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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Rhodeus: [ 42 ] records albomarginatus, Rhodeus Li [F.] & Arai [R.] 2014:167, Figs. 1-8 [Zootaxa 3790 (no. 1); ref. 33267] Lvjiang River, Yangtze River system, Xuling Town, Qimen County, Anhui Province, China. Holotype: SOU 1306001. Paratypes: NSMT-P, SOU, ZUMT 61048 (1), 61049 (1). Type catalog: Aizawa et al. 2022:235 [ref. 39655]. •Valid as Rhodeus albomarginatus Li & Arai 2014 -- (Zhang et al. 2016:68 [ref. 34477], Li et al. 2017:84 [ref. 35680], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus albomarginatus Li & Arai 2014. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Lvjiang River drainage, Yangtze River basin, Anhui (China). IUCN (2024): Not Assessed. Habitat: freshwater. amarus, Cyprinus Bloch [M. E.] 1782:52, Pl. 8 (fig. 3) [M. Marcus Elieser Bloch's ..., ausübenden Arztes zu Berlin, Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands v. 1; ref. 19643] Müggelsee (lake) near Köpenick, Berlin, Germany. Syntypes: ZMB 3393 (3). Type catalog: Paepke 1999:69 [ref. 24282]. On p. 45 of Bloch's Ichthyologie, v. 1 [ref. 21381]. •Synonym of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776), but a valid subspecies -- (Berg 1949:814 [ref. 20661], Coad 1995:19 [ref. 23608], Pipoyan 1996:710 [ref. 24654], Reshetnikov et al. 1997:740 [ref. 24702], Bogutskaya 1998:80 [ref. 23589], Arai et al. 2001:275 [ref. 25545], Bogutskaya & Komlev 2001:81 [ref. 26834], Vassilev & Pehlivanov 2005:170 [ref. 28369], Kozhara et al. 2007:100 [ref. 41380]). •Valid as Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782) -- (Herrera 1896:22 [ref. 39336], Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776) -- (Smith 1986:124 [ref. 22186], Lelek 1987:223 [ref. 22962], Naseka 1998:80 [ref. 23590], Coad 1998:102 [ref. 23869], Holčík 1999:2 [ref. 24847], Fuller et al. 1999:149 [ref. 25838], Bogutskaya et al. 2001:44 [ref. 26178]). •Valid as Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782) -- (Mrakovcic et al. 1995:184 [ref. 23079], Kottelat 1997:75 [ref. 22952], Gabrielyan 2001:27 [ref. 25867], Bianco & Ketmaier 2001:200 [ref. 26728], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:43 [ref. 28183], Hanel & Lusk 2005:256 [ref. 28804], Kottelat 2006:47 [ref. 28831], Fricke et al. 2007:45 [ref. 29533], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:72 [ref. 29996], Yang et al. 2010:333 [ref. 30786], Esmaeili et al. 2010:371 [ref. 33391], Yang et al. 2011:158 [ref. 31154], Parin et al. 2014:87 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:879 [ref. 34062], Barbieri et al. 2015:60 [ref. 35029], Çiçek et al. 2015:144 [ref. 35151], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:663 [ref. 34853], Esmaeili et al. 2017:55 [ref. 35254], Li et al. 2017:84 [ref. 35680], Esmaeili et al. 2018:35 [ref. 36089], Ćaleta et al. 2019:150 [ref. 37026], Lorenzoni et al. 2019:252 [ref. 37108], Özuluğ & Saç 2019:24 [ref. 36599], Çiçek et al. 2020:246 [ref. 37644], Kaya et al. 2020:330 [ref. 37582], Kuljanishvili et al. 2020:[4] [ref. 37535], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574], Yogurtçuoglu et al. 2020:[3] [ref. 37627], Esmaeili et al. 2020:335 [ref. 37759], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2020:102 [ref. 37983], Bayçelebi 2021:641 [ref. 38115], Çiçek et al. 2023:377 [ref. 40625], Dyldin et al. 2023:[18] [ref. 40328], Nagy et al. 2023:356 [ref. 40348], Shumka et al. 2023:39 [ref. 40747], Çiçek et al. 2024:186 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: Northern and eastern Europe, Asia Minor (Turkey). Introduced in Italy. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. amurensis, Pseudoperilampus lighti Vronsky [B. B.] 1967:24 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 7; ref. 12489] Lower Amur River drainage, Russia. •Synonym of Acanthorhodeus chankaensis (Dybowski 1872) -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 1996:32 [ref. 22798]). •Synonym of Rhodeus lighti (Wu 1931) -- (Naseka 1998:80 [ref. 23590]). •Questionably a synonym of Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868 -- (Bogutskaya et al. 2001:44 [ref. 26178]). •Valid as Rhodeus amurensis (Vronsky 1967) -- (Naseka & Bogutskaya 2004:281 [ref. 27838], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:43 [ref. 28183], Bogutskaya et al. 2008:316 [ref. 30085], Dyldin et al. 2023:[18] [ref. 40328] with question). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus amurensis (Vronsky 1967). