molestus, Macroparalepis Marshall [N. B.] 1955:315, Fig. 5 [Discovery Reports v. 27; ref. 12282] Near Campbell Island, south of New Zealand, Discovery station 2209, 53°07.7'S, 168°56.4'E. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1955.3.30.1. Type catalog: Post 1972:154 [ref. 20860]. •Valid as Stemonosudis molesta (Marshall 1955) -- (Yamamoto in Amaoka et al. 1983:97, 187 [ref. 8379], Pequeño 1989:34 [ref. 14125], Paulin et al. 1989:110 [ref. 24556] as molestus, Fukui & Ozawa 2004:293 [ref. 28076]). Current status: Valid as Stemonosudis molesta (Marshall 1955). Paralepididae. Distribution: Southeastern and southwestern Pacific. Habitat: marine.