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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Trigla: [ 2 ] records fagianus, Trigla Rafinesque [C. S.] 1810:32, Pl. 6 (fig. 2) [Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi e nuove specie di animali e piante della Sicilia; ref. 3594] Sicily, Italy, Mediterranean Sea. Also appeared in Rafinesque 1810:28 [ref. 3595]. •Synonym of Trigla lyra Linnaeus 1758 -- (Parenti 2019:104 [ref. 37117]). Current status: Synonym of Trigla lyra Linnaeus 1758. Triglidae: Triglinae. Habitat: brackish, marine. lyra, Trigla Linnaeus [C.] 1758:300 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] British seas. No types known. Misspelled lira in Cabrera y Corro, Pérez & Hänseler 1817:8 [ref. 17319], see Graells 1887:182 [ref. 30438]. •Valid as Trigla lyra Linnaeus 1758 -- (Richards 1968:82 [ref. 7911], Blanc & Hureau 1973:586 [ref. 7218], Heemstra 1982:292 [ref. 5416], Hureau in Whitehead et al. 1986:1236 [ref. 13677], Heemstra 1986:488 [ref. 5660], Richards & Saksena 1990:684 [ref. 17757], Bianchi & Carpenter in Bianchi et al. 1993:154 [ref. 25472], Arruda 1997:117 [ref. 24952], Bilecenoğlu et al. 2002:74 [ref. 26753], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:151 [ref. 28072], Golani 2005:34 [ref. 37112], Fricke et al. 2007:78 [ref. 29533], Fricke 2008:25 [ref. 30182], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:40 [ref. 36649], Goren & Galil 2015:521 [ref. 33910], Richards 2016:2314 [ref. 35044], Martins & Carneiro 2018:114 [ref. 36550], Artüz & Fricke 2019:556 [ref. 36612], Carneiro et al. 2019:236 [ref. 37250], Elbaraasi et al. 2019:96 [ref. 36864], Reiner 2019:162 [ref. 38139], Bariche & Fricke 2020:109 [ref. 37515], Bañón & Maño 2021:68 [ref. 38883], Iglésias et al. 2020:292 [ref. 37987], Kovačić et al. 2020:44 [ref. 37519], Golani 2021:38 [ref. 38303], Kovačić et al. 2021:83 [ref. 39014], Fermon et al. 2022:294 [ref. 39448], Moazzam & Osmany 2023:577 [ref. 40712]). Current status: Valid as Trigla lyra Linnaeus 1758. Triglidae: Triglinae. Distribution: Mediterranean Sea; Sea of Marmara; eastern Atlantic: Galicia (Spain) south to Namibia, including Madeira (Portugal), and São Tomé and Principe. Not Canary Islands [ref. 34617]. Habitat: brackish, marine. |