Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species related to Yssolebias martae: [ 1 ] record

martae, Cyprinodon Steindachner [F.] 1876:610 [60] [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 72 (1. Abth.); ref. 18772] Santa Marta near the mouth of the Río Magdalena, Colombia. Holotype (unique): NMW 76519. On p. 60 of separate. •Status uncertain -- (Lee et al. 1983:54 [ref. 22527]). •Perhaps valid with uncertain genus -- (Huber 2000:48, 50 [ref. 24475]). •Possibly valid as Cubanichthys marthae (Steindachner 1876) -- (Costa 2015:29 [ref. 34457]). •Valid as Cubanichthys marthae (Steindachner 1876) -- (Esmaeili et al. 2018:9 [ref. 36738]). •Valid as Yssolebias martae (Steindachner 1876) -- (Huber 2012:27 [ref. 32370], Huber 2015:4, 13 [ref. 34041] in tribe Yssolebiini, DoNascimiento et al. 2017:102 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Yssolebias martae (Steindachner 1876). Cyprinodontidae: Cubanichthyinae. Distribution: Colombia. Habitat: freshwater.

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