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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Turcinoemacheilus: [ 11 ] records ansari, Turcinoemacheilus Jouladeh-Roudbar [A.], Vatandoust [S.], Doadrio [I.] & Ghanavi [H. R.] 2023:8, Figs. 4-6 [Diversity v. 15; ref. 40707] Beshar River, Allah Abad village, Karun drainage, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Provinces, Iran, 30.45029, 51.75346. Holotype: BIAUBM 3-H. Paratypes: AJRPC, MNCN, MZLU. •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus ansari Jouladeh-Roudbar, Vatandoust, Doadrio & Ghanavi 2023 -- (Çiçek et al. 2024:108 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus ansari Jouladeh-Roudbar, Vatandoust, Doadrio & Ghanavi 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Middle East: Merian, Beshar and Khersan River drainages, Karun River basin (Iran). Habitat: freshwater. bahaii, Turcinoemacheilus Esmaeili [H. R.], Sayyadzadeh [G.], Özuluğ [M.], Geiger [M. F.] & Freyhof [J.] 2014:259, Figs. 3-6, 7a [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no. 3) [for 2013]; ref. 33241] Esfahan province, Zayandeh River between Azadegan and Qalee Shahrokh, 32°40'54"N, 50°27'47"E, Iran. Holotype: ZM-CBSU 7193B. Paratypes: FSJF, ZM-CBSU. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus bahaii Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özuluğ, Geiger & Freyhof 2014 -- (Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:889 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:73 [ref. 35254], Prokofiev 2017:255 [ref. 35630], Esmaeili et al. 2018:53 [ref. 36089], Nikmehr et al. 2019:3 [ref. 38360], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2020:206 [ref. 37983], Kaya et al. 2023:4 [ref. 40566], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40707], Çiçek et al. 2024:108 [ref. 40789], Freyhof & Jouladeh-Roudbar 2024:179 [ref. 40751]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus bahaii Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özuluğ, Geiger & Freyhof 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Middle East: Zayandeh River basin (Esfahan, Iran). Habitat: freshwater. christofferi, Turcinoemacheilus Jouladeh-Roudbar [A.], Vatandoust [S.], Doadrio [I.] & Ghanavi [H. R.] 2023:12, Figs. 8-9 [Diversity v. 15; ref. 40707] Gholiyan River, tributary of Bakhtiyari River, Karun drainage, Lorestan Province, Iran, 33.07499, 49.64562. Holotype: BIAUBM 4-H. Paratype: FSJF 4122 (1). •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus christofferi Jouladeh-Roudbar, Vatandoust, Doadrio & Ghanavi 2023 -- (Çiçek et al. 2024:109 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus christofferi Jouladeh-Roudbar, Vatandoust, Doadrio & Ghanavi 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Middle East: Bakhtiyari River drainage, Karun River basin (Iran). Habitat: freshwater. ekmekciae, Turcinoemacheilus Kaya [C.], Yoğurtçuoğlu [B.], Aksu [İ.], Bayçelebi [E.] & Turan [D.] 2023:4, Figs. 1-4 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 104 (no. 1); ref. 40566] Stream Kaynarca at Kalecik, Murat drainage, Muş̧ Province, Turkey, 39.1519N, 41.3534E. Holotype: FFR 3608. Paratypes: FFR. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus ekmekciae Kaya, Yoğurtçuoğlu, Aksu, Bayçelebi & Turan 2023 -- (Çiçek et al. 2023:357 [ref. 40625], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40707], Freyhof & Jouladeh-Roudbar 2024:178 [ref. 40751], Çiçek et al. 2024:109 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus ekmekciae Kaya, Yoğurtçuoğlu, Aksu, Bayçelebi & Turan 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Asia Minor: upper Tigris River basin (Turkey). Habitat: freshwater. hafezi, Turcinoemacheilus Golzarianpour [K.], Abdoli [A.], Patimar [R.] & Freyhof [J.] 2013:43, Figs. 1-6, 8 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no. 1); ref. 32802] Stream