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: lower Amur River system (Russia). Habitat: freshwater. atremius, Acanthorhodeus Jordan [D. S.] & Thompson [W. F.] 1914:227, Pl. 25 (fig. 3) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 6 (no. 4); ref. 2543] Chikugo River at Kurume, Japan. Holotype: CAS-SU 22606. Paratypes: CM (1, whereabouts unknown), USNM 74786 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:29 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Acanthorhodeus atremius Jordan & Thompson 1914 -- (Okada 1961:406 [ref. 6363]). •Synonym of Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868 -- (Wu 1964:202 [ref. 13503]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Valid as Rhodeus atremius (Jordan & Thompson 1914) -- (Sawada in Masuda et al. 1984:55 [ref. 6441], Kawanabe & Mizuno 1989:365 [ref. 25598], Watanabe 1998:262 [ref. 23491], Nakabo 2000:260 [ref. 25086], Arai et al. 2001:275 [ref. 25545], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372]). •Synonym of Rhodeus smithii (Regan 1908), but a valid subspecies atremius (Jordan & Thompson 1914) -- (Tanaka & Tominaga 2022:[3] 213 [ref. 40407]). •Valid as Rhodeus atremius (Jordan & Thompson 1914), subspecies atremius (Jordan & Thompson 1914) -- (Matsuura et al. 2000:116 [ref. 26000], Nakabo 2002:260 [ref. 26001]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus atremius (Jordan & Thompson 1914). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Japan. Habitat: freshwater. caspius, Rhodeus Esmaeili [H. R.], Sayyadzadeh [G.], Japoshvili [B.], Eagderi [S.], Abbasi [K.] & Mousavi-Sabet [H.] 2020:322, Figs. 2-11 [Zootaxa 4851 (no. 2); ref. 37759] Anzali Lagoon drainage of the Shakhraz (= Shakhazar or Siahdarvishan) River, Caspian Sea basin, Tolamshahr, Guilan province, Iran, 37°16'3.98"N, 49°21'53.82"E. Holotype: ZM-CBSU H1005. Paratypes: VMFC, ZM-CBSU. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Rhodeus caspius Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Japoshvili, Eagderi, Abbasi & Mousavi-Sabet 2020 -- (Çiçek et al. 2024:186 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus caspius Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Japoshvili, Eagderi, Abbasi & Mousavi-Sabet 2020. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: Middle East: southern Caspian Sea basin (Iran). Translocated to the Tigris River drainage and Urmia Lake basin. Habitat: freshwater. colchicus, Rhodeus Bogutskaya [N. G.] & Komlev [A. M.] 2001:90, Fig. 3 [Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences v. 287; ref. 26834] River Notanebi, West Transcaucasia, Georgia. Holotype: ZIN 15164a. Paratypes: ZIN 15164 (18), ZMMGU P-17589 (15). •Valid as Rhodeus colchicus Bogutskaya & Komlev 2001 -- (Bogutskaya et al. 2001:44 [ref. 26178], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:44 [ref. 28183], Ninua & Japoshvili 2008:165 [ref. 31251], Yang et al. 2010:333 [ref. 30786], Yang et al. 2011:158 [ref. 31154], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:663 [ref. 34853], Dyldin et al. 2020:105 [ref. 37569], Kuljanishvili et al. 2020:[4] [ref. 37535], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Esmaeili et al. 2020:335 [ref. 37759], Dyldin et al. 2023:[18] [ref. 40328]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus colchicus Bogutskaya & Komlev 2001. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: Eurasia: west Transcaucasia, south and east of the Black Sea, Georgia. Habitat: freshwater. cyanorostris, Rhodeus Li [F.], Liao [T.-Y.] & Arai [R.] 2020:[3], Figs. 1-7, 15C [Journal of Vertebrate Biology v. 69 (no. 1); ref. 37372] Bai-Tiao River, tributary of the Yangtze River, Pidu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China. Holotype: SOU 1801001. Paratypes: DOS, NSMT, SOU. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Rhodeus cyanorostris Li, Liao & Arai 2020 -- (Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574], Guo 2021:312 [ref. 38617]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus cyanorostris Li, Liao & Arai 2020. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Bai-Tiao River drainage, Yangtze River basin, Sichuan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. danubicus, Rhodeus sericeus amarus natio Holčík [J.] 1959:50 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 13; ref. 23006] Not available, infrasubspecific; from Danube R. basin, Slovakia. •In the synonymy of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776) -- (Holčík 1999:2 [ref. 24847], Bogutskaya & Komlev 2001:81 [ref. 26834]). Infrasubspecific. Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776). Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater. fangi, Pararhodeus Miao [C.-P.] 1934:180, Fig. 31 [Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China. (Zoological Series) v. 10 (no. 3); ref. 13903] Chinkiang, China. Holotype: SSCN 3216. •Valid as Pararhodeus fangi Miao 1934 -- (Wu 1964:206 [ref. 13503]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Valid as Rhodeus fangi (Miao 1934) -- (Zhu 1995:47 [ref. 25213], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:451 [ref. 23878], Arai et al. 2001:280 [ref. 25545], Naseka & Bogutskaya 2004:282 [ref. 27838], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:44 [ref. 28183], Chen et al. 2005:90 [ref. 28516], Li & Arai 2010:303 [ref. 31188], Li & Arai 2011:303 [ref. 31188], Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Zhang et al. 2016:68 [ref. 34477], Li et al. 2017:84 [ref. 35680], Dyldin et al. 2020:98 [ref. 37569], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574], Guo 2021:316 [ref. 38617]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus fangi (Miao 1934). