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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Schistura: [ 261 ] records absumbra, Physoschistura Endruweit [M.] 2017:379, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa 4263 (no. 2); ref. 35305] Nangunhe River, Banlao town, Cangyuan City, Lincang Prefecture, Yunnan province, China, 23°10.932'N, 98°56.575'E, elevation 523 meters. Holotype: KIZ 2014006018. Paratypes: KIZ, ZFMK. •Valid as Physoschistura absumbra Endruweit 2017 -- (Das & Darshan 2017:412 [ref. 35638]). •Valid as Schistura absumbra (Endruweit 2017) -- (Kottelat 2018:306 [ref. 36206]). Current status: Valid as Schistura absumbra (Endruweit 2017). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: East Asia: upper Salween basin, Yunnan (China). IUCN (2024): Not Assessed. Habitat: freshwater. acuticephalus, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1929:328, Pl. 14 (figs. 5-6) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 31 (pt 4); ref. 15899] Hwe-gna-sang River, Pazi Township, Monglong subdivision, Hsipaw State, northern Shan States, Myanmar. Holotype: ZSI F6675/1. Paratypes: ZSI (4). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:121 [ref. 20743]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:363 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus acuticephalus Hora 1929 -- (Menon 1987:132 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:468 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Schistura acuticephalus (Hora 1929) -- (Kottelat 1990:97 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Ou et al. 2011:197 [ref. 31692]). •Valid as Schistura acuticephala (Hora 1929) -- (Kottelat 2012:104 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:574 [ref. 32971], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Shangningam et al. 2014:189 [ref. 33318], Endruweit 2014:360 [ref. 33494] questioning generic placement, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[5] [ref. 33603]). Current status: Valid as Schistura acuticephala (Hora 1929). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Myanmar and Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. afasciata, Schistura Mirza [M. R.] & Bănărescu [P. M.] in Mirza, Nalbant & Bănărescu 1981:119, Figs. 35-39 [Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde v. 51 (no. 1); ref. 5390] Havelian on the Dor River, northern Pakistan. Holotype (unique): ISBB 3368. •Synonym of Nemacheilus arifi (Mirza & Bănărescu 1981) -- (Menon 1987:68 [ref. 14149] but as Noemacheilus arafi, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:470 [ref. 20764] as arafi). •Valid as Schistura afasciata Mirza & Bănărescu 1981 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:441 [ref. 23187], Kullander et al. 1999:153 [ref. 23689], Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:13 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:104 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura afasciata Mirza & Bănărescu 1981. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. aizawlensis, Schistura Lalramliana [no initials] 2012:98, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 23 (no. 2); ref. 32294] Mizoram, Muthi River, a tributary of Tuirial River in vicinity of Zembawk, Aizawl, l3°44'54"N, 62°45'27, India. Holotype: PUCMF 11026. Paratypes: PUCMF. Awaiting original. •Valid as Schistura aizawlensis Lalramliana 2012 -- (Kottelat 2012:105 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Solo et al. 2014:258 [ref. 33517], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Khynrian & Sen 2014:14 [ref. 33853]). Current status: Valid as Schistura aizawlensis Lalramliana 2012. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mizoram, northeastern India. Habitat: freshwater. albirostris, Schistura Chen [X.-Y.] & Neely [D. A.] 2012:222, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa No. 3586; ref. 32332] Longchuanjiang near Shuang Zhu Yuang village, approximately 3 km upstream of Qiao Tou village, Jie Tou township, Tengchong County, Yunnan, China, 25°30'11"N, 98°39'15", elevation 1573 meters. Holotype: KIZ 20060415122. Paratypes: CAS 224427 (1), 224631 (12); KIZ 2006041523 (1), Plus non-type material. Type catalog: Du et al. 2013:352 [ref. 32939]. •Valid as Schistura albirostris Chen & Neely 2012 -- (Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:131 [ref. 34477], Endruweit 2017:399 [ref. 35191], Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014]). Current status: Valid as Schistura albirostris Chen & Neely 2012. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: East Asia: Irrawaddy River drainage, Yunnan (China). IUCN (2024): Not Assessed. Habitat: freshwater. albisella, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:692, Figs. 1-6 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 65; ref. 35677] Houay Hok, a small creek entering Nam Ngiep, about 3.5 km south of Ban Soppouan on road to Ban Sopyouak, Nam Ngiep drainage, Khon District, Saysomboune Province, Laos, 18°44'57"N, 103°25'28"E, elevation 261 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2768.031. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. •Valid as Schistura albisella Kottelat 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura albisella Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Ngiep drainage, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. alboguttata, Schistura Cao [L.] & Zhang [E] 2018:127, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa 4471 (no. 1); ref. 36108] Leli-He, flowing into the You-Jiang of the upper Pearl River basin at Leli Town, Tianlin County, Guangxi Province, South China, about 24°17'44" N, 106°13'33" E, elevation 310 meters. Holotype: IHB 2008050102. Paratypes: IHB. •Valid as Schistura alboguttata Cao & Zhang 2018. Current status: Valid as Schistura alboguttata Cao & Zhang 2018. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: East Asia: upper Pearl River basin, Guangxi (China). IUCN (2024): Not Assessed. Habitat: freshwater. alticrista, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:98, Figs. 68-69 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Amphoe Khum Huan, Tambon Muang Bon, Huei Nong Heng, Mae La Ka, Mae Hong Son Province, Salween basin, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27472 [now ZRC 38469] [ex NIFI 2059]. Paratypes: NIFI 2059 (2), plus additional non-type material. Type catalog: Neumann 2011:240 [ref. 31652]. •Valid as Schistura alticrista Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Freyhof & Serov 2001:158 [ref. 25364], Vishwanath & Shanta 2004:140 [ref. 27862], Zhou & Kottelat 2005:20 [ref. 28350], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2011:5 [ref. 31362], Kottelat 2012:105 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2014:24 [ref. 33197], Kottelat 2023:527 [ref. 40452]). Current status: Valid as Schistura alticrista Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: upper Salween River basin, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. altipedunculatus, Noemacheilus Bănărescu [P. M.] & Nalbant [T. T.] 1968:337, Pl. 1 (fig. 10); Figs. 7-8 [Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut v. 65; ref. 6554] Mandurli, northern Canara, Kati River drainage, 15°05'N, 74°25'E, northern Karnataka, India. Holotype: ZMH H3618. Paratypes: ZMH H3619 (3). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Synonym of Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867 -- (Menon 1987:93 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:477 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Schistura altipedunculata (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1968) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187] as altipedunculatus, Kottelat 2012:105 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:107 [ref. 35539]). Current status: Valid as Schistura altipedunculata (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1968). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Karnataka, India. Habitat: freshwater. altuscauda, Schistura Chen [M.-F.], Myint [K. M.], Chu [L.] & Chen [X.-Y.] 2020:95, Figs. 10-14 [Zootaxa 4895 (no. 1); ref. 38014] Htin stream, Mindat Town, Chin State, Myanmar, 22°21'31"N, 94°4'28"E, elevation 441 meters. Holotype: KIZ 2018002400. Paratypes: KIZ, SEABRI. •Valid as Schistura altuscauda Chen, Myint, Chu & Chen 2020. Current status: Valid as Schistura altuscauda Chen, Myint, Chu & Chen 2020. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Upper Irrawaddy River drainage, Chin State, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. amplizona, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:54, Fig. 24 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam tha at Ban Finho, about 14 kilometers north of Luang Nam Tha, 21°04'44"N, 101°24'09"E, Louangnamtha Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45321. Paratypes: CMK 14266 (5), 14283 (7); LARRI uncat. (3); NRM 44888 (3); ZRC 45322 (3). •Valid as Schistura amplizona Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:101 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:105 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:131 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura amplizona Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia, East Asia: Mekong basin (Laos and China). IUCN (2012): Data Deficient. Habitat: freshwater. anambarensis, Noemacheilus Mirza [M. R.] & Bănărescu [P. M.] in Mirza, Bănărescu & Nalbant 1970:51, Figs. 4-5 [Biologia (Lahore) v. 16 (no. 1); ref. 7761] Anambar River at Loralai, eastern Baluchistan, Pakistan. Holotype: IBTS 1364. Paratypes: IBTS 1942 (4), IBTS 1942 (1), Mirza priv. coll. (orig. 4), ZMA 114459 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:31 [ref. 19236], Menon 1987:68 [ref. 14149]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus baluchiorum Zugmayer 1912 -- (Menon 1987:65 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:471 [ref. 20764]). •Synonym of Schistura balachiorum [sic] (Zugmayer 1912), but at least subspecifically distinct -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:441 [ref. 23187]). •Valid as Schistura anambarensis (Mirza & Bănărescu 1970) -- (Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:14 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:105 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura anambarensis (Mirza & Bănărescu 1970). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. andrewi, Schistura Solo [B.], Lalramliana [no initials], Lalronunga [S.] & Lalnuntluanga [no initials] 2014:254, Figs. 1-2 [Zootaxa 3860 (no. 3); ref. 33517] Mizoram, Mat River, tributary of Kaladan River, 23°20'04'N, 92°50'01'E, India. Holotype: PUCMF 14001. Paratypes: PUCMF 14002 (8), MZUBM/F. 14000-140003 (3). •Valid as Schistura andrewi Solo, Lalramliana, Lalronunga & Lalnuntluanga 2014. Current status: Valid as Schistura andrewi Solo, Lalramliana, Lalronunga & Lalnuntluanga 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mat River, Mizoram, India. Habitat: freshwater. antennata, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:140, Figs. 8-10 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Stream at Son Kim, 18°24.25'N, 105°11.10'E, Ha Tinh Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 27934. Paratypes: CMK 16673 (3), ZFMK 27953-41 (7). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:112 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura antennata Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:105 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:72 [ref. 35486], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura antennata Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Song Lam basin, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. aramis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:54, Fig. 25 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Chik, about 2 kilometers east of Muang Mai, 21°10'26"N, 102°44'06"E, Phongsali Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45323. Paratypes: CMK 14148 (10), LARRI uncat. (2), NRM 44910 (2), ZRC 45324 (2). •Valid as Schistura aramis Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:101 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:105 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Taki et al. 2021:207 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura aramis Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Nam Ou River drainage, northern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. arifi, Schistura Mirza [M. R.] & Bănărescu [P. M.] in Mirza, Nalbant & Bănărescu 1981:113, Figs. 16-20 [Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde v. 51 (no. 1); ref. 5390] Zhob City on Zhob River, Baluchistan, Pakistan. Holotype: ISBB 3775. Paratypes: ISBB 3376 (1), ZMA 116442 (1), Mirza priv. coll. (2). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:35 [ref. 19236]. •Valid as Nemacheilus arifi (Mirza & Bănărescu 1981) -- (Menon 1987:68 [ref. 14149] as Neomacheilus arafi, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:470 [ref. 20764] as arafi). •Valid as Schistura arifi Mirza & Bănărescu 1981 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:441 [ref. 23187], Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Kottelat 2012:105 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura arifi Mirza & Bănărescu 1981. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. arunachalensis, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:129, Pl. 16 (fig. 10) [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Riwa River at Manpong [Nampong], Arunachal Pradesh, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F572. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F73 (2). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Noemacheilus arunachalensis Datta & Barman 1984, replaced by Schistura tirapensis Kottelat 1990 and by Noemacheilus dattai Menon 1999. See Das 2003:365 [ref. 27706]. •Treated as valid as Nemacheilus arunachalensis Menon 1987 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:470 [ref. 20764], Karmakar 2000:30 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Schistura tirapensis Kottelat 1990 -- (Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Schistura tirapensis Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. ataranensis, Schistura Dvořák [T.], Bohlen [J.], Kottelat [M.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2023:11, Figs. 3A, 5A [Scientific Reports v. 13: 16996; ref. 40537] Upper Ataran basin, Andaman Sea basin, Kayin Province, Myanmar. Holotype: ZRC 61579. Paratypes: CMK, IAPG. •Valid as Schistura ataranensis Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Current status: Valid as Schistura ataranensis Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: upper Ataran River basin, Kayin Province, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. athos, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:55, Fig. 26 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Houn, about 3 kilometers upstream of Ban Houay Lek, in gorges, about 20°32'32"N, 102°40'51"E, Louangphabang Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45325. Paratypes: CMK 14021 (21), 14095 (9); LARRI uncat. (8); NRM 44889 (8); ZRC 45326 (8). •Valid as Schistura athos Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:101 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841], Taki et al. 2021:213 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura athos Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Nam Ou drainage, northern Laos and northwestern Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. atra, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:69, Figs. 107, 108 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Upper Nam Theun, 17°59'31"N, 105°27'49"E, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 41792. Paratypes: CMK 12529 (1), 12629 (1), 12645 (2); DFV uncat. (1); NRM 36706 (1). •Valid as Schistura atra Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2001:104 [ref. 25780], Kangrang et al. 2012:75 [ref. 32324], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:704 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura atra Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Theun watershed, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. aurantiaca, Schistura Plongsesthee [R.], Page [L. M.] & Beamish [W.] 2011:170, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 22 (no. 2); ref. 31357] Kwai Noi River system, Khayeng River at Route 3272 bridge, 14°39'35"N, 98°32'01"E, Mae Khlong basin, Thong Pha Phum, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. Holotype: UF 178532. Paratypes: Many at UF, NIFI, USNM, ZRC. Plus non-type material. •Valid as Schistura aurantiaca Plongsesthee, Page & Beamish 2011 -- (Page et al. 2012:327 [ref. 32342], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Plongsesthee et al. 2013:178 [ref. 33012], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Dvořák et al. 2023:6 [ref. 40537]). Current status: Valid as Schistura aurantiaca Plongsesthee, Page & Beamish 2011. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: upper Mae Khlong, upper Moei and upper Ataran River drainages, western Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. bachmaensis, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:143, Figs. 11-13 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Stream Suoi Voi at Thua Luu, 55 kilometers south of Hue, 16°14.58'N, 107°59.39'E, Thua Thien Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 27942. Paratypes: CMK 16674 (1), ZFMK 27943 (1). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:112 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura bachmaensis Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura bachmaensis Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thua Tien province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. bairdi, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:55, Fig. 27 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Mekong mainstream at Ban Hang Khone below Khone Falls, Champasak Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45327. Paratypes: CMK 15902 (4), LARRI uncat. (1). •Valid as Schistura bairdi Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:104 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura bairdi Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. balteatus, Nemacheilus Rendahl [H.] 1948:42, Figs. 20-23 [Arkiv för Zoologi v. 40 A (no. 7); ref. 19694] Melwedaung, Tenasserim, Myanmar. Holotype: NRM 14741. Paratypes: NRM 10741 (orig. 19, now 17), ZMA 119971 (1), ZSM [ex NRM] (2). •Synonym of Nemacheilus cincticauda (Blyth 1860) -- (Menon 1987:123 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:475 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Schistura balteata (Rendahl 1948) -- (Kottelat 1990:102 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:174 [ref. 31357], Page et al. 2012:327 [ref. 32342], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Plongsesthee et al. 2013:171 [ref. 33012], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Dvořák et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40537]). Current status: Valid as Schistura balteata (Rendahl 1948). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mahlve Taung mountain rang, Tenasserim, Myanmar and upper Khwae Noiu, Mae Klong River drainage, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. bannaensis, Schistura Chen [Z.-M.], Yang [J.-X.] & Qi [W.-L.] 2005:147, Fig. 1 [Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica v. 29 (no. 2); ref. 28288] Nanla River basin, Mengla County, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype (unique): KIZ 200107. Type catalog: Du et al. 2013:352 [ref. 32939]. •Valid as Schistura bannaensis Chen, Yang & Qi 2005 -- (Zheng et al. 2012:66 [ref. 32070], Chen & Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:131 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura bannaensis Chen, Yang & Qi 2005. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Nanla [Nanlahe] River basin, Yunnan (China). IUCN (2024): Not Assessed. Habitat: freshwater. beavani, Nemachilus Günther [A.] 1868:350 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 7; ref. 1990] Kossye River, Uttar Pradesh, India. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1867.5.12.35. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Nemacheilus beavani Günther 1868 -- (Shrestha 1978:37 [ref. 15970] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1987:84 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:168 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Ataur Rahman 1989:148 [ref. 24860] as Nemachilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:472 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:546 [ref. 23778], Karmakar 2000:30 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura beavani (Günther 1868) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Ataur Rahman 2003:167 [ref. 31338], Kottelat et al. 2007:40 [ref. 28942], Shrestha 2008:131 [ref. 29923], Conway et al. 2011:1746 [ref. 31594], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:1065 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Khynrian & Sen 2014:14 [ref. 33853], Bleher 2018:206 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura beavani (Günther 1868). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Himalaya Foothills, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. bhimachari, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1937:13, Fig. 5 [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 39 (pt 1); ref. 15279] Thunga River at Shimoga, Karnataka, southern India. Holotype: ZSI F12178/1. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:122 [ref. 20743]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:363 [ref. 27706]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus striatus Day 1867 -- (Menon 1987:113 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:505 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:180 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid species, genus uncertain -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:445 [ref. 23187]). •Synonym of Longischistura striatus (Day 1867). •Valid as Schistura bhimachari (Hora 1937) -- (Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539]). Current status: Valid as Schistura bhimachari (Hora 1937). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southern India. Habitat: freshwater. bolavenensis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:56, Fig. 28 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Huay Makchan-Gnai (Xe Nam Noy basin), south of Ban Taot, at turnoff to Xe Nam Noy Project, on road from pakse to Attapu, 15°04'14"N, 106°32'33"E, Champasak Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45328. Paratypes: CMK 15520 (17), LARRI uncat. (5), NRM 44890 (5), ZRC 45329 (5). •Valid as Schistura bolavenensis Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:104 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:355 [ref. 35511], Taki et al. 2021:214 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura bolavenensis Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, Bolaven Plateau, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. breviceps, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:308, Fig. 63 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Menam Mao, tributary of Menam Fang, Mekong basin, northern Thailand. Holotype (unique): USNM 117751. Type catalog: Vilasri et al. 2018:57 [ref. 36451]. Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura breviceps (Smith 1945) -- (Kottelat 1990:108 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Vilasri et al. 2018:57 [ref. 36451], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura breviceps (Smith 1945). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River system (Thailand to Yunnan/China). Habitat: freshwater. bucculentus, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:326, Fig. 74 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Huey Nam Puat at Ban Nam Puat, Laos. Holotype: USNM 107942. Paratypes: USNM 107896 (1), 107945 (1). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura bucculenta (Smith 1945) -- (Zhu 1989:43 [ref. 17744], Kottelat 1990:112 [ref. 14137], Zhu 1995:110 [ref. 25213], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Chen 1999:304 [ref. 24925], Kottelat 2001:104 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347], Taki et al. 2021:209 [ref. 39830], Kottelat 2023:529 [ref. 40452]). Current status: Valid as Schistura bucculenta (Smith 1945). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: upper Mekong River basin, northern Laos and Yunnan (China). Habitat: freshwater. callichromus, Noemacheilus Zhu [S.-Q.] & Wang [S.-H.] 1985:214 [220], Figs. 13-17 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 10 (no. 2); ref. 8120] Babianjiang River, 24°20'N, 100°10'E, Jingdong County, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: NIGLAS 810233. Paratypes: IHB F1969/44112-13 (2), NIGLAS (orig. 19). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. English description on p. 220. •Valid as Schistura callichromus (Zhu & Wang 1985) -- (Zhu 1989:53 [ref. 17744], Zhu 1995:111 [ref. 25213], Kottelat 2001:47 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Endruweit 2014:153 [ref. 33205]). •Valid as Schistura callichroma Zhu & Eang 1985 -- (Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:88, 92 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2015:65 [ref. 33868], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477], Endruweit 2017:591 [ref. 35662]). Current status: Valid as Schistura callichroma (Zhu & Wang 1985). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. callidora, Schistura Bohlen [J.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2011:2, Figs. 1-3 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 22 (no. 1); ref. 31362] Mouth of Nam Paw at confluence with Myitnge River at Hsipaw city, 22°37'24"N, 97°18'12"E, Shan State, Myanmar. Holotype: ZRC 52037. Paratypes: CMK 21899 (1), IAPG A3909=3910 (2), ZRC 52038 (4). •Valid as Schistura callidora Bohlen & Šlechtová 2011 -- (Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:4 [ref. 32463], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Bohlen et al. 2014:24 [ref. 33197], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 33238]). Current status: Valid as Schistura callidora Bohlen & Šlechtová 2011. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Myit Nge River drainage, Irrawaddy River basin, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. carbonaria, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:145, Figs. 14-16 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Stream Khe Vinh An at Nam Dong village about 40 kilometers south of Hue, 16°11.58'N, 107°43.76'E, Thua Thien Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 26593. Paratypes: CMK 16015 (4); ZFMK 26594-653 (60), 26654-64 (11), 26665-69 (5), Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:112 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura carbonaria Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura carbonaria Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thua Thien province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. carletoni, Nemacheilus Fowler [H. W.] 1924:68, Fig. 2 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 76; ref. 15446] Kooloo [= Kulu] Valley, India. Holotype: MCZ 18748. •Valid as Nemacheilus carletoni Fowler 1924 -- (Menon 1987:55 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:475 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:169 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:30 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura carletoni (Fowler 1924) -- (Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Khynrian & Sen 2014:15 [ref. 33853], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517]). Current status: Valid as Schistura carletoni (Fowler 1924). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Assam, Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh, India. Habitat: freshwater. cataracta, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:70, Figs. 109-110 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Theun, waterfall at 18°01'40"N, 104°58'54"E, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 41793. Paratypes: CMK 12254 (58), 14356 (5); DFV uncat. (10); NRM 36707 (8); ZRC 41794 (8). •Valid as Schistura cataracta Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2001:104 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:704 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura cataracta Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Theun watershed, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. caudofurca, Barbatula Mai [D. Y.] 1978:233, Fig. 106 [Identification of the fresh-water fishes of North Viet Nam v. 1; ref. 13511] Nâm-Công (Mã River), northern Vietnam. Syntypes: DVZUT. •Valid as Schistura caudofurca (Mai 1978) -- (Kottelat 2001:47 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2001:104 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:153 [ref. 33205], Endruweit 2015:65 [ref. 33868], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841], Taki et al. 2021:218 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura caudofurca (Mai 1978). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: northern Vietnam, Laos and southeast China. Habitat: freshwater. chapaensis, Nemacheilus Rendahl [H.] 1944:35, Fig. 18 [Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps-och Vitterhets-Samhälles Handlingar (Ser. 6 B) v. 3 (no. 3); ref. 3705] Sapa, Láo Chi Province, Vietnam. Holotype: NHMG. •Valid as Barbatula chapaensis (Rendahl 1944) -- (Mai 1978:237 [ref. 13511]). •Synonym of Nemacheilus fasciolatus (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zhu & Cao 1987:327 [ref. 14139] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Schistura fasciolata (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zhu 1989:47 [ref. 17744]). •Valid as Schistura chapaensis (Rendahl 1944) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Kottelat 2001:47 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura chapaensis (Rendahl 1944). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Láo Chi Province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. chindwinicus, Nemacheilus Tilak [R.] & Husain [A.] 1990:51, Figs. 1-5 [Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin v. 66 (no. 1); ref. 20185] Brahmaputra basin, Lanjha stream, Manipur, India. Holotype (unique): NRS/ZSI F613. •Valid as Nemacheilus chindwinicus Tilak & Husain 1990 -- (Karmakar 2000:30 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura chindwinica (Tilak & Husain 1990) -- (Vishwanath & Nebeshwar 2004:326 [ref. 28011], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1518 [ref. 31183], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:261 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor et al. 2013:587 [ref. 32764], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:574 [ref. 32971], Khynrian & Sen 2014:15 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:189 [ref. 33318], Solo et al. 2014:258 [ref. 33517], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[5] [ref. 33603], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Bleher 2018:208 [ref. 36647], Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483], Vishwanath 2021:373 [ref. 41793]). Current status: Valid as Schistura chindwinica (Tilak & Husain 1990). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Barak River drainage, Brahmaputra River basin, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. chryseus, Nemacheilus Day [F.] 1873:529 [The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology v. 11; ref. 17368] Bowany River, Neilgherries, India. Syntypes: (3) AMS B.7489 (1). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:156 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:296 [ref. 25110]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867 -- (Menon 1987:93 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:171 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Schistura denisoni (Day 1867) -- (Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura denisoni (Day 1867). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. cincticauda, Cobitis Blyth [E.] 1860:172 [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 29 (no. 2); ref. 477] Mae Nam Moei watershed, about 30 km north of Mae Sot, Myanmar [Tenasserim Provinces]. Neotype: ZSM 27474 [ex ZRC 38458 and NIFI 2060]. Type catalog: Neumann 2011:239 [ref. 31652]. Holotype at ZSI lost; neotype designated by Kottelat 1990:118 [ref. 14137]. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Valid as Nemacheilus cincticauda (Blyth 1961) -- (Menon 1987:123 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:475 [ref. 20764], Sen 1999:198 [ref. 24750] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura cincticauda (Blyth 1860) -- (Kottelat 1990:115 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187] as cicticauda, Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:173 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:197 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Plongsesthee et al. 2013:178 [ref. 33012], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:358 [ref. 33494], Khynrian & Sen 2014:15 [ref. 33853], Dvořák et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40537]). Current status: Valid as Schistura cincticauda (Blyth 1860). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Moei River drainage, Salween basin, Myanmar and Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. clatrata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:56, Fig. 29 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Cha Ngao, an east side tributary of Xe Kong, entering it about 8 kilometers upriver of Muang Kaleum, 15°46'08"N, 106°45'54"E, Xekong Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45330. Paratypes: CMK 15800 (31), LARRI uncat. (8), NRM 44911 (8), ZRC 45331 (8). •Valid as Schistura clatrata Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:104 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:72 [ref. 35486], Kottelat 2017:356 [ref. 35511], Taki et al. 2021:204 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura clatrata Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, southern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. colossa, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:342, Figs. 2-6 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 65; ref. 35511] Xe Pian at dam site, near Ban Nongphanouan, Bolaven Plateau, Champasak Province, Laos, 15°03'28"N, 106°31'29"E, elevation 757 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2767.084. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. Plus non-type material. •Valid as Schistura colossa Kottelat 2017 -- (Taki et al. 2021:221 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura colossa Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Bolaven Plateau, southern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. conirostris, Nemachilus Zhu [S.-Q.] 1982:104 [110], Fig. 1 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 8388] Lancang River, Jinghong County, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: NPIB 780464. Paratypes: NPIB (9). Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. English description on p. 110. •Valid as Schistura conirostris (Zhu 1982) -- (Zhu 1989:40 [ref. 17744], Zhu 1995:109 [ref. 25213], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura conirostris (Zhu 1982). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River sysem (Yunnan/China). Habitat: freshwater. coruscans, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:57, Fig. 30 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Sala Yai, a tributary of Nam San, 18°35'17"N, 103°05'00"E, Saisomboun Special Zone, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45332. Paratypes: CMK 13355 (59), LARRI uncat. (10), NRM 44891 (10), ZRC 45333 (10). •Valid as Schistura coruscans Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:145, 150 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:105 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804] as corruscans, Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:704 [ref. 35677], Taki et al. 2021:205 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura coruscans Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, Laos and possibly northeastern Cambodia. Habitat: freshwater. crabro, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:57, Fig. 31 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Ngiap, Bolikhamsai Province, Laos. Holotype (unique): ZRC 45334. •Valid as Schistura crabro Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:105 [ref. 25780], Vidthayanon 2003:310 [ref. 27398], Chen et al. 2005:148 [ref. 28288], Zheng et al. 2012:66 [ref. 32070], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:704 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura crabro Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Xan watershed, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. crassa, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:700, Figs. 16-20 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 65; ref. 35677] Nam Pouan [Nam Phouan], upstream of Ban Soppouan, about 300 m upstream of confluence with Nam Ngiep, Khon District, Saysomboune Province, Laos, 18°46'57"N, 103°25'58"E, elevation 244 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2768.033. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. •Valid as Schistura crassa Kottelat 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura crassa Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Ngiep drainage, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. crocotula, Schistura Plongsesthee [R.], Kottelat [M.] & Beamish [F. W. H.] 2013:172, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no. 2); ref. 33012] Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, Bang Saphan, Khanan River, Thailand. Holotype: NIFI 4676. Paratypes: BMNH 2012.10.4.1-4 (4); CMK 21984 (6), 21985 (7), 16458 (2); NIFI 4677 (2),4678 (1); ZRC 53549 (4). Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Schistura crocotula Plongsesthee, Kottelat & Beamish 2013 -- (Dvořák et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40537]). Current status: Valid as Schistura crocotula Plongsesthee, Kottelat & Beamish 2013. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Bang Saphan and Pranburi River drainages, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, Thailand and Lenya River drainage, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. cryptofasciata, Schistura Chen [X.-Y.], Kong [D.-P.] & Yang [J.-X.] 2005:28, Figs. 2-3 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Suppl. no. 13; ref. 28352] Nanting River, 23°58'N, 99°39'E, tributary to Salween River, Great Snow Mountain Township, Yongde County, incang Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, elevation 690 meters. Holotype: KIZ 20026453. Paratypes: KIZ 20026449, 54-55, and 57 (4), 20026336, 37, and 39 (3); ZRC (1). Type catalog: Du et al. 2013:352 [ref. 32939].as crytofasciata. •Valid as Schistura cryptofasciata Chen, Kong & Yang 2005 -- (Zheng et al. 2012:63 [ref. 32070], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:60 [ref. 33202], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477], Endruweit 2017:399 [ref. 35191], Endruweit 2017:591 [ref. 35662]). Current status: Valid as Schistura cryptofasciata Chen, Kong & Yang 2005. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nanting River drainage, Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. curtistigma, Schistura Mirza [M. R.] & Nalbant [T. T.] in Mirza, Nalbant & Bănărescu 1981:114, Figs. 21-25 [Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde v. 51 (no. 1); ref. 5390] Bannu on the Kurram River, NW Frontier Province, Pakistan. Holotype: ISBB 3776. Paratypes: ISBB 3377 (1), 3389 (1); ZMA 116443 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:35 [ref. 19236]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus arifi (Mirza & Bănărescu 1981) -- (Menon 1987:68 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus arafi, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:470 [ref. 20764] as arafi). •Valid as Schistura curtistigma Mirza & Nalbant 1981 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:441 [ref. 23187], Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2000:356 [ref. 25207], Mirza 2003:14 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura curtistigma Mirza & Nalbant 1981. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. dalatensis, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:150, Figs. 19-21 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Stream running into River Dai Tan, about 30 kilometers south of Da Lat, 11°46.64'N, 108°19.28'E, Lam Dong Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 23906. Paratypes: CMK 15999 (8); ZFMK 23641-52 (12), 23759-61 (3). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:112 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura dalatensis Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:356 [ref. 35511], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura dalatensis Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Lam Dong province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. dattai, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1999:170 [Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Occasional Paper No. 175; ref. 24904] Riwa River at Manpong [Nampong], Arunachal Pradesh, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F572. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F73 (2). Unneeded replacement name for Noemacheilus arunachalensis Menon 1987, preoccupied by Noemacheilus arunachalensis Datta & Barman 1984. Replaced earlier by Kottelat 1990. •Objective synonym of Schistura tirapensis Kottelat 1990 -- (Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Schistura tirapensis Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. daubentoni, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:118, Figs. 85-86 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Bridge on Prek Preas at kilometer 369 of road from Saigon to Stung Treng, near Ph Khsang Hong, 13°09'N, 106°09'E, Cambodia. Holotype: MNHN 1988-0088. Paratypes: CMK 5877 (3), MNHN 1988-0089 (6). •Valid as Schistura daubentoni Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Rainboth 1996:129 [ref. 22772], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:73 [ref. 23436], Kottelat 2001:105 [ref. 25780], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:173 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:193 [ref. 31692], Zheng et al. 2012:66 [ref. 32070], Chen & Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Taki et al. 2021:217 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura daubentoni Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, Laos and northern Cambodia. Habitat: freshwater. dayi, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1935:57 [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 37 (pt 1); ref. 13886] Near Raniganj, Chota-Nagpur and Northwest Provinces, India. Syntypes: BMNH 1889.2.1.1967-1699 (3). Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. A new name for Nemachilus savona of Day 1878. •Synonym of Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867, but a valid subspecies -- (Menon 1987:99 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:478 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:170 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura dayi (Hora 1935) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187]), Bleher 2018:210 [ref. 36647]. Current status: Valid as Schistura dayi (Hora 1935). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: India and Bangladesh. Habitat: freshwater. deansmarti, Schistura Vidthayanon [C.] & Kottelat [M.] 2003:168, Fig. 6 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 26859] Tham [= cave] Phra Sai Ngam, about 200 meters from entrance, Thung Salaeng Luang National Park, Phitsanulok Province, Thailand, 16°37'22"N, 100°39'47"E. Holotype: NIFI 3152. Paratypes: CMK 17295 (2), NIFI 3154 (6). •Valid as Schistura deansmarti Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003 -- (Proudlove 2006:100 [ref. 28992], Kottelat 2012:341 [ref. 32232], Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura deansmarti Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Phitsanulok Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. defectiva, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:58, Fig. 32 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Ngum at Ban Phianglouang, 19°31'21"N, 103°03'58"E, Xiangkhouang Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45335. Paratypes: CMK 15215 (60), LARRI uncat. (10), NRM 44908 (10), ZRC 45336 (10). •Valid as Schistura defectiva Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:145 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:105 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:89 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:704 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura defectiva Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Ngiep watershed, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. deignani, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:320, Fig. 70 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Mountain brooks on Kao Sabap, near Chantabun, southeastern Thailand. Holotype: USNM 107946. Paratypes: USNM 107943 (14, now 6), 217585 [ex 107943] (8). Type catalog: Vilasri et al. 2018:58 [ref. 36451]. Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura deignani (Smith 1945) -- (Chen 1999:304 [ref. 24925] as degnani). •Synonym of Schistura kohchangensis (Smith 1933) -- (Kottelat 1990:138 [ref. 14137], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Vilasri et al. 2018:58 [ref. 36451]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura kohchangensis (Smith 1933). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. denisoni, Nemacheilus Day [F.] 1867:287 [7] [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1867 (pt 2) (art. 5); ref. 14043] Bowany River, base of Nilgiris, India [Bhavani River, Cauvery River system, southern Western Ghats]. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7507 (1, non-type); BMNH 1867.7.24.29 (1); NMW 48406 (1); RMNH 8759 [?= 2661] (1); ZIN 8283 (5); ZMB 10800 (1); ZSI 2682 (1, lost), A.962 (1, lost). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:156 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:296 [ref. 25110]. On p. 7 of separate. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Valid as Schistura denisoni subspecies denisoni (Day 1867) -- (Sreekantha et al. 2006:2216 [ref. 28597]). •Valid as Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867, subspecies denisoni -- (Menon 1999:170 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Raju Thomas et al. 2002:50 [ref. 26359]). •Valid as Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867 -- (Menon 1987:93 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:476 [ref. 20764], Indra 1991:240 [ref. 24005] as Noemacheilus, Rema Devi 1993:357 [ref. 24007] as Noemacheilus, Singh & Yazdani 1993:199 [ref. 24022] as Noemacheilus, Easa & Shaji 1996:305 [ref. 24977] as Noemacheilus, Manimekalan 1998:439 [ref. 24989] as Noemacheilus, Rema Devi & Raghunathan 1999:155 [ref. 24759] as Noemacheilus, Yadav 2003:17 [ref. 27711], Kurup & Radhakrishnan 2005:77 [ref. 28530] as denisonii, Arunkumar & Manimekalan 2018:1739 [ref. 36172], Bleher 2018:164 [ref. 36647] as denisonii). •Valid as Schistura denisoni (Day 1867) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187] as denisonii, Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539], Sudasinghe 2018:491 [ref. 35942], Praveenraj et al. 2020:55 [ref. 37848], Anoop et al. 2024:118 [ref. 41671]). Current status: Valid as Schistura denisoni (Day 1867). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Western Ghats (Karnataka, southern India). Habitat: freshwater. desmotes, Nemacheilus Fowler [H. W.] 1934:107, Fig. 59 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 86; ref. 1417] Chieng Mai, northern Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 60082. Paratypes: ANSP 60083 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:63 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Schistura thai (Fowler 1934) -- (Zhu 1989:46 [ref. 17744]). •Valid as Schistura desmotes (Fowler 1934) -- (Kottelat 1990:120 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2000:66 [ref. 25040], Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003:172 [ref. 26859], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:174 [ref. 31357], Page et al. 2012:327 [ref. 32342], Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367], Singer & Page 2012:351 [ref. 32390], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura desmotes (Fowler 1934). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mae Ping and Mae Khlong basins, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. devdevi, Noemacheilus Hora [S. L.] 1935:54, Pl. 3 (figs. 5-6) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 37 (pt 1); ref. 13886] Eastern Himalayas; small streams below Darjeeling and Sikkim, India. Holotype: ZSI F11752/1. Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:363 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus devdevi Hora 1935 -- (Menon 1987:59 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:478 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:547 [ref. 23778], Menon 1999:172 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Kundu 2000:96 [ref. 25663], Karmakar 2000:30 [ref. 25662] as Neomacheilus). •Valid as Schistura devdevi (Hora 1935) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594], Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[5] [ref. 33603], Khynrian & Sen 2014:16 [ref. 33853], Bleher 2018:212 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura devdevi (Hora 1935). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Eastern Himalayas, India and Nepal. Habitat: freshwater. diminuta, Schistura Ou [C.], Montaña [C. G.], Winemiller [K. O.] & Conway [K. W.] 2011:194, Figs. 1-3 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 22 (no. 3) [for Sept.]; ref. 31692] Mekong River drainage, lower Sekong River in Siem Pang district, 14°07'11.88"N, 106°23'11.36"E, Stung Treng province, Cambodia. Holotype: ZRC 53105. Paratypes: IFReDI uncat. (1), TCWC 14766.01 (2 c&s), ZRC 53106 (1). •Valid as Schistura diminuta Ou, Montaña, Winemiller & Conway 2011 -- (Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:60 [ref. 33202]). Current status: Valid as Schistura diminuta Ou, Montaña, Winemiller & Conway 2011. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Sekong River, Mekong River drainage, Cambodia. Habitat: freshwater. disparizona, Schistura Zhou [W.] & Kottelat [M.] 2005:17, Figs. 1-2 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Suppl. no. 13; ref. 28350] Cangyuan, Nangun River (a Salween River tributary), 0.5 kilometers to Manglai on road from Banhong to Mangku, 23°16.49'N, 99°04.34'E, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: SWFC 0203035. Paratypes: SWFC 0203036-41 (6), 0203044-54 (11), 0203067 (1), 9503001-03 (3)9902140 (1); ZMK 18395 (2). •Valid as Schistura disparizona Zhou & Kottelat 2005 -- (Bohlen & Šlechtová 2011:5 [ref. 31362], Zheng et al. 2012:63 [ref. 32070], Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477], Endruweit 2017:399 [ref. 35191], Endruweit 2017:149 [ref. 35362]). Current status: Valid as Schistura disparizona Zhou & Kottelat 2005. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: River Nangun, tributary of Salween, Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. doonensis, Noemacheilus Tilak [R.] & Husain [A.] 1977:133, Fig. 1 [Science and Culture v. 43 (no. 3); ref. 7290] Small stream near village of Kandholi, on way to Doonga District, Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh, India. Holotype: ZSI/NRS/V-1090. Paratypes: ZSI/NRS/V-1091 (45), V-1092 (84) Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:366 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus doonensis Tilak & Husain 1977 -- (Menon 1987:57 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:479 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:172 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:30 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura doonensis (Tilak & Husain 1977) -- (Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Bleher 2018:214 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura doonensis (Tilak & Husain 1977). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Upper Ganges basin, Uttar Pradesh, India. Habitat: freshwater. dorsizona, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:73, Figs. 112-113 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Phao, about 10 kilometers upriver of Ban Nape, Laos, about 18°22'N, 105°08'E. Holotype: ZRC 41795. Paratypes: CMK 12502 (13), 12678 (44), 12686 (10), 12756 (3); DFV uncat. (6); NRM 36708 (5); ZRC 41796 (5). Species epithet is a noun in apposition. •Valid as Schistura dorsizona Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2001:105 [ref. 25780], Vidthayanon 2003:310 [ref. 27398], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Zheng et al. 2012:66 [ref. 32070], Chen & Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25, 28 [ref. 32804], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2014:24 [ref. 33197], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Taki et al. 2021:216 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura dorsizona Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, Laos and Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. dubia, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:123, Figs. 89-90 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Nam Mae Kham Mi, near Ban Mae Krating, road from Nan to Phrae, kilometer 66, 18°22'N, 100°25'E, Phrae Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27475 [now ZRC 38474]. Paratypes: KIZ uncat. (2); CMK 4346 (6), 4348 (5), 4846 (1), 4944 (10), 5002 (13), 5271 (14), 5889 (1); KUMF uncat. (2); NIFI 2183 (2); ROM 51140 (4). Plus additional non-type material. Type catalog: Neumann 2011:240 [ref. 31652]. Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura dubia Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003:172 [ref. 26859], Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar 2006:212 [ref. 28652], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Suvarnaraksha 2015:168 [ref. 33813]). Current status: Valid as Schistura dubia Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Phrae Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. ephelis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:59, Fig. 33 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Sala Yai, a tributary of Nam San, 18°35'17"N, 103°05'00"E, Saisomboun Special zone, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45337. Paratypes: CMK 13356 (32), LARRI uncat. (8), NRM 44892 (8), ZRC 45338 (8). •Valid as Schistura ephelis Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:105 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:88, 91 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Taki et al. 2021:208 [ref. 39830], Kottelat 2023:529 [ref. 40452]). Current status: Valid as Schistura ephelis Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, central Laos. Habitat: freshwater. epixenos, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:45, Figs. 2-6 [Zootaxa 4300 (no. 1); ref. 35502] Nam Kathang Gnai on edge of Nakai Plateau, near Ban Khon Keng, Xe Bangfai drainage, Khammouan Province, Laos, 17°37'06''N, 105°17'51''E. Holotype: MHNG 2767.086. Paratypes: CMK. •Valid as Schistura epixenos Kottelat 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura epixenos Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nakai Plateau, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. falamensis, Schistura Chen [M.