rengifoi, Astroblepus Dahl [G.] 1960:459, Fig. [Caldasia v. 8 (no. 39); ref. 9310] Small brook, tributary to Río Atrato, about 6 kilometers above town of El Carmen de Atrato, western Colombia. Holotype: not researched. Paratypes: (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:66 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Astroblepus rengifoi Dahl 1960 -- (Schaefer in Reis et al. 2003:315 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:66 [ref. 29155], Ardila Rodríguez 2015:3 [ref. 34412], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:75 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Astroblepus rengifoi Dahl 1960. Astroblepidae. Distribution: Atrato River basin, Colombia. Habitat: freshwater.