus, Silurus Bloch [M. E.] 1794:42, Pl. 369 (fig. 2) [Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische v. 8; ref. 463] America [in error]. Syntypes: ZMB 3048 (1), 8786 (1, stuffed, lost) Type catalog: Paepke 1999:113, and errata on inside of back cover [ref. 24282], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. On p. 17 of Bloch's Ichthyologie, v. 11 [ref. 21381]. •Questionably a synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

eurycephala, Rhamdia Angrizani [R. C.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2018:53, Fig. 9 [Zootaxa 4388 (no. 1); ref. 35829] Rio do Povoamento, hydrographic basin of rio Tubarão, municipality of Anitápolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil, 27°51'36"S, 49°07'50"W. Holotype: UFRGS 19908. Paratypes: MCP, MZUSP, UFRGS. •Valid as Rhamdia eurycephala Angrizani & Malabarba 2018 -- (Angrizani & Malabarba 2020:91 [ref. 37584]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia eurycephala Angrizani & Malabarba 2018. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: upper Rio Tubarão drainage (Santa Catarina, Brazil). Habitat: freshwater.

foina, Pimelodus Müller [J.] & Troschel [F. H.] 1849:628 [Reisen in Britisch-Guiana; ref. 3072] Takutu, Guyana. Holotype (unique): ZMB 3039. Type catalog: Silfvergrip & Paepke 1997:169-170 [ref. 24006], Ferraris 2007:197 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia foina (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860], Silfvergrip 1996:76 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:197 [ref. 29155] dated 1848, Garavello & Shibatta 2016:[11] [ref. 34385], Borstein et al. 2022:18 [ref. 39507], Taphorn et al. 2022:49 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia foina (Müller & Troschel 1849). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Essequibo, Branco, Negro, Tocantins and Trombetas River basins (Brazil, Guyana and Suriname). Habitat: freshwater.

gabrielae, Rhamdia Angrizani [R. C.] & Malabarba [L. R.] 2018:49, Fig. 8 [Zootaxa 4388 (no. 1); ref. 35829] Arroio Pinheiro, tributary of rio Maquiné, municipality of Maquiné, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, 29°39'43"S, 50°15'55"W. Holotype: UFRGS 22010. Paratypes: MCP, MZUSP, UFRGS. •Valid as Rhamdia gabrielae Angrizani & Malabarba 2018 -- (Angrizani & Malabarba 2020:91 [ref. 37584]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia gabrielae Angrizani & Malabarba 2018. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Rio Maquiné, Rio Três Forquilhas, Rio Mampituba and Rio Araranguá (southeastern Brazil). Habitat: freshwater.

godmanni, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:124 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Rio San Geronimo, Guatemala. Lectotype: BMNH 1864.1.26.94. Paralectotypes:: (at least 8) BMNH 1856.3.17.38 (1), 1856.3.17.39-40 (2) Mexico, 1864.1.26.99-100 (2) Rio Motagua. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:24, 133 [ref. 22347] but that specimen not from an original locality so invalid -- Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]; but this is a valid lectotype designation (R. Morgenstern, 8/30/2014). •Valid as Rhamdia godmanni (Günther 1864) -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:28 [ref. 22290], Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

guairensis, Rhamdia Eigenmann [C. H.] 1920:6 [Indiana University Studies v. 7 (no. 44); ref. 11120] Río Guaire, near Caracas, Venezuela. Lectotype: CAS 76655 [ex IU 15091] (132 mm). Paralectotypes: CAS 76655 [ex IU 15091] (5, with lectotype). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:34, 129 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia guairensis Eigenmann 1920 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia humilis (Günther 1864) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:82 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia humilis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

guasarensis, Rhamdia DoNascimiento [C.], Provenzano [F.] & Lundberg [J. G.] 2004:565, Figs. 1-4 [Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 117 (no. 4); ref. 28021] Surgencia del Tigre at 2.5 kilometers west of Cerro Yolanda, 10°52'53"N, 72°30'03"W, Río Guasare basin, Sierra de Perijá, Estado Zulia, Venezuela, elevation 200 meters. Holotype: MBUCV-V 29604. Paratypes: ANSP 179878 (1), MBUCV-V 29622 (2, 1 c&s). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia guasarensis DoNascimiento, Provenzano & Lundberg 2004 -- (Bichuette & Trajano 2005:588 [ref. 28555], Ferraris 2007:197 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia guasarensis DoNascimiento, Provenzano & Lundberg 2004. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Guasare River basin, northwestern Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater.

guatemalensis, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:122 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Huamuchal, Guatemala. Lectotype: BMNH 1864.1.26.210. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1864.1.26.211 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:Table 1, p. 18 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Bichuette & Trajano 2005:594 [ref. 28555], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Greenfield et al. 1982:563 [ref. 8980], Villa 1982:121 [ref. 36708], Bussing 1987:107 [ref. 22927], Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860], Gamboa Pérez 1992:308 [ref. 38704], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:28 [ref. 22290], Greenfield & Thomerson 1997:86 [ref. 22947], Weber & Wilkens 1998:998 [ref. 23617], Bussing 1998:148 [ref. 24179], Romero & Paulson 2001:26 [ref. 26040], Wilkens 2001:253 [ref. 26397], Perdices et al. 2002:174 [ref. 26367], Weber et al. 2003:273 [ref. 27394], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:172 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:20 [ref. 30386], Matamoros et al. 2009:10 [ref. 31241], McMahan et al. 2013:444 [ref. 32422], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Angulo et al. 2013:993 [ref. 33194], Hernández et al. 2015:576 [ref. 34223], Ribolli et al. 2017:[5] [ref. 35238], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:92 [ref. 35633], González-Murcia et al. 2019:291 [ref. 36544], Angulo et al. 2020:8 [ref. 37425], Barraza et al. 2022:209 [ref. 40101], Angulo et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Guenavad-González et al. 2023:68 [ref. 40500], Page et al. 2023:77 [ref. 40505], Arroyave et al. 2024:40 [ref. 41708], Escobar Camacho et al. 2024:8 [ref. 40892], Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622], Quintana 2024:6 [ref. 41186]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Southern North America, Central America: Atlantic slope of Mexico south to Colombia, including cave systems; Pacific slope of Costa Rica. Introduced in Ecuador. Habitat: freshwater.