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Yangtze River basin (China). Habitat: freshwater. flaviventris, Rhodeus Li [F.], Arai [R.] & Liao [T.-Y.] 2020:330, Figs. 1-8 [Zootaxa 4790 (no. 2); ref. 37574] Le-An River, a tributary flowing into Poyang Lake, lower Yangtze River basin, Xitou Township, Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province, China. Holotype: SOU 1909001. Paratypes: DOS, NSMT, SOU. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Rhodeus flaviventris Li, Arai & Liao 2020. Current status: Valid as Rhodeus flaviventris Li, Arai & Liao 2020. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Le-An River drainage, lower Yangtze River basin, Jiangxi, China. Habitat: freshwater. genitalis, Rhodeus Walecki [A.] 1863:364 [Biblioteka Warszawska, Wiadomosci Z Nauk [Science News] v. 4; ref. 22954] Apparently an unneeded replacement name for Cyprinus amarus Bloch 1782. •Synonym of Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782) -- (Kottelat 1997:75 [ref. 22952], Çiçek et al. 2024:186 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782). Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. hainanensis, Pseudoperilampus Nichols [J. T.] & Pope [C. H.] 1927:379, Fig. 42 [Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History v. 54 (art. 2); ref. 5747] Nodoa, Hainan Island, China. Holotype: AMNH 8386. Paratypes: ?MCZ 32663 [ex AMNH] (2). •Valid as Pseudoperilampus hainanensis Nichols & Pope 1927 -- (Wu 1964:206 [ref. 13503], Mai 1978:179 [ref. 13511], Ye in Pan et al. 1991:129 [ref. 23876]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus spinalis Oshima 1926 -- (Arai et al. 1990:143 [ref. 16800], Kottelat 1998:53 [ref. 23436], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:448 [ref. 23878], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus spinalis Oshima 1926. Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater. haradai, Rhodeus Arai [R.], Suzuki [N.] & Shen [S.-C.] 1990:151, Fig. 8 [Bulletin of the National Science Museum Series A (Zoology) v. 16 (no. 3); ref. 16800] Longtang, Hainan Island, China. Holotype: NTUM 7600. Paratypes: NSMT-P 30930-31 (1, 1), NTUM 2203 (10). •Questionably a synonym of Rhodeus spinalis Oshima 1926 -- (Lin in Chen et al. 1998:448 [ref. 23878]). •Valid as Rhodeus haradai Arai, Suzuki & Shen 1990 -- (Kottelat 1998:53 [ref. 23436], Arai et al. 2001:280 [ref. 25545], Li & Arai 2010:303 [ref. 31188], Li & Arai 2011:303 [ref. 31188], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Zhang et al. 2016:68 [ref. 34477], Li et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35680], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus haradai Arai, Suzuki & Shen 1990. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Hainan Island, China. Habitat: freshwater. hondae, Pseudoperilampus Jordan [D. S.] & Metz [C. W.] 1913:20, Pl. 2 (fig. 3) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 6 (no. 1); ref. 2490] Suigen, Korea. Holotype (unique): FMNH 55803 [ex CM 4566]. Type catalog: Henn 1928:73 [ref. 12305], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:71 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Rhodeus hondae (Jordan & Metz 1913) -- (Kim 1997:171 [ref. 24032], Choi et al. 2003:158, 501 [ref. 26218]). •Valid as Acheilognathus hondae (Jordan & Metz 1913) -- (Arai et al. 2001:281 [ref. 25545], Yang et al. 2011:163 [ref. 31154], Li et al. 2017:83 [ref. 35680]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus hondae (Jordan & Metz 1913). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Korea. Habitat: freshwater. hwanghoensis, Rhodeus Mori [T.] 1928:68 [Japanese Journal of Zoology v. 2 (no. 1) (art. 4); ref. 15862] Tsi-nan, Shantung, northern China. Holotype: whereabouts unknown. Additional material: (2). •Synonym of Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868 -- (Wu 1964:202 [ref. 13503]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Lin in Chen et al. 1998:445 [ref. 23878], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866). Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater. kristinae, Acanthorhodeus Holčík [J.] 1971:270, Figs. 1-2 [Věstnik Československé Společnosti Zoologické v. 35 (no. 4); ref. 7682] Szechuan Province, China. Holotype: USNM 87600. Paratypes: USNM 206045 (1). Genus appeared as Acenthorhodeus in title. •In genus Acheilognathus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:208 [ref. 6999]). •Questionably a synonym of Rhodeus fangi (Miao 1934) -- (Lin in Chen et al. 1998:451 [ref. 23878]). •Possibly not in Rhodeus -- (Li et al. 2017:83 [ref. 35680]). Current status: Uncertain. Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater. kurumeus, Rhodeus Jordan [D. S.] & Thompson [W. F.] 1914:229, Pl. 26 (fig. 2) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 6 (no. 4); ref. 2543] Chikugo River at Kurume, Kiusiu, Japan. Holotype: CAS-SU 22605. Paratypes: FMNH 57074 (1), ?CAS-SU 22644 (18), USNM 74785 (1). Additional original material: CAS-SU 22571 (1), 22576 (22), 22580 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:38 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:75 [ref. 12367]. •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866), but a valid subspecies kurumeus Jordan & Thompson 1914 -- (Kimura & Nagata 1992:425 [ref. 19826], Watanabe 1998:262 [ref. 23491], Nakabo 2000:259 [ref. 25086], Matsuura et al. 2000:118 [ref. 26000], Arai et al. 2001:281 [ref. 25545], Kawamura et al. 2001:369 [ref. 25794], Nakabo 2002:258 [ref. 26001], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Wu 1964:203 [ref. 13503], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Japan and ? China [this subspecies]. Habitat: freshwater. laoensis, Rhodeus Kottelat [M.], Doi [A.] & Musikasinthorn [P.] in Kottelat 1998:52, Fig. 81 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Theun, immediately upriver of confluence with Nam Ong, 17°43'N, 105°16'20"E, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 41786. Paratypes: CMK 12564 (3), 12637 (8); DFV uncat. (1), DFV uncat. (1); ZRC 41787 (1). •Valid as Rhodeus laoensis Kottelat, Doi & Musikasinthorn 1998 -- (Arai et al. 2001:281 [ref. 25545], Kottelat 2001:79 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2015:157 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:43 [ref. 33971], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus laoensis Kottelat, Doi & Musikasinthorn 1998. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Nam Theun, Mekong River basin, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. lighti, Pseudoperilampus Wu [H.-W.] 1931:25, Fig. 4 [Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China. (Zoological Series) v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 16348] Fukien, China. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1867) -- (Okada 1961:401 [ref. 6363]). •Valid as Pseudoperilampus lighti Wu 1931 -- (Wu 1964:205 [ref. 13503] as light, Wang 1984:64 [ref. 22951], Jin in Kuang et al. 1986:64 [ref. 26639], Ye in Pan et al. 1991:128 [ref. 23876]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868 -- (Akai & Arai 1998:105 [ref. 23354], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477]). •Valid as Rhodeus lighti (Wu 1931) -- (Zheng et al. 1989:158 [ref. 21202], Ding 1994:176 [ref. 21531], Zhu 1995:47 [ref. 25213], Cheng & Zhou 1997:142 [ref. 26385], Reshetnikov et al. 1997:740 [ref. 24702], Kottelat 1998:55 [ref. 23436], Naseka 1998:80 [ref. 23590], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:449 [ref. 23878], Tang et al. 2001:12 [ref. 25373], Wang et al. 2001:156 [ref. 26566], Naseka & Bogutskaya 2004:282 [ref. 27838], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:43 [ref. 28183], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus lighti (Wu 1931). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: eastern Russia and northern China. Habitat: freshwater. lucinae, Rhodeus Walecki [A.] 1863:364 [Biblioteka Warszawska, Wiadomosci Z Nauk [Science News] v. 4; ref. 22954] Apparently an unneeded replacement name for Cyprinus amarus Bloch 1782. •Synonym of Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782) -- (Kottelat 1997:75 [ref. 22952], Çiçek et al. 2024:186 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782). Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. maculatus, Rhodeus Fowler [H. W.] 1910:476, Fig. 1 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 62; ref. 1380] Pei-Ho River, Tien-Tsin, China. Holotype: ANSP 29472. Paratypes: ANSP 29473 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:82 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868 -- (Wu 1964:202 [ref. 13503]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Lin in Chen et al. 1998:445 [ref. 23878], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866). Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater. mantschuricus, Rhodeus Mori [T.] 1934:57 [1], Fig. 1 [Journal of the Chosen Natural History Society No. 17; ref. 16439] Koga, near Kitsurin, upper Sungari River, Manchuria. Holotype: not researched. Additional specimens: (2). On p. 1 of separate. •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776) -- (Berg 1949:816 [ref. 20661], Wu 1964:201 [ref. 13503], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:453 [ref. 23878], Holčík 1999:2 [ref. 24847], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:45 [ref. 28183]). •Valid as Rhodeus mantschuricus Mori 1934 -- (Arai et al. 2001:280 [ref. 25545], Bogutskaya et al. 2008:316 [ref. 30085], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:663 [ref. 34853], Dyldin et al. 2023:[18] [ref. 40328] with question). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus mantschuricus Mori 1934. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Amur River basin, northern China and eastern Russia. Habitat: freshwater. meridionalis, Rhodeus amarus var. Karaman [S.] 1924:41 [Pisces Macedoniae; ref. 15902] Vardar River at Skoplje [Skopje] and Lake Dojran, Republic of Macedonia. Syntypes: IEMBT (several); MNHN 1935-0358 to 0360 (3) Vardar R. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:75 [ref. 19574]. •Synonym of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776) -- (Berg 1949:814 [ref. 20661], Holčík 1999:2 [ref. 24847]). •Synonym of Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782) -- (Kottelat 1997:75 [ref. 22952]). •Valid as Rhodeus meridionalis Karaman 1924 -- (Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:84 [ref. 29996], Barbieri et al. 2015:61 [ref. 35029], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:663 [ref. 34853], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus meridionalis Karaman 1924. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: Southeast Europe: Aegean Sea basin, Balkan. Habitat: freshwater. monguonensis, Pseudoperilampus Li [G.-L.] 1989:3, Fig. 1 [Tianjin Natural History Museum Thesis Coll. v. 6; ref. 25327] Er-dao He-tze, Ku-lun Qi, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. Holotype: TNZ 02515 (North 503), Tianjin Nat. Hist. Mus. •Valid as Pseudoperilampus monguonensis Li 1989 -- (Zhu 1995:47 [ref. 25213]). •No longer in Pseudoperilampus -- (authors). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus monguonensis (Li 1989). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: China. Habitat: freshwater. nigrodorsalis, Rhodeus Li [F.], Liao [T.-Y.] & Arai [R.] 2020:[6], Figs. 9-14, 15A-B, 16 [Journal of Vertebrate Biology v. 69 (no. 1); ref. 37372] Le-An River, debouching into Lake Poyang, Yangtze River basin, Ziyang Town, Wuyuan County, Jiangxi Province, China. Holotype: SOU 1712001. Paratypes: DOS, NSMT, SOU. •Valid as Rhodeus nigrodorsalis Li, Liao & Arai 2020 -- (Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574], Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus nigrodorsalis Li, Liao & Arai 2020. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Le-An River drainage, Yangtze River basin, Jiangxi and Anhui Provinces, China. Habitat: freshwater. notatus, Rhodeus Nichols [J. T.] 1929:6, Fig. 4 [American Museum Novitates No. 377; ref. 15912] Tsinan, Shantung Province, China. Holotype: AMNH 9654. Paratypes: AMNH 10812 (8). •Synonym of Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868 -- (Wu 1964:202 [ref. 13503]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Lin in Chen et al. 1998:445 [ref. 23878]). •Valid as Rhodeus notatus Nichols 1929 -- (Kim 1997:168 [ref. 24032], Arai et al. 2001:275 [ref. 25545], Arai et al. 2001:280 [ref. 25545], Kim & Park 2002:68 [ref. 25913], Choi et al. 2003:158, 502 [ref. 26218], Li & Arai 2010:303 [ref. 31188], Li & Arai 2011:303 [ref. 31188], Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Li et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35680], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574], Sung et al. 2021:160 [ref. 38867]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus notatus Nichols 1929. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: ortheast China and Korean Peninsula; hybidizes with Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866). Habitat: freshwater. ocellatus, Pseudoperilampus Kner [R.] 1866:548 [6] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 53; ref. 2636] Shanghai, China. Holotype (unique): NMW 10837. On p. 6 of separate. Also appeared in Kner 1867:365, Pl. 15 (fig. 6) [ref. 18426]. •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Valid as Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Kuroda 1953:274 [ref. 39545], Wu 1964:203 [ref. 13503], Mai 1978:177 [ref. 13511], Sawada in Masuda et al. 1984:55 [ref. 6441], Jin in Kuang et al. 1986:61 [ref. 26639] dated 1867, Okamura & Machida 1987:102 [ref. 22279], Chen & Li in Chu & Chen 1989:126 [ref. 13584], Zheng et al. 1989:157 [ref. 21202], Ye in Pan et al. 1991:125 [ref. 23876], Kimura & Nagata 1992 [ref. 19826], Ding 1994:174 [ref. 21531], Zhu 1995:46 [ref. 25213], Cheng & Zhou 1997:141 [ref. 26385] dated 1867, Kim 1997:162 [ref. 24032], Kottelat 1998:55 [ref. 23436], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:445 [ref. 23878], Sato et al. 1998:31 [ref. 24972], Tang et al. 2001:12 [ref. 25373], Wang et al. 2001:159 [ref. 26566] dated 1867, Kim & Park 2002:61 [ref. 25913], Bogutskaya et al. 2001:44 [ref. 26178], Choi et al. 2003:158, 502 [ref. 26218], Chen et al. 2005:90 [ref. 28516], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:84 [ref. 29996], Zhang et al. 2016:68 [ref. 34477], Li et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35680], Zhang et al. 2019:209 [ref. 36699], Guo 2021:309 [ref. 38617]). •Valid as Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866), subspecies ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Okada 1961:400 [ref. 6363], Kawanabe & Mizuno 1989:360 [ref. 25598], Sato 1995:49 [ref. 25531], Nakabo 2000:259 [ref. 25086], Matsuura et al. 2000:119 [ref. 26000], Arai et al. 2001:275 [ref. 25545], Kawamura et al. 2001:369 [ref. 25794], Nakabo 2002:259 [ref. 26001], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:44 [ref. 28183], Li & Arai 2010:303 [ref. 31188], Li & Arai 2011:303 [ref. 31188], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Vasil'eva et al. 2015:381 [ref. 40672], Dyldin et al. 2020:98 [ref. 37569], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:338 [ref. 37574], Fu et al. 2021:9569 [ref. 39347], Sung et al. 2021:160 [ref. 38867], Dyldin et al. 2023:[18] [ref. 40328]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Yangtze River basin (China); hybridizes with Rhodeus notatus Nichols 1929. Introduced in Russia and Kazakhstan. Habitat: freshwater. pingi, Rhodeus Miao [C.