gillbanksii, Tetrodon Clarke [F. E.] 1897:245, Pl. 14 [Transactions of the New Zealand Institute v. 29 (art. 16) (for 1896); ref. 14630] Moturoa, Taranaki, New Zealand. Syntypes: NMNZ P.456 (1) Taranaki, ?NMNZ P.7637 (1). Type catalog: Hardy 1990:15 [ref. 18942]. Original genus should have been spelled Tetraodon. •Mention -- (Kuiter 1993:422 [ref. 23929] as gillbanksi). •Synonym of Arothron firmamentum (Temminck & Schlegel 1850) -- (Hardy 1980:116 [ref. 37753]). Current status: Synonym of Arothron firmamentum (Temminck & Schlegel 1850). Tetraodontidae. Habitat: marine.