heteracantha, Rhamdia Regan [C. T.] 1907:134 [Biologia Centrali-Americana Part 215; ref. 3629] Juan Viñas, Costa Rica. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1907.6.28.32. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia heteracantha Regan 1907 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Probably a synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Bussing 1998:150 [ref. 24179]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

hilarii, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:180 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Río São Francisco, Brazil. Lectotype: MNHN A-9415 (dry). Paralectotypes: MNHN A-9414 (1, dry) Brazil, A-9416 (1, dry) Brazil, B-0679 (1) Uruguay. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:56 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:14, 147 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Pimelodus hilarii Valenciennes 1840 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Mention -- (Britski et al. 1998:98 [ref. 24147]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Britski 2001:20 [ref. 26046], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:63 [ref. 27366], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155], Litz & Koerber 2014:21 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:34 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

holomelas, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1863:442 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 3) v. 12 (no. 72); ref. 1973] Essequibo River, Guyana. Lectotype: BMNH 1864.1.21.8 (95.4 mm SL, smallest of four). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1864.1.21.9-11 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. Also appeared in Günther 1864:23, 120 [ref. 1974]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:131 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia holomelas Günther 1863 -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laukidi Bleeker 1858 -- (Silfvergrip 1996:90 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laukidi Bleeker 1858. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

humilis, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:129 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Venezuela. Lectotype: BMNH 1965.2.19.1 (140.4 mm Sl, largest). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1965.2.19.2 (1), 1847.7.18.6 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:25 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia humilis (Günther 1864) -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860], Silfvergrip 1996:82 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], see DoNascimiento et al. 2017:[24] [ref. 35679]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia humilis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Rivers around Caracas, along Caribbean coast, Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater.

hypselurus, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:126 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Mexico. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1858.11.22.32. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia hypselurus (Günther 1864) -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

itacaiunas, Rhamdia Silfvergrip [A. M. C.] 1996:83, Pl. 2 (figs. 1-2) [A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia; ref. 22347] Rio Tocantins drainage, `Igarapé Repartimento', Amazonas State, Brazil. Holotype: INPA 7985 (130.9 mm). Paratypes: INPA 7985 (2, with holotype); MZUSP 34744 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia itacaiunas Silfvergrip 1996 -- (Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], Angrizani & Malabarba 2018:44 [ref. 35829]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia itacaiunas Silfvergrip 1996. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Middle Tocantins River basin, Brazil. Habitat: freshwater.

jequitinhonha, Rhamdia Silfvergrip [A. M. C.] 1996:84, Pl. 3 (figs. 1-2) [A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia; ref. 22347] Rio Araçuaí, Santa Rita, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Holotype (unique): MZUSP 38630. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia jequitinhonha Silfvergrip 1996 -- (Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], Garavello & Shibatta 2016:[11] [ref. 34385], Angrizani & Malabarba 2018:44 [ref. 35829], Silva et al. 2020:11 [ref. 37809], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:44 [ref. 41258]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia jequitinhonha Silfvergrip 1996. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Jequitinhonha River basin, Minas Gerais and Bahia (Brazil). Habitat: freshwater.

knerii, Pimelodus (Rhamdia) Steindachner [F.] 1877:631 [73] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4224] Marabitanos, Brazil. Lectotype: NMW 45790. Paralectotypes: (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. On p. 73 of separate. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:132 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia sebae (Valenciennes 1840), but a valid subspecies -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia muelleri (Günther 1864) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:90 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia muelleri (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

laluchensis, Rhamdia Weber [A.], Allegrucci [G.] & Sbordoni [V.] 2003:275, Figs. 2-3 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 14 (no. 3); ref. 27394] Subterranean watercourse in Sistema de La Lucha, 17°03'40"N, 93°53'23"W, entrance about 5 kilometers southwest of village of Aguablanca situated at extreme eastern shore of Malpaso Reservoir (Presa Nezahualcoyotl), Municipio Ocozocoautla, Chiapas, Mexico. Holotype: ZMH 9373. Paratypes: BMNH 1982.10.27.1-5 (5), ZMH 9374 (4). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Possibly a synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Arroyave & Cruz-Fernández 2021:28 [ref. 39238]). •Valid as Rhamdia laluchensis Weber, Allegrucci & Sbordoni 2003 -- (Bichuette & Trajano 2005:588 [ref. 28555], Proudlove 2006:139 [ref. 28992], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:77 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia laluchensis Weber, Allegrucci & Sbordoni 2003. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Southern North America: subterranean river system, northwestern Chiapas (Mexico) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

laticaudus, Pimelodus Kner [R.] (ex Heckel) 1858:420 [50] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 26 (s. 373); ref. 2630] Mexico. Syntypes: NMW 50554 (?3) not found. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. On p. 50 of separate. •Valid as Pimelodus laticaudus Kner 1858, with subspecies -- (Greenfield et al. 1982 [ref. 8980], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:29 [ref. 22290]). •Valid as Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Greenfield & Thomerson 1997:86 [ref. 22947], Weber & Wilkens 1998:998 [ref. 23617], Wilkens 2001:252 [ref. 26397], Perdices et al. 2002:178 [ref. 26367], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Weber et al. 2003:273 [ref. 27394], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:173 [ref. 28615], Scharpf 2006:20 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155] dated to 1857, Matamoros et al. 2009:11 [ref. 31241], McMahan et al. 2013:444 [ref. 32422], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Angulo et al. 2013:993 [ref. 33194], Hernández et al. 2015:576 [ref. 34223], González-Murcia et al. 2019:291 [ref. 36544], Angulo et al. 2020:8 [ref. 37425], López-Segovia et al. 2020:110 [ref. 38151], Arroyave & Cruz-Fernández 2021:28 [ref. 39238], Angulo et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40676], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Guenavad-González et al. 2023:68 [ref. 40500], Page et al. 2023:77 [ref. 40505], Arroyave et al. 2024:40 [ref. 41708], Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622], Quintana 2024:6 [ref. 41186]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Southern North America, central America: Atlantic and Pacific slopes of southern Veracruz, Oaxaca and northern Chiapas (Mexico), including cave systems, south to Panama. Habitat: freshwater.