-P.] 1934:176, Fig. 30 [Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China. (Zoological Series) v. 10 (no. 3); ref. 13903] Chinkiang, China. Holotype: SSCN 13200. Other specimens: SSCN 3229 (1), 13188 (1). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Wu 1964:203 [ref. 13503], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:446 [ref. 23878], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866). Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater. pseudosericeus, Rhodeus Arai [R.], Jeon [S.-R.] & Ueda [T.] 2001:276, Figs. 1-6 [Ichthyological Research v. 48 (no. 3); ref. 25545] Gumgye River, tributary of Som River, Namhan River system, Hakdam-ri, Gonggun-myon, Hoengsong-gun, Gangwon-do, South Korea. Holotype: SMU 211. Paratypes: SMU 206-210 (5), 212-13 (2, 2), 7229 (2); ZUMT 61146-48 (4, 3, 2), 61149-51 (3). Type catalog: Aizawa et al. 2022:236 [ref. 39655]. •Valid as Rhodeus pseudosericeus Arai, Jeon & Ueda 2001 -- (Kim & Park 2002:64 [ref. 25913], Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:663 [ref. 34853], Li et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35680], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:338 [ref. 37574], Kim et al. 2021:48 [ref. 38855] as hybrid). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus pseudosericeus Arai, Jeon & Ueda 2001. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Han and Geum River basins, Korea; hybridizes with Tanakia lanceolata (Temminck & Schlegel 1846). Habitat: freshwater. rheinardti, Danio Tirant [G.] 1883:[27] [Bulletin de la Société des Études Indo-chinoises. Saigon. 1883; ref. 17920] Hué, Vietnam. Lectotype: MHNL 4200-0039 [3260]. Paralectotypes: MHNL 4200-0040 (9). Type catalog: Chevey 1937:249 [ref. 31779]. On p. 27 of reprint in Chevey 1929 [ref. 16215]. Also in Tirant 1885: [139] [ref. 17923]. Lectotype selected by Kottelat 1987:13 [ref. 11434]. •Valid as Rhodeus rheinardti (Tirant 1883) -- (Kottelat 1987:14 [ref. 11434], Doi 1997:13 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:53 [ref. 23436], Fang 2001:18 [ref. 25285], Arai et al. 2001:281 [ref. 25545], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:338 [ref. 37574]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus rheinardti (Tirant 1883). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. sciosemus, Acanthorhodeus Jordan [D. S.] & Thompson [W. F.] 1914:228, Pl. 26 (fig. 1) [Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum v. 6 (no. 4); ref. 2543] Chikugo River, Kurume, Japan. Holotype: CAS-SU 22608. Paratypes: CAS-SU 22609 (6), USNM 74787 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:29 [ref. 12291]. •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Valid as Acanthorhodeus sciosemus Jordan & Thompson 1914 -- (Okada 1961:407 [ref. 6363]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus sciosemus (Jordan & Thompson 1914). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Japan. Habitat: freshwater. sericeus, Cyprinus Pallas [P. S.] 1776:208, 704 [Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des russischen Reiches; ref. 18509] Onon River, Dauriya, Russia. No types known. For remarks on systematics see Kottelat 2006:47 [ref. 28831]. •Valid as Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776) -- (Berg 1949:816 [ref. 20661], Wu 1964:201 [ref. 13503], Lee et al. 1980:357 [ref. 22416], Smith 1986:123 [ref. 22186], Lelek 1987:223 [ref. 22962], Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999], Page & Burr 1991:66 [ref. 18983], Coad 1995:19 [ref. 23608], Zhu 1995:47 [ref. 25213], Bogutskaya & Naseka 1996:32 [ref. 22798], Cheng & Zhou 1997:139 [ref. 26385], Kim 1997:164 [ref. 24032], Nikiforov et al. 1997:330 [ref. 24694], Reshetnikov et al. 1997:740 [ref. 24702], Naseka 1998:80 [ref. 23590], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:453 [ref. 23878], Briolay et al. 1998:101 [ref. 25586], Holčík 1999:2 [ref. 24847], Fuller et al. 1999:149 [ref. 25838], Zemnukhov et al. 2001:420 [ref. 25412], Arai et al. 2001:275 [ref. 25545], Pietsch et al. 2001:140 [ref. 25688], Bogutskaya et al. 2001:44 [ref. 26178], Bogutskaya & Komlev 2001:84 [ref. 26834] but a valid subspecies, Choi et al. 2003:158, 502 [ref. 26218], Hanel 2003:53 [ref. 27894], Nelson et al. 2004:77 [ref. 27807], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:45 [ref. 28183], Kottelat 2006:47 [ref. 28831], Ocock et al. 2006:44 [ref. 28933], Scharpf 2005:40 [ref. 28940], Bogutskaya et al. 2008:316 [ref. 30085], Ninua & Japoshvili 2008:165 [ref. 31251], Li & Arai 2010:303 [ref. 31188], Page & Burr 2011:155 [ref. 31215], Li & Arai 2011:303 [ref. 31188], Page et al. 2013:78 [ref. 32708], Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Parin et al. 2014:88 [ref. 33547], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:663 [ref. 34853], Li et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35680], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:338 [ref. 37574], Dyldin et al. 2021:22 [ref. 38804], Dyldin & Orlov 2021:64 [ref. 38158], Dyldin et al. 2023:[18] [ref. 40328], Page et al. 2023:76 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: eastern Russia and China; introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater. shitaiensis, Rhodeus Li [F.] & Arai [R.] 2011:305, Figs 1-5, 6a-b, 7 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 21 (no. 4) [Dec. 2010]; ref. 31188] Qiupu River, Chang Jiang [Yangtze River] system, 30°11'N, 117°30'E, Shitai county, Anhui Province, China. Holotype: SOU 0811001. Paratypes: NSMT-P 90863 (1), 98064 (1); ZUMT 61947 (4); SOU 0811002-0811005 (4), 0905001-0905006 (6), 0905007-0905010 (4). Plus non-type specimens. Type catalog: Aizawa et al. 2022:237 [ref. 39655]. •Valid as Rhodeus shitaiensis Li & Arai 2011 -- (Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477], Dyldin & Orlov 2016:663 [ref. 34853], Li et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35680], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:337 [ref. 37574]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus shitaiensis Li & Arai 2011. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Qiupu River drainage, lower Yangtze basin, Anhui Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. sinensis, Rhodeus Günther [A.] 1868:280 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] Zhejiang, China. Lectotype: BMNH 1868.10.19.150. Paralectotypes: (2) BMNH 1858.10.19.149 (1). Lectotype selected by Akai & Arai 1998:105 [ref. 23354]. •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Lin in Chen et al. 1998:445 [ref. 23878]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Valid as Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868 -- (Wu 1964:202 [ref. 13503], Coad 1981:11 [ref. 22348], Wang 1984:63 [ref. 22951], Lelek 1987:223 [ref. 22962], Chen & Li in Chu & Chen 1989:125 [ref. 13584], Zheng et al. 1989:156 [ref. 21202], Ye in Pan et al. 1991:124 [ref. 23876], Ding 1994:172 [ref. 21531], Yang & Chen 1995:53 [ref. 23555], Zhu 1995:47 [ref. 25213], Coad 1996:84 [ref. 25304], Cheng & Zhou 1997:140 [ref. 26385], Akai & Arai 1998:105 [ref. 23354], Kottelat 1998:55 [ref. 23436], Arai et al. 2001:280 [ref. 25545], Tang et al. 2001:12 [ref. 25373], Wang et al. 2001:157 [ref. 26566], Bogutskaya & Komlev 2001:82 [ref. 26834], Naseka & Bogutskaya 2004:282 [ref. 27838], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:43 [ref. 28183], Chen et al. 2005:90 [ref. 28516], Li & Arai 2010:303 [ref. 31188], Li & Arai 2011:303 [ref. 31188], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477], Li et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35680], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:338 [ref. 37574], Guo 2021:306 [ref. 38617], Çiçek et al. 2023:32 [ref. 40326]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Yangtze River basin, northern China and Korea. Introduced in Afghanistan. Habitat: freshwater. smithii, Achilognathus Regan [C. T.] 1908:150 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) v. 1 (no. 2) (art. 24); ref. 14338] Nodogawa River, Kyoto, Japan. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1907.12.23.125. Original genus should have been Acheilognathus. •Synonym of Acheilognathus rhombeus (Temminck & Schlegel 1846) -- (Okada 1961:373 [ref. 6363]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866), but a valid subspecies -- (Sawada in Masuda et al. 1984:55 [ref. 6441], Kawanabe & Mizuno 1989:364 [ref. 25598]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •See Kimura & Nagata 1992:425 [ref. 19826]. •Valid as Rhodeus smithii (Regan 1908) -- (Arai et al. 2001:280 [ref. 25545], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus smithii (Regan 1908). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Japan. Habitat: freshwater. spinalis, Rhodeus Oshima [M.] 1926:16 [Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses v. 11 (no. 1); ref. 3314] Ding'an, Hainan Island, China. Neotype: NSMT-P 31906. Original 5 specimens from Kachek R. lost; neotype designated by Arai et al. 1990:143 [ref. 16800]. •Valid as Pseudoperilampus spinalis (Oshima 1926) -- (Li 1989:4 [ref. 25327], Zhu 1995:47 [ref. 25213]). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Mai 1978:177 [ref. 13511]). •Synonym of Rhodeus rheinardti (Tirant 1883) -- (Kottelat 1987:14, 21 [ref. 11434]). •Valid as Rhodeus spinalis Oshima 1926 -- (Wu 1964:204 [ref. 13503], Jin in Kuang et al. 1986:62 [ref. 26639], Chen & Li in Chu & Chen 1989:127 [ref. 13584], Zheng et al. 1989:158 [ref. 21202], Ye in Pan et al. 1991:126 [ref. 23876], Kottelat 1998:53 [ref. 23436], Lin in Chen et al. 1998:448 [ref. 23878], Kottelat 2001:39 [ref. 25482], Arai et al. 2001:280 [ref. 25545], Li & Arai 2010:303 [ref. 31188], Li & Arai 2011:303 [ref. 31188], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Li & Arai 2014:175 [ref. 33267], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477], Li et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35680], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372], Li et al. 2020:338 [ref. 37574]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus spinalis Oshima 1926. Acheilognathidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Hainan Island, China. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. strumicae, Rhodeus sericeus sericeus forma Karaman [S. L.] 1955:183, Fig. 2 [Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium v. 3 (no. 7); ref. 12279] Not available, infrasubspecific. •In the synonymy of Rhodeus amarus (Bloch 1782) -- (Kottelat 1997:75 [ref. 22952]). •In the synonymy of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776) -- (Holčík 1999:2 [ref. 24847], Bogutskaya & Komlev 2001:82 [ref. 26834]). Infrasubspecific. Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776). Acheilognathidae. suigensis, Pseudoperilampus Mori [T.] 1935:563, 573, Fig. 2 [Dobutsugaku Zasshi = Zoological Magazine Tokyo v. 47; ref. 13904] Chosen, Korea. Syntypes: a primary specimen plus others. In English on p. 573. •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868, but a valid subspecies -- (Kawanabe & Mizuno 1989:366 [ref. 25598]). •Synonym of Rhodeus atremius (Jordan & Thompson 1914), but a valid subspecies -- (Watanabe 1998:262 [ref. 23491], Nakabo 2000:260 [ref. 25086], Matsuura et al. 2000:117 [ref. 26000], Nakabo 2002:260 [ref. 26001]). •Valid as Rhodeus suigensis (Mori 1935) -- (Sawada in Masuda et al. 1984:55 [ref. 6441] as suigenis, Arai et al. 2001:275 [ref. 25545], Li et al. 2020:[14] [ref. 37372]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus suigensis (Mori 1935). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Korea. Habitat: freshwater. svetovidovi, Rhodeus sericeus amarus natio Holčík [J.] 1959:50 [Voprosy Ikhtiologii v. 13; ref. 23006] Not available, infrasubspecific; from Dnieper and Bug rivers, Ukraine. •In the synonymy of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776) -- (Holčík 1999:2 [ref. 24847], Bogutskaya & Komlev 2001:82 [ref. 26834]). Infrasubspecific. Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas 1776). Acheilognathidae. uyekii, Pseudoperilampus Mori [T.] 1935:562, 573, Fig. 1 [Dobutsugaku Zasshi = Zoological Magazine Tokyo v. 47; ref. 13904] Chosen, China. Syntypes: a primary specimen plus others (whereabouts unknown). In English on p. 573. •Synonym of Pseudoperilampus lighti Wu 1931 -- (Wu 1964:205 [ref. 13503] as light). •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus sinensis Günther 1868 -- (Akai & Arai 1998:105 [ref. 23354], Arai et al. 2001:275 [ref. 25545], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Rhodeus uyekii (Mori 1935) -- (Kim 1997:165 [ref. 24032], Kim & Lee 2001:46 [ref. 25334], Kim & Park 2002:66 [ref. 25913], Choi et al. 2003:158, 502 [ref. 26218], Naseka & Bogutskaya 2004:282 [ref. 27838], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:44 [ref. 28183]). Current status: Valid as Rhodeus uyekii (Mori 1935). Acheilognathidae. Distribution: East Asia: Korea and northeast China. Habitat: freshwater. vietnamensis, Rhodeus ocellatus Mai [D. Y.] 1978:179 [Identification of the fresh-water fishes of North Viet Nam v. 1; ref. 13511] Northern Vietnam. Syntypes: DVZUT. •Synonym of Rhodeus rheinhardti (Tirant 1883) -- (Kottelat 1987:14, 21 [ref. 11434]). •Status uncertain, as Rhodeus vietnamensis Mai 1978 -- (Kottelat 2001:39 [ref. 25482]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866), but a valid subspecies vietnamensis Mai 1978 as described -- (Arai et al. 2001:281 [ref. 25545]). •Synonym of Rhodeus spinalis Oshima 1926 -- (Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus spinalis Oshima 1926. Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater. wangkinfui, Rhodeus Wu [H.-W.] 1930:77, Fig. 5 [Sinensia v. 1 (no. 6); ref. 16240] Luchow, Chang Jiang [Yangtze River] valley, Szechwan, China. Holotype (unique): not researched. •In genus Rhodeus -- (Arai & Akai 1988:209 [ref. 6999]). •Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866) -- (Okada 1961:400 [ref. 6363], Wu 1964:203 [ref. 13503], Okamura & Machida 1987:102 [ref. 22279] as wangkingui, Lin in Chen et al. 1998:446 [ref. 23878], Kottelat 2013:157 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:69 [ref. 34477], Zhang et al. 2019:209 [ref. 36699]). Current status: Synonym of Rhodeus ocellatus (Kner 1866). Acheilognathidae. Habitat: freshwater. |