Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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taeniopygus, Nothobranchius Hilgendorf [F. M.] 1891:20 [Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1891; ref. 18291] Residual pools of Kaputa creek, about 5 kilometers east of Kazi Kazi railway station, upper Wembere River basin, Tanzania, 5°37'S, 34°04'E. Neotype: ZMB 31905. Type catalog: Paepke & Seegers 1986:163 [ref. 19981] as syntypes ZMB 12850 (3, lost). Neotype designated by Wildekamp 1990:194 [ref. 19788]. •Valid as Nothobranchius taeniopygus Hilgendorf 1891 -- (Wildekamp et al. 1986:273 [ref. 6198], Wildekamp 1990:194 [ref. 19788], Seegers 1993:268 [ref. 33655], see also Wildekamp 1994:194 [ref. 21566], Seegers 1996:275 [ref. 23725], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Lazara 2001:229 [ref. 25711], De Vos et al. 2001:132 [ref. 26059], Valdesalici & Wildekamp 2004:250 [ref. 28097], Neumann 2008:87 [ref. 30291], Seegers 2008:185 [ref. 29830] without mention of the neotype designation, Valdesalici & Kardashev 2011:89 [ref. 31318], Valdesalici & Amato 2011:118 [ref. 31284], Valdesalici 2012:191 [ref. 32258], Nagy 2014:355 [ref. 33245], Watters et al. 2019:247 [ref. 37232], Akoth et al. 2023:15 [ref. 40069]). Current status: Valid as Nothobranchius taeniopygus Hilgendorf 1891. Nothobranchiidae. Distribution: East Africa; Wembere River basin (central Tanzania); introduced elsewhere for mosquito control. Habitat: freshwater.

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