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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the genus Stomatorhinus: [ 14 ] records

affinis, Petrocephalus Sauvage [H.-E.] 1879:101 [12] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 3; ref. 3881] Ogooué River at Doumé, Gabon. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-0894. Type catalog: Bertin 1940:267 [ref. 293]. On p. 12 of separate. •Synonym of Stomatorhinus walkeri (Günther 1867) -- (Gosse 1984:122 [ref. 6169], Lavoué et al. 2010:43 [ref. 30944], Kramer et al. 2012:2232 [ref. 32160]). Current status: Synonym of Stomatorhinus walkeri (Günther 1867). Mormyridae. Habitat: freshwater.

ater, Stomatorhinus Pellegrin [J.] 1924:4 [Revue de Zoologie Africaine v. 12 (no. 1); ref. 17937] Congo River at Kidada, Democratic Republic of Congo. Syntypes: MNHN 1923-0154 to 0156 (3); MRAC 15097-15099 (3). Type catalog: Bertin 1940:267 [ref. 293]. •Valid as Stomatorhinus ater Pellegrin 1924 -- (Gosse 1984:120 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:12 [ref. 28082]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus ater Pellegrin 1924. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater.

corneti, Stomatorhinus Boulenger [G. A.] 1899:71, Pl. 31 (fig. 5) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 4); ref. 549] Stanley Pool, Congo. Holotype (unique): MRAC 638. •Valid as Stomatorhinus corneti Boulenger 1899 -- (Gosse 1984:120 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:12 [ref. 28082]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus corneti Boulenger 1899. Mormyridae. Distribution: Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater.

fuliginosus, Stomatorhinus Poll [M.] 1941:2, Fig. 1 [Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique v. 17 (no. 50); ref. 13177] Mosongolia River, Uele, Ibembo region, Democratic Republic of Congo. Syntypes: IRSNB 66-67 (6, 17); MRAC 66546-53 (8). Type catalog: Walschaerts 1987:10 [ref. 20755], Derijst 1991:66 [ref. 21528]. •Valid as Stomatorhinus fuliginosus Poll 1941 -- (Gosse 1984:121 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:2 [ref. 28082]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus fuliginosus Poll 1941. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater.

humilior, Stomatorhinus Boulenger [G. A.] 1899:70, Pl. 31 (fig. 4) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 4); ref. 549] Ibali, Lake Leopold II; Coquilhatville, Upper Congo. Syntypes: BMNH 1899.9.26.37 (1) Coquilhatville; MRAC 636 (1) Coquilhatville, 637 (1) Ibali. •Valid as Stomatorhinus humilior Boulenger 1899 -- (Gosse 1984:121 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:13 [ref. 28082]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus humilior Boulenger 1899. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater.

ivindoensis, Stomatorhinus Sullivan [J. P.] & Hopkins [C. D.] 2005:3, Figs. 1-2 [Zootaxa No. 847; ref. 28082] "Bialé Creek", a small tributary of the Ivindo River inside the Ipassa Plateau Reserve near Makokou, 0°32.3'N, 12°49.6'E, Gabon. Holotype: CUMV 85157. Paratypes: AMNH 235053 (1); CUMV 75437 (2), 85465 (32), 86244 (2), 86245 (3)86247 (3); MNHN 2004-1750-59 (10); MRAC 2004-32-P-1-10 (10). Plus non-type material. •Valid as Stomatorhinus ivindoensis Sullivan & Hopkins 2005 -- (Hopkins et al. 2007:269 [ref. 30019], Fermon et al. 2022:126 [ref. 39448]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus ivindoensis Sullivan & Hopkins 2005. Mormyridae. Distribution: West Africa: Ivindo River, tributary of Ogooué River (Gabon). Habitat: freshwater.

kununguensis, Stomatorhinus Poll [M.] 1945:40, Fig. 2 [Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines v. 39 (no. 1); ref. 13133] Kunungu, Congo River basin, Democratic Republic of Congo. Syntypes: (11) MRAC 21573-74 (2); 38627 (1), 44589 (1), 44593-94 (2), 48785-86 (2), 57221-22 (2), 62324 (1). Type catalog: Derijst 1991:66 [ref. 21528]. •Valid as Stomatorhinus kununguensis Poll 1945 -- (Gosse 1984:121 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:13 [ref. 28082], Munene et al. 2021:21 [ref. 39283], Stiassny et al. 2021:1686 [ref. 39000]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus kununguensis Poll 1945. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa: central and upper Congo River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo). Habitat: freshwater.

