spatula, Crepidogaster Günther [A.] 1861:508 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 3; ref. 1964] Gages Road, mouth of Swan River, Western Australia, depth 3 fathoms. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1847.7.21.86. •Valid as Cochleoceps spatula (Günther 1861) -- (Briggs 1955:52 [ref. 637], Hutchins 1991:655 [ref. 19055], Gomon et al. 1994:320 [ref. 22532], Hutchins 2001:22 [ref. 25847], Hoese & Bray 2006:1573 [ref. 29000], Hutchins 2008:736 [ref. 30658], Conway et al. 2017:138 [ref. 35266]). Current status: Valid as Cochleoceps spatula (Günther 1861). Gobiesocidae: Cheilobranchinae. Distribution: Australia: South Australia and Western Australia. Habitat: marine.