marlieri, Chiloglanis Poll [M.] 1952:226, Figs. 1-2 [Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines v. 46 (pts 3-4); ref. 12800] Ndakirwa River at Meshe, affluent of the Luhoho River, western Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. Holotype (unique): MRAC 91478. Type catalog: Derijst 1991:34 [ref. 21528], Ferraris 2007:306 [ref. 29155] •Valid as Chiloglanis marlieri Poll 1952 -- (Gosse 1986:110 [ref. 6194], Burgess 1989:198 [ref. 12860], Ferraris 2007:306 [ref. 29155], Kiselkewa et al. 2020:[9] 708 [ref. 38315]). Current status: Valid as Chiloglanis marlieri Poll 1952. Mochokidae: Chiloglanidinae. Distribution: Central Africa: Luhoho River basin (Democratic Republic of Congo). Habitat: freshwater.