depressum, Teleogramma Roberts [T. R.] & Stewart [D. J.] 1976:302, Pl. 13 (figs. f-g) [Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 147 (no. 6); ref. 7388] Lower Congo River, near Inga, Democratic Republic of Congo, 5°27.5'S, 13°36.0'E. Holotype: MCZ 50482. Paratypes: BMNH 1976.5.21.83-87 [ex MCZ 50483] (5); MCZ 50161 (18), 50396 (17), 50482 (1), 50483 (now 43), 50559 (19); MRAC 76-17-P-34-38 [ex MCZ 50483] (5), USNM 216379 [ex MCZ 50483] (5). The genus is feminine, not neuter; so the correct species epithet is depressa. •Valid as Teleogramma depressum Roberts & Stewart 1976 -- (Snoeks & De Boeck 1991:472 [ref. 20963], Poll & Gosse 1995:251 [ref. 24781]). •Valid as Teleogramma depressa Roberts & Stewart 1976 -- (Stiassny & Alter 2015:7 [ref. 33773]). Current status: Valid as Teleogramma depressa Roberts & Stewart 1976. Cichlidae: Pseudocrenilabrinae. Distribution: Central Africa. Habitat: freshwater.