-F.], Myint [K. M.], Chu [L.] & Chen [X.-Y.] 2020:87, Figs. 1-7 [Zootaxa 4895 (no. 1); ref. 38014] Main channel of the Manipur River, Falam District, Chin State, Myanmar, 22°57'48"N, 93°41'1"E, elevation 320 meters. Holotype: KIZ 2018002396. Paratypes: KIZ, SEABRI. •Valid as Schistura falamensis Chen, Myint, Chu & Chen 2020. Current status: Valid as Schistura falamensis Chen, Myint, Chu & Chen 2020. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Manipur River drainage, Chin State, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. fasciata, Schistura Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2011:1515, Figs. 1-3 [Journal of Threatened Taxa v. 3 (no. 2); ref. 31183] Barak River at western side of Maram Hill, Senapati District, Manipur, India, 25°23'24.66"N, 94°04'09.25"E. Holotype: MUMF 11010. Paratypes: MUMF 11001-11019 (18), 11020-11021 (2). •Valid as Schistura fasciata Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011 -- (Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:4 [ref. 32463], Lokeshwor et al. 2013:587 [ref. 32764], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:55 [ref. 32801], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Shangningam et al. 2014:189 [ref. 33318], Khynrian & Sen 2014:16 [ref. 33853], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[5] [ref. 33603], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Bleher 2018:218 [ref. 36647], Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483]). Current status: Valid as Schistura fasciata Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Barak-Surma-Meghna River basin, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. fascimaculata, Schistura Mirza [M. R.] & Nalbant [T. T.] in Mirza, Nalbant & Bănărescu 1981:121, Figs. 41-45 [Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde v. 51 (no. 1); ref. 5390] Hangu, Kohat District on the Kohat Toi River, Pakistan. Holotype: ISBB 3371. Paratypes: ISBB 3372 (1), ZMA 116445 (2), Mirza priv. coll. (orig. 5). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:36 [ref. 19236]. •Valid as Nemacheilus fascimaculatus (Mirza & Nalbant 1981) -- (Menon 1987:72 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:481 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Schistura fascimaculata Mirza & Nalbant 1981 -- (Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:14 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura fascimaculata Mirza & Nalbant 1981. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. fasciolata, Homaloptera Nichols [J. T.] & Pope [C. H.] 1927:339, Fig. 11 [Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History v. 54 (art. 2); ref. 5747] Nodoa [= Nada Town], Hainan Island, China. Holotype: AMNH 8365. Paratypes: (several) AMNH 10296 (3, 1 c&s), 10307 (1), 10316 (1). •Valid as Nemacheilus fasciolatus (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Mai 1978:232 [ref. 13511] as Noemacheilus, Chen in Kuang et al. 1986:150 [ref. 26639], Zhu & Cao 1987:327 [ref. 14139], Zheng et al. 1989:50 [ref. 21202], Ye in Pan et al. 1991:242 [ref. 23876]). •Valid as Schistura fasciolata (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zhu 1989:47 [ref. 17744], Ding 1994:57 [ref. 21531], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Zhu 1995:110 [ref. 25213], Chen & Zhang in Chen 1998:54 [ref. 23556], Chen 1999:304 [ref. 24925], Freyhof & Serov 2001:154 [ref. 25364], Tang et al. 2001:14 [ref. 25373], Kottelat 2001:47 [ref. 25482] as cf. fasciolata, Kottelat & Leisher 2012:240 [ref. 32277] as cf. fasciolata, Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477], Endruweit 2017:149 [ref. 35362], Cao & Zhang 2018:134 [ref. 36108], Zhang et al. 2019:369 [ref. 36699]). Current status: Valid as Schistura fasciolata (Nichols & Pope 1927). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Hainan Island, China. Habitat: freshwater. finis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:59, Fig. 34 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Kan, a small creek making the border between Laos and Vietnam at Ban Xayden, 19°28'19"N, 104°05'04"E, Xiangkhouang Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45339. Paratypes: CMK 15271 (8), LARRI uncat. (8), NRM 44912 (8), ZRC 45340 (8). •Valid as Schistura finis Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:153 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:48 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2001:107 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura finis Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. fowlerianus, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:306 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Mepoon [Me poon, = Mae Phun], central Thailand. Lectotype: ANSP 108189. Paralectotypes: ANSP 69962-66 (4); USNM 119700 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:63 [ref. 13621]. Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. Smith designated as holotype ANSP 69961, but it was not separated from other specimens (see Böhlke 1984:63 [ref. 13621]). Lectotype selected by Kottelat 1990:207 [ref. 14137]. •Valid as Schistura fowleriana (Smith 1945) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187]). •Synonym of Schistura sexcauda (Fowler 1937) -- (Kottelat 1990:204 [ref. 14137], Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura sexcauda (Fowler 1937). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. fusinotata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:60, Fig. 35 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Vi at ford downriver (1.5 kilometers NW) of Ban Kasang-Kan, 15°17'55"N, 106°54'10"E, Xekong Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45341. Paratypes: CMK 15577 (4), 15615 (14), 15745 (4); LARRI uncat. (2); ZRC 45342 (2). •Valid as Schistura fusinotata Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:168 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:107 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Taki et al. 2021:218 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura fusinotata Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, southern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. gangeticus, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:82, Pl. 12 (fig. 6) [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Alaknanda River (Ganges River basin) at Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttar Pradesh, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F582. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F583 (40). See Das 2003:366 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus gangeticus Menon 1987 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:481 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:172 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura gangetica (Menon 1990) -- (Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Bleher 2018:220 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura gangetica (Menon 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Upper Ganges basin, India. Habitat: freshwater. geisleri, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:127, Figs. 91-92 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Nam Mae Taeng at Ban Mae Ta Man, 19°12'N, 98°53'E, Chiang Mai Province, Mae Nam Ping basin, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 38475 [now ZRC 27476]. Paratypes: CAS 62553 (4); KIZ uncat. (3); CMK 4007 (14), 4067 (3), 4074 (6), 4276 (4), 4943 (1), 5183 (6), 5206 (12), 5850 (1), 5852 (3); KUMF uncat. (3); MHNG 2081.34 (1), 2157.47 (2); NIFI 2180 (4); NIG uncat. (3); USNM 295778 (1). Type catalog: Neumann 2011:240 [ref. 31652] Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura geisleri Kottelat 1990 -- (Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003:172 [ref. 26859], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2010:319 [ref. 30687], Chen & Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:89 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:60 [ref. 33202]). •Possibly in Mustura -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38288]). Current status: Valid as Schistura geisleri Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Mae Tang drainage, Chiangmai, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. globiceps, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:60, Fig. 36 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Unnamed forest creek tributary to Nam Talan, at about kilometer 60 on road from Oudomxai to Luang Nam Tha, about 3 kilometers south of Ban Nateuy, 20°59'56"N, 101°39'47"E, Louangnamtha Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45343. Paratypes: CMK 14231 (3), LARRI uncat. (1). •Valid as Schistura globiceps Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:107 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura globiceps Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. greenei, Schistura Endruweit [M.] 2017:395, Figs. 1, 2 [Zootaxa 4243 (no. 2); ref. 35191] Nanbanhe River, Nangunhe River drainage, upper Salween, Cangyuan City, Lincang Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, 23°18.543'N, 98°57.322'E, elevation 1056 meters. Holotype: KIZ 2014006034. Paratypes: KIZ, ZFMK-ICH. •Valid as Schistura greenei Endruweit 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura greenei Endruweit 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nangunhe River drainage, upper Salween basin, Yunnan, China. Habitat: freshwater. hagiangensis, Paracobitis Nguyen [V. H.] 2006:565, Fig. 12 [Freshwater fishes of Vietnam v. 2; ref. 29730] Lô River, Hà Giang, Vietnam. Holotype: NCNTTS I, Bac Ninh (lost). Paratypes: (1) lost. Types at RIA 1 [= NCNTTSI] are lost according to Endruweit 2014:144, 152 [ref. 33205]. •Questionably valid as Schistura hagiangensis (Nguyen 2006) -- (Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:190 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Schistura caudofurca (Mai 1978) -- (Endruweit 2014:153 [ref. 33205]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura caudofurca (Mai 1978). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. harnaiensis, Noemacheilus Mirza [M. R.] & Nalbant [T. T.] in Mirza, Bănărescu & Nalbant 1969:89, Pl. 2 (figs. 4-6) [Pakistan Journal of Zoology v. 1 (no. 1); ref. 7836] Harnai, Kaman-Beji River drainage, Baluchistan, Pakistan. Holotype: IBTS 2006. Paratypes: IBTS 1365 (now 4 or 3), 2231 (now 5 or 4); ZMA 114460 (1); ZMH 5965 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:31 [ref. 19236], Wilkens & Dohse 1993:413 [ref. 21161]. Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Synonym of Nemacheilus baluchiorum (Zugmayer 1912) -- (Menon 1987:65 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:471 [ref. 20764]). •Synonym of Schistura baluchiorum (Zugmayer 1912), but at least subspecifically distinct -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:441 [ref. 23187] as balachiorum). •Valid as Schistura harnaiensis (Mirza & Nalbant 1969) -- (Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:14 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura harnaiensis (Mirza & Nalbant 1969). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. hartli, Schistura Dvořák [T.], Bohlen [J.], Kottelat [M.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2023:11, Figs. 3F, 5B [Scientific Reports v. 13: 16996; ref. 40537] Small stream in Khao Sok NP, Surat Thani Province, Thailand, around 8°57'N, 98°36'E. Holotype: ZRC 61581. Paratype: CMK 28810 (1). •Valid as Schistura hartli Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Current status: Valid as Schistura hartli Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Khao Sok NP, Surat Thani Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. himachalensis, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:76, Pl. 16 (fig. 2) [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Himachal Pradesh, Kangra, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F566. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F567 (2). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. Spelled hemachalensis on plate caption, index (2 times), and table of contents; himachalensis on text pages 41 and 76 (4 times). The spelling himachalensis is used here to correspond with the type locality of the species: Himachal Pradesh. See Das 2003:366 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus himachalensis Menon 1987 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:483 [ref. 20764], Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura himachalensis (Menon 1987) -- (Shrestha 2008:131 [ref. 29923], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura himachalensis (Menon 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nepal and India. Habitat: freshwater. hingi, Homaloptera Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1934:287 [Lingnan Science Journal, Canton v. 13 (no. 2); ref. 10988] A mountain torrent at Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong, elevation about 1000 feet. Holotype: CAS-SU 29086. Paratypes: (40) FMNH 46927 (4), Hong Kong Univ. (1 or more), Lingnan Nat. Hist. Surv. and Museum (1 or more), FESC (now at PRFRI) (1 or more), CAS-SU 16112 (22). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:39 [ref. 12291], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:47 [ref. 12367]. •Valid as Barbatula hingi (Herre 1934) -- (Mai 1978:235 [ref. 13511]). •Synonym of Nemacheilus fasciolatus (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zhu & Cao 1987:327 [ref. 14139] with genus as Noemacheilus, Ye in Pan et al. 1991:242 [ref. 23876]). •Synonym of Schistura fasciolata (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zhu 1989:47 [ref. 17744]). •Valid as Schistura hingi (Herre 1934) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Freyhof & Serov 2001:153 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:154 [ref. 33205], Endruweit 2017:149 [ref. 35362], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841], Cao & Zhang 2018:134 [ref. 36108]). Current status: Valid as Schistura hingi (Herre 1934). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Jinxiu, Guangxi, China and Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. hiranyakeshi, Schistura Praveenraj [J.], Thackeray [T.] & Balasubramanian [S.] 2020:50, Figs. 1-3 [aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology v. 26 (no. 2); ref. 37848] Temple pond fed by a natural spring from a laterite cave system, origin of the Hiranyakeshi River, Sindhudurg district, Amboli, Maharashtra, India, 15°57'18"N, 74°01'40"E, elevation 840 meters. Holotype: BNHS FWF 1049. Paratypes: BNHS FWF 1050-1052 (3), JPC-66-67 (2) •Valid as Schistura hiranyakeshi Praveenraj, Thackeray & Balasubramanian 2020. Current status: Valid as Schistura hiranyakeshi Praveenraj, Thackeray & Balasubramanian 2020. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Hiranyakeshi River drainage, Maharashtra, India. Habitat: freshwater. hoai, Oreias Nguyen [V. H.] 2006:568, Fig. 14 [Freshwater fishes of Vietnam v. 2; ref. 29730] Creek Nâm Ngam, Núa Ngam, Dien Bien, Vietnam. Holotype (unique): NCNTTS I (lost). See account of genus Oreias for name change to Claea. Type lost -- Endruweit 2014:152 [ref. 33205]. •Valid as Claea hoai (Nguyen 2006) -- (Nguyen et al. 2010:50 [ref. 32127]). •Valid as Schistura hoai (Nguyen 2006) -- (Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989] with question, Endruweit 2014:152 [ref. 33205], Taki et al. 2021:215 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura hoai (Nguyen 2006). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Dien Bien Province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. horai, Nemachilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1952:227, Pl. 7 (figs. 1-3) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 49 (pt 2, June 1951); ref. 12708] Bener Khand, south of Kangra, Kangra Valley, Punjab, India. Holotype: ZSI F637/2. Paratypes: ZSI F638/2 (8). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:122 [ref. 20743]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:364 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus horai Menon 1952 -- (Menon 1987:74 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:483 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:172 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura horai (Menon 1952) -- (Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:14 [ref. 27265], Shrestha 2008:132 [ref. 29923], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor et al. 2013:587 [ref. 32764]). Current status: Valid as Schistura horai (Menon 1952). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan, Nepal and India. Habitat: freshwater. huapingensis, Nemacheilus obscurus Wu [Y.-F.] & Wu [C.-Z.] in Wu & Wu 1992:145 [The fishes of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau; ref. 21205] Huaping County, Jinshajiang basin, Yunnan Province, China. Syntypes: (3) NAIB. •Synonym of Nemacheilus obscurus (Smith 1945) but a valid subspecies as described -- (Zhang et al. 2016:130 [ref. 34477]). •Valid as Schistura huapingensis (Wu & Wu 1992) -- (Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477], Guo 2021:501 [ref. 38618]). Current status: Valid as Schistura huapingensis (Wu & Wu 1992). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Upper Yangtze River basin, China. Habitat: freshwater. humilis, Nemachilus Lin [S.-Y.] 1932:515 [Lingnan Science Journal, Canton v. 11 (no. 4); ref. 2781] Yunkiang, Kweichow, China. Holotype: SYSU K107. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura humilis (Lin 1932) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187]). •Synonym of Nemacheilus fasciolatus (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zhu & Cao 1987:327 [ref. 14139] with genus as Noemacheilus, Zhu 1989:47 [ref. 17744]), •Synonym of Schistura fasciolatus (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Kottelat 2012:109 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura fasciolata (Nichols & Pope 1927). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: China (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. huongensis, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:155, Figs. 24-26 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Stream Khe Vinh An at Nam Dong village, about 40 kilometers south of Hue, 16°11.58'N, 107°43.76'E, Thua Thien Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 26810. Paratypes: CMK 16014 (4); ZFMK 26670-72 (3), 26811-26826 (16), 26827-26848 (22), 38460-78 (19). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:112 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura huongensis Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura huongensis Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thua Thien province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. hypsiura, Schistura Bohlen [J.], Šlechtová [V.] & Udomritthiruj [K.] 2014:21, Figs. 1-4 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 62; ref. 33197] Rakhine State, Kyeinthali Chaung at Ka La Byin, about 17°56'N, 94°30'E, Myanmar. Holotype: ZRC 53186. Paratypes: CMK 21983 (4), IAPG A4154-58 (5), ZRC 53187 (25, 2 specimens c&s). •Valid as Schistura hypsiura Bohlen, Šlechtová & Udomritthiruj 2014 -- (Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:221 [ref. 32238]). Current status: Valid as Schistura hypsiura Bohlen, Šlechtová & Udomritthiruj 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. imitator, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:61, Fig. 37 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Xe Namnoy, rapids about 1 kilometer upriver of Tad Feak waterfall, 15°14'09"N, 106°44'55"E, Xekong Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45344. Paratypes: CMK 15704 (3), 15777 (1), 15841 (5); LARRI uncat. (2); NRM 44893 (2); ZRC 45345 (2). •Valid as Schistura imitator Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:107 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Taki et al. 2021:211 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura imitator Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, southern Laos and Cambodia. Habitat: freshwater. implicata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:62, Fig. 38 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Poun at confluence with Nam Xang, downstream of Ban San, 20°19'25"N, 104°31'36"E, Houaphan Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45346. Paratypes: CMK 15460 (17), LARRI uncat. (5), NRM 44913 (5), ZRC 45347 (5). •Valid as Schistura implicata Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:158 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:107 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura implicata Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Houapan province, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. incerta, Barbatula (Homatula) Nichols [J. T.] 1931:458, Fig. 2 [Lingnan Science Journal, Canton v. 10 (no. 4); ref. 16312] Lung T'au Shaan, Tso Tsz Hoh, Kwangtung, China. Holotype (unique): AMNH 9690 [ex Lingnan Univ. P-80]. •Valid as Barbatula incerta Nichols 1931 -- (Mai 1978:236 [ref. 13511]). •Valid as Nemacheilus incertus (Nichols 1931) -- (Zhu & Cao 1987:327 [ref. 14139] as Noemacheilus, Ye in Pan et al. 1991:244 [ref. 23876], Tang et al. 2001:14 [ref. 25373] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Nemacheilus fasciolatus (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zheng et al. 1989:50 [ref. 21202] as inserta). •Valid as Schistura incerta (Nichols 1931) -- (Zhu 1989:42 [ref. 17744], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Zhu 1995:109 [ref. 25213], Liao et al. 1997:4 [ref. 28159], Kottelat 2001:48 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477], Endruweit 2017:149 [ref. 35362], Cao & Zhang 2018:134 [ref. 36108]). Current status: Valid as Schistura incerta (Nichols 1931). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Yangtze River and Pearl River basins, China. Habitat: freshwater. indawgyiana, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:2, Figs. 1-4 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 28 (no. 1); ref. 35482] Unnamed creek entering Nam Mun Chaung (stream) from west, about 5.5 km upstream of Nam Mun (village), Lake Indawgyi basin, Kachin State, Myanmar, 24°57'31"N, 96°20'01"E, elevation 254 meters. Holotype: MNNG 2760.092. Paratypes: CMK. •Valid as Schistura indawgyiana Kottelat 2017 -- (Choudhury et al. 2019:190 [ref. 37121], Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014], Chen et al. 2024:30 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Schistura indawgyiana Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Indawgyi basin, Kachin, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. inglisi, Nemachilus rupecola var. Hora [S. L.] 1935:58, Pl. 3 (figs. 9-10) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 37 (pt 1); ref. 13886] Rivers below Darjiling [Darjeeing] and in Sikkim, eastern Himalayas. Holotype: ZSI F11755/1. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:124 [ref. 20743]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Synonym of Nemacheilus rupecola (McClelland 1838), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Shrestha 1978:38 [ref. 15970] as Nemachilus rupicola). •Synonym of Nemacheilus multifasciatus Day 1878 -- (Menon 1987:52 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:490 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:175 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura inglisi Hora 1935 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Gurung et al. 2013:4483 [ref. 32969]). •Valid as Nemachilus inglisi Hora 1935 -- (Kundu 2000:96 [ref. 25663]). •Synonym of Schistura rupecula McClelland 1838, but a valid subspecies -- (Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594]). •Synonym of Schistura repecula McClelland 1828 -- (Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura rupecula McClelland 1838. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: India, Bhutan and Nepal. Habitat: freshwater. irregularis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:62, Fig. 39 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Khan at Muang Hian, 20°05'18"N, 103°22'09"E, Xiangkhouang Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45348. Paratypes: CMK 15490 (2). •Valid as Schistura irregularis Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:107 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura irregularis Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. isostigma, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:76, Figs. 114-115 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Leuk, about 1 kilometer downstream of confluence with Nam Ngang, Laos, 18°22'03"N, 103°06'03"E. Holotype: ZRC 41797. Paratypes: CMK 12392 (1); 13275 (6); DFV uncat. (2); NRM 36709 (2); ZRC 41798 (2). •Valid as Schistura isostigma Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2001:109 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Chen & Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:89, 91 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Taki et al. 2021:222 [ref. 39830]). •Possibly in Mustura -- (Kottelat 2018:292 [ref. 36206], Choudhury et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38288]). Current status: Valid as Schistura isostigma Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Nam Theun River drainage, Mekong River basin, central Laos. Habitat: freshwater. jarutanini, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:49, Pl. 1 (fig. 1); Figs. 1-2 [Mémoires de Biospéologie v. 17; ref. 16763] Underground stream, Tham Ba Dan, Amphoe Sri Sawat, about 14°02'N, 94°32'E, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27171 [now ZRC 38479] [ex CMK 5991]. Paratypes: MSNVR 1363 (1), NIFI uncat. (4), CMK 5991 (orig. 16), ZMH 7968 (2) not in original. Type catalog: Wilkens & Dohse 1993:413 [ref. 21161], Neumann 2011:240 [ref. 31652]. Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura jarutanini Kottelat 1990 -- (Romero & Paulson 2001:21 [ref. 26040], Trajano et al. 2002:170 [ref. 26082], Vidthayanon & Jaruthanin 2002:19 [ref. 26523], Proudlove 2006:97 [ref. 28992], Kottelat 2012:341 [ref. 32232], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura jarutanini Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. kampucheensis, Schistura Bohlen [J.], Petrtýl [M.], Chaloupková [P.] & Borin [C.] 2016:354, Figs. 1-3 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 26 (no. 4) (for Mar. 2016); ref. 34366] Stream Ta Da Ou Bey, Tek Chhou drainage, Kampot, Cambodia, 10°41.173'N, 104°06.948'E. Holotype: ZRC 54439. Paratypes: CMK, IAPG, NMP, ZFMK, ZRC. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Schistura kampucheensis Bohlen, Petrtýl, Chaloupková & Borin 2016. Current status: Valid as Schistura kampucheensis Bohlen, Petrtýl, Chaloupková & Borin 2016. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mekong River basin, northern and southern Cambodia. Habitat: freshwater. kangjupkhulensis, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1921:202, Pl. 10 (figs. 4-4a) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 22 (pt 3, no. 19); ref. 2202] Hill streams of the Manipur Valley, Yaribuk, Manipur, India. Holotype: ZSI F10060/1. Paratypes: MCSNG 17115 (2), ZSI F10061/1 (1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:122 [ref. 20743], Menon 1987:117 [ref. 14149]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. The spelling kangjupkhulensis is correct. See Das 2003:364 [ref. 27706] but spelled kanjuphulensis. •Valid as Nemacheilus kangjupkhulensis Hora 1921 -- (Menon 1987:115 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:484 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:173 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura kangjupkhulensis (Hora 1921) -- (Kottelat 1990:131 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187] as kanjupkhulensis, Vishwanath & Laisram 2001:204 [ref. 25886] as kanjupkhulensis, Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar 2006:210 [ref. 28652] as kangjupkhulensis, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1514 [ref. 31183], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1514 [ref. 31183], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:175 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:197 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:4 [ref. 32463] as kanjupkhulensis, Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927] as kanjupkhulensis, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971] as kanjupkhulensis, Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Khynrian & Sen 2014:17 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:189 [ref. 33318], Solo et al. 2014:258 [ref. 33517], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[5] [ref. 33603] as kanjupkhulensis, Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014], Shangningam & Kosygin 2022:60 [ref. 39587]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kangjupkhulensis (Hora 1921). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: northeastern India and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. kangrae, Nemachilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1952:229, Pl. 7 (figs. 4-5) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 49 (pt 2, June 1951); ref. 12708] Kangra Valley, Baijnath, Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh, India. Holotype: ZSI F639/2. Paratypes: ZSI F640/2 (3). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:122 [ref. 20743]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:364 [ref. 27706]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus montanus (McClelland 1838) -- (Menon 1987:78 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:489 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:174 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Paraschistura montana (McClelland 1838). •Valid as Schistura kangrae (Menon 1952) -- (Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367] dated 1951). Current status: Valid as Schistura kangrae (Menon 1952). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: India. Habitat: freshwater. kaysonei, Schistura Vidthayanon [C.] & Jaruthanin [K.] 2002:18, Fig. 1 [aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 6 (no. 1); ref. 26523] Phu Tham Nam, Ban (village) Don Yom in Khammouan karst, between lat. 18°45'N, 104°45'E and 18°30'N, 105°00'E, Laos. Holotype: NIFI 3131. Paratypes: NIFI 3132 (3). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Schistura kaysonei Vidthayanon & Jaruthanin 2002 -- (Kottelat 2004:190 [ref. 27801], Proudlove 2006:98 [ref. 28992], Kottelat & Steiner 2010:313 [ref. 31189], Kottelat & Steiner 2011:313 [ref. 31189], Kottelat 2012:341 [ref. 32232], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kaysonei Vidthayanon & Jaruthanin 2002. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Khammouan karst, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. kengtungensis, Nemacheilus Fowler [H. W.] 1936:509, Fig. 1 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 87 (for 1935); ref. 13693] Laun We (Loi Mwe, 21°10'N, 99°45'E), Keng Tung, Mekong basin, Myanmar, elevation 5600 feet. Holotype: ANSP 64157. Paratypes: ANSP 64158 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:63 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Schistura kengtungensis (Fowler 1936) -- (Kottelat 1990:133 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Rainboth 1996:129 [ref. 22772], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2000:58 [ref. 25040], Kottelat 2001:109 [ref. 25780], Chen et al. 2005:27 [ref. 28352], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:176 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:193 [ref. 31692], Zheng et al. 2012:63 [ref. 32070], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kengtungensis (Fowler 1936). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River system (Myanmar, Thailand and Yunnan/China). Habitat: freshwater. khamtanhi, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:63, Fig. 40 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Pao, a west side tributary of Xe Kong, entering it about 16 kilometers upriver of Muang Kaleum, 15°50'17"N, 106°45'40"E, Xekong Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45349. Paratypes: CMK 15652 (71), 15820 (18); LARRI uncat. (6); NRM 44894 (6); ZRC 45350 (6). •Valid as Schistura khamtanhi Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:109 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Taki et al. 2021:211 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura khamtanhi Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, southern Laos and northern Cambodia. Habitat: freshwater. khugae, Schistura Vishwanath [W.] & Shanta [K.] 2004:330 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 15 (no. 4); ref. 27996] Khuga River, Churachandpur District, Manipur, India. Holotype: MUMF 5013. Paratypes: MUMF 5001-5008 (8), 5009-5014 (6). Replacement name for Schistura macrocephalus Vishwanath & Shanta 2004, preoccupied by Schistura macrocephalus Kottelat 2000. •Valid as Schistura khugae Vishwanath & Shanta 2004 -- (Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar 2006:210 [ref. 28652], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1514 [ref. 31183], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:4 [ref. 32463], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989], Khynrian & Sen 2014:17 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[5] [ref. 33603], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014]). Current status: Valid as Schistura khugae Vishwanath & Shanta 2004. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Manipur and Nagaland, India and Harhva River drainage, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. kloetzliae, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:63, Fig. 41 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Mengla market, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: NRM 33199. Paratypes: CMK 14312 (1). •Valid as Schistura kloetzliae Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:109 [ref. 25780], Vidthayanon 2003:310 [ref. 27398], Endruweit 2011:573 [ref. 31621], Zheng et al. 2012:66 [ref. 32070], Chen & Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013: 89, 92 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:60 [ref. 33202], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Endruweit 2017:399 [ref. 35191], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kloetzliae Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: upper Mekong River system (Yunnan/China). Habitat: freshwater. klydonion, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:349, Figs. 13-17 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 65; ref. 35511] Houay Xoy, a tributary of Xe Namnoy, Bolaven Plateau, Champasak Province, Laos, 14°52'41"N, 106°34'49"E, elevation 790 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2767.085. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. Plus non-type material. •Valid as Schistura klydonion Kottelat 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura klydonion Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Xe Namnoy drainage, Bolaven Plateau, southern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. kodaguensis, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:108, Pl. 16 (fig. 11) [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Kotu Hola, near Merkara, Karnataka, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F565. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F565(A). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:366 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus kodaguensis Menon 1987 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:486 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:173 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Bleher 2018:168 [ref. 36647]). •Valid as Schistura kodaguensis (Menon 1987) -- (Sreekantha et al. 2006:2216 [ref. 28597], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539], Praveenraj et al. 2020:55 [ref. 37848]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kodaguensis (Menon 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Western Ghats, Karnataka, southern India. Habitat: freshwater. kohatensis, Schistura Mirza [M. R.] & Bănărescu [P. M.] in Mirza, Nalbant & Bănărescu 1981:123, Figs. 46-50 [Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde v. 51 (no. 1); ref. 5390] Hangu, Kohat District, on the Kohat Toi River, right tributary of Indus River, Pakistan. Holotype: ISBB 3373. Paratypes: ISBB 3374 (1), ZMA 116446 (2), Mirza priv. coll. (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:36 [ref. 19236]. •Valid as Nemacheilus kohatensis (Mirza & Bănărescu 1981) -- (Menon 1987:71 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:486 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Schistura kohatensis Mirza & Bănărescu 1981 -- (Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:14 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kohatensis Mirza & Bănărescu 1981. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. kohchangensis, Nemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1933:56, Pl. 1 (fig. 2); Fig. 2 [Journal of the Siam Society, Natural History Supplement v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 4051] Waterfall stream on Koh Chang, Gulf of Thailand. Holotype (unique): KUMF 0169. Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:6 [ref. 23217]. •Valid as Schistura kohchangensis (Smith 1933) -- (Kottelat 1990:138 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Rainboth 1996:129 [ref. 22772], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:176 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:193 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Taki et al. 2021:220 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kohchangensis (Smith 1933). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, western Cambodia and small coastal streams in southeastern Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. koladynensis, Schistura Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2012 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 23 (no. 2); ref. 32296] Mizoram, Lawntlai District, Koladyne River at Kolchaw, 22°23'45"N, 92°55'56"E, India. Holotype: MUMF 11048. Awaiting original. •Valid as Schistura koladynensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012 -- (Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2014:26 [ref. 33197], Khynrian & Sen 2014:17 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Solo et al. 2014:258 [ref. 33517], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[5] 317 [ref. 33603], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483]). Current status: Valid as Schistura koladynensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2012. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Koladyne River basin, Mizoram, India. Habitat: freshwater. kongphengi, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:77, Figs. 116-117 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Upper Nam Theun, 17°59'31"N, 105°27'49"E, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 41799. Paratypes: CMK 12705 (19), 12758 (5), 12771 (31), 12792 (4); DFV uncat. (4); NRM 36710 (8); ZRC 41800 (8). •Valid as Schistura kongphengi Kottelat 1998 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:159 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:109 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347], Taki et al. 2021:204 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kongphengi Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, central Vietnam and central and southern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. kontumensis, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:160, Figs. 29-31 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Stream Iasia, about 25 kilometers west of Kontum, 14°23.63'N, 107°48.64'E, Kontum Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 26687. Paratypes: ZFMK 26688-747 (60), ZSM 28869 (12). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:113 [ref. 31087], Neumann 2011:241 [ref. 31652]. •Valid as Schistura kontumensis Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841], Taki et al. 2021:218 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura kontumensis Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Sesan River basin, Kontum Province, central Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. kottelati, Schistura Ho [A. T.], Hoang [N. T.] & Ngo [X. Y.] 2018:142, Figs. 1-5 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 66; ref. 35841] Pool in Hung Dang valley of Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park, Xuan Trach commune, Bo Trach district, Quang Binh province, Vietnam, 17°37'12"N, 106°04'01"E, elevation 83 meters. Holotype: BMVU 1101. Paratypes: BMVU, ZRC. •Valid as Schistura kottelati Ho, Hoang & Ngo 2018. Current status: Valid as Schistura kottelati Ho, Hoang & Ngo 2018. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Hung Dang valley, Quang Binh province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. kuehnei, Schistura Dvořák [T.], Bohlen [J.], Kottelat [M.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2023:12, Figs. 3G, 5D [Scientific Reports v. 13: 16996; ref. 40537] Small forest stream shortly before entering Khlong Sok, Khlong Sok watershed, Tapi River drainage, Surat Thani Province, Thailand, about 8°54'48"N, 98°31'30"E. Holotype: ZRC 61582. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. •Valid as Schistura kuehnei Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Current status: Valid as Schistura kuehnei Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Khlong Sok drainage, Tapi River basin, Surat Thani Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. larketensis, Schistura Choudhury [H.], Mukhim [D. K. B.], Basumatary [S.], Warbah [D. P.] & Sarma [D.] 2017:90, Figs. 1-3, 6 [Zootaxa 4353 (no. 1); ref. 35681] Krem Khung about 1.5 km from Larket village, East Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya, India, 25°23ʹ22ʺN, 92°34ʹ49ʺ E, elevation 880 meters. Holotype: GUMF 0261. Paratypes: GUMF, ZSI. •Valid as Schistura larketensis Choudhury, Mukhim, Basumatary, Warbah & Sarma 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura larketensis Choudhury, Mukhim, Basumatary, Warbah & Sarma 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Krem Khung, Brahmaputra River basin, Meghalaya, India. Habitat: freshwater. laterimaculata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:141, Figs. 103-104 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Kuan Giewlom, Chayaphum Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZRC 38470 [ex ZSM 27477]. Paratypes: CMK 5899 (1), NIFI 2061 (4). •Questionably a synonym of Schistura nicholsi (Smith 1933) -- (Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780]). •Valid as Schistura laterimaculata Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Rainboth 1996:130 [ref. 22772], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:173 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:193 [ref. 31692] as laterimaculatus, Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367] with question, Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502]). •Tentatively synonymized with Schistura nicolsi (Smith 1933) by Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:89 [ref. 32798] as nicolsi. Current status: Valid as Schistura laterimaculata Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. laterivittatus, Noemacheilus Zhu [S.-Q.] & Wang [S.-H.] 1985:213 [219], Figs. 9-12 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 10 (no. 2); ref. 8120] Babianjiang River, 24°20'N, 100°10'E, Jingdong County, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: NIGLAS 810205. Paratypes: IHB F1969-44110-11 (2), NIGLAS (orig. 19). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. English description on p. 219. •Valid as Schistura laterivittata (Zhu & Wang 1985) -- (Zhu 1989:44 [ref. 17744], Zhu 1995:110 [ref. 25213]). •Synonym of Schistura caudofurca (Mai 1978) -- (Kottelat 2001:47 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2012:107 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:205 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2015:65 [ref. 33868], Zhang et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura caudofurca (Mai 1978). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. latidens, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:64, Fig. 42 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Xe Pon, between rapids upstream and downstream of Ban Fuang, 16°37'06"N, 106°33'30"E, Savannakhet Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45351. Paratypes: CMK 13741 (3), LARRI uncat. (1), ZRC 45352 (1). •Valid as Schistura latidens Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:172 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:109 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Lin et al. 2021:878 [ref. 39325], Taki et al. 2021:209 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura latidens Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, southern Laos and ? Yunnan (China). Habitat: freshwater. latifasciatus, Noemacheilus Zhu [S.-Q.] & Wang [S.-H.] 1985:211 [219], Figs. 5-6 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 10 (no. 2); ref. 8120] Nanqiao River, tributary of the Lancangjiang River, 24°N, 100°E, Yunxian County, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: NIGLAS. 810367. Paratypes: NIGLAS (14). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. English description on p. 219. •Valid as Schistura latifasciata (Zhu & Wang 1985) -- (Zhu 1989:50 [ref. 17744], Chen & Zhang in Chen 1998:55 [ref. 23556], Chen et al. 2005:148 [ref. 28288], Zheng et al. 2012:63 [ref. 32070], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:60 [ref. 33202], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Endruweit 2017:591 [ref. 35662], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura latifasciata (Zhu & Wang 1985). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: upper Mekong River system (Yunnan/China). Habitat: freshwater. leukensis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:64, not Fig. 44 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Leuk at dam site, 18°26'15"N, 102°56'48"E, Vientiane Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45353. Paratypes: CMK 13315 (90), LARRI uncat. (15), NRM 44895 (15), ZRC 45354 (15). •Valid as Schistura leukensis Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:168 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:109 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2005:65 [ref. 28212] with replacement figure for the holotype, orig. Fig. 44 not this species, Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura leukensis Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Mang drainage, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. lineatus, Oreias Nguyen [V. H.] 2006:567, Fig. 13 [Freshwater fishes of Vietnam v. 2; ref. 29730] Creek Nâm Ngam, Núa Ngam, Dien Bien, Vietnam. Holotype: NCNTTS I, Bac Ninh (lost). Paratype: (1) lost. See account of genus Oreias for name change to Claea. Types lost -- Endruweit 2014:152 [ref. 33205]. •Valid as Oreias lineatus Nguyen 2006 -- (Nguyen et al. 2010:50 [ref. 32127]). •Synonym of Schistura melarancia Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:152 [ref. 33205], Taki et al. 2021:219 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura melarancia Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. liyaiensis, Schistura Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2014:[2] 314, Figs. 1-5 [Ichthyological Research v. 62 (no. 3); ref. 33603] Barak River in the vicinity of Liyai village (Barak-Surma-Meghna basin), Senapati District, Manipur, India, 25°28'24.83"N, 94°15'55.60"E, elevation 1468 meters. Holotype: MUMF 11145. Paratypes: MUMF 11146 (1), 11147 (1). •Valid as Schistura liyaiensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014. Current status: Valid as Schistura liyaiensis Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Barak River, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. longus, Nemachilus Zhu [S.-Q.] 1982:105 [110], Fig. 2 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 8388] Tributary of the Nujiang River, Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: NPIB 785032. Paratypes: NPIB (8). Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. English description on p. 110. •Valid as Schistura longa (Zhu 1982) -- (Zhu 1989:51 [ref. 17744], Zhu 1995:111 [ref. 25213], Chen & Zhang in Chen 1998:56 [ref. 23556], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar 2004:328 [ref. 28011], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:176 [ref. 31357], Zheng et al. 2012:63 [ref. 32070], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Endruweit 2017:399 [ref. 35191]). Current status: Valid as Schistura longa (Zhu 1982). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nujiang River basin, Yunnan, China. Habitat: freshwater. machensis, Noemacheilus horai Mirza [M. R.] & Nalbant [T. T.] in Mirza, Bănărescu & Nalbant 1970:54, Figs. 7-9 [Biologia (Lahore) v. 16 (no. 1); ref. 7761] Mach River, tributary of Bolan River, Pakistan. Holotype: IBTS 1538. Paratypes: IBTS 1943 (4), ISBB 3452 (1), Mirza coll. (5), Banarescu coll. (5), ZMA 114461 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:31 [ref. 19236], Menon 1987:68 [ref. 14149]. Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Synonym of Nemacheilus baluchiorum Zugmayer 1912 -- (Menon 1987:65 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:471 [ref. 20764]). •Synonym of Schistura balachiorum (Zugmayer 1912) but at least subspecifically distinct -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:441 [ref. 23187]). •Valid as Schistura machensis (Mirza & Nalbant 1970) -- (Nalbant & Bianco 1998:118 [ref. 23810], Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:15 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura machensis (Mirza & Nalbant 1970). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. macrocephalus, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:65, Fig. 45 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Youan at ford south of Ban Muang Mon, 21°19'28"N, 101°10'19"E, Louangnamtha Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45355. Paratypes: CMK 14339 (11), LARRI uncat. (3), NRM 33217 (12), ZRC 45356 (3). •Valid as Schistura macrocephalus Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780], Endruweit 2011:573 [ref. 31621], Kottelat 2012:112 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347], Kottelat 2023:529 [ref. 40452]). Current status: Valid as Schistura macrocephalus Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: upper Mekong River basin, China and Laos. Habitat: freshwater. macrocephalus, Schistura Vishwanath [W.] & Shanta [K.] 2004:138, Figs. 1-2 [Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society v. 101 (pt 1); ref. 27862] Khuga River, Churachandpur District, Manipur, India. Holotype: MUMF 5013. Paratypes: MUMF 5001-5008 (8), 5009-5014 (6). Preoccupied by Schistura macrocephalus Kottelat 2000; replaced by Schistura khugae Vishwanath & Shanta 2004. •Objective synonym of Schistura khugae Vishwanath & Shanta 2004 -- (Kottelat 2012:111 [ref. 32367]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Schistura khugae Vishwanath & Shanta 2004. Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. macrolepis, Schistura Mirza [M. R.] & Bănărescu [P. M.] in Mirza, Nalbant & Bănărescu 1981:116, Figs. 27-31 [Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde v. 51 (no. 1); ref. 5390] Racki Munh, Dere Ghazi Khan District, Pakistan. Holotype: ISBB 3778. Paratypes: ISBB 3867 (1), ZMA 116444 (1), Mirza priv. coll. (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:36 [ref. 19236] as macrolepsis. •Synonym of Nemacheilus arifi (Mirza & Bănărescu 1981) -- (Menon 1987:68 [ref. 14149] but as Noemacheilus arafi, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:470 [ref. 20764] as arafi). •Synonym of Schistura arafi Mirza & Bănărescu 1981, but may be a valid subspecies -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:441 [ref. 23187]). •Valid as Schistura macrolepis Mirza & Bănărescu 1981 -- (Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:15 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:112 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura macrolepis Mirza & Bănărescu 1981. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. macrotaenia, Nemacheilus Yang [J.-X.] in Wu 1990:36, Fig. 30 [The fishes of Yunnan; ref. 20984] Nan-Qi River, Ping-Bian Xian, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: KIZ 8540217. Paratypes: KIZ 8540219 (1), 8540226-34 (9). Type catalog: Du et al. 2013:352 [ref. 32939]. •Valid as Schistura macrotaenia (Yang 1990) -- (Zhu 1995:110 [ref. 25213], Kottelat 2012:112 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:153 [ref. 33205], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Valid as Schistura macrotaenia (Yang 1990). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. madhavai, Schistura Sudasinghe [H.] 2017:98, Figs. 1, 2, 3A, 4A, 5 [Zootaxa 4311 (no. 1); ref. 35539] Walawe River basin, Suriyakanda, Sri Lanka, 6°27'02"N, 80°37'01"E, elevation 1000 meters. Holotype: NMSL 2017.02.01. Paratypes: DZ, NMSL. •Valid as Schistura madhavai Sudasinghe 2017 -- (Sudasinghe 2018:491 [ref. 35942]). Current status: Valid as Schistura madhavai Sudasinghe 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Walawe River basin and Morningside Forest Reserve, Suriyakanda, Sri Lanka. Habitat: freshwater. magnifluvis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:146, Figs. 107-108 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Mekong River main stream between Chiang Khan, 17°50'N, 101°45'E, to 70 kilometers downstream by road, Loei Province, Thailand. Holotype: CAS 62549. Paratypes: CAS 62550 (1), CMK 5401 (2). •Valid as Schistura magnifluvis Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Rainboth 1996:130 [ref. 22772], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Freyhof & Serov 2001:152 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:193 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:112 [ref. 32367], Suvarnaraksha 2015:168 [ref. 33813], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502]). Current status: Valid as Schistura magnifluvis Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mekong River, Cambodia and Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. mahnerti, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:151, Figs. 110-112 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] 20 kilometers north of Mae Sariang, Mae Hong Son Province, Salween basin, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27478 [now ZRC 38477] [ex NIFI]. Paratypes: CMK 4377 (4), 4385-86 (3, 2); NIFI 851 (5), 855 (1), 858 (4), 860 to 862 (5, 2, 1), 864 -865 (15, 8), 868 (13), 875-876 (2, 8), 879 (5), 885-886 (30, 10), 1442-43 (6, 4); USNM 288462 (6). Type catalog: Neumann 2011:241 [ref. 31652]. •Valid as Schistura mahnerti Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003:172 [ref. 26859], Vidthayanon 2003:309 [ref. 27398], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar 2004:328 [ref. 28011], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2010:324 [ref. 30687], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:174 [ref. 31357], Kangrang et al. 2012:76 [ref. 32324], Page et al. 2012:327 [ref. 32342], Singer & Page 2012:351 [ref. 32390], Kottelat 2012:112 [ref. 32367], Ng & Pethiyagoda 2013:161 [ref. 33011], Plongsesthee et al. 2013:171 [ref. 33012], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 33238]). Current status: Valid as Schistura mahnerti Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. malaisei, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:154, Fig. 113 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Putao, Myanmar. Holotype: NRM 25083. Paratypes: NRM 24083 (3). Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Schistura malaisei Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:175 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:197 [ref. 31692], Chen and Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:112 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Kottelat 2013:208 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:358 [ref. 33494], Suvarnaraksha 2015:168 [ref. 33813], Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477] as malaise, Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014], Chen et al. 2024:31 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Schistura malaisei Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Irrawaddy River basin, Myanmar and China. Habitat: freshwater. megalodon, Schistura Endruweit [M.] 2014:354, Figs. 1-6 [Zoological Research v. 35 (no. 5); ref. 33494] Erganyahe River, Irrawaddy basin, close to Erganya village, Yunnan, China, 24°36'N, 97°36'E, elevation 1323 meters. Holotype: KIZ 2014001456. Paratypes: KIZ 2014001457 (3), 2014001458 (1). •Valid as Schistura megalodon Endruweit 2014. Current status: Valid as Schistura megalodon Endruweit 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Erganyahe River, Irrawaddy basin, Yunnan, China. Habitat: freshwater. melarancia, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:65, Fig. 46 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Kouat near Ban Nam Kouat, a tributary of Nam Nga, 20°34'35"N, 102°07'56"E, Oudomxai Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45357. Paratypes: CMK 14024 (5), 14115 (11), 14202 (8); LARRI uncat. (3); NRM 44896 (3); ZRC 45358 (3). •Valid as Schistura melarancia Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347] as cf. melarancia, Taki et al. 2021:219 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura melarancia Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Nam Ou River drainage, northern Laos and northwestern Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. menanensis, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:310, Fig. 65 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Menam Kon, tributary of Menam Nan, northern Thailand. Holotype: USNM 117753. Paratypes: IBTS [ex USNM] (2), USNM 117752 (orig. 32, now 30, 2 c&s). Type catalog: Vilasri et al. 2018:58 [ref. 36451] Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. Species is spelled menanensis in two places, and is regarded as the intended spelling. •Valid as Schistura menanensis (Smith 1945) -- (Kottelat 1990:158 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187] as menamensis, Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989], Suvarnaraksha 2015:168 [ref. 33813], Vilasri et al. 2018:58 [ref. 36451], Taki et al. 2021:214 [ref. 39830] as menamensis). Current status: Valid as Schistura menanensis (Smith 1945). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Chao Phraya River basin, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. minutus, Schistura Vishwanath [W.] & Shanta Kumar [M.] 2006:210, Figs 1, 3B [Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society v. 102 (pt 2) [2005]; ref. 28652] Lyei River, Noney, Tamenglong District, Manipur, India. Holotype: ZSI FF3749. Paratypes: MUMF 1001-1003, 1995-1006, 1008-1011 (9); ZSI FF3750 (1). •Valid as Schistura minuta Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar 2006 -- (Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1514 [ref. 31183] dated 2005 as minutus, Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337] as minutus, Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:5 [ref. 32463], Lokeshwor et al. 2013:587 [ref. 32764], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:55 [ref. 32801], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Khynriam & Sen 2014:18 [ref. 33853]). Current status: Valid as Schistura minuta Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar 2006. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Manipur and Nagaland, India. Habitat: freshwater. mizoramensis, Schistura Lalramliana [no initials], Lalronunga [S.], Vanramliana [no initials] & Lalthanzara [H.] 2014:206, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 25 (no. 3); ref. 33628] Tuirivang River, tributary of Tuirial River, Barak drainage, Mizoram, northeastern India, 23°32'01"N, 92°45'29"E. Holotype: PUCMF 13021. Paratypes: PUCMF. •Valid as Schistura mizoramensis Lalramliana, Lalronunga, Vanramliana & Lalthanzara 2014 -- (Choudhury et al. 2019:190 [ref. 37121]). Current status: Valid as Schistura mizoramensis Lalramliana, Lalronunga, Vanramliana & Lalthanzara 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Tuirivang River drainage, Mizoram, India. Habitat: freshwater. mobbsi, Schistura Kottelat [M.] & Leisher [C.] 2012:240, Fig. 4 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 23 (no. 3); ref. 32277] Thai Nguyen Province, Phuong Hoang Cave, about 32 km from Bac Song (Lang Song Province), probably draining to Cau River, draining to Hai Phong; 21°46'31"N, 106°07'10"E, carst, Vietnam. Holotype (unique): MHNG 2732.044. •Valid as Schistura mobbsi Kottelat & Leisher 2012 -- (Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura mobbsi Kottelat & Leisher 2012. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. moeiensis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:164, Figs. 120-121 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Huei Kite, Tambon Kanei Jiu, Amphoe Mae Sot, Salween basin, Tak Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27480 [now ZRC 38471] [ex NIFI]. Paratypes: CMK 4916 (2), 5527 (1), 5679 (11), 5881 (4), 5883 (3); NIFI 869 (1), 2064-67 (31, 7, 23, 2). Type catalog: Neumann 2011:241 [ref. 31652]. Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura moeiensis Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura moeiensis Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. mugah, Nemacheilus Day [F.] 1869:382 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1869 (pt 2) (art. 3) (for 27 May 1869); ref. 18823] Cossye [Kasai] River, at Midnapore, Orissa, India. Holotype (unique): ZSI A.961 (lost). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:157 [ref. 23762]. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus scaturigina (McClelland 1839) -- (Menon 1987:86 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:178 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Nemacheilus scaturigina (McClelland 1839) base on curent placement of scaturigina. •Synonym of Schistura scaturigina McClelland 1839 -- (Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura scaturigina McClelland 1839. Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. mukambbikaensis, Noemacheilus denisoni Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:101, Fig. [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Kashi stream, Mujambbika [Mukambbika], Karnataka, India. Holotype: SFS/ZSI F568. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F569 (36). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:366 [ref. 27706]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:477 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867, subspecies mukambbikaensis Menon 1987 -- (Menon 1999:171 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura mukambbikaensis (Menon 1987) -- (Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539], Bleher 2018:224 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura mukambbikaensis (Menon 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Kulur River drainage, Karnataka, India. Habitat: freshwater. multifasciatus, Nemacheilus Day [F.] 1878:617, Pl. 153 (fig. 7) [The fishes of India Part 4; ref. 4887] Darjeeling and Assam, India. Day specimens or possible syntypes: AMS B.7737 (1), BMNH 1889.2.1.1665-67 (3), ZSI F2677/1 (poor condition), NMW 48428 (1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:123 [ref. 20743], Whitehead & Talwar 1976:157 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:300 [ref. 25110]. •Valid as Nemacheilus multifasciatus Day 1878 -- (Menon 1987:52 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:490 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:548 [ref. 23778], Menon 1999:175 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura multifasciata (Day 1878) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar 2004:329 [ref. 28011], Kottelat et al. 2007:40 [ref. 28942], Shrestha 2008:132 [ref. 29923], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1518 [ref. 31183], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:176 [ref. 31357], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:4 [ref. 32463], Lokeshwor et al. 2013:587 [ref. 32764], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:55 [ref. 32801], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Gurung et al. 2013:4483 [ref. 32969], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Khynrian & Sen 2014:19 [ref. 33853], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Bleher 2018:226 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura multifasciata (Day 1878). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Eastern Himalaya, India, Buthan, Nepal, Myanmar and Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. musa, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:696, Figs. 10-13 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 65; ref. 35677] Nam Khai [Nam Mang], immediately upstream of confluence with Nam Ngiep, about 22 km downstream of Ban Pou, 19 km upstream of Ban Soppouan, Nam Ngiep drainage, Saysomboune Province, Laos, 18°53'49"N, 103°28'22"E, elevation 286 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2768.032. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Schistura musa Kottelat 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura musa Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Ngiep drainage, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. myaekanbawensis, Schistura Dvořák [T.], Bohlen [J.], Kottelat [M.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2023:11, Figs. 3H, 5C [Scientific Reports v. 13: 16996; ref. 40537] Kami Chaung, Tanintharyi drainage, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar, 14°20'52"N, 98°31'28"E, elevation 255 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2790.081. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. •Valid as Schistura myaekanbawensis Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Current status: Valid as Schistura myaekanbawensis Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Kami Chaung, upper Tanintharyi River drainage, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. myrmekia, Nemacheilus Fowler [H. W.] 1935:106, Fig. 32 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 87; ref. 13881] Keng Sok (near Ban Thung Luang, 12°41'N, 99°51'E), southwestern Thailand. Holotype (unique): ANSP 63546. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:63 [ref. 13621]. •Synonym of Schistura desmotes (Fowler 1934) -- (Kottelat 1990:120 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:206 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Schistura myrmekia (Fowler 1935) -- (Singer & Page 2012:347 [ref. 32390]). Current status: Valid as Schistura myrmekia (Fowler 1935). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southwestern Thailand (holotype only). Habitat: freshwater. nagaensis, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:117 [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Phodung River, tributary of Tizu River, Brahmaputra basin, Naga Hills, Nagaland, India. Holotype: ZSI/SRS F574. Paratypes: ZSI/SRS F575 (13). Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:366 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus nagaensis Menon 1987 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:491 [ref. 20764], Sen 1999:198 [ref. 24750] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:175 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus naganensis, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Questionably a synonym of Schistura kangjupkhulensis (Hora 1921) -- (Kottelat 1990:131 [ref. 14137]). •Valid as Schistura nagaensis (Menon 1987) -- (Vishwanath & Laisram 2001:208 [ref. 25886], Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367] with question, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:4 [ref. 32463], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989] with question, Khynrian & Sen 2014:19 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nagaensis (Menon 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland, India. Habitat: freshwater. nagodiensis, Schistura Sreekantha [no initials], Gururaja [K. V.], Rema Devi [K.], Indra [T. J.] & Ramachandra [T. V.] 2006:2211, Figs. 1-2 [Zoos' Print Journal v. 21 (no. 4); ref. 28597] Sharavathi river, 13°54'40"N, 74°53'49"E, Algod, Shimoga, Karnataka, western Ghats, India. Holotype: ZSI/SRS F-7595. Paratypes: (12) ZSI/SRS F-7596; IISc/CES/WGBIS 3-5-3-5-007. •Valid as Schistura nagodiensis Sreekantha, Gururaja, Rema Devi, Indra & Ramachandra 2006 -- (Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nagodiensis Sreekantha, Gururaja, Rema Devi, Indra & Ramachandra 2006. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Sharavathi River basin, western Ghats, India. Habitat: freshwater. namboensis, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:163, Figs. 32-35 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Small stream at Ea Nuol, about 20 kilometers northwest of Buon Ma Thuot, 12°41.58'N, 107°57.74'E, Dac Lac Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 24094. Paratypes: ZFMK 24095-177 (83). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:113 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura namboensis Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Kottelat 2017:72 [ref. 35486], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841], Taki et al. 2021:203 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura namboensis Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, Cambodia and Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. nasifilis, Nemachilus spilopterus var. Pellegrin [J.] 1936:247 [Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France v. 61 (no. 4); ref. 3415] Song Ko and Song Tan, Annam, Vietnam. Syntypes: BMNH 1936.7.30.3 [ex MNHN] (1) Song Ko R.; MNHN 1936-0021 to 0025 (20, now 19) Song Ko R., 1936-0026 to 0028 (20) Song Tan R. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:99 [ref. 19574]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura nasifilis (Pellegrin 1936) -- (Kottelat 1990:168 [ref. 14137], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:70 [ref. 23436], Freyhof & Serov 2001:168 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989], Suvarnaraksha 2015:169 [ref. 33813]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nasifilis (Pellegrin 1936). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Hon Ba Nature Reserve, Khanh Hoa Province, central Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. nebeshwari, Schistura Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2013:563, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa 3731 (no. 4); ref. 32971] Mizoram, Saiha District, from a stream at Phura village near Palak Lake (Koladyne basin); 22°15'32"N, 92°53'32"E, India, elevation 161 meters. Holotype: MUMF 11128. Paratypes: MUMF 11125-11127 (3), 11129 (1), 11130-32 (2). •Valid as Schistura nebeshwari Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013 -- (Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nebeshwari Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Koladyne River basin, Mizoram, India. Habitat: freshwater. nicholsi, Nemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1933:53, Fig. 1; Pl. 1 (fig. 1) [Journal of the Siam Society, Natural History Supplement v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 4051] Pak Jong near Nakon Rajasima, eastern Thailand. Holotype (unique): KUMF 0170. Type catalog: Monkolprasit 1969:6 [ref. 23217]. •Valid as Schistura nicholsi (Smith 1933) -- (Kottelat 1990:169 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Rainboth 1996:130 [ref. 22772], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:80 [ref. 23436], Kottelat 2000:57, 65 [ref. 25040], Freyhof & Serov 2001:145 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780], Chen et al. 2005:30 [ref. 28352], Ou et al. 2011:193 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:113 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:88, 91 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347] as cf. nicholsi, Taki et al. 2021:205 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nicholsi (Smith 1933). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, Laos and Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. nilgiriensis, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:106, Pls. 10(figs. 8-9), 11(figs. 1-2) [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Small stream joining outlet stream from Pykara Dam, Nilgiri District, Tamil Nadu, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F561. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F562 (19). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:367 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus nilgiriensis Menon 1987 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:492 [ref. 20764], Manimekalan 1998:439 [ref. 24989] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:175 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura nilgiriensis (Menon 1987) -- (Sreekantha et al. 2006:2216 [ref. 28597], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539], Bleher 2018:225 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nilgiriensis (Menon 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Western Ghats, southern India. Habitat: freshwater. nomi, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:66, Fig. 47 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Xe Kaman at Muang Xaisettha, 14°48'27"N, 106°55'52"E, Attapu Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45359. Paratypes: CMK 16031 (2). •Valid as Schistura nomi Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:185 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nomi Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. notasileum, Schistura Endruweit [M.], Yang [J.-X.] & Liu [S.-W.] 2016:595, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa 4168 (no. 3); ref. 34743] Jiuzhou town, Yunlong City, Mekong main channel, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, 25°47.980'N, 99°12.018'E, elevation 1320 meters. Holotype: KIZ 2016000361. Paratypes: ASIZB, KIZ. •Valid as Schistura notasileum Endruweit, Yang & Liu 2016 -- (Endruweit 2017:591 [ref. 35662]). Current status: Valid as Schistura notasileum Endruweit, Yang & Liu 2016. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. notostigma, Nemacheilus Bleeker [P.] 1863:254 [Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeling Natuurkunde. v. 15; ref. 17012] Sri Lanka. Syntypes and/or Bleeker specimens: (3) AMS B.7506 (1). Also appeared in Bleeker 1864:5, Pl. 1 (fig. 3) [ref. 13925]. •Valid as Nemacheilus notostigma Bleeker 1863 -- (Menon 1987:104 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:492 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Schistura notostigma (Bleeker 1863) -- (Pethiyagoda 1991:144 [ref. 20075], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:104 [ref. 35539], Sudasinghe 2018:491 [ref. 35942]). Current status: Valid as Schistura notostigma (Bleeker 1863). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southwest quadrant of Sri Lanka and some parts of the dry and intermediate zones. Habitat: freshwater. novemradiata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:66, Fig. 48 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Luang, about 2 kilometers upstream of Ban Namluang, 21°09'05"N, 101°20'34"E, Louangnamtha Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45360. Paratypes: CMK 14300 (5), LARRI uncat. (2), LARRI uncat. (2). •Valid as Schistura novemradiata Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura novemradiata Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. nubigena, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:88, Figs. 8-12 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 65; ref. 35308] Mali Hka River, about 9 km upstream of Kang Mu Lon, Kachin state, Myanmar, 27°25'54"N, 97°27'56"E, elevation 402 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2766.052. Paratypes: CMK. •Valid as Schistura nubigena Kottelat 2017 -- (Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nubigena Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mali Hka River, Kachin state, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. nudidorsum, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:80, Figs. 119-120 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Phao at waterfall immediately downriver of border post on road from Lak Sao to Vinh (Vietnam), Laos, 18°23'00"N, 105°09'20"E. Holotype: ZRC 41801. Paratypes: CMK 12503 (32), 12673 (45); DFV uncat. (7); NRM 36711 (8); ZRC 41802 (8). •Valid as Schistura nudidorsum Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347], Lin et al. 2021:876 [ref. 39325]). Current status: Valid as Schistura nudidorsum Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Nam Theun watershed (Laos) and Yunnan (China). Habitat: freshwater. obeini, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:83, Figs. 121-122 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Phao at waterfall immediately downriver of border post on road from Lak Sao to Vinh (Vietnam), Laos, 18°23'00"N, 105°09'20"E. Holotype: ZRC 41803. Paratypes: CMK 12366 (10), 12672 (13); DFV uncat. (4); NRM 36712 (3); ZRC 41812 (2). •Valid as Schistura obeini Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2001:113 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:44 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Taki et al. 2021:205 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura obeini Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, central and southern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. obliquofascia, Schistura Lokeshwor [Y.], Barat [A.], Sati [J.], Darshan [A.], Vishwanath [W.] & Mahanta [P. C.] 2012:256, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa No. 3586; ref. 32337] Uttarakhand State, Kalsa River at Chanfi, Ganga basin, 29°22′06″ N, 79°34′44″ E, India. Holotype: MUMF 11058. Paratypes: MUMF 11055, 11059, 11061 (3), 11056, 11057, 11060 (3). •Valid as Schistura obliquofascia Lokeshwor, Barat, Sati, Darshan, Vishwanath & Mahanta 2012 -- (Lonunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Bleher 2018:228 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura obliquofascia Lokeshwor, Barat, Sati, Darshan, Vishwanath & Mahanta 2012. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Gola River drainage, upper Ganges basin, Uttarakhand, India. Habitat: freshwater. obscura, Cobites (Acoura) Swainson [W.] 1839:310 [The natural history and classification v. 2; ref. 4303] Based on Hamilt. p. 357, No. 9 -- which is Hamilton 1822:357 [ref. 2031], Cobitis savona. Genus should have been Cobitis. Unneeded replacement name for Cobitis savona Hamilton 1822. Available on indication to Hamilton according to Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367]. •Objective synonym of Nemacheilus savona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1987:91 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:177 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Schistura savona (Hamilton 1822) -- ( Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367]). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Schistura savona (Hamilton 1822). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. obscurus, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:316, Fig. 68 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Doi Angka, Mae Nam Ping River basin, northern Thailand. Holotype: MCZ 35520. Paratypes: USNM 118439 (1). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Nemacheilus obscurus Smith 1945 -- (Wu & Wu 1992:145 [ref. 21205], Zhang et al. 2016:130 [ref. 34477]). •Synonym of Schistura waltoni (Fowler 1937) -- (Kottelat 1990:222 [ref. 14137], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:177 [ref. 31357], Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura waltoni (Fowler 1937). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. oedipus, Noemacheilus Kottelat [M.] 1988:225, Fig. 1 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 40 (no. 4); ref. 13829] Tham Nam Lang [= Nam Lang Cave], 19°31'N, 98°09'E, Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand. Holotype: AMS I.25986-002. Paratypes: AMS I.25986-001 (1). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura oedipus (Kottelat 1988) -- (Kottelat 1990:174 [ref. 14137], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Romero & Paulson 2001:21 [ref. 26040], Trajano et al. 2002:169 [ref. 26082], Vidthayanon & Jaruthanin 2002:19 [ref. 26523], Proudlove 2006:96 [ref. 28992], Kottelat 2012:341 [ref. 32232], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura oedipus (Kottelat 1988). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. orthocauda, Barbatula Mai [D. Y.] 1978:231, Fig. 105 [Identification of the fresh-water fishes of North Viet Nam v. 1; ref. 13511] Northern Vietnam. Holotype (unique): DVZUT. •Valid as Barbatula orthocauda Mai 1978 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:143 [ref. 25364]). •Status uncertain, perhaps based on a damaged specimen of Schistura -- (Kottelat 2001:48 [ref. 25482]). •Valid as Schistura orthocauda (Mai 1978) -- (Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367] with question, Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989] with question). Current status: Uncertain as Schistura orthocauda (Mai 1978). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Vietnam (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. palma, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2023:522, Figs. 1-5, 9-10a, 11-13 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 71; ref. 40452] Nam Long (tributary of Nam Chae), about 150 meters upstream of confluence with Nam Chae, Nam Ngiep watershed, Thathom, Saysomboune Province, Laos, 19°02'07"N, 103°30'00"E, elevation 353 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2790.080. