alateralis, Coryphaenoides Marshall [N. B.] & Iwamoto [T.] 1973:567, Fig. 18 [Memoirs of the Sears Foundation of Marine Research Mem. 1 (pt 6); ref. 6966] Gulf of Mexico about 110 miles south of Pensacola, Florida, 28°33'N, 87°09'W, Albatross station 3748, depth 610 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 206303. •Valid as Coryphaenoides alateralis Marshall & Iwamoto 1973 -- (Iwamoto in Cohen et al. 1990:201 [ref. 18936], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:777 [ref. 23897], Iwamoto 2003:987 [ref. 27010], Page et al. 2023:100 [ref. 40505]). Current status: Valid as Coryphaenoides alateralis Marshall & Iwamoto 1973. Macrouridae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.