laukidi, Rhamdia Bleeker [P.] 1858:208 [Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae v. 4 (art. 2); ref. 365] First Río Casiquirae caño, about 5 minutes from confluence of Río Casiquiare and Río Orinoco left side, Venezuela. Neotype: ANSP 174652. Type catalog: Boeseman 1972:308 [ref. 19698], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. Neotype designated by Silfvergrip 1996:131 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia laukidi Bleeker 1858 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860] with question, Silfvergrip 1996:90 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155], Hernández et al. 2015:570 [ref. 34223], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:92 [ref. 35633], Angrizani & Malabarba 2018:44 [ref. 35829], Taphorn et al. 2022:49 [ref. 41297], Cortés Hernández et al. 2023:457 [ref. 40760]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia laukidi Bleeker 1858. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon, Essequibo and Orinoco River basins (Brazil, Colombia and Guyana). Habitat: freshwater.

lehmanni, Rhamdia Dahl [G.] 1961:487, Fig. [Novedades Colombianas v. 1 (no. 6); ref. 1027] Brook tributary to Río Guayabero, Colombia. Holotype: ICNMHN (lost). Paratypes: ICNMHN 358 (2). Type catalog: Cala 1981:4 [ref. 23525], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155], Mojica & Agudelo-Zamora 2018:47 [ref. 36127]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

luigiana, Rhamdia Villa [J.] 1977:133, Figs. 1-3 [Brenesia Nos 12-13; ref. 7293] Lake Nicaragua, between Ometepe and Zapatera Islands, Dept. de Granada, Nicaragua, depth 10-12 meters. Holotype: USNM 217535. Paratypes: AMNH 36563 (2); BMNH 1977.7.11.1-2 (2); CAS 39440 (2); FMNH 83833-34 (2, 2); UF 23761 (1); GCRL 15700 (5); KU 17300 (2, c&s), 17301 (2); MCZ 52519 (2); MHNG 1554.96-97 (2); TU 102026 (3); UMMZ 200737 (2);USNM 217549 (1, allotype); ZMH 6116 (5); plus author's collection. Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367], Ferraris & Vari 1992:38 [ref. 19771], Wilkens & Dohse 1993:413 [ref. 21161], Bart & Taylor 1993:50 [ref. 20906], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia luigiana Villa 1977 -- (Villa 1982:122 [ref. 36708]). •Synonym of Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Günther 1864) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:91 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

macuspanensis, Rhamdia Weber [A.] & Wilkens [H.] 1998:1000, Fig. 3 [Copeia 1998 (no. 4); ref. 23617] Watercourse in the Grutas de Agua Blanca, Balneario de Agua Blanca at kilometer 64.9 of the road 186 (carretera federal) from Villahermosa to Chetumal, about 20 kilometers southeastern of Macuspana, Tabasco, Mexico, 17°37'15.5"N, 92°28'22.6"W. Holotype: ZMH 8874. Paratypes: ZMH 8875-76 (1, 8). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. •Possibly a synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Arroyave & Cruz-Fernández 2021:28 [ref. 39238]). •Valid as Rhamdia macuspanensis Weber & Wilkens 1998 -- (Romero & Paulson 2001:27 [ref. 26040], Weber et al. 2003:278 [ref. 27394], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Bichuette & Trajano 2005:588 [ref. 28555], Miller 2006:174 [ref. 28615], Proudlove 2006:138 [ref. 28992], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:77 [ref. 40505], Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2023:60 [ref. 40739] as macuspanensi, Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia macuspanensis Weber & Wilkens 1998. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Southern North America: Agua Blanca caves, Tabasco, Atlantic slope (Mexico). Habitat: freshwater.

managuensis, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1867:603 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1866 (pt 3); ref. 1984] Lake Managua, Nicaragua. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1865.7.20.37. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. Described in more detail in Günther 1868:474 [ref. 1994]. •Valid as Rhamdia managuensis (Günther 1867) -- (Villa 1982:122 [ref. 36708]). •Valid as Pimelodus managuensis Günther 1867 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Günther 1864) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:91 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

martyi, Rhamdia sebae Güntert [H.] 1942:33 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 138 (nos 1/2); ref. 12954] Riactis Canâwé, Dept. de Ita, Paraguay. Holotype: NMBA 5279. Type catalog: Kottelat & Sutter 1988:54 [ref. 13796], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia sebae (Valenciennes 1840), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155], Koerber et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

micayi, Rhamdia Eigenmann [C. H.] in Pearson 1924:11 [Indiana University Studies v. 11 (no. 64); ref. 3396] Río Popoi, Río Colorado, Espia, Bolivia. Non-types: (16) CAS 76656 [ex IU 17273] (5), 76657 [ex IU 17272] (5), 76658 [ex 17274] (5). Not available as above, no distinguishing features; subsequent publication in an available way not researched. •Treated as valid as Rhamdia micayi Eigenmann 1924 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •In the synonymy of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae.

microps, Rhamdia Eigenmann [C. H.] in Eigenmann & Fisher 1917:394, Pl. 38 (text says Pl. 28) [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 11 (nos 3/4) (art. 13); ref. 15089] Uruguayana, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 58285 [ex CM 7283] (largest). Paratypes: FMNH 58286 [ex CM 7283] (3). Type catalog: Henn 1928:78 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155] Author is Eigenmann alone on Pl. 28, not specified in main heading. •Valid as Rhamdia microps Eigenmann 1917 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:63 [ref. 27366], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

micropterus, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:124 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río San Geronimo, Guatemala. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1864.1.26.92. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia micropterus (Günther 1864) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Questionably a synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). •Probably a synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

motaguensis, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:127 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río Motagua, Guatemala. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1865.4.29.39. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia motaguensis (Günther 1864) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

mounseyi, Rhamdia Regan [C. T.] 1913:282 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 12 (no. 69); ref. 3655] Río Ucayali, Peru. Lectotype: BMNH 1913.7.30.13 (115.3 mm SL). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1913.7.30.14-19 (6). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:33, 139 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia mounseyi Regan 1913 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

muelleri, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:119 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río Capim, Para, Brazil. Lectotype: BMNH 1849.11.8.101 (133.6 mm SL). Paralectotypes: (2) BMNH 2005.9.5.2 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. Originally as mülleri. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:23 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia muelleri (Günther 1864) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:90 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155], Barriga Salazar 2014:114 [ref. 35745], Angrizani & Malabarba 2018:44 [ref. 35829], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:78 [ref. 35773], Taphorn et al. 2022:49 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia muelleri (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon basin and orinoco basin (Brazil and Guyana). Habitat: freshwater.

