chapmani, Entomacrodus Springer [V. G.] 1967:95, Pls. 16, 17b [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 122 (no. 3582); ref. 18947] Easter Island, southeastern Pacific. Holotype: MCZ 29446. Paratypes: BMNH 1913.12.7.10 (1); MNHN 1942-0076 (2); UBC 65-410 (2), 65-428 (2), 65-429 (2), 65-430 (9), 65-438 (1), 65-440 (1), 65-449 (1), 65-455 (3), 65-458 (1); USNM 202478 [not mentioned in original, ? ex UBC 65-430] (9). Type catalog: Bauchot 1967:22 [ref. 20734], Springer et al. 1991:6 [ref. 18888]. •Valid as Entomacrodus chapmani Springer 1967 -- (Pequeño 1989:66 [ref. 14125], Pequeño & Lamilla 2000:434 [ref. 24906], Pequeño & Sáez B. 2004:114 [ref. 28124], Patzner et al. 2009:453 [ref. 30396], Dyer & Westneat 2010:610 [ref. 31446]). Current status: Valid as Entomacrodus chapmani Springer 1967. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Southeastern Pacific: Easter Island, Desventuradas Islands (Chile). Habitat: marine.