ferox, Salmo Jardine [W.] 1835:55 [The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal v. 18 (art. 5) (for Oct. 1934); ref. 23043] Loch Awe, Loch Laggan, upper end of Loch Shin, Loch Loyal and Loch Assynt, Scotland. Syntypes: whereabouts unknown. Original says "... Salmo ferox, Jard. and Selby." Selby's contribution to the species decription is unknown, but see the footnote on p. 55. •Valid as Salmo ferox Jardine 1835 -- (Kottelat 1997:136 [ref. 22952], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:403 [ref. 29996]). Current status: Valid as Salmo ferox Jardine 1835. Salmonidae: Salmoninae. Distribution: British Isles. Habitat: freshwater.