abyssalis, Porogadus Nybelin [O.] 1957:288, Figs. 19-20; Pl. 6 (figs. 2-4) [Reports of the Swedish Deep-Sea Expedition 1947-1948 v. 2 (Zool.) (fasc. 3) (art. 20); ref. 3235] North Atlantic, 1°03'N, 18°40'W to 0°58'N, 18°37"W, depth 5250-5300 meters. Holotype (unique): NHMG Pi 1738. •Valid as Porogadus abyssalis Nybelin 1957 -- (Amaoka in Amaoka et al. 1983:129, 204 [ref. 8379], Nielsen 1990:572 [ref. 16246], Nielsen & Cohen in Nielsen et al. 1999:86 [ref. 24448], Nielsen 2016:1951 [ref. 34583], Schwarzhans & Møller 2021:60 [ref. 38607]). Current status: Valid as Porogadus abyssalis Nybelin 1957. Ophidiidae: Neobythitinae. Distribution: Tropical Atlantic. Habitat: marine.