bulbiceps, Cryptocentroides Whitley [G. P.] 1953:129, Fig. 3 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 23 (no. 3); ref. 12672] Palm Island, northern Queensland, Australia. Holotype: QM I.10705 [ex DHMB 1782]. Paratypes: QM I.10704 (1). •Valid as Cryptocentrus bulbiceps (Whitley 1953) -- (Larson & Murdy 2001:3596 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2004:168 [ref. 28074], Hoese & Larson 2006:1637 [ref. 29097], Parenti 2021:125 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Cryptocentrus bulbiceps (Whitley 1953). Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Southwestern Pacific: Queensland (Australia). Habitat: marine.