muriei, Rhamdia guatemalensis Hubbs [C. L.] 1935:7, Pl. 4 (fig. 1) [Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 28; ref. 11676] Aguada at Uaxactun, Petén, Guatemala. Holotype: UMMZ 97881. Paratypes: UMMZ 97882 (orig. 55, now 53), USNM 117598 [ex UMMZ 97882] (2). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:38 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864), but a valid subspecies -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

musculus, Pimelodus Müller [J.] & Troschel [F. H.] 1849:4 [Horae Ichthyologicae No. 3; ref. 3073] America [probably South America]. Holotype (unique): ZMB 3048. Type catalog: Silfvergrip & Paepke 1997:170 [ref. 24006], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

namdia, Pimelodus Cuvier [G.] 1829:294 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] Coastal systems in northeastern Brazil. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155], Koerber & Reis 2019:62 [ref. 37078]. Available from footnote as, "Pim. namdia, N., Margr., 149." Neotype designated by Silfvergrip 1996:12 [ref. 22347]. Neotype designation invalid, Koerber & Reis 2020:5 [ref. 37463]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155], Koerber & Reis 2019:62 [ref. 37078]). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

nasuta, Rhamdia Meek [S. E.] 1909:207 [Field Columbian Museum, Zoölogical Series v. 7 (no. 7); ref. 14388] Buenos Aires de Térraba, Costa Rica. Holotype (unique): FMNH 6480. Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia nasuta Meek 1909 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Probably a synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Bussing 1998:150 [ref. 24179]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

nicaraguensis, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:125 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1864.1.26.212. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Günther 1864) -- (Villa 1982:123 [ref. 36708], Bussing 1987:108 [ref. 22927], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Silfvergrip 1996:91 [ref. 22347], Bussing 1998:152 [ref. 24179], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155], Angulo et al. 2013:993 [ref. 33194], Angulo et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40676], Arroyave et al. 2024:40 [ref. 41708]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia nicaraguensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Central America: river basins in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, including cave systems. Habitat: freshwater.

novemradiatus, Silurus Larrañaga [D. A.] 1923:385 [Escritos de Don Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga v. 2; ref. 22561] Río de La Plata or along the coast between Maldonado, Florianópolis, and Rio de Janeiro. Originally as Silurus 9-radiatus; corresponds to Silurus ribularis on p. 376. Appeared as Silurus rivularis vel 9-radiatus in Devincenzi 1925:307, 322 [ref. 20322]; Devincenzi treated as a synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). •Species inquirenda -- (Koerber & Reis 2019:73 [ref. 37078], Koerber & Reis 2020:8 [ref. 37463]). Nomen Dubium. Current status: Unknown. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

oaxacae, Rhamdia Meek [S. E.] 1902:74, Pl. 14 [Field Columbian Museum, Zoölogical Series v. 3 (no. 6); ref. 2957] Río Quiotepec, Cuicatlán, Oaxaca, Mexico. Holotype: FMNH 3716 [not 3717]. Paratypes: FMNH 3717 (8), 72593 (1). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864), but a valid subspecies -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (see Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:28 [ref. 22290], Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

obesa, Rhamdia Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:124 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] Teffé, Amazonas, Brazil. Holotype (unique): MCZ 7518. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia obesa Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia muelleri (Günther 1864) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:90 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia muelleri (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

ortoni, Rhamdia Fowler [H. W.] 1915:211, Fig. 3 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 67; ref. 1392] Peruvian Amazon. Holotype (unique): ANSP 21928. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:142 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia ortoni Fowler 1915 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

parahybae, Pimelodus (Rhamdia) Steindachner [F.] 1877:615 [57] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 74 (1. Abth.); ref. 4224] Rio Parahyba, southeastern Brazil. Syntypes: (several) BMNH 1891.3.16.36-45 (10?), 1891.3.16.106 (1); NMW 45852. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. On p. 57 of separate. Silfvergrip 1996:146 [ref. 22347] says holotype is NMW 45852 (does not constitute lectotype designation). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], with NMW as holotype, Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

parryi, Rhamdia Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:130 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] Río Zanaleneo, near Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico. Lectotype: MCZ 27273 (82.5 mm SL). Paralectotypes: CAS 63727 [ex IU 15316 and MCZ 27273 not 26292] (1); MCZ 27273 not 26292 (4, with lectotype). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. Locality information corrected by Miller 1984 [ref. 5281]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:29, 130 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061]). •Mention -- (Weber & Wilkens 1998:998 [ref. 23617]). •Valid as Rhamdia parryi Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:29 [ref. 22290], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Miller 2006:174 [ref. 28615], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Barrientos et al. 2023:272 [ref. 41235], Page et al. 2023:77 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia parryi Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Southern North America, Central America: Pacific Slope rivers (southern Mexico and Guatemala). Habitat: freshwater.

parvus, Pimelodus (Rhamdia) Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:7 [Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino v. 13 (no. 329); ref. 14677] Río Santiago, Río Zamora and Río Bomboiza, Ecuador. Syntypes: BMNH 1898.11.4.5-6 (2), 1898.11.4.7 (1) Santiago; MZUT 1543 (2) Zamora, 1544 (2) Bomboiza, 1691 (4) Santiago. Type catalog: Tortonese 1940:136 [ref. 21559], Ferraris 2007:180 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia parva (Boulenger 1898) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:35 [ref. 37559]). •Valid as Rhamdia parvani (Boulenger 1898) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:35 [ref. 37559]). •Valid as Rhamdia parvus (Boulenger 1898) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Incertae sedis in Heptapteridae, genus unassigned -- (Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:410 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:180 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia parvus (Boulenger 1898). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Marañón River basin (Ecuador). Habitat: freshwater.

