yergeri, Sphoeroides Shipp [R. L.] 1972:129, Fig. 2 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 124 (no. 6); ref. 7591] Off Honduras, Caribbean Sea, 15°49.5'N, 83°44'W, depth 17 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 206479. Paratypes: UF 73380 [ex FSU 23380] (3), 73393 [ex FSU 23393] (2), 73397 [ex FSU 23397] (7), 73400 [ex FSU 23400] (1), 75256 [ex FSU 25256] (orig. 8, now 7), 223787 [ex UMML 23787] (1), 230315-19 [ex UMML 30315-18] (41, 1, 1, 4), 230319 [ex UMML 30319] (3, now 0), 230320 [ex UMML 30320] (11, now 0). •Valid as Sphoeroides yergeri Shipp 1972 -- (Shipp 2003:2006 [ref. 27120]). Current status: Valid as Sphoeroides yergeri Shipp 1972. Tetraodontidae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Central America. Habitat: marine.