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Schistura palma Kottelat 2023. Current status: Valid as Schistura palma Kottelat 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: middle Nam Ngiep drainage, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. pambaensis, Noemacheilus denisoni Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:103, Pl. 10 (figs. 5-6) [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Sabarigiri, Kerala, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F563. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F564 (13). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:366 [ref. 27706]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:477 [ref. 20764]). •Synonym of Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867, but a valid subspecies as described -- (Menon 1999:171 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Schistura denisoni (Day 1867), but a valid subspecies pambaensis (Menon 1987) -- (Sreekantha et al. 2006:2216 [ref. 28597]). •Synonym of Schistura denisoni (Day 1867) -- (Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura denisoni (Day 1867). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. pantherina, Schistura Page [L. M.], Plongsesthee [R.] & Randall [Z. S.] in Page, Plongsesthee, Beamosh, Kangrang, Randall, Singer, et al. 2012:320, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa No. 3586; ref. 32342] Thong Pha Phum, Mae Khlong basin, Mae Nam Kwai Noi system, Kroeng Krawia, on Hwy 323 at km 32, near Prang Phe, 14°58'17"N, 98°38'24"E, Kanchanaburi Prov.,Thailand. Holotype: NIFI 4675. Paratypes: UF 184183 (1). •Valid as Schistura pantherina Page, Plongsesthee & Randall 2012. Current status: Valid as Schistura pantherina Page, Plongsesthee & Randall 2012. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mae Khlong basin, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. papulifera, Schistura Kottelat [M.], Harries [D. R.] & Proudlove [G. S.] 2007:36, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa No. 1393; ref. 28942] Cave of Synrang Pamiang system, Maintia Hills, Krem Umsngat entrance, 25°11'14"N, 92°21'03"E, Meghalaya State, India. Holotype: MHNG 2680.074. Paratypes: CMK 16040 (1). •Valid as Schistura papulifera Kottelat, Harries & Proudlove 2007 -- (Kottelat 2012:346 [ref. 32232], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:260 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:5 [ref. 32463], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Khynrian & Sen 2014:20 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:189 [ref. 33318], Choudhury et al. 2017:96 [ref. 35681]). Current status: Valid as Schistura papulifera Kottelat, Harries & Proudlove 2007. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Cave of Synrang Pamiang system, Meghalaya, India. Habitat: freshwater. paraxena, Schistura Endruweit [M.] 2017:145, Figs. 1-2 [Zootaxa 4277 (no. 1); ref. 35362] Changdonghe River, Xi River, Pearl River drainage, Jinxiu City, Laibin Prefecture, Guangxi Province, China, approximately 24°05'N, 110°04'E. Holotype: KIZ 2005010297. Paratypes: KIZ. •Valid as Schistura paraxena Endruweit 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura paraxena Endruweit 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: West River, Pearl River drainage, Guangxi, China. Habitat: freshwater. paucicincta, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:177, Figs. 133-134 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Huai Mae Charno, 4 kilometers south of Amphoe Mae Ramat on road 1085, 16°58'N, 98°34'E, Salween basin, Tak Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27481 [now ZRC 38464] [ex ZMK 4917]. Paratypes: NIFI 2175 (1). Type catqalog: Neumann 2011:242 [ref. 31652]. Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura paucicincta Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003:172 [ref. 26859], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:173 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:197 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura paucicincta Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. paucifasciatus, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1929:330, Fig. 3; Pl. 15 (figs. 1-2) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 31 (pt 4); ref. 15899] Hwe-gna-sang River, Pazi Township, Monglong subdivision of Hsipaw State, northern Shan States, Myanmar. Holotype: ZSI F 6314/1. Paratypes: BMNH 1930.3.3.4 [ex ZSI] (1) Monglong, ZSI (13). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:123 [ref. 20743]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:364 [ref. 27706]. Locality is Myanmar -- Heiko Bleher email Mar. 2016. •Synonym of Nemacheilus cincticauda (Blyth 1860) -- (Menon 1987:123 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:475 [ref. 20764]). •Valid as Schistura paucifasciata (Hora 1929) -- (Kottelat 1990:180 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:174 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:197 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603], Suvarnaraksha 2015:169 [ref. 33813], Dvořák et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40537]). Current status: Valid as Schistura paucifasciata (Hora 1929). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: middle Irrawaddy River basin, Kyaukme district, northwestern Shan State, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. paucireticulata, Schistura Lokeshwor [Y.], Vishwanath [W.] & Kosygin [L.] 2013:582, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa 3682 (no. 5); ref. 32764] Mizoram: Aizawl District: Tuirial River near Aizawl (the Barak-Surma-Meghna river system); 23°43′12.49″N, 92°47′59.43″E, India, altitude 175 meters. Holotype: MUMF 11120. Paratypes: MUMF 11121 (1), 11122-23 (2), •Valid as Schistura paucireticulata Lokeshwor, Vishwanath & Kosygin 2013 -- (Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483]). Current status: Valid as Schistura paucireticulata Lokeshwor, Vishwanath & Kosygin 2013. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Barak-Surma-Meghna drainage system, Mizoram, India. Habitat: freshwater. pawensis, Schistura Bohlen [J.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2013:26, Figs. 4-7 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no.1); ref. 32804] Shan state, stream Nam Paw west of Hsipaw city, 22°37'40" N, 97°18'17" E, Myanmar. Holotype: ZRC 53776. Paratypes: IAPG A5901 (1), ZRC 53577 (1). •Valid as Schistura pawensis Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013 -- (Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Shangningam et al. 2014:189 [ref. 33318], Kottelat 2017:6 [ref. 35482], Choudhury et al. 2019:190 [ref. 37121], Kottelat 2021:285 [ref. 38162]). Current status: Valid as Schistura pawensis Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Irrawaddy River drainage, Shan State, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. pellegrini, Nemacheilus Rendahl [H.] 1944:26, Figs. 13-14, 16-17 [Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps-och Vitterhets-Samhälles Handlingar (Ser. 6 B) v. 3 (no. 3); ref. 3705] Thua Luu, 50 kilometers southeast of Hué, Annam, Vietnam. Holotype: NHMG. Paratypes: NHMG 1939-7591 (25). •Synonym of Nemacheilus fasciolatus (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zhu & Cao 1987:327 [ref. 14139] with genus as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Schistura fasciolata (Nichols & Pope 1927) -- (Zhu 1989:47 [ref. 17744]). •Valid as Schistura pellegrini (Rendahl 1944) -- (Kottelat 1990:183 [ref. 14137], Rainboth 1996:131 [ref. 22772], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Ou et al. 2011:197 [ref. 31692]). •Synonym of Schistura spiloptera (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:176 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura spiloptera (Valenciennes 1846). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Coastal streams in eastern Vietnam (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. peninsulae, Schistura Dvořák [T.], Bohlen [J.], Kottelat [M.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2023:12, Figs. 3J, 5E [Scientific Reports v. 13: 16996; ref. 40537] Waterfall below seven wells, Sungai Borau drainage, Langkawi Island, Kedah province, Malaysia, 6°23'N, 99°40'E. Holotype: ZRC 61584. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. •Valid as Schistura peninsulae Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Current status: Valid as Schistura peninsulae Dvořák, Bohlen, Kottelat & Šlechtová 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: from Phang Nga (Thailand) to Langkawi (Malaysia) on the west slope and from northern Surat Thani Province to Phatthalung Province (Thailand) on the east slope, Malay Peninsula. Habitat: freshwater. personata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:67, Fig. 49 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Sala Yai, a tributary of Nam San, 18°35'17"N, 103°05'00"E, Saisomboun Special Zone, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45362. Paratypes: CMK 13354 (12), LARRI uncat. (4), NRM 44897 (4), ZRC 45363 (4). •Valid as Schistura personata Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:113 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura personata Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Ngum drainage, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. pertica, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:67, Fig. 50 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Ou at confluence with Houay Nam, 3 kilometers east southeast of Muang Khoa, 21°04'10.4"N, 102°31'43.8"E, Phongsali, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45364. Paratypes: CMK 14166 (40), LARRI uncat. (8), NRM 44914 (8), ZRC 45365 (8). •Valid as Schistura pertica Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:113 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura pertica Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: SoutheastAsia Mekong River system (Laos and China). Habitat: freshwater. pervagata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:68, Fig. 51 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Small stream tributary of Nam Hao, 20°31'09"N, 104°21'44"E, Houaphan Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45366. Paratypes: CMK 15368 (12), 15418 (9); LARRI uncat. (5); NRM 44915 (5); ZRC 45367 (5). •Valid as Schistura pervagata Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:150, 168 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:48 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2001:113 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:154 [ref. 33205], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura pervagata Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Houapan province, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. phamhringi, Schistura Shangningam [B.], Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2014:182, Figs. 1-6 [Zootaxa 3786 (no. 2); ref. 33318] Manipur, Chandel District: Dutah Stream, tributary of Yu River near Larong Village (Chindwin-Irrawaddy basin), 24°15'3.87"N, 94°14'58.55 "E, India, altitude 283 meters. Holotype: NUMF 11157. Paratypes: MUMF, ZSI. •Valid as Schistura phamhringi Shangningam, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014 -- (Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483]). Current status: Valid as Schistura phamhringi Shangningam, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Ya River system, Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. phongthoensis, Paracobitis Nguyen [V. H.] 2006:564, Fig. 11 [Freshwater fishes of Vietnam v. 2; ref. 29730] Muong So, Phong Thô (Lai Châu) Province, Vietnam. Holotype (unique): NCNTTS I. Type reported lost -- Endruweit 2014:153 [ref. 33205]. •Valid as Schistura phongthoensis (Nguyen 2006) -- (Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367] with question, Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:154 [ref. 33205], Ho et al. 2018:146 [ref. 35841]). •Synonym of Schistura caudofurca (Mai 1978) -- (Nguyen et al. 2021:1 [ref. 38733]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura caudofurca (Mai 1978). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. poculi, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:323, Fig. 72 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Doi Angka, Mae Nam Ping River basin, northern Thailand. Holotype: MCZ 35525. Paratypes: MCZ 35526 (9), 35527 (25 or 24); USNM 118440-41 (2, 6). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura poculi (Smith 1945) -- (Kottelat 1990:186 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2001:113 [ref. 25780], Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003:172 [ref. 26859], Vidthayanon 2003:309 [ref. 27398], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar 2004:328 [ref. 28011], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma 2005:80 [ref. 28460], Kottelat et al. 2007:40 [ref. 28942], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2010:324 [ref. 30687], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:176 [ref. 31357], Zheng et al. 2012:63 [ref. 32070], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Endruweit 2017:399 [ref. 35191], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347], Taki et al. 2021:215 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura poculi (Smith 1945). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Myanmar, Thailand, to Yunnan (China) and Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. polytaenia, Nemachilus Zhu [S.-Q.] 1982:106 [111], Fig. 3 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 8388] Tributary of the Irrawaddy River, Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: NPIB 784092. Paratypes: NPIB. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. English description on p. 111. •Valid as Nemacheilus polytaenia Zhu 1982 -- (Zhu 1989:61 [ref. 17744], Zhu 1995:111 [ref. 25213], Chen & Zhang in Chen 1998:58 [ref. 23556]). •Valid as Schistura polytaenia (Zhu 1982) -- (Chen & Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:359 [ref. 33494], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014]). Current status: Valid as Schistura polytaenia (Zhu 1982). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Upper Irrawaddy River basin, Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. porthos, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:69, Fig. 52 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Tha at Ban Finho, about 14 kilometers north of Luang Nam Tha, 21°04'44"N, 101°24'09"E, Louangnamtha Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45368. Paratypes: CMK 14282 (132), LARRI uncat. (15), NRM 44898 (15), ZRC 45369 (15). •Valid as Schistura porthos Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:158 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:115 [ref. 25780], Endruweit 2011:572 [ref. 31621], Kottelat 2012:115 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Endruweit 2017:149 [ref. 35362], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347], Taki et al. 2021:208 [ref. 39830], Kottelat 2023:526 [ref. 40452]). Current status: Valid as Schistura porthos Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: upper Mekong River basin, northern Laos and Yunnan (China). Habitat: freshwater. pridii, Schistura Vidthayanon [C.] 2003:307, Fig. 1 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 14 (no. 4); ref. 27398] Stream Nam Muen, a tributary of river Mae Taeng, upper Chao Phraya basin, Chiangmai Province, Thailand. Holotype: NIFI 2909. Paratypes: CMK 16878 (2); NIFI 2838 (8), 2910 (3), 2911 (22); ZRC 40101 (3). •Valid as Schistura pridii Vidthayanon 2003 -- (Zheng et al. 2012:66 [ref. 32070], Chen & Neely 2012:226 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Suvarnaraksha 2015:169 [ref. 33813], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366]). Current status: Valid as Schistura pridii Vidthayanon 2003. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Upper Chao Phraya drainage, Chiangmai, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. procera, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:69, Fig. 53 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Waterfall Taad Lak Sip Et, kilometer 11 on road from Oudomxai to Nambak, 20°37'01.8"N, 102°00'12.0"E, Nam Phak watershed, Oudomxai Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45370. Paratypes: CMK 14191 (5), LARRI uncat. (5), NRM 44916 (5), ZRC 45371 (5). •Valid as Schistura procera Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:152 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:115 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura procera Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. prolixifasciata, Schistura Zheng [L.-P.], Yang [J.-X.] & Chen [X.-Y.] 2012:64, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 23 (no. 1); ref. 32070] Mengnonghe River, a tributary of the Nangunhe River, itself a tributary of the Salween River, at Banlao Village, 23°30'08.9"N, 99°01'42.9"E [coordinates incorrect Endruweit 2017:398], Cangyuan County, Yunnan Province, China, elevation 510 meters. Holotype: KIZ 200504111365. Paratypes: KIZ 200504111366-368 (3). Type catalog: Du et al. 2013:352 [ref. 32939]. •Valid as Schistura prolixifasciata Zheng, Yang & Chen 2012 -- (Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:26, 29 [ref. 32804], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2017:398 [ref. 35191]). Current status: Valid as Schistura prolixifasciata Zheng, Yang & Chen 2012. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mengnonghe River, Salween basin, Yunnan, China. Habitat: freshwater. pseudofasciolata, Schistura Zhou [W.] & Cui [G.-H.] 1993:89, Fig. 9 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 4 (no. 1); ref. 20830] Canyu River, tributary of Jinshajiang River, near Huidong town, Huidong, Sichuan Province, China, 26°38'N, 102°34'E. Holotype: KIZ 90110157. Paratypes: KIZ 90110130-156 (27), 90110158-160 (3). Type catalog: Du et al. 2013:352 [ref. 32939]. •Valid as Schistura pseudofasciolata Zhou & Cui 1993 -- (Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Endruweit 2014:152 [ref. 33205], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Zhang et al. 2019:374 [ref. 36699]). •Synonym of Schistura huapingensis (Wu & Wu 1992) -- (Guo 2021:501 [ref. 38618]). Current status: Valid as Schistura pseudofasciolata Zhou & Cui 1993. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Upper Yangtze River basin, China. Habitat: freshwater. psittacula, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:170, Figs. 37-39 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Middle River Cam Lo, about 20 kilometers west of Dong Ha, 16°47.00'N, 106°53.86'E, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 27015. Paratypes: CMK 16013 (10); ZFMK 27016-110 (95), 38371-400 (30); ZSM 28867 (10). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:113 [ref. 31087], Neumann 2011:242 [ref. 31652]. •Valid as Schistura psittacula Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Ho et al. 2018:147 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura psittacula Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Cam Lo basin, Quang Tri province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. pumatensis, Schistura Nguyen [X. K.] & Nguyen [H. D.] 2007:17, fig. [Tap Chí Sinh Hoc (Journal of Biology) v. 29 (no. 2); ref. 29908] Pumat National Park, Nghe An Province, Vietnam. Holotype: HNUE PM 020170. Paratypes:HNUE PM 020171-75 (5). Full original description not seen. •Valid as Schistura pumatensis Nguyen & Nguyen 2007 -- (Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Endruweit 2014:154 [ref. 33205]). Current status: Valid as Schistura pumatensis Nguyen & Nguyen 2007. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Pumat National Park, Nghe An Province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. punctatus, Oreias Nguyen [V. H.] 2006:570, Fig. 15 [Freshwater fishes of Vietnam v. 2; ref. 29730] Creek Nâm Ngam, Núa Ngam, Dien Bien, Vietnam. Holotype (unique): NCNTTS I (lost). Types lost -- Endruweit 2014:152 [ref. 33205]. •Valid as Oreias punctatus Ngyuen 2006 -- (Nguyen et al. 2010:50 [ref. 32127]). •Valid as Claea punctata (Nguyen 2006). •Synonym of Schistura athos Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2012:106 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:152 [ref. 33205]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura athos Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. puncticeps, Schistura Bohlen [J.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2013:86, Figs. 1-4 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no. 1); ref. 32798] Shan state, stream Nam Paw west of Hsipaw city; 22°37'40"N, 97°18'17"E, Myanmar. Holotype: ZRC 53782. Paratypes: CMK 23278 (5), IAPG A5836-5840 (5), ZRC 53783 (17). •Valid as Schistura puncticeps Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013 -- (Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Shangningam et al. 2014:189 [ref. 33318]). Current status: Valid as Schistura puncticeps Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Shan state, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. punctifasciata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:84, Figs. 123-124 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Kathang, 5 kilometers north of Ban Gnomalat at Ban Keovilay, 17°39'N, 105°10'20"E, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 41804. Paratypes: CMK 12393 (72), 12485 (24), 12599 (10); DFV uncat. (6); NRM 36713 (5); ZRC 41805 (5). •Valid as Schistura punctifasciata Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2001:115 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:45 [ref. 33971], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura punctifasciata Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Xe Bangfai watershed, Mekong basin, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. putaoensis, Nemacheilus Rendahl [H.] 1948:27, Figs. 11-12 [Arkiv för Zoologi v. 40 A (no. 7); ref. 19694] Putao, northern Myanmar. Holotype: NRM 10740. •Synonym of Nemacheilus vinciguerrae Hora 1935 -- (Menon 1987:134 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:507 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:180 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Nemacheilus putaoensis Rendahl 1948 -- (Zhu 1989:62 [ref. 17744], Chen & Zhang in Chen 1998:60 [ref. 23556]). •Synonym of Schistura vinciguerrae (Hora 1935) -- (Chen and Neely 2012:2256 [ref. 32333], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477]). •Objective synonym of Schistura sikmaiensis (Hora 1921) -- (Kottelat 1990:208 [ref. 14137] after neotype designation for sikmaiensis, Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:97 [ref. 35308]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura sikmaiensis (Hora 1921). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. quaesita, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:70, Fig. 54 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Ngum, rapids downstream of Ban Latbouak, 19°36'28"N, 103°14'23"E, Xiangkhouang Province, Laos. Holotype (unique): ZRC 45372. •Valid as Schistura quaesita Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:115 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:210 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Taki et al. 2021:213 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura quaesita Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, central Laos. Habitat: freshwater. quasimodo, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:70, Fig. 55 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Sala Yai, a tributary of Nam San, 18°35'17"N, 103°05'00"E, Saisomboun Special Zone, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45373. Paratypes: CMK 13352 (37), LARRI uncat. (6), NRM 44899 (6), ZRC45374 (6). •Valid as Schistura quasimodo Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:115 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura quasimodo Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Ngum drainage, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. rajasthanicus, Noemacheilus Mathur [D. S.] & Yazdani [G. M.] 1971:97, Fig. 1 [Journal of the Zoological Society of India v. 22 (no. 1-2) (1970); ref. 7266] Takhat Sagar, Kailana, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Holotype: ZSI. Paratypes: ZSI (41). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:367 [ref. 27706]. •Questionably a synonym of Nemacheilus baluchiorum Zugmayer 1912 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:471 [ref. 20764]). •Questionable a synonym of Schistura baluchiorum (Zugmayer 1912). •Valid as Schistura rajasthanica (Mathur & Yazdani 1971) -- (Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura rajasthanica (Mathur & Yazdani 1971). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: India. Habitat: freshwater. rarus, Noemacheilus Zhu [S.-Q.] & Cao [W.-X.] 1987:328 [331], Figs. 7-8 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 12 (no. 3); ref. 14139] Beijiang River drainage, 24°E, 113°N, Ruyuan County, Guangdong Province, China. Holotype: NIGLAS 840130. Paratypes: NIGLAS 840132 (1), 840205-07 (3), 840209-10 (2). [Types in IHB?] Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. English description on p. 331. •Valid as Nemacheilus rarus Zhu & Cao 1987 -- (Ye in Pan et al. 1991:243 [ref. 23876]). •Valid as Schistura rara (Zhu & Cao 1987) -- (Zhu 1989:49 [ref. 17744], Zhu 1995:110 [ref. 25213], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Cao & Zhang 2018:134 [ref. 36108]). Current status: Valid as Schistura rara (Zhu & Cao 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Bei-Jiang River drainage, Guangdong, China. Habitat: freshwater. rebuw, Schistura Choudhury [H.], Dey [A.], Bharali [R. C.], Sarma [D.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2019:41, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa 4551 (no. 1); ref. 36483] Pachai stream near Seppa, Kameng River drainage (Brahmaputra basin), East Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 27°23ʹ20"N, 93°03ʹ20"E, elevation 400 meters. Holotype: GUMF 0301. Paratypes: GUMF, ZSI. •Valid as Schistura rebuw Choudhury, Dey, Bharali, Sarma & Vishwanath 2019. Current status: Valid as Schistura rebuw Choudhury, Dey, Bharali, Sarma & Vishwanath 2019. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Kameng River drainage, Brahmaputra River system, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Habitat: freshwater. reidi, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:313, Fig. 67 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Huey Mekong Kha, mountain torrent at base of Doi Mekong Kha, northern Thailand. Holotype: USNM 107944. Paratypes: USNM 107908 (3), 107913-14 (8, 6), 107918 (2), 117744 (1). Type catalog: Vilasri et al. 2018:59 [ref. 36451]. Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura reidi (Smith 1945) -- (Kottelat 1990:193 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Vidthayanon & Jaruthanin 2002:19 [ref. 26523], Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003:172 [ref. 26859], Chen et al. 2005:30 [ref. 28352], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Vilasri et al. 2018:59 [ref. 36451]). Current status: Valid as Schistura reidi (Smith 1945). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. rendahli, Noemacheilus Bănărescu [P. M.] & Nalbant [T. T.] 1968:336, Pl. 1 (fig. 8); Figs. 5-6 [Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut v. 65; ref. 6554] Nandur-Madhyameshwar dam on Godavari River, India. Holotype (unique): ZMH H3621. Type catalog: Wilkens 1977:159 [ref. 22013]. Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. •Valid as Schistura rendahli (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1968) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:442 [ref. 23187]). •Synonym of Nemacheilus denisoni Day 1867 -- (Menon 1987:93 [ref. 14149] as noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:477 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:171 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Kottelat 2012:108 [ref. 32367]). •Synonym of Schistura denisoni (Day 1867). Current status: Synonym of Schistura denisoni (Day 1867). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: India (if valid). Habitat: freshwater. reticulata, Schistura Vishwanath [W.] & Nebeshwar Sharma [K.] 2004:324, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 15 (no. 4); ref. 28011] Maklang River, Ukhrul District, Manipur, India. Holotype: MUMF 4400. Paratypes: MUMF 2180-89 (10), 4401-07 (7), 4408-09 (2), 4410-11 (2), 4412 (1), 4413/3 (3). •Valid as Schistura reticulata Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma 2004 -- (Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar 2006:210 [ref. 28652], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1514 [ref. 31183], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:55 [ref. 32801], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Khynrian & Sen 2014:21 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014], Shangningam & Kosygin 2022:58 [ref. 39587]). Current status: Valid as Schistura reticulata Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma 2004. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Manipur (India) and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. reticulofasciatus, Mesonoemacheilus Singh [A.] & Bănărescu [P. M.] in Singh, Sen, Bănărescu & Nalbant 1982:206, Figs. 12-16 [Travaux du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" v. 23 (for 1981); ref. 4030] Barani, near Shillong, Meghalaya, India. Holotype: V/ERS 3062. Paratypes: (27) BMNH; V/ERS 3064 and 3065, ISBB 3592, CAS 48109 (2), MINM uncat., USNM 227403 (1). See Das 2003:353 [ref. 27706] as retiveulofasciatus. •Valid as Mesonoemacheilus reticulofasciatus Singh & Bănărescu 1982 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:447 [ref. 23187]). •Valid as Nemacheilus reticulofasciatus (Singh & Bănărescu 1982) -- (Menon 1987:173 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:498 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:549 [ref. 23778], Menon 1999:185 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31/ [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura reticulofasciata (Singh & Bănărescu 1982) -- (Kottelat et al. 2007:40 [ref. 28942], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:5 [ref. 32463], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927] as cf. reticulofasciatus, Khynrian & Sen 2014:21 [ref. 33853], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Bleher 2018:230 [ref. 36647], Du et al. 2021:4 [ref. 38600]). Current status: Valid as Schistura reticulofasciata (Singh & Bănărescu 1982). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: upper Brahmaputra basin, Assam and Meghalaya (India). Habitat: freshwater. rikiki, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:71, Fig. 56 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Xe Kong between Attapu and downstream to Bank Ouk, 14°44'51"N, 106°43'95"E, Attapu Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45375. Paratypes: CMK 16028 (5), 16029 (7); LARRI uncat. (3); NRM 44917 (3); ZRC 45376 (3). •Valid as Schistura rikiki Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:115 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura rikiki Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. robertsi, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:198, Figs. 148-149 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Tributary of Khlong Khao Thalu at Ban Bang Kan, 8°33'N, 98°28'E, road from Phangnga to Kapong, Phangnga Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27482 [now ZRC 38472] [ex NIFI 1454, CMK 5346]. Paratypes: CMK 5179 (1), 5346 (1); MCZ 47273 (13 not 20), 49164 (21 not 23); NIFI 2071 (3), 2225 (5). Type catalog: Neumann 2011:242 [ref. 31652]. Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura robertsi Kottelat 1990 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:70 [ref. 23436], Freyhof & Serov 2001:137 [ref. 25364], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2010:319 [ref. 30687], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:173 [ref. 31357], Ou et al. 2011:197 [ref. 31692], Singer & Page 2012:351 [ref. 32390], Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Ng & Pethiyagoda 2013:161 [ref. 33011], Plongsesthee et al. 2013:171 [ref. 33012], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Suvarnaraksha 2015:168 [ref. 33813], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Dvořák et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40537]). Current status: Valid as Schistura robertsi Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: drainages of the Andaman Sea slope of Thailand, east of the Tenasserim Range in the upper Khlong Sok and upper Tapi River drainages, and in the Krabi River basin, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. rosammai, Aborichthys Sen [N.] 2009:15, Pls. 1-2; Fig. 1A-B [Records of the Zoological Survey of India v. 109 (part 2); ref. 30554] Pabomukh, Subansiri River, Dhemaji District, Assam, India, 27°34'N, 94°14'E, elevation 32 meters. Paratypes: V/F/ERS/2497 (4). Named for Smti. Rosamma Mathew, who is a woman, the correct species epithet would be rosammae, not to be corrected according to the ICZN. •Valid as Aporichthys rosammai Sen 2009 -- (Kosygin 2012:49 [ref. 32937]). •Valid as Schistura rosammai (Sen 2009) -- (Kottelat 2012:116 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Khynrian & Sen 2014:24 [ref. 33853]). Current status: Valid as Schistura rosammai (Sen 2009). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Arunachal Pradesh and Assam (India). Habitat: freshwater. rubrimaculata, Schistura Bohlen [J.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2013:22, Figs. 1-3 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no.1); ref. 32804] Magway devision, stream Man Chaung, about 10 km upstream of Datkon village, 19°55.008' N , 94°30.104' E, Myanmar. Holotype: ZRC 53773. Paratypes: CMK 23277 (5); IAPG A5904-5905 (2), A66591 [? 6592] (1); ZRC 43774 (15), 53775 (1). •Valid as Schistura rubrimaculata Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013 -- (Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Shangningam et al. 2014:189 [ref. 33318], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Kottelat 2017:6 [ref. 35482], Choudhury et al. 2019:190 [ref. 37121], Chen et al. 2020:100 [ref. 38014], Kottelat 2021:285 [ref. 38162]). Current status: Valid as Schistura rubrimaculata Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Man Chaung and Shwe Chaung, Irrawaddy River basin, Arakan range, Rakhine, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. rupecula, Cobitis (Schistura) McClelland [J.] 1838:948, Pl. 55 (fig. 3) [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 7 (for Nov. 1838); ref. 2924] Simla, Himachal Pradesh, India. Syntypes: SMF 8993 (6). See also McClelland 1839:309 & 441, pl. 57 fig. 3 [ref. 2923] as Cobitis (Schistura) rupecola and spelled rupicola in erratum sheet (but this sheet not included in the original description, so not valid). "Genus" Schistura treated as a subgenus of Cobitis Linnaeus 1758 by McClelland 1838:944 [ref. 2924], formally corrected by McClelland 1839:309, 441 [ref. 2923]. Specific name is to be treated as an adjective, see Kottelat 2013:204 [ref.32989]. •Valid as Nemacheilus rupecula (McClelland 1838) -- (Shrestha 1978:37 [ref. 15970], Menon 1987:49 [ref. 14149] as Noemachilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:500 [ref. 20764] as rupecola, Menon 1999:176 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus rupecola, Kundu 2000:96 [ref. 25663] as rupecola, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus rupecola). •Valid as Schistura rupecula (McClelland 1838) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Shrestha 2008:133 [ref. 29923], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2011:6 [ref. 31362], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594], Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Khynrian & Sen 2014:24 [ref. 33853], Freyhof et al. 2016:75 [ref. 34414], Bleher 2018:232 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura rupecula McClelland 1838. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: western Himalaya foothills, India and Nepal. Habitat: freshwater. russa, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:71, Fig. 57 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Tha at Ban Finho, about 14 kilometers north of Luang Nam Tha, 21°04'44"N, 101°24°09"E, Louangnamtha Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45377. Paratypes: CMK 14267 (11), 14284 (7); LARRI uncat. (2); NRM 44900 (2); ZRC 45378 (2). •Valid as Schistura russa Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:115 [ref. 25780], Vidthayanon & Jaruthanin 2002:19 [ref. 26523], Kangrang et al. 2012:75 [ref. 32324], Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura russa Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. savona, Cobitis Hamilton [F.] 1822:357, 394 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Kosi River at Nathpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. No types known. Information on type locality see Britz 2019:46 [ref. 37532]. Hamilton's original, unpublished illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 224 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Nemacheilus savona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1987:91 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Ataur Rahman 1989:150 [ref. 24860] as Nemachilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:501 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:549 [ref. 23778], Sen 1999:198 [ref. 24750] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:177 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura savona (Hamilton 1822) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:441 [ref. 23187], Ataur Rahman 2003:168 [ref. 31338], Kottelat et al. 2007:40 [ref. 28942], Shrestha 2008:133 [ref. 29923], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Ahmed et al. 2013:286 [ref. 32872], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Khynrian & Sen 2014:25 [ref. 33853], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603], Bleher 2018:234 [ref. 36647], Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483]). Current status: Valid as Schistura savona (Hamilton 1822). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Brahmaputra River system, Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Habitat: freshwater. scaturigina, Schistura McClelland [J.] (ex Hamilton) 1839:308, 443, Pl. 53 (fig. 6) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Assam, India. No types known. Based on figure from Hamilton (Menon 1987:86 [ref. 14149]), which was reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 228 [ref. 37532] as Cobitis scaturigina. •Valid as Nemacheilus scaturigina (McClelland 1839) -- (Menon 1987:86 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:501 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:550 [ref. 23778], Menon 1999:178 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura scaturigina McClelland 1839 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Vishwanath & Laisram 2001:210 [ref. 25886], Ataur Rahman 2003:167 [ref. 31338], Shrestha 2008:134 [ref. 29923], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594], as cf. scaturigina on p. 1755, Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Khynrian & Sen 2014:25 [ref. 33853], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Bleher 2018:236 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura scaturigina McClelland 1839. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Eastern Himalaya Foothills, Nepal, India, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Habitat: freshwater. schultzi, Noemacheilus Smith [H. M.] 1945:317, Fig. 69 [Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 188; ref. 4056] Huey Melao on Doi Hua Mot, northern Thailand. Holotype: USNM 107953. Paratypes: IBTS [ex USNM 109733] (2) and [ex USNM 109754] (1); USNM 109715 (5), 109733 (25, now 22), 109734 (8), 109754 (12, now 11). Type catalog: Vilasri et al. 2018:59 [ref. 36451]. •Valid as Schistura schultzi (Smith 1945) -- (Kottelat 1990:202 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Chen 1999:304 [ref. 24925] as schutzi, Kottelat 2001:117 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Vilasri et al. 2018:59 [ref. 36451], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura schultzi (Smith 1945). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin (Thailand and Yunnan/China). Habitat: freshwater. scripta, Schistura Sudasinghe [H.] 2018:479, Figs. 1-6, 7A-B [Zootaxa 4422 (no. 4); ref. 35942] Gin River basin, Seethala Dola, Nakiyadeniya Estate, Sri Lanka, 06°09'06"N, 80°18'36"E, elevation 83 meters. Holotype: NMSL 2018.4.1. Paratypes: DZ, NMSL. •Valid as Schistura scripta Sudasinghe 2018. Current status: Valid as Schistura scripta Sudasinghe 2018. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Gin River basin, Sri Lanka. Habitat: freshwater. scyphovecteta, Schistura Lokeshwor [Y.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2013:568, Figs. 7-11 [Zootaxa 3731 (no. 4); ref. 32971] Ka-ao River near New Serkawr village (Koladyne basin), Saiha District, Mizoram, India, 22°21'10.8"N, 92°57'49.88"E, elevation 199 meters. Holotype: MUMF 11136. Paratypes: MUMF 11135 (1), 11137 (1), 11138-39 (2). •Valid as Schistura scyphovecteta Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013 -- (Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483]). Current status: Valid as Schistura scyphovecteta Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Koladyne River system, Mizoram, India. Habitat: freshwater. semiarmatus, Nemacheilus Day [F.] 1867:286 [6] [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1867 (pt 2) (art. 5); ref. 14043] Bowany and Seegoor rivers; Billicul Lake, India. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7740 (1, syntype) Bowany; BMNH 1867.7.24.25-27 (3) Nilgherries. Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:157 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:301 [ref. 25110]. On p. 6 of separate. •Valid as Nemacheilus semiarmatus Day 1867 -- (Menon 1987:110 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:502 [ref. 20764], Indra 1991:240 [ref. 24005] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:178 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Raju Thomas et al. 2002:50 [ref. 26359], Kurup & Radhakrishnan 2005:77 [ref. 28530]). •Valid as Schistura semiarmata (Day 1867) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:442 [ref. 23187], Sreekantha et al. 2006:2216 [ref. 28597] as semiarmatus, Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Freyhof et al. 2016:76 [ref. 34414], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539], Bleher 2018:238 [ref. 36647], Praveenraj et al. 2020:56 [ref. 37848], Anoop et al. 2024:118 [ref. 41671]). Current status: Valid as Schistura semiarmata (Day 1867). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: southern Peninsular India. Habitat: freshwater. sertata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:71, Fig. 58 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Mekong basin, Nam Xi below Kuang Xi waterfall, upstream of Bank Thapen, 19°45'10"N, 102°00'10"E, Louangphabang Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45379. Paratypes: CMK 13909 (57), LARRI uncat. (3), NRM 44918 (3), ZRC 45380 (3). •Valid as Schistura sertata Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:117 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Taki et al. 2021:212 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sertata Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, northern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. sexcauda, Nemacheilus Fowler [H. W.] 1937:156, Figs. 75-76 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 89; ref. 1425] Me Poon [Mae Phun], Thailand. Holotype (unique): ANSP 68007. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:64 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Schistura sexcauda (Fowler 1937) -- (Kottelat 1990:204 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187] as sexcaudata, Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 2000:58 [ref. 25040], Freyhof & Serov 2001:145 [ref. 25364], Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003:172 [ref. 26859], Chen et al. 2005:31 [ref. 28352], Kangrang et al. 2012:76 [ref. 32324], Page et al. 2012:327 [ref. 32342], Singer & Page 2012:351 [ref. 32390], Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sexcauda (Fowler 1937). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. sexnubes, Schistura Endruweit [M.] 2014:60, Figs. 1-5 [Zoological Research v. 35 (no. 1); ref. 33202] Mengmenghe River, Xiaoheijiang River subbasin, Mekong Basin, Shuangjiang County, Lincang Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, 23°33.045'N, 99°51.239'E, elevation 1047 meters. Holotype: KIZ 2011000101. Paratypes: KIZ 2011000102-05 (4), 200501401 (1). •Valid as Schistura sexnubes Endruweit 2014 -- (Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Endruweit et al. 2016:599 [ref. 34743], Endruweit 2017:399 [ref. 35191]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sexnubes Endruweit 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Yunnan Province, Mekong Basin, China. Habitat: freshwater. shadiwalensis, Schistura Mirza [M. R.] & Nalbant [T. T.] in Mirza, Nalbant & Bănărescu 1981:125, Figs. 51-55 [Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde v. 51 (no. 1); ref. 5390] Chenab River at Shadiwal, Pakistan. Holotype: ISBB 3369. Paratypes: ISBB 3370 (1), ZMA 116447 (1). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:36 [ref. 19236]. •Synonym of Nemacheilus horai Menon 1952 -- (Menon 1987:74 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:483 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:173 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura shadiwalensis Mirza & Nalbant 1981 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:442 [ref. 23187], Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Mirza 2003:15 [ref. 27265], Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Valid as Schistura shadiwalensis Mirza & Nalbant 1981. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Pakistan. Habitat: freshwater. sharavathiensis, Schistura Sreekantha [no initials], Gururaja [K. V.], Rema Devi [K.], Indra [T. J.] & Ramachandra [T. V.] 2006:2213, Fig. 3 [Zoos' Print Journal v. 21 (no. 4); ref. 28597] Sharavathi river, 14°08'15'N, 74°44'30"E, Kalkatte tributary, 1 kilometer above Dabbe Falls, Shimoga, Karnataka, western Ghats, India. Holotype: ZSI/SRS F-7597. Paratypes: IISc/CES/WGBIS 3-5-3-5-006 (2). •Valid as Schistura sharavathiensis Sreekantha, Gururaja, Rema Devi, Indra & Ramachandra 2006 -- (Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sharavathiensis Sreekantha, Gururaja, Rema Devi, Indra & Ramachandra 2006. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Sharavathi river, western Ghats, India. Habitat: freshwater. shebbearei, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1935:52, Pl. 3 (figs. 1-2) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 37 (pt 1); ref. 13886] Rivers below Darjeeling, northern Bengal, India. Holotype (unique): ZSI F11719/1 (or 11720/1). Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:125 [ref. 20743] as shebbeari, Menon 1987:88 [ref. 14149]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:365 [ref. 27706] as shebbari. •Synonym of Nemacheilus scaturigina (McClelland 1839) -- (Menon 1987:86 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:501 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:178 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Schistura scaturigina McClelland 1839 -- (Ataur Rahman 2003:167 [ref. 31338], Conway et al. 2011:[11] [ref. 31594]). •Valid as Schistura shebbearei (Hora 1935) -- (Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517]). Current status: Valid as Schistura shebbearei (Hora 1935). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: India. Habitat: freshwater. sigillata, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:72, Fig. 59 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Houay Sala Yai, a tributary of Nam San, 18°35'17"N, 103°05'00"E, Saisomboun Special Zone, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45381. Paratypes: CMK 13353 (23), LARRI uncat. (6), NRM 44901 (6), ZRC 45382 (6). •Valid as Schistura sigillata Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:117 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Taki et al. 2021:212 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sigillata Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, central Laos. Habitat: freshwater. sijuensis, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:175, Pl. 6 (fig. 2) [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Siju cave, about 25°25'N, 90°30'E [?25°21'N, 90°41'E], Garo Hills, Meghalaya, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F570. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F571 (14). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. Listed as Noemacheilus Mesonoemachilus sijuensis on plate caption. See Das 2003:367 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus sijuensis Menon 1987 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:503 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:550 [ref. 23778], Menon 1999:185 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura sijuensis (Menon 1987) -- (Romero & Paulson 2001:21 [ref. 26040], Proudlove 2006:95 [ref. 28992], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor et al. 2013:588 [ref. 32764], Khynrian & Sen 2014:26 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603], Choudhury et al. 2017:99 [ref. 35681], Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sijuensis (Menon 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Barak-Meghna-Surma system, Garo Hills district, Meghalaya, India. Habitat: freshwater. sikmaiensis, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1921:201, Pls. 9 (fig. 4), 10 (figs. 1,1a) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 22 (pt 3, no. 19); ref. 2202] Putao, Myanmar. Neotype: NRM 10740 [ex MAL/1934168.3740 lost]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:365 [ref. 27706]. Type ZSI F 9932/1 lost; neotype designated by Kottelat 1990:210 [ref. 14137]; neotype is also the holotype of Nemacheilus putaoensis Rendahl 1948. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Valid as Nemacheilus sikmaiensis Hora 1921 -- (Menon 1987:201 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Ataur Rahman 1989:149 [ref. 24860] as Nemachilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:504 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:550 [ref. 23778], Zhu 1995:112 [ref. 25213], Menon 1999:179 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura sikmaiensis (Hora 1921) -- (Kottelat 1990:208 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Vishwanath & Laisram 2001:210 [ref. 25886], Ataur Rahman 2003:169 [ref. 31338], Vishwanath & Shanta Kumar 2006:210 [ref. 28652], Kottelat et al. 2007:39 [ref. 28942], Kottelat et al. 2007:40 [ref. 28942], Shrestha 2008:134 [ref. 29923] as sikamaiensis, Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1514 [ref. 31183], Conway et al. 2011:1747 [ref. 31594], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 33238], Khynrian & Sen 2014:27 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Endruweit 2014:358 [ref. 33494], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Kottelat 2017:97 [ref. 35308], Bleher 2018:240 [ref. 36647], Choudhury et al. 2019:50 [ref. 36483], Chen et al. 2020:101 [ref. 38014], Du et al. 2021:4 [ref. 38600], Mukhim et al. 2024:15 [ref. 41348]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sikmaiensis (Hora 1921). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South and East Asia: upper Irrawaddy and Chindwin basin, Manipur (India, Myanmar and China). Habitat: freshwater. similis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:210, Figs. 156-157 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Amphoe Tha Song Yang, Tambon Kanei Jiu, Huei Ki Teu, Tak Province, Salween basin, Thailand. Holotype: ZSM 27483 [now ZRC 38478] [ex NIFI 1454]. Paratypes: CMK 4387 (5), 4388 (9); NIFI 882 (5), 883 (2), 1451 (10), 1454 (21). Holotype now at ZRC. •Valid as Schistura similis Kottelat 1990 -- (Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Freyhof & Serov 2001:145 [ref. 25364], Chen et al. 2005:30 [ref. 28352] once as similes, Page et al. 2012:327 [ref. 32342], Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Suvarnaraksha 2015:168 [ref. 33813]). Current status: Valid as Schistura similis Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand and Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. singhi, Noemacheilus Menon [A. G. K.] 1987:119, Pl. 16 (fig. 1) [The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Pisces. Vol. IV; ref. 14149] Kiphire, Nagaland, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F580. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F581 (5). Genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:367 [ref. 27706]. •Valid as Nemacheilus singhi Menon 1987 -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:505 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:179 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura singhi (Menon 1987) -- (Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Khynrian & Sen 2014:28 [ref. 33853], Bleher 2018:242 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura singhi (Menon 1987). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nagaland, India. Habitat: freshwater. sirindhornae, Schistura Suvarnaraksha [A.] 2015:160, Figs. 1-4, 5A, 6-7 [Zootaxa 3962 (no. 1); ref. 33813] Huay Nampan, Ban Khunkoon, Moo 2, Tumbon Phukha, Pua District, Nan Province, 19°08'12.24"N, 101°00'33.18"E, Thailand, elevation 721 meters. Holotype: MARNM 5555. Paratypes: MARNM. •Valid as Schistura sirindhornae Suvarnaraksha 2015. Current status: Valid as Schistura sirindhornae Suvarnaraksha 2015. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nan Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. sokolovi, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:172, Figs. 40-42 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] River Azun, about 30 kilometers east of Pleiku, a confluent to River Ba, 14°02.34'N, 108°21.07'E, Gia Lai Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 27116. Paratypes: CMK 16012 (5); ZFMK 27117-22 (6), 27123-49 (27); ZSM 28868 (6), Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:113 [ref. 31087], Neumann 2011:242 [ref. 31652]. •Valid as Schistura sokolovi Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:72 [ref. 35486], Ho et al. 2018:147 [ref. 35841], Taki et al. 2021:221 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sokolovi Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Sekong River basin, Gia Lei Province, central Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. sombooni, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:88, Figs. 125-126 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Phao, 2 kilometers upriver of Ban Lak Song (5 kilometers upriver of Ban Nape), about 18°20'40"N, 105°07'30"E, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 41806. Paratypes: CMK 12663 (15), 12684 (72); DFV uncat. (8); NRM 36714 (8); ZRC 41807 (8). •Valid as Schistura sombooni Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2000:58 [ref. 25040], Kottelat 2001:117 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:45 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677], Taki et al. 2021:207 [ref. 39830]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sombooni Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mekong River basin, central Laos. Habitat: freshwater. sonarengaensis, Schistura Mukhim [D. K. B.], Sarma [K.], Choudhury [H.], Chandran [R.], Das [R.], Singh [R. K.], Warbah [D. P.], Sarkar [U. K.] & Sarma [D.] 2024:1243, Figs. 1-6 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 105 (no. 4); ref. 41348] Krem (= cave) Sonarenga, Tolegre village, South Garo Hills District, Meghalaya, India, 25°23ʹ01.1892ʺN, 90°36ʹ21.9726ʺE, elevation 269 meters. Holotype: GUMF 1001. Paratypes: GUMF, ZSI. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Schistura sonarengaensis Mukhim, Sarma, Choudhury, Chandran, Das, Singh, Warbah, Sarkar & Sarma 2024. Current status: Valid as Schistura sonarengaensis Mukhim, Sarma, Choudhury, Chandran, Das, Singh, Warbah, Sarkar & Sarma 2024. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: cave systems, upper Barak-Surma-Meghna River basin, South Garo Hills District, Meghalaya, India. Habitat: freshwater. sonlaensis, Oreias Nguyen [T. H.], Nguyen [V. H.] & Hoang [T. T.] 2010:45 [English p. 51], Fig. 1a-c [Tap Chí Sinh Hoc (Journal of Biology) v. 32 (no. 4); ref. 32127] Lake Bom Hau, Chieng Xom Commune, Son La City, at the basin of Da River (in caves and outflow), Vietnam. Holotype: SL.08.11.001. Paratypes: SL.08.11.002 (1). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Claea sonlaensis (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang 2010) based on status of Oreias. •Species incertae sedia as Schistura sonlaensis (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang 2010) -- (Kottelat 2012:104 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura sonlaensis (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang 2010). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Bom Hau, Da River basin, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. spekuli, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2004:187, Figs. 1-2 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 15 (no. 2); ref. 27801] Cave in center of Chin Chu Chai village, 10 kilometers south of Tam Duong, about 22°24'N, 103°26'E, Lai Chau Province, Vietnam. Holotype: IRSNB 823. Paratypes: CMK 18309 (2). •Valid as Schistura spekuli Kottelat 2004 -- (Proudlove 2006:105 [ref. 28992], Kottelat 2012:341 [ref. 32232], Kottelat 2012:118 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:211 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura spekuli Kottelat 2004. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Lai Chau Province, northern Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. spiesi, Schistura Vidthayanon [C.] & Kottelat [M.] 2003:165, Fig. 4 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 26859] Upstream section of Tham [= cave] Phra Wang Daeng, 100-200 meters from entrance, Thung Salaeng Luang National Park, Phitsanulok Province, Thailand, 16°40'40"N, 100°41'24"E. Holotype: NIFI 3150. Paratypes: CMK 17294 (2); NIFI 3077 (1), 3078 (3), 3149 (11). •Valid as Schistura spiesi Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003 -- (Proudlove 2006:99 [ref. 28992], Kottelat 2012:341 [ref. 32232], Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura spiesi Vidthayanon & Kottelat 2003. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Phitsanulok Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. spiloptera, Cobitis Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1846:27, Pl. 522 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 18; ref. 1011] Cochinchine [? southern Vietnam]. Syntypes: MNHN 0000-3434 (19). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1948:96 [ref. 19574]. •Valid as Schistura spiloptera (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Kottelat 1990:213 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Freyhof & Serov 2001:145, 176 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:49 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Bohlen et al. 2016:361 [ref. 34366], Ho et al. 2018:147 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura spiloptera (Valenciennes 1846). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thua Thien-Hue, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. spilotus, Nemacheilus Fowler [H. W.] 1934:105, Fig. 57 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 86; ref. 1417] Metang River, 35 miles north of Chieng Mai, northern Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 56528. Paratypes: ANSP 56529-48 (20). Additional material: (22). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:64 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Schistura spilota (Fowler 1934) -- (Kottelat 1990:215 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:80 [ref. 23436], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:177 [ref. 31357], Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:88, 91 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:60 [ref. 33202]). Current status: Valid as Schistura spilota (Fowler 1934). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. stala, Schistura Endruweit [M.] 2017:586, Figs. 1-3 [Zootaxa 4341 (no. 4); ref. 35662] Yangbijiang River, Mekong basin, Yangbi County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China, approximately 25°40'N, 99°58'E. Holotype: KIZ 2009005397. Paratypes: KIZ. •Valid as Schistura stala Endruweit 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura stala Endruweit 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Upper Mekong basin, Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. striatus, Nemacheilus Day [F.] 1867:347 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1867 (pt 2) (art. 5); ref. 14044] Wynaad, India, elevation 3000 feet. Syntypes and/or Day specimens: AMS B.7487 (1, syntype), BMNH 1889.2.1.1661-64 (4), RMNH 8757 [?= 2675] (1), ZSI 2683 (1, lost). Type catalog: Whitehead & Talwar 1976:157 [ref. 23762], Ferraris et al. 2000:302 [ref. 25110]. Reasons for loss of ZSI type specimens during WWII see Chopra 1947:349-350 [ref. 33077]. •Valid as Nemacheilus striatus Day 1867 -- (Menon 1987:113 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:505 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:179 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Longischistura striata (Day 1867) -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:445 [ref. 23187], Prokofiev 2010:889 [ref. 31096] based on status of genus). •Valid as Schistura striata (Day 1867) -- (Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Sudasinghe 2017:108 [ref. 35539], Bleher 2018:262 [ref. 36647], Anoop et al. 2024:118 [ref. 41671]). Current status: Valid as Schistura striata (Day 1867). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: southern India. Habitat: freshwater. subfusca, Schistura McClelland [J.] 1839:308, 443, Pl. 53 (fig. 5) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Upper Assam, India. No types known. First revisor apparently Hora 1935:64, selecting scaturigina over subfusca. •Synonym of Nemacheilus scaturigina (McClelland 1839) -- (Menon 1987:86 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Menon 1999:178 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Nemacheilus subfuscus (McClelland 1839) -- (Zhu 1989:63 [ref. 17744], Wu & Wu 1992:144 [ref. 21205], Zhang et al. 1995:47 [ref. 22734], Zhu 1995:112 [ref. 25213], Zhang et al. 2016:130 [ref. 34477]). •Synonym of Schistura scaturigina McClelland 1839 -- (Kottelat 2012:117 [ref. 32367]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura scaturigina McClelland 1839. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: India. Habitat: freshwater. susannae, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:179, Figs. 46-48 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Stream Mong Mo south of Hai Van Pass at national highway No. 1, 16°09.67'N,108°07.73'E, Quang Nam Da Nang Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 28382. Paratypes: CMK 16333 (6), ZFMK 28383-412 (30). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:113 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura susannae Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Ho et al. 2018:147 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura susannae Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Quang Nam Da Nang province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. syngkai, Schistura Choudhury [H.], Mukhim [D. K. B.], Dey [A.], Warbah [D. P.] & Sarma [D.] 2019:186, Figs. 1-2 [Zootaxa 4701 (no. 2); ref. 37121] Twahdidoh Stream of Wahblei River near Seinduli village, Surma-Meghna basin, West Khasi Hills District, Meghalaya, India, 25°39ʹ32ʺN, 91°08ʹ22ʺE, elevation 1,100 meters. Holotype: ZSI FF 8317. Paratypes: GUMF 304/6 (6). •Valid as Schistura syngkai Choudhury, Mukhim, Dey, Warbah & Sarma 2019 -- (Mukhim et al. 2024:15 [ref. 41348]). Current status: Valid as Schistura syngkai Choudhury, Mukhim, Dey, Warbah & Sarma 2019. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Wahblei River drainage, Barak-Surma-Meghna River basin, Meghalaya, India. Habitat: freshwater. systomos, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:10, Figs. 1-2, 3a, 4 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 28 (no. 1); ref. 35483] Tad Set on Houay Set (Xe Set, tributary of Xe Don), near Ban Nonghinkhao, Bolaven Plateau, Champasak Province, Laos, 15°18'03"N, 106°18'23"E, elevation 1136 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2767.056. Paratypes: CMK. •Valid as Schistura systomos Kottelat 2017 -- (Kottelat 2017:346 [ref. 35511]). Current status: Valid as Schistura systomos Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Bolaven Plateau, southern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. tamduongensis, Schistura Nguyen [T. H.], Nguyen [H. D.] & Nguyen [X. K.] 2009:1, 14 [Tap Chí Sinh Hoc (Journal of Biology) v. 31 (no. 4); ref. 33208] Ban Ho in Tam Duong district, Lai Chau Province, tributary of Mu River, left bank affluent the Black River, Vietnam. Holotype: LC.09.03001. Paratypes: LC.09.03002-14 (13). Reference not seen. •Valid as Schistura tamduongensis Nguyen, Nguyen & Nguyen 2009 -- (Endruweit 2014:154 [ref. 33205] tentatively). Current status: Valid as Schistura tamduongensis Nguyen, Nguyen & Nguyen 2009. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lai Chau Province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. tenebrosa, Schistura Kangrang [P.], Page [L. M.] & Beamish [F. W. H.] 2012:70, Figs. 1-4 [Zootaxa No. 3586; ref. 32324] Thong Pha Phum, Mae Khlong basin, Kwai Noi River system, Pakkok River, 14°36'22"N, 98°28'14"E, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. Holotype: UF 181417. Paratypes: UF 181157 (1), 181418 (10), 181419 (4), 181420 (4); NIFI 4415 (3); USNM 400923 (3); ZRC 53100 (3). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Schistura tenebrosa Kangrang, Page & Beamish 2012 -- (Page et al. 2012:327 [ref. 32342], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Dvořák et al. 2023:10 [ref. 40537]). Current status: Valid as Schistura tenebrosa Kangrang, Page & Beamish 2012. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Kwai Noi River drainage, Mae Khlong basin, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. tenura, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:73, Fig. 61 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Leuk, about 1 kilometer downstream of dam site, 18°26'10"N, 102°57'01"E, Vientiane Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45384. Paratypes: CMK 133242 (25), LARRI uncat. (6), NRM 44902 (6), ZRC 45385 (6). •Valid as Schistura tenura Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:117 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura tenura Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Mang drainage, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. thai, Nemacheilus Fowler [H. W.] 1934:104, Fig. 56 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 86; ref. 1417] Bua Yai, eastern Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 56655. Paratypes: ANSP 56656-57 (2), 56658 (1, c&s). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:64 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Schistura thai (Fowler 1934) -- (Zhu 1989:45 [ref. 17744], Zhu 1995:110 [ref. 25213], Chen 1999:304 [ref. 24925]). •Synonym of Schistura nicholsi (Smith 1933) -- (Kottelat 1990:169 [ref. 14137], Kottelat 2000:65 [ref. 25040], Kottelat 2001:111 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:114 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:209 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura nicholsi (Smith 1933). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. thanho, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:182, Figs. 49-51 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] River Vinh Thanh, about 65 kilometers northwest Quy Nhon, 14°16.19'N, 108°45.69'E, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 21047. Paratypes: CMK 16019 (3); ZFMK 21048-69 (22), 21074 (1). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:113 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura thanho Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 33238], Ho et al. 2018:147 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura thanho Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Binh Dinh province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. thavonei, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:396, Figs. 1-6 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 65; ref. 35532] Nam Ma Yen, a branch of Nam Ma, upstream of Ban Sop Ma, Nam Ma watershed, Muang Long District, Louang Namtha Province, Laos, 21°02'53"N, 101°01'16"E, elevation 638 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2667.078. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. •Valid as Schistura thavonei Kottelat 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura thavonei Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Ma watershed, Mekong River basin, Louang Namtha Province, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. tigrinum, Schistura Vishwanath [W.] & Nebeshwar Sharma [K.] 2005:79, Figs. 1-2 [Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society v. 102 (pt 1); ref. 28460] Barak River at Khunphung, Tami subdivison, Tamenglong District, Manipur, India. Holotype: MUMF 41O5. Paratypes: MUMF 4106/7 (7). •Valid as Schistura tigrinum Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma 2005 -- (Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2011:1514 [ref. 31183], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:4 [ref. 32463]). •Valid as Schistura tigrina Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma 2005 -- (Kottelat 2012:119 [ref. 32367], Lokeshwor et al. 2013:588 [ref. 32764], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:55 [ref. 32801], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:575 [ref. 32971], Khynrian & Sen 2014:29 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628]). Current status: Valid as Schistura tigrina Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma 2005. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Manipur, India. Habitat: freshwater. tirapensis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1990:118 [Indochinese nemacheilines; ref. 14137] Riwa River at Manpong [Nampong], Arunachal Pradesh, India. Holotype: SRS/ZSI F572. Paratypes: SRS/ZSI F73 (2). Replacement name for Nemacheilus arunachalensis Menon 1987, preoccupied by Nemacheilus arunachalensis Datta & Barman 1984. •Valid as Schistura tirapensis Kottelat 1990 -- (Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma 2005 [ref. 28460], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2013:4 [ref. 32463], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Khynrian & Sen 2014:29 [ref. 33853], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Lokeshwor & Vishwanath 2014:[6] [ref. 33603]). Replacement Name. Current status: Valid as Schistura tirapensis Kottelat 1990. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Northeastern, India. Habitat: freshwater. titan, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:67, Figs. 1-3 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 28 (no. 1); ref. 35486] Houay Champong, in Ban Dak, immediately upstream of confluence with Houay Xe Kaman, 15 km from Dakchung, 4 km after Dak Noi and 4.4 km before Ban Sang Mai, Xekong Province, Laos, 15°34'24"N, 107°13'03"E, elevation 1170 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2767.057. Paratype: CMK. •Valid as Schistura titan Kottelat 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura titan Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Dakchung Plateau, southern Laos. Habitat: freshwater. tizardi, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:73, Fig. 62 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Xe Kaman at Muang Xaisettha, 14°48'27"N, 106°55'52"E, Attapu Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45386. Paratypes: CMK 15674 (6), LARRI uncat. (1), NRM 44919 (1), ZRC 45387 (1). •Valid as Schistura tizardi Kottelat 2000 -- (Kottelat 2001:117 [ref. 25780], Ou et al. 2011:199 [ref. 31692], Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2017:356 [ref. 35511]). Current status: Valid as Schistura tizardi Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Bolaven Plateau, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. trilineatus, Oreias Nguyen [T. H.], Nguyen [V. H.] & Hoang [T. T.] 2010:47 [English p. 52], Fig. 2a-b [Tap Chí Sinh Hoc (Journal of Biology) v. 32 (no. 4); ref. 32127] Lake Bom Hau, Chieng Xom Commune, Son La City, at the basin of Da River (in caves and outflow), Vietnam. Holotype: SL. 08.11.011. Paratypes: SL. 08.11.012-015 (4), 08.11.015-020 (6). •Valid as Claea trilineata (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang 2010) based on status of Oreias. •Species insertae sedis as Schistura trilineata (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang 2010) -- (Kottelat 2012:104 [ref. 32367] Kottelat 2013:204 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura trilineata (Nguyen, Nguyen & Hoang 2010). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Lake Bom Hau, Da River basin, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. tubulinaris, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 1998:89, Figs. 127-128 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 1); ref. 23436] Nam Theun, from Ban Signo to about 6 kilometers upriver, Laos, 17°50'50"N, 105°03'00"E. Holotype: ZRC 41808. Paratypes: CMK 12531 (4), 14354 (5); DFV uncat. (1); NRM 36715 (2); ZRC 41809 (2). •Valid as Schistura tubulinaris Kottelat 1998 -- (Kottelat 2001:117 [ref. 25780], Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2015:45 [ref. 33971], Kottelat 2017:53 [ref. 35502], Kottelat 2017:705 [ref. 35677]). Current status: Valid as Schistura tubulinaris Kottelat 1998. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Nam Theun watershed, Laos. Habitat: freshwater. udomritthiruji, Schistura Bohlen [J.] & Šlechtová [V.] 2010:320, Figs. 1-3 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 20 (no. 4) [Dec. 2009]; ref. 30687] Small stream draining into Andaman Sea, upstream of Kapoe, 9°31'14"N, 98°41'40"E, Ranong Province, Thailand. Holotype: ZRC 51724. Paratypes: IAPG A2546-2552 (7), A2455-2559 (4); ZRC 51725 (32). Plus non-type specimens. •Valid as Schistura udomritthiruji Bohlen & Slechtová 2010 -- (Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Ng & Pethiyagoda 2013:161 [ref. 33011], Plongsesthee et al. 2013:171 [ref. 33012], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 33238]). Current status: Valid as Schistura udomritthiruji Bohlen & Šlechtová 2010. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Streams draining into Andaman Sea, southern Thailand. Habitat: freshwater. uniformis, Barbatula Mai [D. Y.] 1978:235, Fig. 107 [Identification of the fresh-water fishes of North Viet Nam v. 1; ref. 13511] Bac Kan, Na Ro River, Vietnam. Syntypes: DVZUT. •Tentative synonym of Schistura incerta (Nichols 1931) -- (Kottelat 2001:47 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2012:110 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:207 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Schistura incerta (Nichols 1931) -- (Zhang et al. 2016:133 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Synonym of Schistura incerta (Nichols 1931). Nemacheilidae. Habitat: freshwater. vinciguerrae, Nemachilus Hora [S. L.] 1935:62, Pl. 3 (fig. 12) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 37 (pt 1); ref. 13886] Meekalam, Myanmar. Holotype: ZSI F11754/1. Paratypes: BMNH 1893.2.16.54 (1), MCSNG 15719 (1), USNM 44800 (1), ZSI. Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:125 [ref. 20743]. Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. See Das 2003:365 [ref. 27706] as viniciguerrae. •Valid as Nemacheilus vinciguerrae Hora 1935 -- (Menon 1987:134 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:507 [ref. 20764], Menon 1999:180 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus, Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662] as Noemacheilus). •Valid as Schistura vinciguerrae (Hora 1935) -- (Zhu 1989:52 [ref. 17744], Kottelat 1990:218 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Zhu 1995:111 [ref. 25213], Doi 1997:17 [ref. 22832], Chen & Zhang in Chen 1998:56 [ref. 23556], Vishwanath & Laisram 2001:213 [ref. 25886], Das Bora et al. 2001:459 [ref. 26174], Vidthayanon 2003:309 [ref. 27398], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar 2004:328 [ref. 28011], Vishwanath & Nebeshwar Sharma 2005:80 [ref. 28460], Kottelat et al. 2007:40 [ref. 28942], Bohlen & Slechtová 2010:324 [ref. 30687], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:176 [ref. 31357], Chen & Neely 2012:227 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:89, 91 [ref. 32798], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Khynrian & Sen 2014:29 [ref. 33853], Shangningam et al. 2014:190 [ref. 33318], Endruweit 2014:359 [ref. 33494], Solo et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33517], Lalramliana et al. 2014:211 [ref. 33628], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Bleher 2018:264 [ref. 36647], Chen et al. 2020:101 [ref. 38014]). Current status: Valid as Schistura vinciguerrae (Hora 1935). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Irrawaddy River basin, northeastern India, Myanmar and China. Habitat: freshwater. waltoni, Nemacheilus Fowler [H. W.] 1937:157, Figs. 77-79 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 89; ref. 1425] Me Poon [Mae Phun], Thailand. Holotype: ANSP 68008. Paratypes: ANSP 68009-10 (2). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:64 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Schistura waltoni (Fowler 1937) -- (Kottelat 1990:222 [ref. 14137], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:439 [ref. 23187], Doi 1997:18 [ref. 22832], Chen 1999:304 [ref. 24925], Chen et al. 2005:31 [ref. 28352], Plongsesthee et al. 2011:177 [ref. 31357], Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:88, 91 [ref. 32798], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477], Fu et al. 2021:9568 [ref. 39347]). Current status: Valid as Schistura waltoni (Fowler 1937). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Mong River basin (Thailand and Yunnan/China). Habitat: freshwater. wanlainensis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2017:92, Figs. 13-18 [Raffles Bulletin of Zoology v. 65; ref. 35308] Phunganrazi Wildlife Sanctuary, area of Wa Sar Dam, Mon Lan Chaung (stream) near Wan Lain Dam village, Kachin state, Myanmar, 27°29'10"N, 97°10'29"E, elevation 850 meters. Holotype: MHNG 2766.053. Paratypes: CMK, ZRC. •Valid as Schistura wanlainensis Kottelat 2017. Current status: Valid as Schistura wanlainensis Kottelat 2017. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Mon Lan Chaung stream, Mali Hka drainage, Kachin state, Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater. xhatensis, Schistura Kottelat [M.] 2000:74, Fig. 63 [Journal of South Asian Natural History v. 5 (no. 1); ref. 25040] Nam Xhat, upstream of Ban Nam Sa, 20°06'43"N, 103°19'56"E, Louangphabang Province, Laos. Holotype: ZRC 45388. Paratypes: CMK 15481 (5), LARRI uncat. (1), ZRC 45389 (1). •Valid as Schistura xhatensis Kottelat 2000 -- (Freyhof & Serov 2001:168 [ref. 25364], Kottelat 2001:119 [ref. 25780], Page et al. 2012:327 [ref. 32342], Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Valid as Schistura xhatensis Kottelat 2000. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Laos. Habitat: freshwater. yersini, Schistura Freyhof [J.] & Serov [D. V.] 2001:186, Figs. 52-54 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 12 (no. 2); ref. 25364] Small stream running to River Da Dung south of Da Lat, 11°46.86'N, 108°25.04'E, Lam Dong Province, Vietnam. Holotype: ZFMK 23579. Paratypes: CMK 15998 (16); ZFMK 23576-77 (2), 23580-640 (45), 23661-684 (24), 23687-752 (66), 23753-758 (6), 23762-905 (144). Type catalog: Herder et al. 2010:114 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Schistura yersini Freyhof & Serov 2001 -- (Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2013:25 [ref. 32804], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Bohlen & Šlechtová 2014:222 [ref. 32238], Ho et al. 2018:147 [ref. 35841]). Current status: Valid as Schistura yersini Freyhof & Serov 2001. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Lam Dong province, Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater. yingjiangensis, Nemachilus Zhu [S.-Q.] 1982:107 [111], Fig. 4 [Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 8388] Daying River, trib of the Irrawaddy River, Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, China. Holotype: NPIB 784147. Paratypes: NPIB 784148 (1), 784146 (1), 784149 (1). Original genus is correctly Nemacheilus. English description on p. 111. •Valid as Nemacheilus yingjiangensis Zhu 1982 -- (Zhu 1989:64 [ref. 17744], Zhu 1995:112 [ref. 25213], Chen & Zhang in Chen 1998:61 [ref. 23556]). •Valid as Schistura yingjiangensis (Zhu 1982) -- (Chen & Neely 2012:227 [ref. 32332], Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Kottelat 2013:212 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2014:359 [ref. 33494], Zhang et al. 2016:134 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Valid as Schistura yingjiangensis (Zhu 1982). Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Yunnan Province, China. Habitat: freshwater. zonata, Schistura McClelland [J.] 1839:308, 441, Pl. 53 (fig. 1) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Upper Assam, India. No types known. •Synonym of Nemacheilus scaturigina (McClelland 1839) -- (Menon 1987:86 [ref. 14149] as Noemacheilus, Ataur Rahman 1989:146 [ref. 24860], Menon 1999:178 [ref. 24904] as Noemacheilus). •Synonym of Schistura scaturigina McClelland 1839 -- (Ataur Rahman 2003:164 [ref. 31338]). •Valid as Schistura zonata McClelland 1839 -- (Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:440 [ref. 23187], Mirza 2003:16 [ref. 27265], Lokeshwor et al. 2012:262 [ref. 32337], Kottelat 2012:120 [ref. 32367], Lalronunga et al. 2013:589 [ref. 32927], Bleher 2018:266 [ref. 36647]). Current status: Valid as Schistura zonata McClelland 1839. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Eastern Himalayas, India. Habitat: freshwater. |