pentlandii, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:183, Pl. 435 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 15; ref. 1008] Río Apurímac, Peru. Lectotype: BMNH 1862.11.15.11 (221.0 mm SL, smaller spec.). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1862.11.15.11 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:14, 139 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia pentlandii (Valenciennes 1840) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

petenensis, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:126 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Lake Petén [Petén Itza], Guatemala. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1864.1.26.371. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia petenensis (Günther 1864) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

poeyi, Rhamdia Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:127 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] Goiás, Brazil. Holotype (unique): MCZ 8196. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia poeyi Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155], Barriga Salazar 2014:114 [ref. 35745], Sarmiento et al. 2014:159, 191 [ref. 35004], Angrizani & Malabarba 2018:44 [ref. 35829]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia poeyi Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Mamoré, upper Napo and Tocantins River basins: Bolivia, Brazil and Ecuador. Habitat: freshwater.

polycaulus, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:131 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río San Geronimo, Guatemala. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1864.1.26.93. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia policaulus (Günther 1864) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860] as policaulis). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

pubescens, Rhamdia Miranda Ribeiro [A. de] 1920:11, Unnum. Pls. 6-7 [Peixes (excl. Characinidae) No. 58 (Annexo 5); ref. 3727] Urucum, near Corumbá, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Lectotype: MNRJ 925A. Paralectotypes: MNRJ 925 (4). Type catalog: Miranda Ribeiro 1955:404 [ref. 12732], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Miranda Ribeiro 1953:404 [ref. 12732] [but perhaps specimen not isolated]. Lectotype also selected by Silfvergrip 1996:34, 139 [ref. 22347] as 180.3 mm SL specimen. •Valid as Rhamdia pubescens Miranda Ribeiro 1920 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Mention -- (Britski et al. 1998:98 [ref. 24147]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

quadrimaculatus, Silurus Bloch [M. E.] 1794:37, Pl. 368 (fig. 2) [Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische v. 8; ref. 463] America [South America]. Holotype (unique): ZMB 2944 (probably lost). Type catalog: Type catalog: Silfvergrip & Paepke 1997:172 [ref. 24006], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155] On p. 28 of Bloch's Ichthyologie, v. 11 [ref. 21381]. •Valid as Pimelodus quadrimaculatus (Bloch 1794) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:35 [ref. 37559] as quadromaculatus, Burgess 1989:280 [ref. 12860]). •Questionably the same as Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Uncertain as Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

quelen, Pimelodus Quoy [J. R. C.] & Gaimard [J. P.] 1824:228, Pl. 49 (figs. 3-4) [Voyage autour du monde; ref. 3574] Cachoeira de Macacu, tributary of the Rio Soarinho, Rio Macacu drainage, Baía de Guanabara hydrographic basin, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, 22°38'6"S, 42°43'6"W. Neotype: MNRJ 51746. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155], Koerber & Reis 2019:53 [ref. 37078]. Neotype designated by Silfvergrip 1996:97, 139 [ref. 22347] as NRM 16091; Silfvergrip designated the same neotype for other species making them objective synonyms of quelen; these actions were considered as invalid by Koerber & Reis 2020:5 [ref. 37463] and by Angrizani & Malabarba 2020:93 [ref. 37584]. New neotype designation by Angrizani & Malabarba 2020:93 [ref. 37584]. •Mention -- (Malabarba 1989:144 [ref. 14217], Britski et al. 1998:98 [ref. 24147]). •Valid as Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Mees 1986:319 [ref. 5693], Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Castro & Casatti 1997:342 [ref. 23333], Torelli et al. 1997:70 [ref. 24612], Casatti & Castro 1998:232 [ref. 23663], Sverlij et al. 1998:58 [ref. 27632], Fuller et al. 1999:217 [ref. 25838], Le Bail et al. 2000:144 [ref. 24549], Lasso et al. 2001:99 [ref. 25928], Casatti et al. 2001:5 [ref. 25929], Romero & Paulson 2001:27 [ref. 26040], Miquelarena et al. 2002:78 [ref. 26517], López et al. 2002:63 [ref. 26808], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:63 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:139 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:83 [ref. 28131], Bichuette & Trajano 2005:593 [ref. 28555], Ferraris 2007:199-200 [ref. 29155], Di Dario et al. 2013:262 [ref. 37503] as cf. quelen, Barriga Salazar 2014:114 [ref. 35745], Catelani et al. 2014:931 [ref. 37496], Litz & Koerber 2014:21 [ref. 33622], Ramos et al. 2014:4 [ref. 35321], Sarmiento et al. 2014:159, 191 [ref. 35004], Barrientos et al. 2015:4 [ref. 37653], Hernández et al. 2015:570 [ref. 34223], Jiménez-Prado et al. 2015:186 [ref. 34894], Mirande & Koerber 2015:34 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:417 [ref. 34561] as aff. quelen, DoNascimiento 2016:532 [ref. 34727], Garavello & Shibatta 2016:[10] [ref. 34385], Melo et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34701], Nión et al. 2016:33 [ref. 35565], Costa et al. 2017:44 [ref. 35684], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:92 [ref. 35633], Koerber et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35267], Ribolli et al. 2017:[5] [ref. 35238], Angrizani & Malabarba 2018:44 [ref. 35829], Urbano-Bonilla et al. 2018:78 [ref. 35773], Azevedo-Santos et al. 2019:5 [ref. 36506] as cf. quelen, Brosse et al. 2019:134 [ref. 38320], Dickens 2019:171 [ref. 37135], Koerber & Reis 2019:53 [ref. 37078], Angrizani & Malabarba 2020:93 [ref. 37584], Azevedo-Santos et al. 2020:6 [ref. 39606], Koerber & Reis 2020:3 [ref. 37463], Reis et al. 2020:466 [ref. 38364], Silva et al. 2020:11 [ref. 37809], Vita et al. 2020:[5] [ref. 37506], Brandão et al. 2022:163 [ref. 40464], Koerber et al. 2022:59 [ref. 39235], Giora & Wingert 2023:96 [ref. 41026] as aff. quelen, Loureiro et al. 2023:130 [ref. 40506] as aff. quelen, Quintela et al. 2023:6 [ref. 40727], Vieira et al. 2023:21 [ref. 40759], Limeira-Filho et al. 2024:7 [ref. 41573], Silva-Sene et al. 2024:4 [ref. 41784], Vieira-Guimarães et al. 2024:45 [ref. 41258] as cf. quelen). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: southeastern Brazil. Introduced elsewhere? IUCN (2019): Least Concern. Habitat: freshwater.

