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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the genus Zaireichthys: [ 19 ] records

brevis, Leptoglanis Boulenger [G. A.] 1915:169 [Revue de Zoologie Africaine v. 4 (fasc. 2); ref. 15086] Lubumbashi River, at Elisabethville [Lubumbashi], Democratic Republic of Congo. Syntypes: BMNH 1920.5.26.93 (1), MRAC 12702 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Leptoglanis brevis Boulenger 1915 -- (Risch 1986:30 [ref. 6190] as holotype and paratype, Burgess 1989:68 [ref. 12860], Diogo 2003:430 [ref. 26979]). •Synonym of Zaireichthys rotundiceps (Hilgendorf 1905) -- (Roberts 2003:98 [ref. 26744]). •Valid as Zeireichthys brevis (Boulenger 1915) -- (Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155], Eccles et al. 2011:23 [ref. 31326], Abwe et al. 2023:30 [ref. 39992]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys brevis (Boulenger 1915). Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Southern-central Africa: upper Congo River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo). Habitat: freshwater.

camerunensis, Leptoglanis Daget [J.] & Stauch [A.] 1963:94, Fig. 1 [Mémoires de l'Institut français d'Afrique Noire No. 68; ref. 4596] Bénoué basin at Lakdo, Cameroon. Lectotype: MNHN 1962-1272 (17.6 mm SL). Paralectotypes: MNHN 1962-1272 (6, now 5, one lost). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Eccles et al. 2011:19 [ref. 31326]. •Valid as Leptoglanis camerunensis Daget & Stauch 1963 -- (Risch 1986:31 [ref. 6190], Burgess 1989:68 [ref. 12860], Risch in Lévêque et al. 1992:419 [ref. 21590], Diogo 2003:430 [ref. 26979]). •Valid as Zaireichthys camerunensis (Daget & Stauch 1963) -- (Roberts 2003:94 [ref. 26744], Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155], Eccles et al. 2011:19 [ref. 31326]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys camerunensis (Daget & Stauch 1963). Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Benue River, Cameroon and (?) Guinea. Habitat: freshwater.

compactus, Zaireichthys Seegers [L.] 2008:184 [543], Figs. [The catfishes of Africa; ref. 29708] Rutukira River, tributary of Ruhuhu River, north-eastern Lake Malawi drainage, Tanzania. Holotype: BMNH 2007.2.28.18. Paratypes: BMNH 2007.2.28.19 (1). Original description continued on p. 543. •Valid as Zaireichthys compactus Seegers 2008 -- (Eccles et al. 2011:23 [ref. 31326]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys compactus Seegers 2008. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Main affluent of Ruhuhu River, which flows into Lake Malawi, Tanzania. Habitat: freshwater.

conspicuus, Zaireichthys Eccles [D. H.], Tweddle [D.] & Skelton [P. H.] 2011:5, Figs. 1, 2 3C [Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity, Bulletin No. 13; ref. 31326] Impalila Island, at confluence of the Chobe and Zambezi rivers, 17°45'S, 28°10'E. Holotype: [AMG] AMSA/P 3426. Paratypes: AMSA/P 2699 (1); BMNH 1979.12.6.30 [ex AMSA/P 3426] (1); SAIAB 71117 (2), 72519 (4); USNM 220959 [ex AMSA/P 3426] (1). •Valid as Zaireichthys conspicuus Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011 -- (Marshall 2011:148 [ref. 31755], Bruton et al. 2018:65 [ref. 36373], Skelton 2019:234 [ref. 36564]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys conspicuus Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Southern Africa: upper Zambezi and Chobe rivers, possibly also Okavango system. Habitat: freshwater.

dorae, Leptoglanis Poll [M.] 1967:211, Fig. 95 [Publicações Culturais, Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (DIAMANG), Lisboa No. 75; ref. 3528] Rapids of Luachimo River, in a small pool of residual water drying downstream from dam, Angola. Holotype (unique): MRAC 161646 [ex MD 5925]. Type catalog: Derijst 1991:53 [ref. 21528], Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Leptoglanis dorae Poll 1967 -- (Risch 1986:31 [ref. 6190], Burgess 1989:68 [ref. 12860], Diogo 2003:430 [ref. 26979]). •See Skelton 1993:220 [ref. 24071]. •Valid as Zaireichthys dorae (Poll 1967) -- (Roberts 2003:95 [ref. 26744], Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155], Eccles et al. 2011:24 [ref. 31326], Skelton 2019:234 [ref. 36564]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys dorae (Poll 1967). Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Southwestern Africa: Luachimo River, Congo River basin (Angola). Habitat: freshwater.

flavomaculatus, Leptoglanis Pellegrin [J.] 1926:204 [Revue de Zoologie Africaine v. 14 (no. 2); ref. 17939] Kamaiembi [Sankuru, Kamaiembi], River Lulua, southern Congo Basin. Holotype (unique): MRAC 19721. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Leptoglanis flavomaculatus Pellegrin 1926 -- (Risch 1986:31 [ref. 6190], Burgess 1989:68 [ref. 12860], Diogo 2003:430 [ref. 26979]). •Valid as Zaireichthys flavomaculatus (Pellegrin 1926) -- (Roberts 2003:95 [ref. 26744], Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155], Eccles et al. 2011:24 [ref. 31326], Skelton 2019:234 [ref. 36564], Munene et al. 2021:24 [ref. 39283]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys flavomaculatus (Pellegrin 1926). Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Lulua River, southern Congo, and Angola. Habitat: freshwater.

heterurus, Zaireichthys Roberts [T. R.] 2003:96, Fig. 14 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences v. 54 (no. 5); ref. 26744] River Avokoko, affluent rive droit fleuve Congo, kilometer 21 route Kisangani-Wanie Rukula, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: MRAC 87-42-P-1140. Paratypes: CAS 92617 (84, 4 c&s), 92618 (1); MRAC 87-42-P-1141-43 (3), 88-24-P-1-6 and 7-8 (8, 2 c&s), 90-47-P-525-530 [not 524-537] (6), 90-47-P-538-549 (12), 90-47-P-564-571 [not 564-580] (8), 90-30-P-1255-1256 [not 1198-456] (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155]. Some catalog numbers for types as given by Roberts are incorrect, and the catalog ranges given include other species (information from MRAC). •Valid as Zaireichthys heterurus Roberts 2003 -- (Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155], Eccles et al. 2011:24 [ref. 31326], Kullander & Roberts 2012:361, 368 [ref. 31751]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys heterurus Roberts 2003. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Central Afrika: Congo River basin. Habitat: freshwater.

kafuensis, Zaireichthys Eccles [D. H.], Tweddle [D.] & Skelton [P. H.] 2011:8, Figs. 3G, 7 [Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity, Bulletin No. 13; ref. 31326] Kafue River at Iolanda, 15°45'S, 28°15'E, just upstream of head of Kafue Gorge, south of Lusaka, Zambia. Holotype: SZAIAB 98519. Paratypes: AMSA/P 664 (2), BMNH 1979.12.6.1 [ex SAIAB 74-113] (1), USNM 220961 [ex SAIAB 74-113] (1) •Valid as Zaireichthys kafuensis Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys kafuensis Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Kafu River above Kafue Gorge, Zambia. Habitat: freshwater.

kavangoensis, Zaireichthys Eccles [D. H.], Tweddle [D.] & Skelton [P. H.] 2011:9, Figs. 3H, 8 [Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity, Bulletin No. 13; ref. 31326] 5 km west of Nkurenkuru, Kavango River, 17°38'S, 18°34'E, Namibia. Holotype: NMN-P.1569 [not NMW]. Paratypes: BMNH 1987.7.13.77 (1), NMN-P 505 (1), SAIAB 20013 (1), USNM 220960 (1). •Valid as Zaireichthys kavangoensis Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011 -- (Bruton et al. 2018:65 [ref. 36373], Skelton 2019:234 [ref. 36564]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys kavangoensis Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Southwestern Africa: Kavango River (Namibia) and Angola. Habitat: freshwater.

kunenensis, Zaireichthys Eccles [D. H.], Tweddle [D.] & Skelton [P. H.] 2011:10, Figs. 3D, 9 [Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity, Bulletin No. 13; ref. 31326] Kunene River, one mile east of Epupa Falls, 16°59'S, 13°16'E, Angola/Namibia border, southern Africa. Holotype: NMN-P.1571 [ex NMN-P.718]. Paratypes: BMNH 1979.12.6.6-10 (5), MRAC 79-139-P-12-15 (4), NMN-P.718 (5) •Valid as Zaireichthys kunenensis Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011 -- (Skelton 2019:234 [ref. 36564]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys kunenensis Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Southwestern Africa: Kunene River, Angola/Namibia border. Habitat: freshwater.

lacustris, Zaireichthys Eccles [D. H.], Tweddle [D.] & Skelton [P. H.] 2011:12, Figs. 3A, 10 [Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity, Bulletin No. 13; ref. 31326] Trawled in shells in Mazinzi Bay, 14°07'S, 34°57'E, about 8 km south-east of Monkey Bay, Lake Malawi, depth 11-13 meters. Holotype: SAIAB 455. Paratypes: AMNH 39113 (2); AMSA /P 3709 BMNH 1979.12.6.12-13 (2); MFRU (2); MRAC 79-39-P-16-17 (2); NMZB 3815 (2); SAIAB 450 (2), 451 (1 + larvae), 452 (1, alizarine prep.), 20005 (1 sectined) 20006 (1 sectioned), 20007 (1 sectioned); USNM 220963 (2). Plus additional non-type matrial. •Valid as Zaireichthys lacustris Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys lacustris Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Lake Malawi. Habitat: freshwater.

mandevillei, Leptoglanis Poll [M.] 1959:98, Pl. 25 (fig. 2) [Annales du Musée du Congo Belge v. 71 (art. 3); ref. 3522] Stanley Pool, Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: MRAC 118532. Paratypes: MRAC 118533-36 (4). Type catalog: Derijst 1991:53 [ref. 21528], Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Leptoglanis mandevillei Poll 1959 -- (Risch 1986:31 [ref. 6190], Burgess 1989:68 [ref. 12860], Diogo 2003:430 [ref. 26979]). •Valid as Zaireichthys mandevillei (Poll 1959) -- (Roberts 2003:97 [ref. 26744] dated 1957, Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155], Eccles et al. 2011:24 [ref. 31326]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys mandevillei (Poll 1959). Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Congo River and tributaries, western Africa. Habitat: freshwater.

maravensis, Zaireichthys Eccles [D. H.], Tweddle [D.] & Skelton [P. H.] 2011:14, Figs. 3B, 12-13 [Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity, Bulletin No. 13; ref. 31326] Tributaries of the South Rukuru near Rumphi, 11°00'S, 33°50'E, Lake Malawi tributaries, Malawi. Holotype: SAIAB 20000. Paratypes: AMNH 39109 (4); BMNH 1979.12.6.22-25 (4); MFRU (4); MRAC 79-39-P-1-4 (4); NMZB 3816 (4); SAIAB 448 (1, c&s), 449 (6), 200001 (11), 20002 (6), 20003 (10); USNM 220956 (5). •Valid as Zaireichthys maravensis Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys maravensis Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Lake Malawi tributaries, Malawi. Habitat: freshwater.

monomotapa, Zaireichthys Eccles [D. H.], Tweddle [D.] & Skelton [P. H.] 2011:16, Figs. 3E, 14-16 [Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity, Bulletin No. 13; ref. 31326] Save River in eastern Zimbabwe. Holotype: NMZB 4325 [ex NMZB 0082]. Paratypes: AMNH 39110 (3); BMNH 1979.12.6.22-25 (4); MRAC 79-39-P-5-7 (3); NMZB 3813 (3); SAIAB 454 (3); USNM 220957 (3). Plus non-type material. Name is a noun in apposition. •Valid as Zaireichthys monomotapa Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011 -- (Marshall 2011:147 [ref. 31755]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys monomotapa Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Zambezi River system, east-flowing rivers south of Zambezi and river flowing into Lake Malawi. Habitat: freshwater.

pallidus, Zaireichthys Eccles [D. H.], Tweddle [D.] & Skelton [P. H.] 2011:17, Figs. 3F, 4, 17-18 [Smithiana, Publications in Aquatic Biodiversity, Bulletin No. 13; ref. 31326] Choyi, near Kongola, on Kwando River, Caprivi, 17°46'S, 23°21'E, Nambia. Holotype: AMSA/P 2858. Paratypes: AMNH 39111 (4), AMSA/P 2858 (4), BMNH 1979.12.6.2-5 (4), MRAC 79-39-P-8-11 (4), USNM 220958 (4). •Valid as Zaireichthys pallidus Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011 -- (Marshall 2011:149 [ref. 31755], Bruton et al. 2018:66 [ref. 36373], Skelton 2019:234 [ref. 36564]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys pallidus Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Southern Africa: Upper Zambezi River system, Namibia, Angola and Zambia. Habitat: freshwater.

