lingyuanensis, Gobio Mori [T.] 1934:14, Pl. 5 (figs. 1a-1b) [Report of the first scientific expedition to Manchoukuo, Tokyo, Sec. 5, Zoology Pt 1; ref. 3042] Te-ling-ho, Ling-yuan, China. Holotype: whereabouts unknown. Additional specimens: (26). •Valid as Gobio lingyuanensis Mori 1934 -- (Lu et al. 1977:495 [ref. 2850], Zhu 1995:77 [ref. 25213], Yue in Chen et al. 1998:290 [ref. 23878], Wang et al. 2001:128 [ref. 26566], Zhang et al. 2016:72 [ref. 34477]). •See account of Gobio soldatovi minulus Nichols 1925. Current status: Valid as Gobio lingyuanensis Mori 1934. Gobionidae. Distribution: China. Habitat: freshwater.