reddelli, Rhamdia Miller [R. R.] 1984:136, Fig. 1 [Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History v. 20 (no. 8); ref. 5281] Cueva del Nacimiento del Río San Antonio, about 9 kilometers southwest of Acatlán, about 18°12'N, 98°02'W, Oaxaca state, Atlantic slope of Mexico. Holotype: UMMZ 211164. Paratypes: AMNH 38216-18 (1, 4, 2); Bianco coll. [ex UMMZ 211165] (2); UMMZ 199016 (2), 211165 (6, now 4), 211666 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:87 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061]). •Possibly a synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Arroyave & Cruz-Fernández 2021:28 [ref. 39238]). •Valid as Rhamdia reddelli Miller 1984 -- (Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:29 [ref. 22290], Weber & Wilkens 1998:998 [ref. 23617], Romero & Paulson 2001:27 [ref. 26040], Wilkens 2001:253 [ref. 26397], Weber et al. 2003:279 [ref. 27394], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Bichuette & Trajano 2005:588 [ref. 28555], Miller 2006:175 [ref. 28615], Proudlove 2006:136 [ref. 28992], Scharpf 2006:20 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:77 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:189 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia reddelli Miller 1984. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Southern North America: cave in the source of Río San Antonio, Oaxaca (Mexico) and Cueva de Maravillas, Veracruz (Mexico) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

regani, Rhamdia Meek [S. E.] 1907:144 [Field Columbian Museum, Zoölogical Series v. 7 (no. 5); ref. 15159] Turrialba, Costa Rica. Holotype: FMNH 6019. Paratypes: FMNH 6020 (4), 6222 (2), 6242 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia regani Meek 1907 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

riojae, Rhamdia Fowler [H. W.] 1915:209, Fig. 2 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 67; ref. 1392] Rioja, near Moyabamba and Baka Puerto, on or near the lower course of Río Huallagua, Peru. Holotype: ANSP 21101. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:142 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia riojae Fowler 1915 -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

rivularis, Silurus Larrañaga [D. A.] 1923:376 [Escritos de Don Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga v. 2; ref. 22561] Río de La Plata or along the coast between Maldonado, Florianópolis, and Rio de Janeiro. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155], Koerber & Reis 2019:72 [ref. 37078]. Appeared as ribularis [apparently misspelled]; corresponds to Silurus 9-radiatus on p. 385. Appeared as Silurus rivularis vel 9-radiatus in Devincenzi 1925:322, 307 [ref. 20322]; Devincenzi treated as a synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Neotype designated by Silfvergrip 1996:35, 96 [ref. 22347]. Neotype designation invalid, Koerber & Reis 2020:5 [ref. 37463]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:35, 96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061] with question [but without question based on lectotype], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155] as ribularis, Koerber & Reis 2019:72 [ref. 37078] as ribularis). •Species inquiredae -- (Koerber & Reis 2020:8 [ref. 37463]). Nomen Dubium. Current status: Unknown. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

rogersi, Pimelodus Regan [C. T.] 1907:259 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 19 (no. 111); ref. 15175] Irazu, Costa Rica. Lectotype: BMNH 1907.2.11.1 (117.1 mm SL, largest). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1907.2.11.2-4 (3, with lectotype). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:31, 130 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia rogersi (Regan 1907) -- (Bussing 1987:109 [ref. 22927], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Bussing 1998:154 [ref. 24179]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

rupununi, Rhamdia holomelas Fowler [H. W.] 1914:258, Fig. 11 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 66; ref. 1390] Rupununi River, Guyana, 2°-3°N, 50°20'W. Holotype: ANSP 39339. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:142 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:197 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia foina (Müller & Troschel 1849) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:76 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:197 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia foina (Müller & Troschel 1849). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

sacrificii, Rhamdia Barbour [T.] & Cole [L. J.] 1906:156, Pl. 2 [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 50 (no. 5); ref. 15639] Sacrificial Cenote near Chichen Itza, Yucatán, Mexico. Lectotype: MCZ 29073 (230 mm SL). Paralectotypes: MCZ 29073 (1, with lectotype). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:30, 130 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864), but a valid subspecies -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860] as scarifici, Scharpf 2006:20 [ref. 30386]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (see Espinosa Pérez et al. 1993:28 [ref. 22290]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

saijaensis, Rhamdia Rendahl [H.] 1941:2 [Arkiv för Zoologi v. 33 A (pt. 1) (no. 4); ref. 12983] Río Saija, south of Buenaventura, Pacific slope, Colombia. Holotype: NRM 10675. Paratypes: NRM 15329 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]. Originally 4 specimens; largest referred to as "Typexemplar". •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Rhamdia saijaensis Rendahl 1941 -- (Hernández et al. 2015:576 [ref. 34223], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:92 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia saijaensis Rendahl 1941. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Pacific slope, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater.

salvini, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:130 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Río San Geronimo, Guatemala. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1861.8.12.16 [or 1861.8.2.16]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia salvini (Günther 1864) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155], Fricke et al. 2024:188 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

sapipoca, Silurus Natterer [J.] in Kner 1858:418 [48] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 26 (s. 373); ref. 2630] On p. 48 of separate. Not available, Natterer manuscript name mentioned in passing under Pimelodus sebae. •In the synonymy of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Koerber & Reis 2019:70 [ref. 37078]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae.

