andrewsi, Arnoglossus Kurth [D. E.] 1954:45, Pl. [Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania v. 88; ref. 12654] Oyster Bay, east coast of Tasmania, Australia, depth 7-8 fathoms. Holotype: BMNH 1957.10.5.1. Paratypes: (6) AMS IB.3792-94 (3), CSIRO C 2256 (1). •Valid as Arnoglossus andrewsi Kurth 1954 -- (Amaoka et al. 1997:134 [ref. 22935], Hoese & Bray 2006:1812 [ref. 29000], Fricke et al. 2017:3 [ref. 35674], Fricke et al. 2023:3 [ref. 40065]). Current status: Valid as Arnoglossus andrewsi Kurth 1954. Bothidae. Distribution: Southern Australia. Habitat: marine.