flavus, Vomerogobius Gilbert [C. R.] 1971:35, Figs. 4d, 5 [Copeia 1971 (no. 1); ref. 1641] South side of western end of East Plana Cay, Bahamas, depth 36-42 meters. Holotype: ANSP 109589. Paratypes: AMNH 25817SW (5, now 4, c&s), UF 13450 (4), 224218 [ex UMML 24218, ex AMNH 25817SW] (1, c&s), USNM 203448 (1). Type catalog: Gilbert 1974:112 [ref. 21035], Böhlke 1984:106 [ref. 13621]. •Valid as Vomerogobius flavus Gilbert 1971 -- (Murdy & Hoese 2003:1795 [ref. 27111], Smith et al. 2003:66 [ref. 27621], Van Tassell 2011:145 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:256 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Vomerogobius flavus Gilbert 1971. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Bahamas endemic. Habitat: marine.