sapo, Pimelodus Valenciennes [A.] 1835:Pl. 2 (figs. 6-8) [Voyage dans l'Amérique méridionale; ref. 20720] Buenos Aires, Argentina. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-1576. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:56 [ref. 19575], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155] Name available from plate, description in Valenciennes 1847:7 [ref. 5010] with wrong plate number. See also Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:179 [ref. 1008]. See Gómez & Chebez 1996:59 [ref. 23791]. Pl. 2 was published in 1835. •Mention -- (Malabarba 1989:144 [ref. 14217]). •Valid as Rhamdia sapo (Valenciennes 1835) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Haro et al. 1996:6 [ref. 25004], Mabragaña et al. 2011:table S2 [ref. 31800]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:63 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:139 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:83 [ref. 28131], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155], Litz & Koerber 2014:21 [ref. 33622], Mirande & Koerber 2015:34 [ref. 35117], Koerber et al. 2017:52 [ref. 35267]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

schomburgkii, Rhamdia Bleeker [P.] 1858:208 [Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Indo-Neêrlandicae v. 4 (art. 2); ref. 365] Replacement name for Pimelodus maculatus Schomburgk 1841, not same as Pimelodus maculatus Lacepède 1803 (see Boeseman 1972:306 [ref. 19698]). Apparently not treated in Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003 [ref. 27061]. •Valid as Rhamdia schomburgkii Bleeker 1858 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860] as schomburgki, Taphorn et al. 2022:49 [ref. 41297]). Replacement Name. Current status: Valid as Rhamdia schomburgkii Bleeker 1858. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon basin, Rio Negro and Guyana Shield rivers (Brazil and Guyana). Habitat: freshwater.

sebae, Pimelodus Cuvier [G.] 1829:294 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] ? Suriname. Valenciennes specimens: RMNH 3064-68 (1, 1, 1, 4, 2); MNHN A-9420 (1), A-9421 (1), A-9941 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:56 [ref. 19575], Boeseman 1972:300 [ref. 19698]; both catalogs give syntypes but technically the holotype is the specimen figured by Seba, Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155], Koerber & Reis 2019:65 [ref. 37078]. Available from footnote as, "Pim. sebae, N., Seb., III, xxix, 5." See also Cuvier & Valenciennes 1840:169 [ref. 1008]. Lectotype selected but lost; neotype designated by Silfvergrip 1996:13 [ref. 22347]. Neotype designation invalid, Koerber & Reis 2020:5 [ref. 37463]. •Valid as Rhamdia sebae (Cuvier 1829) -- (Ortega & Vari 1986:15 [ref. 9708], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Galvis et al. 1997:70 [ref. 23651]). •Mention -- (Britski et al. 1998:98 [ref. 24147]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155], Koerber & Reis 2019:65 [ref. 37078]). •Uncertain -- (Koerber & Reis 2020:6 [ref. 37463].) Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

sellonis, Pimelodus Müller [J.] & Troschel [F. H.] 1849:2 [Horae Ichthyologicae No. 3; ref. 3073] Brazil. Holotype (unique): ZMB 3041. Type catalog: Silfvergrip & Paepke 1997:170-171 [ref. 24006], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

sextentaculatus, Heterobranchus Spix [J. B. von] & Agassiz [L.] 1829:28, Pl. 11 [Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam; ref. 13] Lower Amazon basin, Brazil [Brazil]. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155], Koerber & Reis 2019:62 [ref. 37078]. As Heterobranchus 6-tentaculatus on plate. Neotype designated by Silfvergrip 1996:13 [ref. 22347]. Neotype designation invalid, Koerber & Reis 2020:5 [ref. 37463]. •Questionably a synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:95 [ref. 22347], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061] after neotype designation, Koerber & Reis 2019:62 [ref. 37078]). •Uncertain -- (Koerber & Reis 2020:8 [ref. 37463]). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

stegelichii, Pimelodus Müller [J.] & Troschel [F. H.] 1849:628 [Reisen in Britisch-Guiana; ref. 3072] Suriname. Lectotype: ZMB 3043. Paralectotypes: ?BMNH 1857.6.13.146 (dries skin); ZMB 3044 (lost), 3045 (2). Type catalog: Silfvergrip & Paepke 1997:171 [ref. 24006], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155] Also appeared in Müller & Troschel 1849:3 [ref. 3073]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:15 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

stygaea, Rhamdia guatemalensis Hubbs [C. L.] 1936:203, Pl. 1 (fig. 2) [Carnegie Institution of Washington Publications No. 457 (art. 17); ref. 2247] San Isidro Cave, Salar Colony, near Merida, Yucatán, Mexico. Holotype: UMMZ 102218. Paratypes: UMMZ 102112-13 (4, 3); USNM 117599 [ex UMMZ 102112] (1). Type catalog: Ferraris & Vari 1992:38 [ref. 19771], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155] •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860], Scharpf 2006:20 [ref. 30386]). •Mention -- (Romero & Paulson 2001:26 [ref. 26040]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

tenella, Rhamdia Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:127 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 1 (pt 2); ref. 1249] Lago Cudajas, Amazonas, Brazil. Holotype: MCZ 7547. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia tenella Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laukidi Bleeker 1858 -- (Silfvergrip 1996:90 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laukidi Bleeker 1858. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

typhla, Rhamdia laticauda Greenfield [D. W.], Greenfield [T. A.] & Woods [R. L.] 1982:564, Figs. 1, 2A-B, 3, 5C, 8B-C, E [Brenesia No. 19/20; ref. 8980] A cave in the Mountain Pine Ridge, Las Cuevas, 16°45'N, 89°00'W, Belize. Holotype: FMNH 71605. Paratypes: FMNH 80454-56 (3, 3, 9), UMMZ 192632 (1). Type catalog: Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367] as 12 paratypes at FMNH, Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Greenfield & Thomerson 1997:87 [ref. 22947], Weber & Wilkens 1998:998 [ref. 23617], Romero & Paulson 2001:26 [ref. 26040], Bichuette & Trajano 2005:588 [ref. 28555], Proudlove 2006:135 [ref. 28992]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:87 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Scharpf 2006:20 [ref. 30386], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

underwoodi, Rhamdia Regan [C. T.] 1907:135, Pl. 23 (fig. 4) [Biologia Centrali-Americana Part 215; ref. 3629] Juan Viñas, Costa Rica. Lectotype: BMNH 1907.6.28.33 (84.5 mm SL, largest of four). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1907.6.28.34-36 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:130 [ref. 22347]. •Valid as Rhamdia underwoodi Regan 1907 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia rogersi (Regan 1907) -- (Bussing 1998:154 [ref. 24179]). •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:86 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:198 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

