argenteolus, Lychnopoles Garman [S.] 1899:244, Pl. 53 (figs 4-4a) [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 24; ref. 1540] Gulf of Panama, 7°N, 79°W, Albatross stations 3385, 3386 and 3389, depth 210-286 fathoms. Syntypes: MCZ 28518 (2) station 3385, 28519 (3) station 3889, 42999 [ex 28520] (2) station 3386. •Valid as Yarrella argenteola (Garman 1899) -- (Castellanos-Galindo et al. 2006:251 [ref. 28944], Robertson et al. 2017:44 [ref. 35676]). Current status: Valid as Yarrella argenteola (Garman 1899). Phosichthyidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Gulf of Panama to Peru. Habitat: marine.