cii, Leuciscus Richardson [J.] 1857:375 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1856 (pt 24) (art. 2); ref. 18632] Gemlek [Gemelik] River, north of Bursa, northwestern Turkey. Lectotype: BMNH 1865.5.2.8-9 (99.5 mm SL specimen). Paralectotypes: BMNH 1856.5.2.8-9 (1 of 2). •Synonym of Leuciscus cephalus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Kottelat 1997:65 [ref. 22952], Bogutskaya 1997:172 [ref. 23566]). •Valid as Squalius cii (Richardson 1857) -- (Stoumboudi et al. 2006:133 [ref. 28767], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:265 [ref. 29996] as cf. cii, Turan et al. 2009:61 [ref. 30540], Bogutskaya & Zupančič 2010:53 [ref. 30905], Özuluğ & Freyhof 2011:130 [ref. 31360], Turan et al. 2013:322 [ref. 32584], Barbieri et al. 2015:67 [ref. 35029] as cf. cii dated 1856, Çiçek et al. 2015:147 [ref. 35151], Çiçek et al. 2020:253 [ref. 37644], Bayçelebi et al. 2022:279 [ref. 39463], Çiçek et al. 2023:411 [ref. 40625], Çiçek et al. 2024:257 [ref. 40789]). Current status: Valid as Squalius cii (Richardson 1857). Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. Distribution: Eurasia: southern Marmara Sea basin and (Kara) Menderes River (northwestern Anatolia, Turkey). Habitat: freshwater.