urichi, Caecorhamdia Norman [J. R.] 1926:325, Fig. 1 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 9) v. 18 (no. 106); ref. 3214] Pool in interior of Guacharo Cave, Trinidad Island, West Indies. Lectotype: BMNH 1926.7.28.1-2 (99.7 mm SL, smaller of two). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1926.7.28.1-2 (1, larger of 2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:35 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Romero & Paulson 2001:27 [ref. 26040], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824), but a valid subspecies -- (Bichuette & Trajano 2005:588 [ref. 28555], Proudlove 2006:133 [ref. 28992], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

velifer, Pimelodus Humboldt [F. H. A. von] in Humboldt & Valenciennes 1821:171 [Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland v. 2 (Title page 1833); ref. 5612] Río Magdalena, Colombia. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:203 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia velifer (Humboldt 1821) -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Status uncertain -- (see Nico 2001:152 [ref. 25828]). •Species inquirenda in family Heptapteridae -- (Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:426 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:203 [ref. 29155]). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Colombia [if valid]. Habitat: freshwater.

vilsoni, Pimelenotus Gill [T. N.] 1858:391 [31] [Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York v. 6 (nos 10-13, art. 38); ref. 1750] Trinidad Island, West Indies. Holotype (unique) (?): USNM 5927. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. On p. 31 of separate. Genus as Pimelotus but corrected in errata at rear of volume to Pimelenotus; Pimelenotus used in separate. Species unjustifiably emended by Burgess 1989:279 to wilsoni, but he may not have been the first to do so. •Valid as Rhamdia wilsoni [sic] Gill 1858 -- (Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

voulezi, Rhamdia branneri Haseman [J. D.] 1911:378, Pl. 76 [Annals of the Carnegie Museum v. 7 (nos 3-4) (19); ref. 2048] Rio Iguaçu at Porto União da Victória, Brazil. Holotype: FMNH 54238 [ex CM 2854]. Paratypes: FMNH 54329 [CM 2855a-b] (2). Type catalog: Henn 1928:78 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:74 [ref. 12367], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Rhamdia branneri Haseman 1911, but a valid subspecies as described -- (Burgess 1989:278 [ref. 12860]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Valid as Rhamdia voulezi Haseman 1911 -- (Garavello & Shibatta 2016:[6] [ref. 34385], Koerber et al. 2017:5 [ref. 35083], Ribolli et al. 2017:[5] [ref. 35238], Koerber et al. 2017:6 [ref. 35632], Koerber et al. 2019:6 [ref. 36736], Mirande & Koerber 2020:2 [ref. 37594], Reis et al. 2020:466 [ref. 38364]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia voulezi Haseman 1911. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: South America: Iguaçu River basin (Brazil and Argentina). Habitat: freshwater.

wagneri, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1868:474 [Transactions of the Zoological Society of London v. 6 (pt 7, no. 14); ref. 1994] Chagres River, Guajaquil and Neu-Granada, Panama. Possible types: NMW 45618, 45619. Non-types: BMNH 1889.11.14.24 (1). Type information: Silfvergrip 1996:26 [ref. 22347]. TYpe catalog: Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]. Based in part on Pimelodus cinerascens Kner & Steindachner (not Günther). •Valid as Rhamdia wagneri (Günther 1868) -- (Ovchynnyk 1967:35 [ref. 37559], Burgess 1989:279 [ref. 12860], Galvis et al. 1997:69 [ref. 23651]). •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:201 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864) -- (Bussing 1998:150 [ref. 24179], Fricke et al. 2024:187 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia guatemalensis (Günther 1864). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater.

wuchereri, Pimelodus Günther [A.] 1864:123 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 5; ref. 1974] Bahia, Brazil. Lectotype: BMNH 1864.1.19.18 (147.5 mm, smallest of four). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1844.5.29.11-12 (2), 1852.9.13.128 (1), 1864.1.19.19-21 (4). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Silfvergrip 1996:24 [ref. 22347]. •Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:96 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:424 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:200 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Synonym of Rhamdia quelen (Quoy & Gaimard 1824). Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

xetequepeque, Rhamdia Silfvergrip [A. M. C.] 1996:98, Pl. 2 (figs. 3-4) [A systematic revision of the neotropical catfish genus Rhamdia; ref. 22347] Jequetepeque River, just west of Chilete, 6°19.9'S, 78°25.9'W, Peru. Holotype: ROM 70112. Paratypes: NRM [ex ROM] 34053 (5), ROM 54761 (23). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Rhamdia xetequepeque Silfvergrip 1996 -- (Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:425 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:202 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia xetequepeque Silfvergrip 1996. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Jequetepeque River basin, Peru. Habitat: freshwater.

zongolicensis, Rhamdia Wilkens [H.] 1993:375, Figs. 1-2 [Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut v. 90; ref. 21171] Cueva del Ostoc, Sierra de Zongolica, Veracruz state, Mexico. Holotype: ZMH 8249. Paratypes: ZMH 8250 (3). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155] with type as 9249. •Synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Silfvergrip 1996:87 [ref. 22347], Bockmann & Guazzelli in Reis et al. 2003:423 [ref. 27061], Weber et al. 2003:278 [ref. 27394], Ferraris 2007:199 [ref. 29155]). •Synonym of Rhamdia reddelli Miller 1906 -- (Miller 2006:175 [ref. 28615]). •Possibly a synonym of Rhamdia laticauda (Kner 1858) -- (Arroyave & Cruz-Fernández 2021:28 [ref. 39238]). •Valid as Rhamdia zongolicensis Wilkens 1993 -- (Weber & Wilkens 1998:998 [ref. 23617], Romero & Paulson 2001:27 [ref. 26040], Wilkens 2001:252 [ref. 26397], Nelson et al. 2004:83 [ref. 27807], Bichuette & Trajano 2005:588 [ref. 28555], Proudlove 2006:137 [ref. 28992], Page et al. 2013:83 [ref. 32708], Page et al. 2023:77 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:189 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Rhamdia zongolicensis Wilkens 1993. Heptapteridae: Rhamdiinae. Distribution: Southern North America: Cueva de Ostoc, Veracruz (Mexico) endemic. Habitat: freshwater.

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