Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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tyberinus, Barbus fluviatilis Bonaparte [C. L.] 1839:fasc. 25, punt. 129, Pl. 110 (fig. 3) [Iconografia della fauna italica; ref. 4895] Tevere River near Rome, Italy. Lectotype: ANSP 6152. Paralectotypes: ANSP 6153-79 (27), ?NMW 54768 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:94 [ref. 13621]. Spelled tiberinus and thyberinus in early literature. Lectotype selected by Bianco 1995:313 [ref. 21944]. •Valid as Barbus tyberinus Bonaparte 1839 -- (Bianco 1995:313 [ref. 21944], Kottelat 1997:50 [ref. 22952], Bianco 1997:618 [ref. 26725], Bianco 1998:127 [ref. 23811], Bianco & Ketmaier 2001:194 [ref. 26728], Bianco in Bănărescu & Bogutskaya 2003:427 [ref. 27353], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:133 [ref. 29996], Bianco & Delmastro 2011:5 [ref. 31648], Bianco 2013:9 [ref. 32897], Buonerba et al. 2015:115 [ref. 35178], Lorenzoni et al. 2019:251 [ref. 37108], Lorenzoni et al. 2021:14 [ref. 38166], Rossi et al. 2021:6 [ref. 38697]). Current status: Valid as Barbus tyberinus Bonaparte 1839. Cyprinidae: Barbinae. Distribution: Southern Europe: Tyrrhenian coastal rivers of the northwestern Italian Peninsula (Tuscany-Latium district), Italy. Habitat: freshwater.

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