microps, Stomatorhinus Boulenger [G. A.] 1898:9, Pl. 4 (fig. 2) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 1); ref. 542] Boma and Matadi, Lower Congo and region of the cataracts, Manyanga. Syntypes: BMNH 1898.11.12.7-9 (3) Matadi, 1898.11.12.10 (1) Leopoldville; MRAC 48 (1), 68 (1), 94 (1). •Valid as Stomatorhinus microps Boulenger 1898 -- (Gosse 1984:121 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:12 [ref. 28082]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus microps Boulenger 1898. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater.

patrizii, Stomatorhinus Vinciguerra [D.] 1928:10 [6] [Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale `Giacomo Doria' v. 53; ref. 15879] Buta, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype (unique): MSNG 26451. Type catalog: Tortonese 1961:182 [ref. 10343]. On p. 6 of separate. •Valid as Stomatorhinus patrizii Vinciguerra 1928 -- (Gosse 1984:121 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:12 [ref. 28082], Munene et al. 2021:21 [ref. 39283]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus patrizii Vinciguerra 1928. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa: Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater.

polli, Stomatorhinus Matthes [H.] 1964:33, Pl. 1a [Annales, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren, Série in 8o, Sciences Zoologiques No. 126; ref. 2911] Ikela region, Congo. Holotype: MRAC 138975. Paratypes: MRAC 68597 (1), 120176-78 (1, 1, 1), 120179-81 (3), 120182-83 (2), 120184-85 (2), 120186-88 (3), 120202-03 (2), 138976-78 (2), 138979-80 (2), 138981-82 (2), 138993 (1), 131487-94 (8). •Valid as Stomatorhinus polli Matthes 1964 -- (Gosse 1984:121 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:13 [ref. 28082]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus polli Matthes 1964. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater.

polylepis, Stomatorhinus Boulenger [G. A.] 1899:71, Pl. 31 (fig. 6) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 4); ref. 549] Coquilhatville [now Mbandaka], and Isangila, region of the cataracts, Upper Congo. Syntypes: BMNH 1899.9.26.38-39 (2); MRAC 316 (1), 639-645 (7). •Valid as Stomatorhinus polylepis Boulenger 1899 -- (Gosse 1984:122 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:12 [ref. 28082], Hopkins et al. 2007:273 [ref. 30019], Fermon et al. 2022:126 [ref. 39448] possible). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus polylepis Boulenger 1899. Mormyridae. Distribution: Western-central Africa: lower and central Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater.

puncticulatus, Stomatorhinus Boulenger [G. A.] 1899:69, Pl. 31 (fig. 3) [Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. Zoologie) v. 1 (fasc. 4); ref. 549] Boma and Chiloango, Democratic Republic of Congo. Syntypes: (4 of following) BMNH 1899.9.26.36 (1), 1899.9.26.38-39 (2); ?MRAC 316 (1), 634 (1), 635 (1), ?639-645 (7). •Valid as Stomatorhinus puncticulatus Boulenger 1899 -- (Gosse 1984:122 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:12 [ref. 28082], Stiassny et al. 2021:1686 [ref. 39000]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus puncticulatus Boulenger 1899. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa: upper Congo River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo). Habitat: freshwater.

schoutedeni, Stomatorhinus Poll [M.] 1945:38, Fig. 1 [Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines v. 39 (no. 1); ref. 13133] Boma, Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype (unique): MRAC 15265. Type catalog: Derijst 1991:66 [ref. 21528]. •Valid as Stomatorhinus schoutedeni Poll 1945 -- (Gosse 1984:122 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:12 [ref. 28082]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus schoutedeni Poll 1945. Mormyridae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater.

walkeri, Mormyrus Günther [A.] 1867:116 [8], Pl. 3 (fig. C) [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 3) v. 20 (no. 116) (art. 15); ref. 1989] Ogowe River, Gabon. Syntypes: BMNH 1867.5.3.15-16 (2). •Valid as Stomatorhinus walkeri (Günther 1867) -- (Gosse 1984:122 [ref. 6169], Sullivan & Hopkins 2004:2 [ref. 28082], Hopkins et al. 2007:271 [ref. 30019], Fermon et al. 2022:126 [ref. 39448]). Current status: Valid as Stomatorhinus walkeri (Günther 1867). Mormyridae. Distribution: West Africa: Gabon. Habitat: freshwater.

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