at Joneqon, tributary of Kohrang River, Iran, 32°05'22"N, 50°39'48"E. Holotype: ZFMK 48841. Paratypes: FSJF, ZFMK. •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus hafezi Golzarianpour, Abdoli, Patimar & Freyhof 2013 -- (Esmaeili et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33241], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:889 [ref. 34062], Teimori et al. 2015:90 [ref. 34095] as Turcionemacheilus hafezi, Esmaeili et al. 2017:73 [ref. 35254], Prokofiev 2017:255 [ref. 35630], Esmaeili et al. 2018:53 [ref. 36089], Nikmehr et al. 2019:3 [ref. 38360], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2020:207 [ref. 37983], Kaya et al. 2023:4 [ref. 40566], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40707], Freyhof & Jouladeh-Roudbar 2024:179 [ref. 40751], Çiçek et al. 2024:110 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus hafezi Golzarianpour, Abdoli, Patimar & Freyhof 2013. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Middle East: Karoun and Dez River drainages, Tigris River basin (Iran). Habitat: freshwater. himalaya, Turcinoemacheilus Conway [K. W.], Edds [D. R.], Shrestha [J.] & Mayden [R. L.] 2011:1748, Figs. 1-4 [Journal of Fish Biology v. 79 (no. 7); ref. 31594] Indrawati River at Melamchi Township, 27°49'42.5"N, 85°34'37.1"E, Sindhypalchok District, Bagmati Zone, Nepal. Holotype: KU 40558. Paratypes: KU 40278 (1), 40279 (1), 40280 (2, c&s), 40281 (4), 40282 (1), 40557 (14, 2 c&s), 40568 (11, 1 c&s); OSUS 15621 (4), 15908 (4), 16314 (26), 16325 (7), 16744 (25), 17197 (32). •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus himalaya Conway, Edds, Shrestha & Mayden 2011 -- (Kottelat 2012:134 [ref. 32367], Golzarianpour et al. 2013:47 [ref. 32802], Prokofiev 2017:255 [ref. 35630]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus himalaya Conway, Edds, Shrestha & Mayden 2011. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Koshi and Gandaki River basins, Nepal. Habitat: freshwater. inexpectatus, Turcinoemacheilus Freyhof [J.] & Jouladeh-Roudbar [A.] 2024:173, Figs. 1-5 [Zootaxa 5399 (no. 2); ref. 40751] Stream Kuna Massi in Sevanja, Lesser Zab drainage, Iraq, 35.78880, 45.40298. Holotype: ZFMK ICH 98400. Paratypes: AJRPC, FSJF, MZLU, ZFMK. Plus additional non-type material. •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus inexpectatus Freyhof & Jouladeh-Roudbar 2024 -- (Çiçek et al. 2024:110 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus inexpectatus Freyhof & Jouladeh-Roudbar 2024. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Middle East: Greater Zab drainage, Iraq, Lesser Zab and Sirvan drainages (Iran and Iraq). Habitat: freshwater. kosswigi, Turcinoemacheilus Bănărescu [P. M.] & Nalbant [T. T.] 1964:178, Pl. 8 (fig. 14) [Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut v. 61; ref. 217] Kapozik Kadun, Hakkari [37°34'40"N, 43°44'10"E], Tigris (Dicle Nehri basin), Turkey. Holotype: ZMH H1884. Paratypes: ZMH H1885 (6). Type catalog: Wilkens 1977:159 [ref. 22013]. •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus kosswigi Bănărescu & Nalbant 1964 -- (Coad 1991:18 [ref. 15702], Bănărescu & Nalbant 1995:457 [ref. 23187], Coad 1995:23 [ref. 23608], Nalbant & Bianco 1998:114 [ref. 23810], Nalbant 1998:371 [ref. 26011], Breil & Bohlen 2001:72 [ref. 41587], Fricke et al. 2007:53 [ref. 29533], Golzarianpour et al. 2009:58 [ref. 30504], Esmaeili et al. 2010:373 [ref. 33391], Conway et al. 2011:1756 [ref. 31594], Golzarianpour et al. 2011:201 [ref. 31693] with genus as Turcinemacheilus, Kottelat 2012:134 [ref. 32367], Golzarianpour et al. 2013:47 [ref. 32802], Kamangar et al. 2014:49 [ref. 33140], Esmaeili et al. 2014:259 [ref. 33241], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:889 [ref. 34062], Çiçek et al. 2015:149 [ref. 35151], Esmaeili et al. 2017:73 [ref. 35254], Prokofiev 2017:255 [ref. 35630], Esmaeili et al. 2018:53 [ref. 36089], Nikmehr et al. 2019:3 [ref. 38360], Çiçek et al. 2020:246 [ref. 37644], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2020:208 [ref. 37983], Çiçek et al. 2023:10 [ref. 40616], Çiçek et al. 2023:357 [ref. 40625], Kaya et al. 2023:10 [ref. 40566], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40707], Çiçek et al. 2024:111 [ref. 40789], Freyhof & Jouladeh-Roudbar 2024:178 [ref. 40751]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus kosswigi Bănărescu & Nalbant 1964. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Asia Minor: Greater Zhab drainage, upper Tigris River basin (Turkey); upper Euphrates basin, Erzincan (Turkey). Habitat: freshwater. minimus, Turcinoemacheilus Esmaeili [H. R.], Sayyadzadeh [G.], Özuluğ [M.], Geiger [M. F.] & Freyhof [J.] 2014:265, Figs. 7b, 9-11 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no. 3) [for 2013]; ref. 33241] Adıyaman province: Upper Göksu, 5 km northeast of Gölbası, 37°50.22'N, 37°41.09'E, Turkey. Holotype: IUSHM 2013-1050. Paratypes: IUSHM 2013-1051 (5), FSJF 2454 (4). Type catalog: Özuluğ & Saç 2018:47 [ref. 35782]. •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus minimus Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özuluğ, Geiger & Freyhof 2014 -- (Çiçek et al. 2015:149 [ref. 35151], Prokofiev 2017:255 [ref. 35630], Çiçek et al. 2018:21 [ref. 36267], Çiçek et al. 2020:246 [ref. 37644], Çiçek et al. 2023:358 [ref. 40625], Kaya et al. 2023:4 [ref. 40566], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40707], Çiçek et al. 2024:111 [ref. 40789], Freyhof & Jouladeh-Roudbar 2024:178 [ref. 40751]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus minimus Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özuluğ, Geiger & Freyhof 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Asia Minor: upper Euphrates River [Firat Nehri] basin (Persian Gulf tributary), Adıyaman Province (Turkey). Habitat: freshwater. moghbeli, Turcinoemacheilus Jouladeh-Roudbar [A.], Vatandoust [S.], Doadrio [I.] & Ghanavi [H. R.] 2023:15, Figs. 11-13 [Diversity v. 15; ref. 40707] Leyleh River at Sepidbarg, tributary of Sirvan drainage, Kermanshah Province, Iran, 34.87334, 46.35020. Holotype: BIAUBM 5-H. Paratypes: AJRPC, FSJF, MNCN, MZLU. •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus moghbeli Jouladeh-Roudbar, Vatandoust, Doadrio & Ghanavi 2023 -- (Çiçek et al. 2024:112 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus moghbeli Jouladeh-Roudbar, Vatandoust, Doadrio & Ghanavi 2023. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Middle East: Sirvan River drainage (Iran). Habitat: freshwater. saadii, Turcinoemacheilus Esmaeili [H. R.], Sayyadzadeh [G.], Özuluğ [M.], Geiger [M. F.] & Freyhof [J.] 2014:268, Figs. 7c, 13-15 [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 24 (no. 3) [for 2013]; ref. 33241] Fars province, stream Tang-e-Tizab, a tributary to Bashar River which drains to the Karoun, 30°23'12"N, 51°46'50"E, Iran. Holotype: ZM-CBSU 7169B. Paratypes: ZB-CBSU 7265B (1), 7166b-7175B (9). •Valid as Turcinoemacheilus saadii Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özuluğ, Geiger & Freyhof 2014 -- (Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:889 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:74 [ref. 35254], Prokofiev 2017:255 [ref. 35630], Esmaeili et al. 2018:53 [ref. 36089], Nikmehr et al. 2019:3 [ref. 38360], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2020:209 [ref. 37983], Kaya et al. 2023:4 [ref. 40566], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2023:7 [ref. 40707], Freyhof & Jouladeh-Roudbar 2024:179 [ref. 40751], Çiçek et al. 2024:112 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Turcinoemacheilus saadii Esmaeili, Sayyadzadeh, Özuluğ, Geiger & Freyhof 2014. Nemacheilidae. Distribution: Middle East: Karun River basin (Iran). Habitat: freshwater. |