rhodesiensis, Zaireichthys Mo [T.-P.] 1991:12 [Theses Zoologicae v. 17; ref. 19952] Name only, not available (see Seegers 1996:199 [ref. 23725]). Name proposed for this species in a 1970 unpublished draft manuscript; see Eccles et al. 2011:16 [ref. 31326]. •In the synonymy of Zaireichthys monomotapa Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011 [ref. 31326]. Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Zaireichthys monomotapa Eccles, Tweddle & Skelton 2011. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae.

rotundiceps, Gephyroglanis Hilgendorf [F. M.] 1905:412 [Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere (Jena) v. 22 (no. 4); ref. 15364] Bubu River at Irangi = [Kondoa], ca. 4°55'S, 35°45'E, East Africa. Lectotype: ZMB 16392. Paralectotypes: (19) BMNH 1905.7.25.43-46 (4); MRAC 76-50-P-1 (1); ZMB ?16391 (1), 32379 [ex ZMB 16392](9). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155]. Lectotype selected by Seegers 1996:196 [ref. 23725]. •Valid as Leptoglanis rotundiceps (Hilgendorf 1905) -- (Risch 1986:31 [ref. 6190], Burgess 1989:68 [ref. 12860], Skelton 1993:219 [ref. 24071], Seegers 1996:196 [ref. 23725], Skelton 2001:219 [ref. 27406], De Vos et al. 2001:131 [ref. 26059] as aff. rotundiceps, Diogo 2003:430 [ref. 26979], Seegers et al. 2003:37 [ref. 28087] as aff. rotundiceps). •Valid as Zaireichthys rotundiceps (Hilgendorf 1905) -- (Roberts 2003:98 [ref. 26744], Ferraris 2007:28 [ref. 29155], Eccles et al. 2011:20 [ref. 31326], Kullander & Roberts 2012:361, 367 [ref. 31751], Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[9] 708 [ref. 38315], Akoth et al. 2023:13 [ref. 40069], Bigirimana et al. 2024:35 [ref. 41336] as aff. rotundiceps). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys rotundiceps (Hilgendorf 1905). Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Bubu River, Africa [many records are not this species; see Eccles et al. 2011:22 [ref. 31326]]. Habitat: freshwater.

wamiensis, Leptoglanis Seegers [L.] 1989:285, Fig. [Die Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift (DATZ) v. 42 (no. 5); ref. 17727] Kisangata Creek, tributary of the Wami River at Mvumi, 32 kilometers southwest of Kidete on the Kimamba-Kilosa road, Morogoro, Tanzania. Holotype: ZFMK 15899. Paratypes: ZFMK 15901-02 (2). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:29 [ref. 29155], Herder et al. 2010:119 [ref. 31087]. •Valid as Leptoglanis wamiensis Seegers 1989 -- (Burgess & Finley 1996:164 [ref. 22901]). •Questionably a synonym of Zaireichthys rotundiceps (Hilgendorf 1905) -- (Roberts 2003:98 [ref. 26744]). •Valid as Zaireichthys wamiensis (Seegers 1989) -- (Ferraris 2007:29 [ref. 29155], Eccles et al. 2011:24 [ref. 31326]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys wamiensis (Seegers 1989). Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Wami River drainage, Tanzania. Habitat: freshwater.

zonatus, Zaireichthys Roberts [T. R.] 1968:124, Figs. 3-4 [Ichthyologica, the Aquarium Journal v. 39 (nos. 3-4); ref. 3770] Side channel of the lower rapids of the Congo River, below Stanley Pool, Kinshasa [Leopoldville], Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype: CAS-SU 64126. Paratypes: CAS-SU 64127 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:29 [ref. 29155]. Year of publication changed to 1968 on July 2011. •Valid as Zaireichthys zonatus Roberts 1968 -- (Risch 1986:35 [ref. 6190], Burgess 1989:68 [ref. 12860], Poll & Gosse 1995:181 [ref. 24781], Seegers 1996:199 [ref. 23725], Roberts 2003:93 [ref. 26744], Diogo 2003:430 [ref. 26979], Ferraris 2007:29 [ref. 29155]). Current status: Valid as Zaireichthys zonatus Roberts 1968. Amphiliidae: Leptoglaninae. Distribution: Central Africa: Congo River near Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Habitat: freshwater.

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