pappenheimi, Cryodraco Regan [C. T.] 1913:289 [Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh v. 49 (pt 2, no. 2); ref. 3651] Wilhelm Land, Antarctica. Holotype (unique): ZMB (specimen lost). Based in part on Pagetodes antarcticus of Pappenheim 1912:175 [ref. 14856]. •Valid as Cryodraco pappenheimi Regan 1913 -- (Miller 1993:438 [ref. 21297]). •Valid as Pagetodes pappenheimi (Regan 1913) -- (Sheiko 2019:66 [ref. 37173]). Current status: Valid as Pagetodes pappenheimi (Regan 1913). Channichthyidae. Distribution: Southern oceans. Habitat: marine.