tenuis, Hymenocephalus Gilbert [C. H.] & Hubbs [C. L.] 1917:173 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 54 (no. 2231); ref. 15093] Off southern coast of Oahu Island, Hawaiian Islands, Albatross station 3920, depth 265-280 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 78177. •Valid as Hymenocephalus tenuis Gilbert & Hubbs 1917 -- (Iwamoto in Cohen et al. 1990:230 [ref. 18936], Mundy 2005:252 [ref. 28379], Schwarzhans 2014:26 [ref. 33586]). •Valid as Hymenogadus tenuis (Gilbert & Hubbs 1917) -- (Nakayama 2020:224 [ref. 37888]). Current status: Valid as Hymenogadus tenuis (Gilbert & Hubbs 1917). Macrouridae. Distribution: Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine.