intermedia, Pseudohowella Fedoryako [B. I.] 1976:180, Fig. 13 [Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Imeni P.P. Shirshova v. 104; ref. 1313] Western Pacific [north of Papua New Guinea], 4°28'N, 142°16'E, Vitiaz station 6429. Holotype: ZIN 42635. Paratypes: (2). •Valid as Pseudohowella intermedia Fedoryako 1976 -- (Carpenter 1999:2437 [ref. 24813], Mundy 2005:339 [ref. 28379], Prokofiev 2006:5 [ref. 28960]). Current status: Valid as Pseudohowella intermedia Fedoryako 1976. Howellidae. Distribution: Western and central Pacific: north of Papua New Guinea; Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine.