coatsi, Notolepis Dollo [L.] 1908:60 [Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh v. 28 (pt 1, no. 5); ref. 1136] Scotia Bay, 60°43'42"'S, 44°50'W, Scotia station 325, surface. Holotype (unique): NMSZ 1921.143.0331. Type catalog: Post 1972:156 [ref. 20860], Herman et al. 1990:2 [ref. 20727]. Name originally appeared as coatsi, but based on stated etymology for Mr. James Coats, Jr., and his brother, Major Andrew Coats, the correct species epithet would be coatsorum. •Valid as Notolepis coatsi Dollo 1908 -- (Post 1987:105 [ref. 6225], Post 1990:141 [ref. 21683], Miller 1993:502 [ref. 21297], Trunov 1999:462 [ref. 24579], Duhamel et al. 2005:156 [ref. 32059], Ho & Duhamel 2019:509 [ref. 36885], Balushkin & Prirodina 2020:32 [ref. 37828], Wang et al. 2024:4 [ref. 41309]). Current status: Valid as Notolepis coatsi Dollo 1908. Paralepididae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Antarctica. Habitat: marine.