longicirrus, Entomacrodus thalassinus Springer [V. G.] 1967:145, Pl. 29 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 122 (no. 3582); ref. 18947] Shore reef region, east side at Goh Kram Island, eastern side of Gulf of Thailand, 12°41'33"N, 100°48'28"E. Holotype: CAS-SU 62089. Paratypes: CAS-SU 62001 (10), 62009 (1), 62048 (12), 62092 (4), 63345 (45); USNM 197978 (3), 199480 (10). Type catalog: Springer et al. 1991:13 [ref. 18888]. •Synonym of Entomacrodus thalassinus (Jordan & Seale 1906), but a valid subspecies as described -- (Springer 1972:13 [ref. 7647], Bath & Patzner 1991:46 [ref. 19212], Myers 1999:226 [ref. 23965], Randall 2005:493 [ref. 28239]). •Valid as Entomacrodus longicirrus Springer 1967 -- (Patzner et al. 2009:454 [ref. 30396], Hastings & Springer 2009:8 [ref. 31156], Allen & Erdmann 2012:823 [ref. 31980]). Current status: Valid as Entomacrodus longicirrus Springer 1967. Blenniidae: Salariinae. Distribution: Gulf of Thailand, Taiwan and South China Sea. Habitat: marine.