nigrofasciatum, Kathetostoma Waite [E. R.] & McCulloch [A. R.] 1915:469, Pl. 13 (figs. 1-2) [Transactions Royal Society of South Australia v. 39; ref. 15026] Doubtful Island Bay, southwestern Australia, and Great Australian Bight, southern Australia, depth 20-140 fathoms. Holotype: SAMA F170 (largest of 3, 220 mm). Paratypes: AMS I.12298 (1); SAMA F170 (?1 or 2 of 3, with holotype). Type catalog: Glover 1976:173 [ref. 19449]. •Valid as Kathetostoma nigrofasciatum Waite & McCulloch 1915 -- (Pietsch 1989:296 [ref. 12541], Gomon et al. 1994:723 [ref. 22532], Hutchins 2001:40 [ref. 25847], Bray & Hoese 2006:1512 [ref. 29049], Gomon 2008:681 [ref. 30614], Gomon & Roberts 201111 [ref. 31180], Vilasri 2013:89 [ref. 33304]). Current status: Valid as Kathetostoma nigrofasciatum Waite & McCulloch 1915. Uranoscopidae. Distribution: Australia: South Australia and Western Australia. Habitat: marine.